List of Work Done – BACKUP

We are an independent registered charity with cross party support at the House of Commons and European Parliament. We were founded by Molly Maher and Nigel Griffiths, MP. CO-Gas Safety was launched at the House of Commons on the 25th January 1995 to work to try to reduce accidents from Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning and other gas dangers. We lobby for changes, which will help to achieve this. We also help and advise victims whenever we can.

Stephanie Trotter became involved through meeting Molly Maher, who had lost her son, Gary, through CO poisoning in Tenerife. Molly’s daughter, Sheree was confined to a wheelchair, as a result of the same incident. Stephanie had been campaigning for children’s activity holiday centres to be licensed. (Her son, Alex, was injured at one and had to have an operation for a clot on the brain. Luckily he recovered completely and now has a 2:1 degree from Southampton University (Philosophy).

Stephanie is a barrister, who has practised and has also lectured at the Inns of Court School of Law for nine years, (postgraduate course – final year of the Bar Exams).  Please note that Stephanie has worked for CO-Gas Safety as a full time volunteer since it was launched in 1995.

Stephanie knew nothing about CO poisoning when she started and the charity had no funding for the first year. Hardly any bodies would talk to us or help us, so she learned from the victims and their families. The same stories recurred again and again. Quite quickly, she had compiled a list of aims and objectives that were prepared in February 1995 for our constitution. It is depressing to read these now and find that so few are fulfilled and so many are still extremely urgent. However, there is now a European Standard for CO alarms (EN50291), and more or less, registration for individual gas operatives. We have also published our own data of CO deaths and incidents. But there are still objectives that are unfulfilled, for example that landlords be licensed, and/or required to service appliances or at least have them tested for combustion gasses and records made and kept and given to the tenant and that no household be supplied with gas, without proof of service.

This started out as a list of our greatest achievements so far but has become more of a blog, which we tend to update once a year but we are trying to do this more often: –  (newest first)

December 2023

1585. 31.12.23 Sunday
Sent Graham Pountney the idea for the film.
Sent WG draft to Ian McCluskey of IGEM
Sent Jenny email about the generator case in the USA as well as the ice rink one.
Asked Jenny what she meant about the ‘email conversation’ which one?
Sent WG agenda re meeting with Mary O’Shaughnessy on 04.01.24.

1584. 30.12.23 Saturday
Wrote to Sue W re Corrie as she’d alerted me to CO being a plot line soon.
Found my complaint to Companies House had not got through so sent again with just query in the subject line, instead of complaint.
Checked the media alerts and sent Jenny the interesting generator case in USA. Generator outside but near the garage door – fumes went inside. Couple affected but not killed.
Also, a USA ice rink case – CO alarms went off days before lots of people went to hospital. Drafted email about both USA cases to Charon of NCOAA.
Wrote a draft about the Christmas film idea and texted Graham to ask him for his email address.

1583. 29.12.23 Friday
Wrote to Rachel Brady asking her if she could attend meeting with Mary O’Shaughnessy of Cadent on the 4th January.
Managed to forward permission from victim RB from my phone to my email and save it.
Finally managed to deal with confirmation statement for CO-Awareness Day Ltd at Companies House. System could be improved so sent an email as a complaint as seemed to the only way to do this. Suggested that old accounts and also old confirmation and person then would simply read the details, change, if necessary, approve and then pay.

Chihiro wrote and I responded. Chihiro is going to study women’s health issues. I offered to introduce her to my friend Karen Campkin, a surgeon who helps damaged women.

Re-sent email to Cassi Free.
Heard from Sue that Coronation Street is running a CO story very soon.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty and Ben Green of Cadent to ask them if the story is from Cadent. Hope it is and hope they’ve involved engineers.

1582. 28.12.23 Thursday
Had to deal with the account of CO-Awareness Ltd. All a bit of a struggle.
Did the accounts online but couldn’t do the confirmation statement or pay the £13 so wrote to Companies House. Later received a response, so will have another go tomorrow.

Wrote to Paul Overton to ask him to the meeting with Mary O’Shaughnessy of Cadent on the 4th January. Heard he couldn’t attend. Wrote to Sue Westwood but she can’t either.

Wrote to Jenny re the FOI request from survivor MS re the 500 CO cases in December alone and queried the conversation in which she said the authority for this had been clarified.

Wrote to Carolyn Craggs re needing a statistician perhaps.

Received update from Ofgem re a fund controlled by the Energy Saving Trust which seems huge and could surely pay for checks and servicing for Fuel Bank Foundation and maybe an organisation like ours.

Wrote to survivor and case study provider Amber Yates to ask how she is.

Re-sent a couple of emails (sent late October) one to Karolina.sobieraj re assessment of emissions and potential occupational exposure to CO article and another was one sent to jcook@bucksfire.

1581. 27.12.23 Wednesday
Attacked the emails and expenses.
Wrote to Kevin Tse resending an email first sent 22.10.23 thanking Ofgem for what it has done but saying that everyone is vulnerable to CO and copying this to HSE. Also attaching Wayne Merry’s presentation, his cooker data and Rachel Brady’s case study, link to Zline cookers in the USA and asking who is the HSE’s representative at the cross-departmental committee on CO.
Re-read draft email to Mary O’Shaughnessy of Cadent and sent it. Contained a lot of reading material. JMLU press release, numbers affected by CO in UK and Beth Cheshire’s research also references to our case studies. Meeting 4th Jan.
Wrote to Richard Banks re email notifying us of ‘PHP 8.0 End of Life and PHP 8.3 GA Release’.
Heard from Kevin of Ofgem and the FOI team and thanked him for forwarding to HSE and agreeing that it was an HSE issue.
Spent a while setting out my expenses and paid them to myself. Sent email to Paul Overton to authorise. Also messaged Paul. Received email that he’d authorised the payment of my expenses.
Sent an email to Media Relations University Pittsburgh to try to get in touch with Dr Mark Gladwin about his research into an antidote that seems to work on mice. Survivor MS seemed to think this was a good idea.

1580. 26.12.23 Tuesday Boxing Day
Wrote two emails to MS, survivor and retired Environmental Health Officer, in response to his emails on Christmas Eve, one about new antidote to CO in 2016 I think – only on mice so far. Made the point that prevention best. Other was article about body needing some CO. Responded that this is well known.
Wrote to Dr Carolyn Craggs that we might still need a statistician expert in health & safety.
Wrote to Jenny to check out MS’s alleged info. re 500 cases of CO/Suspected CO in December – I can’t find it – can she?
Re-sent email to USA CPSE’s re lobbying for CO alarm legislation.
Sent email sent re COMED to Gaelan Komen on 26.10.23.
Issue is whether or not there is anyone to represent survivors/victims/patients of CO poisoning at these COMED meetings.
Wrote to Rich re FB code found in junkmail.

25.12.23 Monday Christmas Day

24.12.23 Sunday

1579. 23.12.23 Saturday
Wrote to survivor PM about her pointing out need to be able to demand a test for CO. I agreed.

1578. 22.12.23 Friday
Corresponded with survivor DD about her roof.
Sent Work Group the minutes of the APPCOG round table 07.12.23 and December update.
Jim Lambeth not keen about spending funds on chimney survey for DD.
Sent leaflet and CO alarm levels and Beth Cheshire’s research to Victoria Jackon of Institute of Health visitors.
Wrote briefly to Mary O’Shaughnessy of Cadent re virtual meeting on the 4th January.
Sent reading material – Press release, numbers affected by CO in UK and 1/5 homes in UK don’t have a safety check.

1577. 21.12.23 Thursday
Sent email to Cadent’s Mary O’Shaughnessy re use of our case studies. Sent usual rules but suggested we had a chat in the hope we could work together. Got positive reply and ended up suggesting 4th January. Found out through Linked in that she’s a Project Manager.

Received email from Dr Charles Shepherd of ME Association re my suggestion to test blood for CO while looking at brain at PM. He gave reasons for not doing this automatically, such as suicide. I replied that as he was surely aware CO makes people depressed so could be a contributing cause. Baroness Finlay recommended testing at every PM in 2012. Sent him Press release from JMLU in 2012 and also Numbers affected by CO in UK – 20% of households above 50 PPM. Asked him to read these.

Sent email to JK – would appreciate details of new monitor by first week of January.

Forwarded email from Coroner re Isla Maie Oates to mother. Suggested mother emailed lab where samples being kept and asked cost of testing and how many samples they had. Gave her the email and telephone number but suggested email best.

Sent Charon McNabb email about funding indoor air in USA and suggested gas emergency service.

Received minutes of 07.12.23 APPCOG Liz Twist MP meeting from Lavanya and of all my contributions only one, suggesting PAMs for CO for health workers. Still well worth the meeting for chat with various people there particularly Dan Edwards of SGN, Chair of GDN CO Group.

Re-sent Vicky Gilroy email re SF inquiry and later another email address as Vicky away.

Reminded Paul Overton of meeting with Ian McCluskey of IGEM on 11.01.24.

Corresponded with survivor DD re roof – no date on letter re roof or rather no year. Same re reply from Council re CO poisoning stating DD had no medical proof. Asked her for date of year.

Wrote to Jim Lambeth re his remark that he wasn’t sure we should do much for DD. Said Jim organising a chimney survey and we’d look at cost when the time came.

1576. 20.12.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Suzanne of Cadent about her comment about there still being gaps – I agreed and mentioned COMED and the article in the Times about Doctors should listen to patients.

Attached Rachel Brady’s case study. Mentioned Algorithm and cul de sac. Also, HSE needing to say testing was a safety issue then Ofgem would provide funds for tests whenever practicable.
Also landlord’s gas safety check should require test for CO – attached NLJ article 2018.
Meanwhile Cadent BRILLIANT and will soon have a new case study – two men.

Wrote to Gaelan Komen re COMED and articles on pulse oximetry case studies Amber Yates, Rebecca Scarlett etc. Also why couldn’t we attend COMED as we represented survivors/patients?

Wrote to Nicola Preston re Isla Mae Oates (deceased) re problem with private lab is that there is a break in the evidence. Gaps that perhaps should be highlighted with an article in the NLJ. Perhaps the Coroner could comment? Forwarded to Jenny.

Wrote to Steven Yurek of AHRI re the Zline cookers and suggestion for appliance log book.

Heard from Care from Cadent and they are passing on my suggestions which is good.

Invitation for 24.01.24 from Healthy Homes Building APG 5.00 p.m. to actual meeting 7.00 p.m. Committee Room 6. Difficulty getting valid tickets.

Wrote to Jim Lambeth re HETAS.

Wrote to our rental agent Sabine Alam about correct CO alarm to install. She quoted me some company I couldn’t find, Zituso, and I’m concerned it’s not properly EN 50291 – she said she’d ask and get back to me.

Sent workgroup draft to Mary O’Shaughessyof Cadent re use of Brady case study – same terms as with Fire Service.
Heard from JK and PO who agrees so think I’ll write in the morning as Paul and I agree.

Heard from CO-Ads insight 22.01.24 at 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. virtual roundtable meeting.
Heard will receive link later.

Sought Jim’s advice re emails to and about HETAS.

Resent Dr Charles Shepherd re ME Association – surely PM on brains can include test for CO?

Was filing Hilary Wareing and found she’d suggested I write to ask Isabella Myers about COMED. I did so.

Resent to Vicky Muslow of Amazon about Alexa, not having a standard re CO.

Asked Kane for update about Kane 79 which can be left behind for a week and is to EN 50543 available for sale by the end of the year. Needed for report in January.

Re-sent email to survivor RF with questions for her.

Correspondence with survivor Debbie Dean and Jim Kinnibrugh who has sought an estimate from Vulcan flues. DD said next door neighbour won’t allow scaffolding on his land.

Heard from Sue Bartley from HSE gas enquiries – was told not to copy named person in as well as write to HSE Gas enquiries.

Fixed date and time for Carl Joyce IW Chamber of Commerce. 10.30 on 01.02.23.

1575. 19.12.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Sue W about HSE course on safety.
Wrote to Wayne Merry of Cadent about RB and D.
Decided to report to HSE and sent case study with my questions. Concerned that neighbours might start up LPG boiler again.
Wrote to Jim Lambeth about HETAS – presume it would charge.
Received acknowledgement and thanks from Barakak Mutavakil from Cadent and made suggestions about how positive feedback could be asked for and given – maybe on website. Also, employee of the month and then year in a competition with a reward.

Heard from Coroner re Isla Mae Oates – blood samples held by Leicester Royal Infirmary toxicology department and telephone number given. Asked if blood samples had always been held there. Surely the mother was the person who had a right to the samples so I asked if I could send their email to her?

Sent directors report after workshop on 30.11.23 about Wales & West Utilities’ GD3 Business Plan – asked them to read summary about CO at least.

Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh asking for cost of chimney survey which I would put to the work group of directors/trustees.

1574. 18.12.23 Monday
Started the day with concern for the two men (one of them was RB) I’d been helping over the weekend.
Rang Cadent and got Ruhul Miah who was fantastically helpful. He got the address from the name and the mobile number thank goodness and said he’d send a Cadent engineer within an hour. I later heard on my mobile from one of the men – the one aged 60 detained in hospital with injuries consistent with CO that CO had been found in both their house and the one next door with the LPG boiler.
Correspondence with survivor DD about the two monitors she had, one digital, one Lascar.
Sent Phil Burrows, Suzanne Callington and Wayne Merry of Cadent an email of thanks.

Lucy Brooks from NLA wrote and I responded
‘So the £234 allows one person within the same organisation CO-Gas Safety to receive links but not two. How much for two?
How much for copying for keeping records only?
Can you please send us the law which requires this?’

Suzanne Callington of Cadent wrote in response to an email some time ago and thanked us for Rachel Brady case study but there was a long road to improving the gaps.

Wrote to Kevin Hegarty and Ben Green of Cadent re recent case of the two men and expressed hope that Ruhul Miah would be thanked and also the FCOs.
Rang Cadent Customer Care 0800 389 8000 and got Rea of the Disconnection Team (there is no comments team) and expressed the same re Ruhul Miah and FCOs. She will relay up.

Survivor DD told me that she had Cadent but they told her to try HETAS because not gas.

Wrote to Jenny re Dropbox.

Wrote to Jim re smoke at survivor DD’s house. Seems her monitor is an accurate one.

Wrote to Linda Windsor re the death of Margaret Jeffery and then Rachel one of her daughters asking to keep in touch and also to send on to Esther.

Heard from BSs and responded with our good news about testing for CO.

1573. 17.12.23 Sunday
Worked on RB’s case study and added questions in red. Sent them to him.
Sue Westwood re Facebook post about using a tent over the back of a truck and keeping warm by keeping the engine on – obviously dangerous.
Asked survivor RB and D for precise address.
Sue gave me the name of Gerald B, re the lorry.
Sent an email to survivor DD about her white CO monitor – asked what manufacturer and model number. Is it to a standard?

Wrote to survivor PM asking her how she is.
Wrote to JK re Zline and letter to Steven Yurek.
Graham Pountney rang re film – chat and sent him information on CO.
Sent Sue email saying had messaged Gerald B. re lorry.

1572. 16.12.23 Saturday
Phoned new survivors RB and D on the way. Had conversation. They had LPG boiler next door – were suffering CO symptoms. Cadent had called twice and one Cadent CO alarm had alarmed since. Told them to ring again and report this but later told me Cadent wouldn’t visit again. They sent case study – 10 pages long but couldn’t read on my phone and I’d forgotten my computer.
Sue Westwood wrote to tell me about a Facebook#Sleep advocating a tent on the back of a truck enveloping the exhaust and telling people to keep engine on to keep warm. Sue told me plenty of people had warned about CO. Tried to get it once I was home but couldn’t find it. Emailed Sue.
Correspondence with survivor DD as monitor had alarmed on Friday and Jim told her to get out but all seems calm today.

Read all 10 pages of RB’s case study at 12.30 to 12.45.
Sent email to R at 12.50 a.m.

1571. 15.12.23 Friday
Wrote to Wayne – replied that Gas Industry Awards for next year would be good – we will have done 30 years by next year.
Wrote to survivor DD and a lot of correspondence about her monitor sounding and Jim’s emails. Tried to ring Jim twice and left messages.
Received email from Paul Trotter about his car being petrol so forwarded to SD.
Email from Sarah Hill re mine sent 14.09.23 to her.
‘One in every five UK homes contain potentially dangerous gas appliances’. In our opinion it would be far more effective if gas appliances were turned on and the air and emissions from gas appliances tested for gas leaks and for CO. Then we would know for certain how many UK homes have proved dangerous gas appliances.
Would Gas Safe Register support this?
Her answer was ‘The rates of unsafe gas appliances for each region are based on site inspections carried out by Gas safe Register between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023. We have extrapolated the information to articulate to the public the potential for unsafe appliances and the need for regular service and maintenance.
In order to achieve the outcome you describe, legislation would require change to mandate that all properties where gas is used to be checked for safety and new technical obligations to be placed on registered businesses/engineers. It is not within the Registers’ gift to make such changes.
Our key messages continue to push the recommendations that gas users should regularly maintain all their gas equipment and have this done by Gas Safe registered businesses and to do our utmost to make sure that the current appropriate legislated gas appliance safety checks are competently carried out (GSIUR 26(9).’

I responded
‘Thank you.
I appreciate that testing is not in Gas Safe Register’s gift but does the Gas Safe Register support testing?

New survivor RB about a calor gas boiler next door and HSE being involved. Needed a solicitor. Wrote asking for telephone number so we could talk and should ring 0800111999 – in Cadent area and could test.

Wrote email to thank Simba Tonje from Markes International for the recommendations of labs to analyse air samples re survivor DD.

1570. 14.12.23 Thursday
Wrote to Gaelan Komen for his address for a Christmas card.
Wrote to Gaelan about the needed changes to 26(9) and 36 of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regs 1998.
New survivor wrote C-RH.
Ofgem responded with to our FOI request which was interesting and as expected but the question about whether or not Ofgem had consulted HSE as it should was so obscure I queried this and got a response immediately that Ofgem hadn’t consulted HSE over VCMA or the extra amount.
Sent to Work group with query what to do about this. One responded to my suggestion that we refer this to APPCOG.
Rang Markes re DD and spoke to Simba – very helpful.
Wrote more CO-Gas Safety cards – stamped 92.

Rang James Gray MP re Methodist Minister RH and spoke to Oscar – very helpful. Told him another clergyman this time C of E had alleged much the same.
My email has been received and will be dealt with.
Wrote to Charon McNabb of NCOAA about a report of student dead and others injured and also testing for CO and Xmas.
Various correspondence with Jim Kinnibrugh re survivor DD.
Correspondence re Paul T and survivor SD.
Correspondence with Dr Ben Croxford.
Suggested to Wayne that he might like to apply for the Gas industry Awards.
Emailed Women’s Utility Network asking if they wanted to know about CO.

1569. 13.12.23 Wednesday
Dr Ben Croxford recommended for DD.
Wrote to Wayne Merry saying sorry about the Chris Bielby award (he’s not eligible due to Cadent being judges) but will look for other awards he could enter.
Heard from survivor SD re wanting details of car used by Paul T. Got details and sent to SD.
I was concerned about Methodist Minister RH’s cooker I rang the gas emergency number today 0800111999 and got an amazingly helpful person called Ryan who gave me his identity number of 712711 and he told me that the gas emergency service does attend bottled gas incidents if CO suspected or CO alarm alarms.
He was very knowledgeable, and the training is now far better. The call handlers (or at least he) seem to know the levels that CO alarms sound now which is brilliant.
I wrote draft to W and W U and sent it to survivor RH for approval.
Corresponded with Gary Gray and Jim Kinnibrugh re survivor DD and need for chimney survey and testing of gasses indoors. Jim rang me and we had a discussion.
Had a go at the MailChimp which Rich set up for me and also had a new inquiry today from that source – survivor CR who needs advice. She will write later with more details.

Received FOI email from Ofgem re extra funding – was it only to be spent on poverty. Queried answer to whether HSE consulted under VCMA as cannot understand otherwise very clear email.
Received article about CO causing lesions and sent to SD to explain to me.
Heard from Isla Mae’s mother who wants a change in the law to require testing for all those who have Post Mortem. Thanked her and reminded her to remind me about writing an article and sending it to the Chief Coroner.
Asked her meanwhile if she had a Police Liaison officer re the blood samples.
Received another demand for payment from Paul Murphy NLA and sent my email sent in October and asked him to explain the jump in price form £40.00 and what we’d get for the £1539.72.
Asked Gaelan Komen for his address for a Christmas card and thanked him for all his help.
Wrote to survivor DD about our grant mechanism.
Asked Jonathan Kane about the 600 tested by Cadent and one third was AR or ID.

Jim rang about chimney engineers and possible use of a camera.
Wrote to Gaelan about his promise to bring up use of pulse oximeters with COMED (recommended by NICE) and also Algorithm and GPs working with GDNs.
Wrote to survivor DD about Filled up form on website and sent DD the copy.

1568. 12.12.23 Tuesday
Nicola Preston (Coroner’s officer in Isla Mae Oates death) kindly wrote to explain that the fact that the inquest is over so there’s nothing Coroner can do now.
Wrote back thanking her and asking if more than one blood sample. Also, that for future reference the fact that the firefighters didn’t find any CO doesn’t mean there wasn’t an appliance leaking CO before the firefighters arrived etc.
Wrote to Leslie Thomas KC asking for his advice. Received response that he’s knee deep in Covid inquiry.
Asked mother of Isla Mae Oates if there was more than one blood sample – could she ask the police etc.
Heard from Ian McCluskey of IGEM – offered the 11th January at 11.00 a.m. for a virtual meeting. Oliver can’t make it. Jonathan probably can but may blow in and out as he’s got Cadent there. Paul Overton can make it. Fixed for 11.01.24.
A lot of correspondence with survivor, DD as usual about finding some gadget to test the air. Asked Dr Ben Croxford for help and he suggested: –



Asked if UCL could analyse.
Talked to Rich re the newsletter email set up and he did this.
Corresponded with Isla Mae’s mother re possible legal article and splitting the samples.
Wrote to Suzanne Callington re addresses for her, Wayne and Phil for xmas cards. Was it still Coventry? Responded.
Amended compliments slips and printed out.
Wrote 30 CO-Gas Safety Christmas cards.
Re-sent email to HSE re cross departmental meeting – has it been held? Minutes? Is it still to be held?

1567. 11.12.23 Monday
Read email to Dan Edwards, CO chair of GDNs and to Becky Walker Oxford CC and sent both.
Heard from David Goodall and sadly Wayne can’t apply because Cadent is sitting on the judges’ panel. Jonathan applying again.
Dan responded and it seemed that the CO data wouldn’t be collected.
Corrected the email to Becky Walker.
I expressed my disappointment to Dan and thankfully the CO testing data will be added but it’s not the main driver for a central place for the data.
Delighted I’d misunderstood.
Corresponded with Methodist Minister RH and sent him the anonymous case study of the C of E clergyman on our website.
Heard from survivor SD re wanting to get in touch with Paul T who did the car test in 2018. Emailed Paul T.
Dr Ben Croxford responded and PhD student around but doesn’t sound that likely that she’d be able to help survivor DD. DD meanwhile has been trying through Lancashire uni.
Sent Gaelan Komen the Needed changes and offered to help if he needed to identify the legislation and suggest wording but too busy just now.
Correspondence with Dr Carolyn Cragg to tell her the good news about the CO testing data and ask her if she knew anything about SIA, the company Cadent is using.
Dan wrote to say he’s passed on my email to the Cadent team. I asked to be introduced to the SIA company to help with fields for the data.
Rich helping me tomorrow with putting something on the website to collect emails from those who want us to send them any updates and wrote to ask if he’d help me with Christmas update.
Re-sent email sent 02.12.23 with notes of meeting to Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster of IGEM.

1566. 10.12.23 Sunday
Wrote to David Goodall about Chris Bielby award and how Wayne Merry said he would apply.
Wrote to Methodist Minister’s MP James Gray MP and copied to MM.
Correspondence with survivor DD about finding uni or company with mass spectrometer.
Wrote to Alan of Prontaprint to say not printing yet but maybe in a few weeks or months.
Wrote to Rich to ask for an urgent link to announce that needed people’s email addresses for update and probably wouldn’t send Christmas cards anymore.

1565. 09.12.23 Saturday
Worked on emails.
Drafted one to Becky Walker who I met at the APPCOG meeting. Oxford CC.
Wrote to various victims who’d mostly given case studies or quotes to ask for their postal addresses so I could send a Christmas card.
Printed CO-Gas Safety address labels for cards.
Laboured on Compliments slip with update to put in cards.
Wrote to survivor DD re Lancashire uni for mass spectrometer.
Survivor RH messaged and I rang him. He sent referees by email as requested. Told me about seeing MP James Gray.

1564. 08.12.23 Friday
Rich rang. Took a while to deal with computer glitches.
Then emails. JK had written about the roundtable and me adding CMDDA1. Responded and to Gaelan.
Corresponded with survivor DD re ICO and video report of chimney. Pointed out up to Gary to advise.
Wrote to Mike Jones and Daid Walker re cost of training of CMDDA1 and also filming Matthew Nixon’s mother.
Wrote to Nicola Barranger asking for estimate of filming and editing.
Also, that Rich might search for slide show.
Wrote to relative of MP died 13.10.95 – had already asked Jenny for details.

1563. 07.12.23 Thursday
APPCOG meeting Report ‘Prepare, Practice & Protect’ ‘Improving CO safety in Health & Care Services’ written by Laura Fatah and published in July 2023.
Attended the meeting with Liz Twist MP in Portcullis House.
Got in early and saw Gaelan and we chatted. I explained that we find it hard to get information out of CoGDEM now Leigh Greenham has retired but APPCOG is asking about monitors and lower level alarms.
Then Gaelan got into the room, and I waited for a while, then joined him.
James and Lavanya had a terrible time with the tech.
Meeting much the same as usual. Adrian ill with Covid.
Becky Walker said the Local Authorities had powers to deal with private landlords which they do but said EHOs could get RGEs to test. I wrote a note to say – yes could get RGEs to service but doubted they would get a test for CO.
Liz Twist MP said the issue how to raise CO and warn people? I wrote ‘find it and prove it’. Showed this note to Dan who nodded – then showed it to Liz Twist MP who quoted it.
Hilary very good. Isabella stepped in for Adrian.
Asked about Tom Woolley – very ill apparently – awful.
At the end went out with Dan Edwards and I said I’d tried to send an email to him. He found the same problem in Portcullis House – no Internet.
He said main problem was lack of gas engineers to test and all needed CMDDA1 training. Dan agreed CMDDA1 should be part of the core for RGEs.
Said all the companies were using a company SIA to process the data. Collecting same way.
I said why not see HSE – if HSE said testing was safety issue then Ofgem would find funding. Dan said HSE not interested. I said we needed to all get together and then we would see Minister for HSE.
Jenny sent new case study.
I wrote to the author of the new case study to tell him new case study on website.
Wrote to Gary re DD. Wrote to DD.
Picked up luggage and dragged to Waterloo. Got train. Got to Guildford and got a parking ticket.
Drove to Portsmouth – got 4.00 p.m.
Wrote to Gaelan. Updated Needed safety improvements to add CMDDA1 and re-sent this.
Wrote to someone inquiring about the death of his uncle in 1995.
Jonathan wrote to say he thought CMDDA1 unrealistic. I disagreed.

1562. 06.12.23 Wednesday
Corresponded re our safety improvements.
Then sent Gaelan the final version of our needed safety improvements with an introduction about CO.
Heard from LP a relative of one of the people we’ve recorded as a CO death. Wrote to him to answer his questions.
Heard from Debbie Dean re her email to her solicitor to do something particularly re the report on the chimney which she is sure the Council has.
Travelled by car and car ferry (picnic lunch on the way) and then train to London. Left car in Guildford mainline station. Couldn’t seem to pay for the car but John did thankfully APCOA I think. Connect blue on my phone.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN.

1561. 05.12.23 Tuesday
Did loads of CO stuff.
Work on PD’s case study with him and with Jenny.
Wrote to Gaelan Komen responding to his email that ‘We’ll look to cover the topic of monitoring and referral in answer to the question on current issues in CO care.’ Thanked him and said Algorithm called out for testing. NGN’s Giving CO nowhere to hide. Monitors/Pams needed for RGEs and also for health visitors. See John Courtney and Rachel Brady.
Work on trying to obtain a test for carboxyhaemoglobin on Isla Mae Oates (deceased).
Letter from Coroner saying that Fire Brigade didn’t register any CO therefore no test on the dead child for CO.
Correspondence with Coroner Louise Hunt but inquest over.
Nicola Preston – officer – very nice and helpful.
Input on safety improvements by JK – good.
Heard from Ron Gooding re CO alarms.
Sent Purchase Ledger December invoice.

Resent AD.
Resent HP.
Resent Chisholm funerals.
Asked Rich to find first website.
Also ICO and JMLU research.

1560. 04.12.23 Monday
Received email from Gaelan. He’s made a note of these points. ‘We’ll look to cover the topic of monitoring and referral in answer to the question on current issues in CO care.’ That’s good news.
Wrote to Kane and Paul Overton to thank him for authorising the payments.
Got email from Emma Lawford with details of other organisations for a statistician.
Email from Prontaprint for reprint of press packs.
Sent to WG re possible reprint.
Resent draft to Dan Edwards of SGN.
Resent draft to IGEM.
Jenny sent me draft case study survivor PD. Read and changed parts and suggested two – one anonymised and one with names not to be published. Sent to PD.
Jim responded to approve needed safety improvements.

Rang Matthew Nixon’s mother and got her new address.
Wrote to Nicky Barranger about the filming and asked her for a rough estimate.

Wrote to Ben Green asking if he’d traced the FCOs re Rachel Brady.
Wrote to Adrian McConnell re JMLU research and asked if report was published yet but didn’t seem to be the research that supported the press release re 20% of home with 50 PPM and above.
Re-sent to Reso O.
Re-sent to HP.

1559.03.12.23 Sunday
Wrote to Prontaprint asking for the cost of a reprint of 2020 press pack.
Sent work group needed safety improvements with an introduction about CO for Liz Twist MP really.
Wrote to Jenny re PD’s case study saying needed to substitute ‘engineers’ for named company and also ‘employers which were a large respected organisation.
Wrote to Jenny re case study of SG and made point we are waiting for decision by the financial ombudsman so no rush.
Paid CO-Gas Safety bills including after a delay Tip Top now Network Contractors Ltd.
Wrote to Paul Overton asking him to authorise.
John booked ferries to I can drive up to Claygate on Wednesday.
Wrote to John Holmes about Charities Commission and governance.

1558. 02.12.23 Saturday
Wrote to Sue Westwood re notes of meeting.
Wrote to Jenny about case study Paul Dawson.
Wrote to mother of Matthew Nixon to ask her for her address so I could get price from Nicky Barranger.
Wrote to Simon Birkett.
Wrote to Frank re Clean air petition and re invite 07.12.23
Sent WG Needed safety improvements.
Sent WG draft to IGEM in response to Ian McCluskey’s email re G 11.
Sent WG draft to Dan Edwards.
Sent Kane report about Zline and suggested it might be worth contacting Zline.

Sent Ian and Oliver notes of the meeting with IGEM and suggested dates for next meeting.

1557. 01.12.23 Friday
Sent Jonathan observations on numbers affected.
Sent Jonathan and Sue final notes of the meeting with IGEM.
Received email from Ian McCluskey with G 11 which seems to be dated July 2022 whereas not sure the one he sent on 27.11.23 is of that date. Need to compare and respond as don’t agree that testing isn’t necessary.
Sent email to the Royal Statistical Society – automatic acknowledgement – she’s back on Monday.
Sent further email from Church of England clergyman to Jenny for the case study for PD. Jenny said it answered the queries she has.
Sent response from Dan Edwards to Jonathan and WG.
Asked Bob Seely MP to sign the Clean Air Bill.
Sent SG’s case study start to Jenny.

November 2023

1556. 30.11.23 Thursday
Attended W & W’s zoom morning.
Sent work group email re petition re Clean Air Bill – Government response is late.
Sent Kane & Sue rough notes of the meeting at IGEM – latest version.
Corresponded with Jenny re survivor PD the Church of England clergyman.
She sent me a draft case study which I sent on to PD.
Jonathan encouraged me to write for Air Quality News.
Jonathan had encouraged me to ask W & W to put out press release – told him not the right time.
Sent email to Simon Birkett of Clean Air London, asked how Rosamund was and gave him the good news ‘i.e. that all four of the Gas Distribution Network companies (GDNs) that provide the gas emergency service are now testing for CO or gearing up to do so (i.e. training Registered Gas Safe Engineers with a qualification called CMDDA1).
But only for homes of ‘vulnerable customers’ under Ofgem’s UIOLI (Use It Or Lose It) funding scheme.
The GDNs seem to be left to decide who is vulnerable and so far, generally interpreting this as those on or eligible for the Priority Services Register (PSR), the sick, elderly, poor, disabled, those with young children or living in remote rural areas.
But of course, all customers are vulnerable to carbon monoxide (CO) however healthy, wealthy or wise.’
Got suggestions for questions for Gaelan for 07.12.23
Sent email to Dan Edwards, Chair of GDN CO group which I’d drafted yesterday.
Heard from Jonathan and he wants Charon to write to AHRI and EHI appliance manufacturers. I suggested he obtains data by giving out his monitors in USA using fire officers.
Jenny and I exchanged emails re Isla Mae Oates. Heard from Nicola Preston Coroner’s officer and sent my email that I’d sent to Coroner asking if blood could be tested for CO and we’d pay. Copied the mother.
Sent work group draft to Dan Edwards re the new issue learned this morning at W & W. Re whether to repair or not.
Sent Gaelan the questions for 07.12.23.
Sent Jenny the good news about all four companies.
Dr Carolyn Craggs rang and said she’d think about who to recommend for the GDNs to help them with the data.
Wrote to Amaka of the Royal Statistical Society. Bounced back so need to phone the RSS.
Resent Think ahead re stroke and why not warn about CO.
Re draft to Dan Edwards on new issue decided to send my version.
Tweaked new survivor Sue’s case study and sent back to her.
Re-sent email to Caroline Lane and HSE gas enquiries about was the GSR coming up for renewal and if so could HSE insist that HSE make it easy to find RGEs with CMDDA1.

1555. 29.11.23 Wednesday
Sent new draft to Elizabeth Warwick of Wales and West.
Draft to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U sent to WG.
Exchanged messages with Kirsty about her film making son JP.
Received invitation from Gaelan to APPCOG event on 07.12.23 and forwarded. Booked hotel.
Corresponded about draft to Warwick and possibility of a press release re all four companies now testing.
Discussion with WG about data and need to work with a statistician. Not sure that suggesting press release by W & W right thing to do.
Corresponded about no testing in MP Liz Twist’s report.
Received email from Matthew Nixon’s sister.
Sent draft of Questions to Gaelan to WG.
Sent email to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W without asking for press release.
Heard from Charon McNabbs of NCOAA about Ask the Drs. Responded with information about the 4 GDNs now testing or at least gearing up to test.
Sent notes of IGEM meeting to attendees.
Charon responded with further questions so answered these.
Worked on email to Dan Edwards and got it ready to send tomorrow.
New victim SG wrote with gas fire emitting around 18 PPM and CO alarm not alarming. Also insurance problem re fire. Asked questions and CO alarm sounded a good one and sent alarm levels and explanation. She’s waiting to hear from Financial Ombudsman so suggested she might allow us to make a case study and let us know how it goes.
Re-sent email to Cassi Free.
Re-sent information re stroke.
Wrote to Ian McCluskey re his response about forwarding our query to Chair of G 11. Suggested that it was surely right that test for CO be recommended whenever practicable. Surely time IGEM led on this issue?
Wrote back to Matthew Nixon’s sister asking for address of Matthew’s mother and seeking advice on whether or not the mother could talk about Matthew now and also about CO and prevention.
Wrote to JK to say that surely we need to raise awareness and testing with other countries and particularly USA.

1554. 28.11.23 Tuesday
Rang Paul Overton to see if he could attend the meeting today with IGEM. He can’t. Sent SOS to Sue Westwood and thankfully she can attend. Took time to prepare agenda and sent it out. Various emails to and fro.
One to JP about the filming which can wait. Paul and Debs have a better idea – family survives.
Wrote to Ian McCluskey to ask if meeting still on – it is.
Sent presentation Wayne gave in June and to APPCOG and also cooker data and case study Rachel Brady.
Prepared agenda and sent it.
Meeting at 2.00 and Sue joined.
Went pretty well. Jonathan having a moment that all four GDNs now testing albeit vulnerable customers only but it’s brilliant as data now being compiled. Data so far pretty horrific. Ian convinced – not sure Ollie is.
After the meeting I sent very rough notes to Jonathan and Sue.
Talk briefly to Jonathan on the phone.
Need for statistician to deal with data properly. Phoned Dr Carolyn Craggs and leave a message and send an email asking for a recommendation assuming she has retired.
Wrote to Rachel Brady asking how she is and saying that we used her case study again today and how helpful it was.
Catch up with media alerts and notice an ‘Ask the Drs’ USA doesn’t really mention enough about prevention. Also implies CO alarm enough.
Copied to Charon of NCOAA and said she was in the USA so could help with a follow up article on prevention and how CO alarms were death alarms not health monitors.

1553. 27.11.23 Monday
Got on Hovercraft.
Got to hotel. Met Methodist minister and his wife Barbara. Long chat and lunch.
Agreed to send various documents. Got hovercraft back. John picked me up.
Wrote to Matthew Nixon’s sister. Then David Walker of Stoke College. Ended up giving DW’s email (permission given) to MN’s sister who is willing to do a Facebook entry for the college and the mother is willing to be filmed.
Wrote to JP Whitfield re film.
Heard from JK and discussed whether Ofgem should receive the data.
Heard from Ofgem re questions on increase re UIOLI VCMA funding.
Wrote to JK re meeting with IGEM tomorrow.
Wrote to survivor DD.
Jim Lambeth responded re draft to Dan Edwards and approved.
Email to WG re GDN data and possible letter to Jonathan Brierley. Queried whether or not and a uni is necessary for data – would a statistician work instead?
Sent Methodist Minister various documents I had promised.
Heard from Paul Overton – Paul thinks there is no point in writing to HSE.
Heard from Jenny and she was doing the case study on the Methodist Minister but her mother is unwell, so hasn’t done much.
Wrote to Matthew’s sister asking for address for Nicky Barranger.

1552. 26.11.23 Sunday
I worked on emails.
Wrote to E J-P re 7th December meeting.
Drafted email to HSE re data under FOI. Sent to WG and JK.
Sent John Holmes the accounts – asked for copy incorporating my signed pages.
Wrote to Gaelan asking for date of cross departmental committee meeting.
Wrote to Gaelan re meeting 07.12.23 and saying some body should attend in person on behalf of victims/survivors/families. Why no PAMs? Cost £83.99.
Sue W approved draft to HSE.
Wrote to Jenny to thank her for the Excel document on needed changes and then redrafted, updated and added and sent again to Jenny.
Wrote draft to Dan Edwards commenting on his email to me and asking further questions. Sent to WG.

1551. 25.11.23 Saturday
Wrote to Jonathan and WG about the recall and Zline and also our experiences in Canada re gas ranges.
Wrote to HSE training.

1550. 24.11.23 Friday
Wrote to Bob Neill MP re stroke – his wife had just suffered a stroke and wanted him to know that CO can cause stroke for his sake and for the sake of his wife.
Wrote to David Walker re Matthew Nixon’s sister and asked if he had a proposition for her re film etc.
Cardiff Labs wrote to us and I responded to Joanne Rogers.
Wrote to Kevin Tse of Ofgem about increased funding from £60 million to £171 million.
Drafted a response to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U and sent to WG.
Heard from Matt Cole and wrote to him.
Wrote to Rachel Brady and included a link to the gas stove recall – 30,000 Zline.
Same to Paul Overton and to Wayne Merry of Cadent.

1549. 23.11.23 Thursday
Wrote to Gaelan about the media alert re WHO, Oslo uni re breathing machines.

Wrote to CPSC – re recall after repairs to gas ranges didn’t seem to work – sent Rachel Brady’s case study – pointed out if no test for CO, Rachel would still be being exposed to CO.
Wrote to Wayne Merry – asked for permission to send his presentation to CPSC in USA,
Wrote to Isabella Myers asking if anyone mentioned testing for CO at COMED. Attached Rachel Brady’s case study.
Wrote to Gaelan – did he raise testing for CO at COMED?
Meeting on 07.12.23 – PAMs £83.99 – could issue of monitoring and testing be discussed on 07.12.23?
Heard from PD – C of E clergy in Chester Diocese. Thinks beginning to take things seriously.
Corresponded with Isla Mae Oates’ mother.
Wrote to Gaelan re PAMs and John Courtney.
Phoned Cardiff Lab and found cost £35.64. Sent email.
Wrote to Isla Mae Oates’ Coroner to ask for blood test and offered to pay. Copied in Isla Mae Oates’ mother.
Heard from Ofgem re data from Cadent and other GDNs re testing – they don’t receive any. Suggested we write to HSE. Did so.
Wrote to Campaigns re Every Doctor and asked if I needed to be a doctor.
Submitted by email to Ofgem request regarding Standing Charges.
Heard from IGEM re CO Awareness week.
Wrote to IGEM and Ollie and Ian suggesting changes to Unsafe Sits procedure and GEL 11 re CO alarm sounding.
Gary wrote to Jim and I re survivor DD. I wrote to Dr Croxford about the cost of a mass spectrometer for DD.
Resent email to Penguin re Ladybird book on CO.
Resent email to Sarah Hill.
Sent email to Steve Dacre asking detailed questions on how FCOs decide when to test for CO. How can they without a FGA?
Sent email to Wayne asking for protocols as mentioned by W & W U. Wrote about the need for a uni re the data.

1548. 22.11.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Michael Jones re filming Matthew’s sister.
Asked if anyone had the Cadent protocol.
Thought about using FOI re JMLU research in 2012.
Wrote to Isla Mae Oates’ mother re testing for CO.

Drafted email to Steve Dacre and others at NGN.

1547. 21.11.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Tony Hetherington journalist re the near miss in the Cotswolds I wanted him to pass our details on to the family concerned.
Wrote to Gaelan and work group re the Renters Reform Bill.
Jim and Jonathan and Paul all OK’ed the accounts.
Jim OK’ed the draft to Phil Burrows so sent it and had rather an enigmatic response. Need to check with Ofgem.
Received interesting answers from Dan Edwards, SGN and chair of CO group and these were copied to work group and I sent to JK. No time to respond yet.
Wrote to survivor DD about her feeling ill due to the fumes.
Heard about the roundtable with Liz Twist MP 07.12.23 – seems we won’t be asked to attend in person. Will anyone be there from survivors/victims/families?
Re-sent email to WHO about CO in refugee camps.
Wrote to Matthew Nixon’s sister – had she been filmed or would she be filmed by Mike Jones. Emailed Mike Jones asking if he’d done any filming.
Re-sent email re Tunaley jay– with update re all four companies now testing/getting ready to test.
Wrote to Laura Ratcliffe Stephanie Ord and Steve Dacre re NGN.
Wrote to WG re funeral tomorrow.

1546. 20.11.23 Monday
Wrote to RH to respond to confirmation re 27th. 12.15 hover or next one.
Phil Burrows sent email saying extra money for poverty only. Sent to Jonathan.
Drafted response to Phil and sent to Work Group.
John Holmes wrote about accounts. Sent to all directors.
Heard from Tony Hetherington investigative journalist about as he had sent his email address. Sent him email and my short CV.

1545. 19.11.23 Sunday
Heard from Kevin Hegarty re Cadent links re planting trees near gas mains and sent to lady who is concerned about this topic and gas leaks KH.
Heard from survivor DD that she’s sent email to her lawyer Gary to ask how he’s getting on with her case.

1544. 18.11.23 Saturday
Wrote to Methodist Minister RH re meeting 27th November.
Sent Jonathan’s nice email to work group.
Wrote to Rich re zoom.
Wrote to survivor DD re her solicitor trying to find a barrister – tried to explain and help her ask questions.
Rich had checked various things e.g. Microsoft bill.
Rich sent bill and filed it in unpaid bills.
Wrote to Gaelan re good news from W & W that now all four GDNs are testing or preparing to test for CO. Now need data collection with uni helping and also time to change Algorithm – Hilary Wareing would help – worth talking to. Sent Algorithm for GPs and one for midwives and other health professionals.
Sent Nicola Barranger Rich’s suggestion about her looking into You Tube account for slide show.
Rich explained that X problems due to Elon Musk not CO-Gas Safety.

Re-sent email to journalist re army accommodation lacking gas safety certificates.
Later sent link to Methodist Minister RH.

1543. 17.11.23 Friday
Wrote to Methodist Minister RH. Mentioned also heard from C of E Minister. That Min of Defence married quarters are probably suspect because lack of gas safety certificates.
Wrote to Cadent’s Kevin Hegarty re the ice rink in Widnes.
Wrote to Phil Burrows of Cadent saying Wayne gave a good presentation.
Great to hear about W & W.
Now Cadent has so much extra funding how about
1. Uni to deal with data
2. Prime time TV warnings and social media.
3. Prize giving event for schools awareness competition
4. Support group for victims and use for research.

Sent Gaelan CO-Gas Safety update since 30.08.23.
Sent Work Group latest needed safety improvements/changes.
Correspondence with JK re this and that.
Wrote to Jenny asking for her help re Excell document on changes.
Survivor DD re ombudsman.
Corresponded with Gaelan re Renter’s Reform Bill and UIOLI fund, names of new people and need for APPCOG/office/generic email address and telephone number.
Sent Dan Edward of SGN email asking how many now tested and how many AR/ID?
Sent email to Wayne Merry of Cadent what is the percentage of postcodes with Cadent that now have sweep/CMDDA1 test for CO? Some/most/all?

Asked survivor DD why is her solicitor going to court – what for? Why does he need a barrister?
Wrote to Frank re article about using CO alarms in aircraft.

1542. 16.11.23 Thursday
Wrote to Tom Woolley as he was ill on Tuesday.
Sent work group email from Elizabeth Warwick from Wales and West Utilities.
Wrote to Wayne re Tuesday and Wales and West now testing, protocols, form for PPM of CO and CB award.
Wrote to Rich Banks re Tech fest and asked if he’d fixed zoom.
Draft to W & W to JK and WG.
Very nice email from JK.
Jim approved draft to W & W.
Wrote to Emma and Jenny re Emma helping with case studies.
Wrote to work group & JK re CB event and university needed.
Wrote to WG re candles.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent re ice rink CO leak in Widnes. Asked to be put in touch with those affected.
Sent WG standing charge input from Ofgem and Jim approved.

1541. 15.11.23 Wednesday
Forwarded Charity Commission news to directors including Lord Hunt.
Sent work group short update on yesterday’s APPCOG meeting.
Gaelan sent a thank you to Paul and I and I responded. Said I had sent a list of needed changes to the work group and would get back to him in due course.
LS wrote – diving case – explained that her legal case in Greece was a criminal one so I responded that I wasn’t giving her legal advice but she should ask her lawyer in Greece about the limitation period and what she might be able to do to preserve any claim which would be easier if the criminal case went against whoever she thought she had a claim against.
Said I had almost 30 years of experience of CO and sent my short CV.
Viking sent new bank details and I responded that I’d pay whatever was on the invoice.

Correspondence about Ofgem funding. That I’d asked what could be covered yesterday.

Sent Gaelan the Renters Reform Bill alert and asked if the landlord’s gas safety check and certificate could be clarified/changed.

Wrote to Rich re zoom – had he done anything.

Told Kane I’d written to Ofgem re funding.

Received email from Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U – training about 12 engineers for testing – sent to work group. W & W U seemed to think extra funding only for poverty. Seemed to think CO alarms the answer – what about Beth Cheshire’s research.

Responded to Jenny re her investigations about whether a gas engineer was and still is on the register.

Finished update for APPCOG and sent to Work Group.

Re-sent email to survivor solicitor S MC K and asked if she could tell us what happened.
Wrote to Kane re Phil Burrows being on steering committee of the inquiry by Liz Twist MP yet testing not mentioned. Was it worth trying Phil again or not?

1540. 14.11.23 Tuesday
Got up and had a bath and breakfast. Then packed and Paul came. I put my case in the left luggage. We walked to Portcullis House. Just got across the bridge before it rained. Security and went upstairs. Gaelan came and joined us. Tom Woolley ill. Went to the room P and it was very small. Not many people. Suzanne Callington and Wayne. Mike Jones. Avril and Gordon and Rob Lyons.
It was OK but a bit disappointing. Rob went first with the film about Katie – very emotional but and a warning at the end. Avril said a good bit about prevention and servicing, but she also said to use a registered chimney sweep – sadly this doesn’t exist.
Wayne gave his presentation which was very good.
I gave my speech – then Paul which was about the effect CO had on the whole family. It was very sad.
Suzanne Callington said the prizegiving at the Houses of Parliament had withered on the vine because nobody wanted the expense of attending. I reposted that we had paid expenses for this so surely the GDNs could?
We talked afterwards and Paul came up with a good idea for a Christmas warning. I thought of asking Mary Berry to warn people.
Sent RF questions as asked.
Wrote to LS about her case in Greece.
Wayne responded that PPM of CO was given to survivor, and he would send a form. I asked for Rachel Brady’s form.
Sent email to Wayne asking if all/any of the following could be on UIOLI funding: –
1. University to process the data.
2. Pay for prime time TV on CO.
3. Prizegiving at Houses of Parliament for awareness competition.
4. Victim group to provide support and also undertake research.
Corresponded with Frank about victim groups in Europe.
Corresponded with Jenny re possible travel expenses if she met up with Emma.
Gaelan had expressed interest at a list of needed changes in legislation, so I tidied up my list and sent it to work group. Jim responded that it seemed comprehensive. Jim told me that his brother in law had had dealings with Cadent re CO and Cadent had been excellent. I asked Jim to ask his brother in law for a case study.
Jenny copied me to email to Gas Safe register re HP’s engineer.
Re-sent email to Becky Walker.
Re-sent email to Graham Savage re who made the film the longest day.
Paul and I had a chat about a Christmas warning.
I wrote to Ofgem re whether 1-4 above could be part of VCMA.

1539. 13.11.23 Monday
Sent accounts to work group.
Corresponded with survivor PD.
Sent emails of survivor PD (clergyman C of E) to Jenny having obtained his permission.
GK said update would be later as meeting pushed for time.
Wrote to Pierre Chays about finding an engineer in Jersey with CMDDA1.
Correspondence with Frank re other groups in Europe.
Talked to Jenny about EJP and Jenny happy to help EJP.
Wrote to Emma Jackson-Phillips and suggested she could help with case studies.
Herd that Ofgem has a further £10.8 million due to smart meter fine.
Wrote to Wayne – maybe a leaflet would help.
Wrote to Rich re Zoom not working.
Wrote to LS wife of one of the divers re case in Greece.
Wrote to Agility re NLA licence.
Wrote to Dan Edwards SGN re questions sent before and also suggested putting us in direct touch with their Care and Repair team.
Sent Wayne Qs re what happened to the PPM found – did it get to survivor/medics.
Travelled to London. Got to Premier Inn. Revised speech.

1538. 12.11.23 Sunday
Sent survivor MS a good explanation of the chemicals used in Egypt re the couple who died.
Asked for help re responding to email from Dan Edwards of SGN received Friday. Received suggestions and sent to Dan Edwards.

Asked Jenny for Coroner’s address re couple who died in Egypt and wrote to Dr James Adeley asking what guidance he was thinking of writing re prevention of future deaths. Also asked to have our details sent to the daughter.

Worked on update for APPCOG. Worked on September and then October and early November.

Wrote to Frank re meeting on the 14th.

Re-sent email to LS wife of the diver who died in Greece.

Sent a reminder email to Church of England clergyman who responded with case study. Thanked him and asked if OK to send to Jenny.

Noted directors wrong in Accounts and asked John Holmes to change it which he did.
Thought of re-sending email to Wayne re trees near gas mains but thought he wouldn’t
know so asked Kevin Hegarty to send to relevant person in Cadent. Then found Wayne had responded so recalled email to Kevin but re-sent with explanation.

Re-sent email to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U re UIOLI.

Sent work group accounts 2023 to approve or not as the case may be.

Wrote to Elsy Acala in Mexico re couple died of CO in Mexico and also a personal email.

1537. 11.11.23 Saturday
Heard from survivor MS about the couple in Egypt, Mr and Mrs Cooper in the news today as their deaths were apparently CO. They were on a Thomas Cook holiday. Had tried to contact daughter.
Also heard from survivor MS re the chemical dichloromethane – can create CO
Wrote to Wayne Merry and suggested giving out a leaflet – suggested Cadent’s and CO-Gas Safety’s – maybe ours adapted – work group would have to agree. Sent adapted PPP about what CO is and how to prevent it.
Checked prospective case studies with Jenny, particularly KH.
Resent an email to Jennie Gow of the Sunday Times.
Resent email to Benjamin.
Resent email to Ideal Home.
Asked for Coroner’s email for case in Egypt.
Received case study re survivor HP.
Corresponded with Jenny re survivor RF.
Read email from Dan Edwards of SGN received Friday properly.
Sent to WG and Jonathan re how we deal with the data. Lots of cases of CO found in homes of vulnerable customers so couldn’t cope with anymore. Surely that’s why we need to talk to those at SGN who decide policy?

Received accounts from John Holmes. Sent Holmes resignation of Murray 13.02.22 and Rosindell 19.05.23.

1536. 10.11.23 Friday
Wrote to Jenny re survivor HP’s case study. Toing and froing and ended up sending Jenny email with red writing crossed out. If she was happy would send to HP.
Wrote to Susan Singleton re the NLA bill. Still don’t understand what we can/can’t do. Susan doesn’t understand either, so sent another email querying this to Lucy and Paul Murphy.
Heard from Paul and Jim re Wayne and both said that they agreed most people don’t understand about CO so best to explain.
Wrote to Wayne saying need to have a chat. Sent Rachel’s case study. After an hour or so, phoned Wayne and we had a positive chat. Wayne convinced data is the answer and I agreed. What we need is to involve a university. Afterwards I sent Wayne NGN’s research and also email sent at the end of September with pics of CO, CO2 and haemoglobin.
Heard from Pierre Chays who says he needs a RGE with CMDDA1.
Rang GSR and Amelia Field sent selection but she wrote that there is no way they can find a RGE with CMDDA1. This is so wrong.
Sent this email from Amelia to Pierre and offered to help if necessary but better coming from him surely as he is a local?
Heard from survivor MS re couple in Egypt and also that he is still having bad days.
Received accounts. Need to check and make a few amendments and sign relevant pages and scan and send back.
Wrote to Gaelan sending last CO-Gas Safety update 30.08.23. Will try to write one before 14th.

1535. 09.11.23 Thursday
Hilary Wareing had written to ask if any pilots were being done of providing CO sensing equipment to a range of community staff.
I asked is anyone present at COMED to represent victims/survivors/patients?
Sent an email to Gaelan re the 14th – do I speak before/after Wayne’s questions?
Asked if Gaelan was going to introduce me? Many won’t know me.
Want to thank Wayne, Cadent, Ofgem, you and Tom Woolley.
Then say CO deadly in tiny amounts, can’t be sensed using human senses – sensible to test. Should be for all however healthy, wealthy or wise.
Then it would be natural to ask Paul Overton to say something about the impact of Katie’s death and the effect of high levels of CO on the whole family.

Wayne wrote to say physical testing would be great. Mike and Dave from Stoke College supporting him. Might use Rachel Brady’s case if time.
Heard from Pierre who said could go ahead if found an accredited tester. I responded – wasn’t Lee Battrick OK? If not, what qualifications are you looking for?

Phoned survivor RF and she said she would try to answer questions. Much better in new place.

Received Wayne’s presentation and sent to work group and Jonathan to interpret. Asked questions. Should we send to Wayne?
Lucy Brooks from NLA sent another email – didn’t understand – added questions and sent to Lucy and blind copied to lawyer SS.

Jenny sent HP’s case study. Read and worked on things that stood out. Sent back to Jenny re the parts that stood out. Will read again when feeling fresher.

1534. 08.11.23 Wednesday
Heard from Gaelan that he can do the 15th re meeting with Mike Porter.
Corresponded with Gaelan over the two reports on air quality one indoor air and the other on air generally. One was POST sent by Gaelan and the other was Air Quality policies, proposals and concerns.
Did my expenses and paid bills including mine. Emailed Paul to authorise.
Phoned Paul about what I would say on the 14th and would ask for Paul to be able to say something too.
Sent a draft to Gaelan to the work group re asking Gaelan to find out Ofgem’s powers re CO and vulnerable customers – would it cover all customers.
Sent Work group Wayne’s reaction to my suggestion to apply for the Chris Bielby award which seemed very positive. Also re testing people.
Wrote to Wayne that Rachel very keen to thank her Cadent engineers – Carl etc.
Sent ADI request for feedback form as had deleted it by mistake.
Health and Social Care Committee Sandy Gill responded with reference to witnesses
Responded with point that all customers need to have homes and appliances tested for CO.
Heard from Purchase Ledger – Kane has paid £10,000.
Responded with thanks.
Gaelan responded that he’d heard about Ofgem funding being raised from £60 million to £171 million.
Wrote to Jenny about possible case study Grayson.
Heard from Mike Porter that he wouldn’t be there in person on the 14th – no answer re the virtual meeting on the 15th. Asked him to answer this question.
Chased up email re NLA information from Harry White and Lucie Brooks.
Paul Overton OK’ed the Gaelan email.
Paul also authorised the payments I’d made earlier.
Heard from EJ-P that she would help us. Emailed Jenny that would she be OK with Emma helping with case studies?
Heard from Paul he needs £113.70 to pay rail fare. Sent money to Paul.

1533. 07.11.23 Tuesday
Drafted a response to Mike Porter and Gaelan having received a very late email from Mike Porter of Fire & Rescue with some history of Fire & Rescue. Sent to work group.
Received email informing us that our original submission to EIC was sent 08.03.21.
Drafted second shorter, simpler version to Mike Porter and Gaelan and sent to work group.
Sent Sue Westwood ME Association helpline.
Jenny and I corresponded re her comments on the document.
Survivor SD wrote to say support group not something we should take on – prevention more our thing. I responded to agree but said I thought investigation necessary as victims/survivors/families are a research resource.
Attended the ADI webinar. Alzheimer’s Disease International at 1.00.
Dropped a line to Anna De with an acute accent on the ‘e’ of Women’s Brain Project in London.
She responded. I sent her the usual links about CO and our leaflet.
Professor Livingston from Scotland included pollution as one of 8 preventable risks for Alzheimer’s. But not indoor air.
I added carbon monoxide to chat line and how to prevent CO in indoor air.
Work group approved second draft to Mike and Gaelan so sent it. Proposal to have a virtual meeting at 11.00 on the 15th November.
Received update from IGEM South East including the Lions Lair competition re Chris Bielby.
Sent to Wayne Merry suggesting he apply re testing for CO.
Later re-sent this explaining Jonathan Kane won last year. Offered to help Wayne.
Survivor DD wrote to say in her opinion the park had conditions to lock at night as part of planning.
Re-sent email to SGN’s Kerry Potter.
Sent Jenny email about case studies including RF and GT.

1532. 06.11.23 Monday
Re-sent email to Danny Robins again on a weekday.
Received email from Ian McCluskey that the documents I sent are the most recent version of the unsafe situation procedure and the supplement re what to do when a CO alarm sounds. Thanked him. Documents still go on about visual signs but why use visual signs when testing can be done?
Rang Paul Overton and chatted briefly about what I would say on the 14th and also Paul if he is allowed to say anything.
Heard from Aviva Franco of Centrica as had recently emailed to tell her that SGas course good
Sent Jonathan Kane news about Ofgem’s increase from £60 million to £171 million.
Case study provider John Courtney responded and I rang him. Asked him for some quotes.
Heard from survivor SD – can’t get published but is still trying.
Wrote to survivor Rachel Brady as worried about her.
Heard from Roland Johns and responded suggesting a quote and asking if he would consider helping if any work groups emerge as we’ve been promised.
Wrote to Gaelan re Ofgem’s increase in funding.
I received this update from Ofgem: –
Decision to update RIIO-2 Gas Network Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance Governance Document
We have implemented a vulnerability and carbon monoxide awareness use-it or lose-it allowance within RIIO-GD2.’

I think what it does is just increase the amount available under RIIO-GD2 from £60 million to £171 million.,8G80B,IO9FXQ,YWDN4,1

Read October and saved it.
Wrote to Jenny to explain I’d received the document.
Wrote to survivor DD re planning conditions of park.
Received email from Simon Colvin of Weightmans – responded that it was an article* about hydrogen which mentioned Weightmans. *
Wrote to Hilary Wareing re the COMED meeting and asked if anyone present to represent interests of survivors/victims/families.

1531. 05.11.23 Sunday
Wrote to Danny Robins of re explanation of ghosts. I suggested CO and gave a link
And Aviva at Centrica re courses for gas experts.
Filed under Gas Expert qualification
Qualification for experts from Steven Critchlow HSE

1530. 04.11.23 Saturday
Wrote to Ron Gooding, gas engineer re canal boats.
Wrote to Ian McCluskey and Ian Lancaster asking if the attached are the most recent versions of the unsafe sits procedure and re what to do with a CO alarm alarmed.
Wrote to Roland Johns re catch up – Wayne Merry’s presentation. Asked if he had any suggestions.
Wrote to survivor SD re article about CO helping osteoarthritis.
Re-sent email to LH.

1529. 03.11.23 Friday
Watched BBC This morning. It mentioned explosion in Yorkshire then CO – 50 people died a year. Then Gordon Samuel was interviewed about Katie 2010.
Presenter (I think Jasmine).
‘One in five homes no CO detector.’
Rob ? from the Gas Safe Register called them alarms. Talked about need for about 3 alarms per property.
Presenter talked about support to buy them.
Then about a gas safety check and certificate. Nothing about testing.
Story about Kirstie no surname – 2017 away 2 weeks – came back and turned on gas powered aga. Felt very unwell indeed and then CO alarm sounded. She got out. Flue blocked. CO so high she would have passed out quickly and died within 20 minutes.
Staining is indication also yellow flames.
Symptoms gone through. May feel better elsewhere.
Gas Safety advice by gas emergency service gone through – stop using appliances, open windows and doors – these were said before getting out.
Correspondence with survivor DD and her solicitor.
Wrote to Martin Thursby asking if any news from owner of BBQ fuel company – could MT please pass on our details to owner and ask him to contact us.
Wrote to Avril and Gordon to congratulate them.
Heard from Rich re our twitter problems which are apparently all down to Musk reducing staff.
Resent email to asking if we’re wrong about hydrogen field trials only on new/recently serviced appliances. Said we hope we are wrong. He could not assist.
Put numbers on August update.

1528. 02.11.23 Thursday
Sent Frank an email re 14.11.23 and Wayne Merry’s presentation to COMED.
Lots of emails to survivor DD about the garden.
Wrote to Jess Mills researcher from BBC to check the channel for the film about CO. Heard it was BBC one 9.15 to 10.00.
Heard from someone who wanted us to put on a guest post. Refused.
Exchanges with John Atkins.
Wrote to Wayne Merry of Cadent to say glad presentation to COMED went well and would love his most recent presentation.
Wrote email to Brave Survivors – re update – could be good news soon. Also asking about support group. Would they be willing to be interviewed in the future?
Wrote to Work group about Ofgem’s CVMA being increased to £171 million.
Wrote to Gill Sandy re Health and Social Care Committee –
is oral evidence finished?
Can we submit any more evidence?
Has CO been mentioned other than our and APPCOG’s submission?
Wrote to Rich re tweets not showing up on our website – are we being hacked?
Wrote to Ariana Zeka and Rebecca Close of UKHSA re data from GDNs now they were testing.
Wrote to Councillor Fin re garden of survivor DD.
Wrote to Jenny re law document – she’s finished first edit.
Wrote to survivor RF – how are you? Are you up to answering some questions?
Wrote to Alzheimer Disease International and asked a question. Could they mention the need to prevent CO and how to do so?
Also same to a Doctors’ campaign organisation.
Wrote to Pierre Chays re testing yacht etc.
Wrote to Gaelan re the Parliament to investigate air quality – update please.
Put numbers on diary for July 2023.

1527. 01.11.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Gaelan about long covid and CO.
Wrote to Rich about twitter again.
Wrote to Dr Emily Fraser re article in the Times about long covid.
Wrote about CO.

Wrote about our submission to Health and Social care committee. Received the reference to the committee. This was nothing to do with health professionals.

Wrote to the Times re Long covid and prevention.
Sent Ron Gooding CORT update about CORT funding the Fire & Rescue for boats.
Stopped the IPCB.
Sent Sue the ME Association report funding a possible diagnostic tool for ME.
Read report about the Thomas Hill death in 2015.
Fine of £120,000 for this avoidable death from the Sheriff in a Fatal Accident Inquiry.
CO alarm sounded three times leading up to the death of Thomas Hill.
Need for servicing and instruction manuals. Also, no movement of portable heaters.
Wrote to Jerry Hill, Thomas’ father.
Heard from Ofgem re our FOI request re GDN data re testing for CO.
Jess Mills, researcher from the BBC wrote asking if we had a good pic of a gas appliance with sooty marks. I wrote back saying the whole problem with CO is that it’s deadly but can’t be sensed using human senses.
Heard from well wisher BS. He seems OK but sounded breathless.
Filing re-sent email to survivor DD’s councillor re planning for the garden and surely Council had a duty to lock it up according to the planning conditions.

Did work on June 2023.

October 2023

1526. 31.10.23 Tuesday
Wrote to BBC researcher Jess Mills and heard TV prog would be on Friday 3rd 9.15-10.00.
Sent to Work Group. Wrote to Rachel Brady to ask how she was.
Heard from Jim approving my email about representation of survivors etc. at COMED meetings.
Called new survivor RH, Religious Minister. Poisoned by CO 18 years ago. Church property.
Wrote email to all those who’ve given us case studies and quotes re RH’s idea of a support group. Sent this as draft to work group.
Heard from lawyer Susan Singleton.
Sent email to NLA to find out what we are allowed to do if we pay new lower rates.
Wrote to stop IPCB. Forwarded to Jenny.

Received APPCOG update and sent to WG to see if they’ve received it independently. Registered for MP Twist’s event on 07.12.23.
Sent email to Jonathan Kane reminding him that I had asked Phil Burrows of Cadent about why Liz Twist’s report did not mention testing for CO – report did mention monitors but dismissed as too expensive for health professionals.
Receive email from Victim Support EU – worth submitting 500 words?
Work group – sent details about vulnerability allowance being increased.
Received email about our questions on data from GDNs re testing for CO under FOI Act.
Emailed Matt Cole of Fuel Bank Foundation about increased funding.
Ditto Kerry Potter of SGN.
Sent Holmes and Co our Review of the year 01.08.22 – 31.07.23.
Sent work group August and September 2023 to check for the website update.

Heard from Emily that she can’t help us write case studies.

Survivor RH wrote again, and I responded with details about sending us his CV and two referees for the Board of Reference and he should write his story.

Wrote and texted to Beverley re finding someone to help write case studies.
Wrote to Health & Social Care Committee re how portal worked on 08.02.22 and whether we would have received a receipt?

1525. 30.10.23 Monday
Sent Work group draft email to Gaelan.
Phoned Paul Overton and we had a chat about what I might say on 14.11.23 and possibly ask Paul to say with Gaelan’s approval.
Wrote to Rich about the stats for CO-Gas Safety website – doesn’t seem to be working.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA in USA about CO alarms and how they should be to a recognised standard. Case in USA of couple exposed to CO but alarm didn’t sound.
Received improved draft to Gaelan and sent to the others.
Received a couple of suggestions re Review of the Year.
Wrote to Rich re Twitter – why does it keep saying we’ve not tweeted? This keeps happening. Asked Rich to set out steps to make sure I can stop this.
Received response from Kevin Tse from Ofgem acknowledging request under FOI Act.
Asked more questions about the GDNs and what Ofgem received in the way of data from GDNs and the issues we needed recording and compiling.
Discussion with Kane about need for all RGEs to have CMDDA1 and need for regs on alarms to be changed.
Tried to put more about British Standards in the part from BS but Jenny spotted this section was in inverted commas so asked her to deal with this.
Asked Jenny to confirm dates some case studies put on website – useful for review of the year.
Update from CORT – London Fire Brigade making home visits re boats – CORT funding this. Sent to Ron Gooding.
Wrote to survivor DD re UCL possibility with PhD student to monitor but PhD student still abroad.
Gaelan wrote very nice email and I responded that it was a pleasure to help.
Suggested that the document Law, Practise and Prevention of CO, could have paras not pages. Jenny disagrees. We need to discuss.
New survivor Rev. RH. Will ring tomorrow.
Found case study draft survivor HP but sent it to him asking questions. Was waiting for his answers. Sent this to Jenny as it was not in her list.
Resent some emails to well-wisher RS.

1524. 29.10.23 Sunday
Wrote yet again to Rich about Twitter not showing up.
Emailed Paul Overton that we need to have a chat about the 14th November.
Emailed Jenny to ask when two case studies were put up on the website, Amber Yates and Michael Frosdick.
Re-sent email to Kevin Tse asking about whether Ofgem was receiving data from GDNs about testing for CO – this time asked under FOI Act.
Worked on Review of the Year from the 01.08.22 to 31.07.23 and sent to work group and said want to send it to accountant by the end of Tuesday.
Re-sent email to Cassi Free – open air CO poisoning.
Worked numbering April 2023 ready for website update.
Read September 2023.

1523. 28.10.23
Wrote to thank Susan Singleton, solicitor.
Thanked Paul Overton for approving payment to Jenny.
Wrote to Emily G to ask if she’d help with case studies at £18 an hour.
Resent Karolina Sobieray re ‘Assessment of emissions and potential occupational exposure to CO during biowaste composting.’

1522. 27.10.23 Friday
Sent email to lawyer Susan Singleton re NLA licence early and then sent about 4 more during the day.
Heard from survivor DD – sent her a response but only sympathy.
Rachel Brady case study now on website so sent the link to Rachel Brady.
Sent an email to Gaelan re COMED that surely as this event was about testing for CO, we should be there to help Wayne get the points across that it would be so helpful for medics and survivors and save NHS funds. During CORT 2022 lots of medics there and they seemed to think testing home for CO would help hugely. Rachel Brady now on website.
Ben Green of Cadent –asked for permission to send his nice email to Gaelan to show how we can work together also case study on website and sent link.
Jenny responded to say IPCB – no longer needed so copied Susan Singleton.
Corresponded with Jenny re case studies possibly being done by someone else but need her to do RF – also re payment to her.
Heard from Ben Green – permission to send his email to Gaelan – sent this to Gaelan.
Paid Jenny again and told Paul Overton this was now set up so please authorise.
Heard from Sue B of HSE that cross party group report published but was still 21-22 and about APPCOG on 14.11.23. Responded that had hoped report for 22-23 would have been published and when would it be? Asked who was attending from HSE on the 14th, please give them our details and hope they make themselves known to us.
Received email from Gaelan that he would raise testing for CO at COMED. Drafted response to Gaelan and sent to WG and asked for opinions.

1521 26.10.23 Thursday
Wrote to Kane re car alarms – received a reply that there is no CO alarm suitable for cars.
Sent another email to Rich re twitter not showing up again.
Wrote to Joanna Reeves re smart meters through Linked in – sent the usual educational links and leaflet.
Heard from Valli of Affotek and agreed to keep in touch.
Wrote to Paul Overton – nothing from Gaelan yet.
Wrote to Ben Green of Cadent asking if we can send his nice email to Gaelan manager of APPCOG.
Wrote to Jenny re case study – can now put on website.
Found email from Harry White re NLA fee.
Wrote to SD re cars.
Asked Jenny if we could stop ICPB.
Paid bills and sent email to Paul asking him to authorise.
Heard from Gaelan – Paul has an invitation for the 14th the APPCOG meeting – hurrah.
Heard from survivor DD re Council prevaricating and delaying as per usual in her opinion – suggested she should wait for one month.
Sent email from EU skills to Jenny re the document.
Noted that when I write to Gaelan next, I must mention the algorithm and tests for CO being a godsend for GPs.

1520 25.10.23 Wednesday
Wrote to JK about if the law does not require CO alarms to a standard to be installed, the BS is merely a guideline.
Wrote to Gaelan re the comment that we are activists – thanked him for the understanding that it might reduce our validity. Thanked him also for the thought that we are expert patient advocates, but we’re not invited to the COMED meeting – or are we now? We don’t just advocate for patients but for all survivors/victims/families. Indeed, that is the whole point. Is anyone representing the interests of survivors etc. at the COMED meeting on 01.11.23?
Wrote to Gaelan asking for invitation for Paul Overton on the 14th November.
Wrote to Kane about Alexa who suggested trading standards.
Wrote to reply to Dr Ben Croxford re testing for survivor DD – offered expenses if needed
Wrote to Jenny about adding two more British Standards and will need document to be changed in the future.
Wrote to Kane about CO alarms for cars.
Agreed to IGEM meeting on 28.11.23 at 2.00-3.00.
Heard from Vicky Gilray* who said they did offer pregnant women ‘CO monitoring’ – asked what that meant. Is she in one geographical area or whole of UK?
Head of Projects and Evaluation
Prince2 Practitioner
Institute of Health Visiting
Sent Newsletter from International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) to work group.
Re-sent Bangladesh re poisoned family and asked to have our contact details given to Welsh family.

1519 24.10.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Paul Overton re arranging a date for the meeting with Ian and Ollie.
Needed Jonathan too and he can’t make the one suggested date.
Suggested three dates in November 27th Monday afternoon, ideally after 3.30.
28th Tuesday most of the day but preferably morning.
29th Wed. morning only.
Jonathan wrote to say could do all three dates.
Rang Paul and asked him to keep 14th and afternoon of the 13th free. Will book hotel for him if needed.
Sent Ian McCluskey and work group all three dates.
Wrote to Paisley Henderson asking who was attending for W & W U on the 14th and perhaps we could be told what W & W is doing – easier to email than have a meeting.
Sent email to Gaelan and Mike Porter re our case studies. Happy for a link to our case studies and my contact details to be put on anything e.g. press release.
Hilary Wareing – asked if she’s attending COMED 01.11.23. Told her we’re not being asked.
Sent her the PPP report Liz Twist MP and no testing but PAMs mentioned but apparently too expensive at £83.99 – not much to save a medic surely plus help diagnosis? Got response that she is attending.
Emailed Rich about Twitter not showing again.
Survivor RB sent an email asking if we’d heard from Cadent yet.
Rang Ben Green but not there. Sent email and then rang Kevin Hegarty also Cadent. He was very helpful and said he’d try tomorrow.
Received a response from Vicky Muxlow of Amazon re Alexa – said they couldn’t pass us on.
I responded that surely, they must as surely, they didn’t want to sell something that wasn’t to standard yet could be relied on and end up injuring or killing someone?
Jonathan responded saying needed to report them to the Trading Standards.
Rang survivor RB to explain I’d tried to chase Cadent again. We discussed the difficulties experienced by her neighbours. I wrote an Aide Memoire about this and sent to Kevin and Ben Green and made the point that we had asked about this sort of detail, and we wanted to help Cadent get it right.
Heard from Jenny and I asked her to do survivor RF case study first.
Worked on Review of the Year and got to the end of July.

1518 23.10.23 Monday
Received an email from David Walker suggesting a virtual meeting with him, Mike Jones and Dean Probyn and responded suggesting dates.
Sent Gaelan thanks to him for sending us the APPCOG submission to the Health and Social Care Committee.
Sent second draft to Work Group of email to Gaelan and Mike Porter.
Thanked Ian McCluskey for telling us that he was trying to find a date for a virtual meeting as he wouldn’t be attending the 14th November meeting.
Sent this on to Work group as had forgotten to copy them in. Hopefully didn’t matter that much as after 14th November we could surely send Wayne’s presentation to IGEM?
Wrote to Neil McNulty re and studying the relationship between achievement of children and pollution. Sent Dr Lilian Calderon’s two articles one in 2010 – Mexico City and one in 2018 and also Beth Cheshire’s research.
Heard from Jim and thanked him for saying draft to Gaelan OK but asked which one he liked best.
Jenny sent me her new bank details.
Wrote to Dr Ben Croxford and gave him update and asked if he knew of a portable mass spectrometer to test survivor DD’s indoor air in Stoke on Trent.
Alzheimer’s Disease International wrote to acknowledge registration and no reduced rates for charities.
Jenny sent list of planned case studies – I filed under Case Studies 23. Asked her to do RF’s at least.
Dr Charles Shepherd answered my email about testing for CO while studying brains of those who’ve died of ME. Said he would consider testing if sudden death. Suggested should be test for CO of all those studied to rule out drink/drugs and so surely could add CO too.
Found email approving first draft to Gaelan and Mike.
Re-sent to Amazon’s Alexa – would like to talk to the team that developed the test/monitor for CO by Alexa.
Re-sent email sent to Sarah Graham of Woman’s hour and mentioned CO Awareness week and APPCOG event on 14.11.23.

1517. 22.10.23 Sunday
Noted all case studies and email addresses for non fatal, fatal and quotes.
Sent email to Linda W, Margaret Jeffery’s cousin and she responded immediately telling me Margaret has died in Feb. 2022. So sad. Wrote to Linda to say how sorry we are. Could she relay this and our thanks to Margaret to her daughters and ask them to drop me a line. We will be consulting all those and those who represent them who gave us case studies re using them by Fire and Rescue and APPCOG.
Responded to Holly Topley-Brown, Coroner’s officer re deaths of divers Saviell and Tat Ee Hong.
Wrote to Rich re lack of twitter showing up again.
Responded to survivor DD several times re smoke and solicitor.

Resent draft to work group and Sue Westwood re how to deal with Gaelan’s request for Mike Porter.

1516. 21.10.23 Saturday
Decided to draft something to Gaelan and Mike Porter of Fire & Rescue and sent to work group.
Drafted a letter to New Scientist about the Brain Bank and said although environmental issues mentioned – nothing about pollution or indoor air. Then mentioned the need for servicing etc.
Wrote to Megan Anderson re registration for Alzheimer’s conference April 2024.
Wrote to David Walker re his introduction to Dean Probyn and asked about their specialities and also wrote about Wayne needing support re presentation to COMED and APPCOG.

Wrote to RB to confirm what she’d told me on the telephone yesterday.

Wrote to Jenny re Grayson’s case study.

Wrote to J. Kane re new CO monitor asking for an update.

Wrote up May for review of the year.

1515. 20.10.23 Friday
Rang Paul Overton and he’s not keen on the case studies being given to Fire & Rescue.
Email from Gaelan and HSE has been asked to event on 14.11.23 thank goodness.
Gaelen wrote and seemed to think we’d agreed to case studies being given and I wrote back saying I hadn’t written about this because I needed to consult the work group and one had got back with a no. I have agreed to talk to Mike Porter though. We need to work out an agreement, but not sure BBC wants our case studies anyway.
Forwarded NCOAA conference to J. Kane – end of July to first of August.
Heard from lecturer from gas college doing some research on cookers – he will be there on 14th November. Has communicated with Wayne and has tested cookers, CO, CO2 and oxygen.
Wrote back to suggest simple presentation.
David Walker suggested Dean Probyn as helpful for events. Noted him in address book.
Wrote to Gaelan explaining why we were seeking some kind of agreement. Would any other body allow their work to be given to the media by another body? Anyway, BBC didn’t seem to want our case studies.
Wrote to Kane explaining why we needed an agreement. Need for a body like CO-Gas Safety but nobody values us until they want our case studies.
Paul Overton objected and why we need to talk to Mike Porter directly.
Queried cost of virtual attendance of Alzheimer’s International conference but finally bought ticket.
Kevin Hegarty wrote a really nice email, and I told him if he ever set up his own PR agency we’d like to know.
Wrote to Rusell Fleming of the ME Association suggesting blood be taken for a CO test in the new Post Mortem research they are doing. Copied Work Group.
Correspondence with survivor DD re her detector and having receive permission sent results to Mike Jones and pic of back of detector and queried if it had a standard etc.
Resent email to Dan Edwards sent on 28.07.23.
Wrote to Kane saying surely no need to attend Utilities Award.
Rang survivor RB and she saw my point about the case studies and said she didn’t want to be interviewed but wouldn’t mind me reading her case study out and the Cadent engineers being interviewed.

1514. 19.10.23 Thursday
Email from Gaelan – responded did he forget an attachment? Was our submission sent to Liz Twist MP? He said if sent to Laura then it would have been sent on.
Other email from Gaelan about Mike Porter of Fire & Rescue using our case studies.
Wrote draft response to Work Group.
Paul said no.
Gaelan sent APPCOG’s submission to Health and Social Care inquiry and I responded with can’t find email to Health and Social Care, so must have been sent through website.
PAMs considered by Liz Twist’s report but dismissed as too expensive. I said testing for CO ignored as all medics think CO is rare. Proved CO is rare.
Sent second better draft to Work Group about case studies.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent asking if any luck with Ben Green?
Forwarded the Health and Social care proposal from APPCOG and the report by Liz Twist to Frank.
Found letter to HSE 09.02.23 and sent to Gaelan saying we were just writing about the same old issues.
Thanked Kevin for his nice response but said I wasn’t feeling very patient.
Sent Work Group advert for an HSE talk on Safety Excellence.
Received notice by NCOAA of their conference next summer in Kansas and sent it on to Jonathan saying – assume you received this?
Worked hard on Review of the Year and added April 2023.

1513. 18.10.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Gary survivor DD’s solicitor asking what was happening to her case.
Wrote to Work Group about IGEM and Ian McCluskey’s last email.
Received email from Gaelan.
Wrote to Gaelan twice.
First email I wrote was a response to an earlier email. Wrote to Gaelan re NICE approving of CO oximeters and how or when they could be used.
Also, about case study – waiting to hear from Cadent.
Made the point that help for survivors should be given for its own sake but also as survivors etc. are a rich research resource, e.g. just this week – divers – need to test blood and gasses in cylinder and also investigate method of compression of the air.
Re Frank and I being activists – hope politicians and industry are also all activists re improving gas safety.
Received email from Gaelan re celebrity and responded to thank him and also hope that Wayne’s presentation would be short and simple.
Wrote to Paul Murphy NLA re the increase in charge from £40 to over £1,500.
Wrote to Gaelan that we think we submitted 750 words to the Twist report. Later found out that the Twist report was NOT the Health and Social Care Report which we’d submitted the 750 words to. Thought this might be relevant to the report though.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty to thank him for his message saying he’d make sure Ben Green read and hopefully approved the case study.
Wrote to Michael Jones about a Global Action Plan on gas cookers.
Dropped Giovanni a line and got an automatic response that his address is now UKHSA so wrote to Gaelan telling him that Giovanni has always been helpful and HPA seems now to be UKHSA.
Resent email to Dr Papin.
Sent a note to the family of Thomas Hill.
Re-sent police officer Robin Smith yet another email re 8 deaths in Jersey.

1512. 17.10.23 Tuesday
Manuel Turnes wrote asking when CO Awareness week was.
Survivor MS wrote and I responded. He seems a lot better.
Received an encouraging email from Gaelan.
He told me that NICE has approved of CO-Oximeters to diagnose CO.
Wrote to Frank and work group about it.
Did what I could to set up an account with the Charities Commission. Took a screen shot and sent to Charities Commission and also to John Holmes.
Sent car detector report to survivor SD who is doing some research.
Emails to Frank. Draft to Gaelan sent to work group. Not sure if GDNs would ever use a CO oximeter.
Not sure whether it would be helpful to ask Cadent if their FCOs would use CO-oximeter.
Worked on Review of the Year August 2022 – end July 2023 for Accounts.
Wrote to Premier Inn Business.
Wrote to Alzheimer’s International re whether I need a ticket or not as I have written and sent an abstract.
The wife of the diver who died abroad wrote to me and I responded.
Resent email to Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster of IGEM – Ollie responded immediately re we must fix a date for a meeting and because it’s so difficult why not fix a teams meeting and re some award re COMED work of keeping health care workers safe.

1511. 16.10.23 Monday
Heard from John Holmes – he wants my business review.
Heard and wrote back to survivor MS.
Demand from NLA and as I filed a response from them, I realised we need to look into this.
Heard from survivor SD – she doesn’t want me to ask for an invitation to COMED meeting.
Wrote to Jenny asking her to do the Law, Practice and Prevention document.

1510. 15.10.23 Sunday
Sent request to Ben Green to approve survivor Rachel Brady’s case study and got an automatic response that Ben is away until the 19th so sent it to Kevin Hegarty. We need Cadent to approve and put it on website ASAP.
Sent an email to someone at a gas college to ask how his research into cookers was going.

1509. 14.10.23 Saturday
Sent Directors indoor air briefing document.
Wrote to survivor DD twice about her red face and the garden.
Wrote to Jenny about quoting IGEM.

1508. 13.10.23 Friday
Wrote to Jenny re the BS for charcoal and BBQ fuel.
Wrote to Charity Commission about link and sent response and original to John Holmes.
Found Indoor air report by House of Commons Library and printed it out.

1507. 12.10.23 Thursday
Wrote to Business Premier Inn about the discount and also premier plus rooms and why aren’t all rooms equipped with minifridges.

Wrote to survivor RB about brain fog and treating this and B12.

Received long (86 pages) House of Commons briefing report about air quality. Sent to all the Directors and printed it all out and put it in a ring binder.

Rang W & W U. Received an email from Paisley Henderson – responded asking if W & W U was testing as the other 3 GDNs were.

Received notification from Galen Komen about APPCOG event on 14.11.23 featuring Wayne Merry’s presentation. Brilliant news.

Wrote to survivor SD re COMED on 01.11.23 – she won’t be asked so I asked if I could ask for an invitation for her – would that be OK? I understand if not.

Jonathan wrote to congratulate me re APPCOG event with Wayne Merry’s talk.
I wrote to say that I really wanted to help write the talk – perhaps we could write something to send to Wayne as a suggestion. Make it really easy to understand the issue of testing.

Wrote to survivor SD asking about CO-oximeters.
Lots of correspondence with DD about the garden and her red face perhaps from CO.

Wrote to Jenny about BBQ fuel and JD’s son.
Barry Sheerman’s researcher had sent from Dr Angela Ellam

Dear Mr D 26.07.23

Further to your contact regarding warnings on charcoal products, we have been provided with the response below:

There is quite detailed guidance in British Standard BSEN 1860-2:2023 Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing — Part 2: Barbecue charcoal and barbecue charcoal briquettes — Requirements and test methods.

Below are the specific elements in the Standard around warning.

Consumer communication on impregnated charcoal bags

Consumer instructions on “just light the bag” charcoal products

The packaging of the impregnated charcoal and impregnated charcoal briquettes to be sold should bear the following markings if sold in a bag which should be used unopened:

a) Do not open the bag.
b) Put the bag in the barbecue.
c) Light the corners of the bag.
d) Do not put new bags on a barbecue once cooking food has commenced.
e) Content, i.e. 4×1 kg, 1×1, 4 kg, 2x LT, etc.
f) “WARNING: Do not put additional impregnated barbecue charcoal or impregnated barbecue charcoal briquettes onto a barbecue once cooking has commenced”
g) Impregnated barbecue charcoal or impregnated barbecue charcoal briquettes will have a clear indication on the packaging that the product is impregnated.
 do not use indoors;
 keep children at a safe distance;
 do not expose bags to extreme temperatures;
 do not use an additional starting agent after the barbecue is lit.

Consumer instructions on “match light” charcoal products
The packaging of the impregnated charcoal and impregnated charcoal briquettes to be sold should bear the following markings if sold in a bag which contains loose product suitable for multiple barbecue use.
a) Put sufficient impregnated BBQ charcoal or impregnated BBQ charcoal briquettes into the barbecue.
b) Light the charcoal or charcoal briquettes.
c) Do not add additional loose impregnated fuel onto a BBQ once cooking food has commenced.
do not use indoors;
keep children at a safe distance;
do not expose bags to extreme temperatures;
do not use an additional starting agent after the barbecue is lit.

Markings shall be visible, easily legible, indelible and at least in the national language(s) of the country of sale.
The single use barbecue shall be marked with the following information:
a) Name or trademark of the manufacturer or distributor. This shall be fitted on the single use barbecue by casting, stamping, enamelling or labelling.
b) Model or type designation. This marking may be on the packaging only.
c) The label and/or packaging shall be marked with the following warning information:
Instructions for use
The instructions for use shall be given at least in the national language(s) of the country of sale. They shall
contain at least the following information and shall be supplied with each single use barbecue:
a) the model or type designation including exploded view and parts list as applicable;
b) the statement that the single use barbecue has to be installed on a secure level base prior to use;
c) the method of correct assembly, possibly using illustrations;
d) advice on the safe operation of the single use barbecue;
e) the fuel used;
f) the correct lighting procedures including the statement “do not cook before the fuel has a coating of ash”;
g) the precautions to take to remove the foods that would be stuck on the grid to avoid the barbecue tipping over;
h) do not use in prohibited areas;
i) do not use on flammable surfaces or surfaces likely to be damaged;
j) if water is used to extinguish the single use barbecue the water in the container provided shall be drinking water;
k) the following warning notices:
“ATTENTION! This single use barbecue will become very hot, do not move it during
“Do not use indoors”;
“CAUTION! Do not use spirit, petrol or comparable fluids for lighting or re-lighting! “;
“WARNING! Keep children and pets away”.

Please note that the standards are not nominative, meaning unless referred to in legislation, they are guidance/best practice. The advisor noted that manufacturers do tend to follow these standards and added that Rectella, a leading producer alongside HETAS assist in the Standard review – HETAS holds the Chair of RHE28, the UK mirror committee who oversees the revisions.

I hope that is useful.

Kind regards,

Dr Angela Ellam


The Office of Barry Sheerman, MP for Huddersfield

1506. 11.10.23 Wednesday
Tried to get in touch with Fair Fix.
Sent Frank an email about plane crash with CO suspected.
Sent Gaelan Komen, APPCOG manager, an email about the Algorithm and CO-oximeters.
RB wrote and approved her case study.
Sent case study on to Ben Green of Cadent for his approval.
Wrote to Frank re what he said about finding bodies like CO-Gas Safety in the EU – asked him to let us know and pass our details on if he came across any such bodies.

Wrote to Jenny re Gaelan and Wayne Merry’s presentation and sent it to Jenny and the cooker data.
Heard from Alzheimer’s International about an online event on 7th November about risk factors – I registered and suggested pollution, CO Beth Cheshire and Lilian Calderon as speakers and included their articles. Also included my abstract and my original realisation about CO and dementia.
Wrote to SD to see if she has been asked to COMED meeting on 01.11.23.
Wrote to Gaelan and Frank re our case studies – Amber not available. Can use others and quotes. Only to be anonymised if already anonymised.
Recent good case study approved and waiting Cadent’s approval but she does not want to be filmed at the moment anyway.
Also, re his message to our celebrity donor – I suggested a simpler version.

1505. 10.10.23 Tuesday
Meeting with Frank Brehany and Gaelan Komen, manager at Policy Connect at the Marriott bar, County Hall.
We chatted and Frank told Gaelan about cabin air quality. Frank told us about a blood test for all the chemicals in cabin air – I asked Frank to send something about the blood test to me.
Frank suggested that individual appliances should have cut off systems. I expressed some doubt about cut off systems.
I promised to send Gaelan various things, e.g. Thomas Isaac’s research on hydrogen added to natural gas, Wobbe index, Beth Cheshire’s research, Mou between Ofgem and HSE
Made the point that even with the GDNs who do test – seems largely up to the customers to raise the presence of a deadly gas that can’t be sensed using any human sense.
Told Gaelan about IGEM’s unsafe situations procedure and GL 11 about responding to CO alarms and the virtual impossibility of ordinary people obtaining someone qualified to test even if wealthy enough and compos mentis enough to try. GDNs on the spot and with the right expertise and relatively impartial. Gas industry could make profit from exporting this as UK far ahead of the USA and gas is better than coal or wood from the pollution point of view.
Told Gaelan I would send recent case study when Cadent had approved it. Also article about CO-oximeters.
I went to get the bill and Gaelan offered to pay for his share. I told him we’d been really lucky to have had a generous donation from someone very famous, but we weren’t allowed to say who. He said, what a shame as in his work for work administering the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Vulnerable Groups to Pandemics a huge difference could be made by a well-known person backing our messages.
Walked back to Waterloo and caught the 2.30 train home. Home by 5.00 p.m.
Received email from Paul Murphy of the NLA. Responded with email trail with Lucy Brooks – what’s changed?
Received Jenny’s tidied up version of Rachel’s case study. Changed a bit about Cadent. Sent to Rachel.
Wrote to Ben Green of Cadent telling him that we’d be sending new version after Rachel OK’ed it.
Talked to Sue Westwood – who isn’t needed now.
Wrote to survivor DD about her email to her MP.
Wrote to survivor DD about her email to her MP.

1504. 09.10.23 Monday
Wrote to Wayne Marry of Cadent and asked for his help re BBC – told him to pass on my contact details to any survivors.
Dan Edwards of SGN explained I couldn’t make the Teams meeting this morning, but I wrote to Dan Edwards explaining that testing is vital.
‘Many thanks. Really sorry I can’t make it this morning.

You say, ‘As we’ve discussed before, SGN provide CMDDA1 investigations for vulnerable homeowner households we isolate due to suspected CO where our engineers identify that the customer may have difficulty accessing a GSRE either due to capacity or financial mean.’

I appreciate we’ve been here before and thank you for appreciating that the customer may have difficulty due to capacity.

We think what SGN does is similar to what Cadent and NGN does, except Cadent and NGN use their own CMDDA1 qualified engineers.

However, customers may have difficulty accessing a GSRE, even if they are healthy, wealthy and wise if they’ve been exposed to CO. CO affects the higher intellectual functions.
With regard to finding a GSRE with CMDDA1 to test for CO and hopefully if found, give the PPM of CO to the survivor for his/her medics – this is virtually impossible even for us to obtain! So how can a customer who has been exposed to CO do this even if they are healthy, wealthy and wise?

Also, how do your engineers decide if there might be a CO issue or not, without at least turning everything on and testing the air for CO with a flue gas analyser?

If a CO alarm sounds, this could be an indication of CO in the home but at fairly high levels. What about levels lower than set for a CO alarm to EN 50291? Please see attached CO alarm levels EN 50291 and WHO guidelines. Please note that levels below the WHO guidelines have been found to cause brain damage in older adults. Please see attached Beth Cheshire’s article.

What we’re saying is that it is absolutely brilliant that three quarters of the gas emergency service are now doing some relighting and testing for CO.
BUT wouldn’t it be far better if this was a service offered to everyone?’

Later found email sent 20.07.23 and 28.07.23 and re-sent.
Corresponded with Sue re BBC.
Heard from J. Kane.
Corresponded with survivor RB several times and eventually got case study done and sent to Ben Green of Cadent for approval.
Correspondence with Jess Mills of BBC – passed on Ben Green’s contact details.
Wrote back to Gaelan.
Wrote to WG re EIC funding for a project.
Changed website about prevention and asked Rich to tidy it up.
Wrote to Jess about the need to ask people to prevent CO by servicing etc. – not just buy a CO alarm.
Wrote to survivor DD about ombudsman and show this to her MP.

1503. 08.10.23 Sunday
Heard from survivor RB and responded re how she wanted to be described.
Wrote to Frank who had asked about the meeting on Tuesday.
Remembered to draft a response to Dan Edwards and sent draft to Jonathan asking him for technical help with it.

1502. 07.10.23 Saturday
Wrote to Jonathan about Teams meeting on Friday with Gaelan and Wayne and how well it had gone. How Gaelan asked Wayne to give a presentation to COMED and APPCOG.
How Paul Overton can’t attend meeting on Tuesday, but it seems work done already so perhaps it doesn’t matter and Gaelan keen to hear from Frank all about cabin air quality.
Wrote to Frank about yesterday’s meeting and meeting on Tuesday with Gaelan.

1501. 06.10.23 Friday
Sent mother of Isla-Mae an email reminding her that I’d told her I was not a practising lawyer etc.
Wrote to Jess Mills of BBC that Amber couldn’t help and that I’d sent out SOS to Cadent.
Paul Overton wrote to say he can’t attend the meeting on Tuesday.
Wrote to Gaelan Komen of APPCOG to say that Wayne has proved the concept of testing.
Wrote to Jenny re the survivor RB case study.
Wrote to survivor RB.
Wrote to survivor DD re her meeting with her MP who’d agreed to write to the Council again re the garden.

Teams meeting with Gaelan Komen and Wayne Merry of Cadent. Wayne gave his presentation. We talked of CO2 as well as CO.
Gaelan invited Wayne to present at COMED and also the APPCOG meeting in November.
I wrote afterwards to Gaelan and separately to Wayne.

1500. 05.10.23 Thursday
Heard from survivor PD the C of E cleric.
Wrote back.
Heard from Ben Green of Cadent and wrote back. He was trying to get hold of the FCOs and ask them to communicate. Told him that had sent SOS to Wayne Merry re finding suitable customer for the BBC.
Wrote to Ngalinda.
Heard from survivor RB who sent pics and copy – sent on to Jenny.
Heard from LD, mother of Isla-Mae Oates. Responded with help re asking for the blood sample to be tested and sending claim form if she needs to claim back the cost. Telephone conversation about chain of evidence.
Re-sent email sent on 19.07.23 to Frances Olawale Abulude.
Wrote email to thank survivor RB.
Wrote to SGN re Monday’s event. Can’t make it but asked about CO.

1499. 04.10.23 Wednesday
Heard from survivor PD, the C of E clergyman.
Wrote to him asking if he’d like me to write to HSE or write a joint letter to HSE and perhaps Justin Welby as although his diocese has accepted that there must be CO alarms in tied C of E property – this doesn’t seem to be universal.
Sent Wayne Merry of Cadent an SOS re tenant without Gas Safety Certificate and CO exposure for BBC Morning Live.
Rang Adrian and chatted about the JMLU research. He wanted the press release. He told me that new rules were coming in April 2024 about APGs needing 12 Parliamentarians and he didn’t think that APPCOG would get enough so it would have to close. Also, that MPs should only be members of five APGs. I said sadly I didn’t think it would make a huge difference. Sent press release to him and unlike me, he scrolled to the end – pic of Baroness Finlay and various others but not him, not Chris Bielby either and nobody from a victim/survivor group.
Clear statement of the numbers found to have CO above 50 PPM – equalled 20% of homes where logger left.
Survivor DD sent something from the Council that admitted the chimney next door was leaking and the next door neighbour told he wasn’t allowed to use the fire.
Reminded Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster of need for new dates.
Talked to survivor RB by phone – will try to send material tomorrow.
Sent email to Work Group about call to Adrian, JMLU press release and the new rules which seem to be all APGs need 20 members and each Parliamentarian can only belong to 6 groups. Comes in after 31.03.24. and But rule about not belonging to more than 6 groups won’t come in until start of next Parliament.

1498. 03.10.23 Tuesday
Sent Adrian email about the original research in 2011 from JMLU and could it be published?
Heard from survivor RB and she’s got most of the information we need but wants to talk to me. I suggested around 5.00 p.m. Wednesday.
Uploaded the abstract to the Alzheimer’s Disease International. Successful.
Forwarded RB’s email to Jenny.
Holmes wants my expense sheets in early August. Sent them.
Frank queried date 10th or 11th. Responded Tuesday 10th.

1497. 02.10.23 Monday
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent – very happy to leave everything to Ben Green as his area more than Kevin’s.
Heard from Paul Overton that he can’t make the 11th October – a shame but there it is.
Wrote immediately to Jess Mills to let her know about Paul and then that I hadn’t yet heard from Amber and RB was still thinking about being filmed. RB was too unwell over the weekend to answer the list of questions we have for her to compile a decent case study, so will try ringing both Amber and RB tomorrow.
Re-sent Reso O saying would like to hear from her.
Re-sent to survivor HP saying would love to hear from him.

1496. 01.10.23 Sunday
Wrote to Rich to thank him for spotting a scam to do with our domain name.
Acknowledged and thanked Cadent survivor RB for her email.

September 2023

1495 30.09.23 Saturday
Booked Premier Inn for 13th November but couldn’t book a Premier Plus. Kept ringing to change this but couldn’t get through.
Sent Work group APPCOG’s update.
Wrote to Sue about the BBC researcher, Jess.
Wrote to Rich re an email about our domain name – runs out in two days so is this genuine?
Got a notification from the Charities Commission – need to update – did so but then had to react to an email and it went into my junk mail, so I’ll have to do it again tomorrow.
Filed and sent on an email about the couple who died in Mexico – not sure if I sent this at the time.
Heard from Cadent’s Ben Green that I could send on his email about the two gas engineers to RB so did so. Responded to Ben too.
Sent Ben Green’s email to Rachel Brady.

1494 29.09.23 Friday
Sent draft to Adrian about JMLU research and received suggestion back.
Wrote to Cadent’s Kevin Hegarty about recent survivor RB who’d had Cadent find 50 PPM of CO from her gas cooker.
Automatic response that Kevin away and try another email. I did so and heard almost immediately from Ben Green who was brilliantly helpful. Sent RB’s two engineers.
Heard from Jenny that she had filed the inquest report into Timothy Saville, the diver.
Received an email from Jenny re cases that might be relevant. Sent on to BBC researcher Jess Mills.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA about possible funding from CPSC.
Wrote to Megan of ADI as she had kindly said she’d received our abstract but would need us to upload or another email address. Sent my private email address and said I’d tried to log in with our office address but couldn’t do so.
Asked Ben Green if I could send his email to Rachel Brady.
Had a long talk with Jess and then sent her lots of background material.
Charon responded and I replied with there is still a need for a victims’ organisation to help them.
Heard from Jenny who has a wedding this weekend so can’t do the RB case study until at least Monday afternoon. Responded that not the end of the world.
Wrote to Paul Overton, Amber Yates and Rachel Brady that Jess Mills would like them to do the interview and presumably Sue Westwood too or at least be considered for the filming.
They would need to consider this, the date, the 11th and contact Jess Mills. We don’t pass on emails to the media.
Received questions for RB re the case study from Jenny and copied these and send to RB but said most probably didn’t need dealing with in such detail and I could go over them with her on the phone or she could just ignore them.

1493 28.09.23 Thursday
Survivor DD wrote with her finished draft to her MP about the garden next to her house.
I made a few suggested tweaks re spelling and grammar and sent it back to Debbie.
Heard from Jess Mills a researcher for BBC Morning Life.
I sent it to new survivor RB who’d had Cadent tell her she’d been exposed to 50 PPM of CO from her cooker and asked more questions of her. She gave me permission to send her address to Cadent so they could find the good gas guys.
Received email from Coroner’s officer re Timothy Saville the diver – sent inquest report to Jenny. 15% carboxyhaemoglobin but not enough to be CO as cause of death.
Wrote to survivor DD’s solicitor re what he can/cannot do but that I was helping DD with the garden issue as knew he wasn’t representing her for that.
Gary DD’s solicitor responded saying he couldn’t see the smoke from the films she sends either. I asked Jim Kinnibrugh if some sampling exercise could be undertaken re the smoke.
Drafted an email to Adrian re the 2011 JMLU research and sent work group the draft asking for a swift response. Included the Emerald Insight article.
Wrote to Kevin Tse of Ofgem about an Ofgem update re data. Asked if Ofgem got any data from the GDNs particularly Cadent re the testing for CO.
Wrote to Jason Smith of Bedfont re partnering Cadent etc. and also tried Linked in which wouldn’t work to start with so send email and then Linked in seemed to work.

1492 27.09.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Jenny asking her to separate the pictures of CO, CO2 and blood corpuscle which she did very quickly. I then sent them to Wayne Merry of Cadent with the point that explaining CO, CO2 and how to prevent CO is vital as most people don’t know this.
Wrote to Michael Tomlinson MP to congratulate him on his publicity re his brother and ask him to help us with HSE. Then rang up and spoke to Laura at his office so our email wouldn’t be rejected as a non-constituent. Heather and Howard are both well.
Got permission from Wayne to send his presentation to anyone on 26.09.23 so included this in my email to Michael Tomlinson MP.
Kane informed me about speakers and topics for IGEM conference. I responded that therefore not necessary to attend. Let me know if I’d missed anything.
Heard from new survivor RB using Jasmine as an email handle.
Cadent had found 50 PPM of CO. Willing to do a case study and praised Cadent highly.
Called RB and we had a long chat. She gave permission for emails to Jennifer, and I sent them.
LD wants to talk to me re her daughter who died and inquest held. Daughter Isla-Mae Oates.
Sent Kane a draft to Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster re their postponement of meeting 19th October.
Wrote to Gary Gray re smoke and told him I’m helping survivor DD re the garden as he’s not representing her re this.
Sent HSE permission re Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regs to Jenny but had already filed it so think she already has it.
Sent Kane email sent to someone in Cadent on 14.07.23 but think it’s best to leave it and not re-send at the moment.
Sent emails to Jenny from RB after permission to do so arrived from RB. Asked her to prioritise this case study.

1491 26.09.23 Tuesday
Gaelan sent an invitation to Wayne Merry of Cadent and me for a Teams meeting on Friday
6th October at 3.00-3.30 p.m. I accepted.
Talked to Paul Overton and sent him Wayne’s presentation. We discussed the need to simplify Wayne’s presentation if he’s allowed to give it.
Sent email to Simon Main asking if the trustees of the Gas Safe Charity would support testing and asking him to forward this to the trustees. Copied to Gordon Lishman but later received a rebound.
Sent August and September invoices to Kane.
Emailed Wayne asking if I could send his excellent presentation to everyone and anyone without asking each time. He responded that it was OK.
Resent email sent in July to Caroline Lane HSE asking that if GSR was up for relicensing couldn’t the GSR make it easy to obtain the services of a Gas Safe Registered Engineer with CMDDA1, so he/she could test for CO.

1490 25.09.23 Monday
Survivor DD sent me an email thanking me for suggesting changes to her email to her MP. I suggested some more comments and copying the email to me.
Heard from Gaelan and he’s happy to reach out to Wayne Merry and have a Teams meeting with him re presentation on the 14th November at APPCOG. Gaelan sent suggested dates and I forwarded some dates to Wayne if I’m needed. I offered to help simplify his presentation.
Sent IGEM conference to Work Group and Jonathan. Registered for conference but Jonathan told me it was all upstream so sent email to Lesley Ecob cancelling.
Scanned my pic and sent to Josh Dornbrack of Business Leader and also to the Editorial address.
Corresponded re agility re specifying country of origin.
Received report from ME Association and sent to Sue Westwood.
Corresponded with survivor MS.
Sent congratulations from Steven Critchlow for Gas Engineer of the Year. He kindly responded and was glad to receive the cutting.
Heard from Ian McCluskey of IGEN who has cancelled our meeting October 19th.
Wrote to Valli to postpone meeting on the 19th. Suggested perhaps we could meet at the APPCOG meeting on the 14th November.
Resent an email re what to do after a stroke to info@think-ahead.
Wrote to tell Jim that no need to attend the IGEM conference.

1489 24.09.23 Sunday
Re-sent RE: Climate Home News re Oppenheimer dilemma sent on 16.09.23 Asked if indoor air was being considered.
Wrote to UNRA (United Nations Refugee Agency) re Article ’23 escape carbon monoxide poisoning death in Dzaleka Camp’ 22.08.23
Tweeted about free CO talks by Simon Main of Gas Safe Charity.
Booked a place at IGEM’s conference
Safe, Secure and Sustainable: Keeping an Eye on the Ball Today
Sent to work group.
Received DD’s draft to her MP about the garden and made suggestions in red and sent back to her.
Read media update and sent to Jenny – said seemed to have locations at last.

1488 23.09.23 Saturday
Heard from our landlord in Victoria, Canada. Wrote to him about his gas cooker and CO alarm as although he had one there was no number on it. Told him that two of my relatives in Canada had had recent CO alarms from their gas cookers.
Heard from survivor DD. Wrote suggesting she saved attachments with names and then wrote draft to MP with names of attachments and referring to them.
Re-sent email to Cassi Free USA Mum of child died of open-air CO.
Re-sent to asking question about the correct treatment of a stroke victim.
Sent bank statements to John Holmes, special delivery.

1487 22.09.23 Friday
Sent email to Gaelan Komen and also Wayne Merry as Wayne suggested a Teams meeting with Gaelan.
Sent consultation to Graeme Kelly of Ofgem re smart metering.
Wrote to re the other diver and asked if our details could be passed on to the families. Included the New Zealand diving case. Asked if we could have report on Timothy Saville as well as Vincent Tat Ee Hong.
Found bank statements and packed them up for John Holmes. Copied August statement and included it.
Corresponded with survivor DD about help MP could give re the park/garden next to her house.
Sent response re smart meters consultation to Graeme Kelly saying all the funds on smart meters a bit of a waste considering the need for testing by the gas emergency service.
Wrote to survivor DD re park/garden.
Wrote to J. Kane re IGEM annual conference.
Wrote to Wayne asking if I can send his presentation to Michael Tomlinson MP, brother of Edward Tomlinson who died abroad.

1486 21.09.23 Thursday
Email to Agility re country of incident.
Wrote to Wayne asking if he’d like to have a chat with Gaelan Komen.
Email to Jenny re the diver Tat Ee Hong.
Wrote to survivor DD and suggested she sent the report from the ombudsman to her MP and ask the MP to ask the Council to help.

1485 20.09.23 Wednesday
Emailed survivor PD – do keep in touch and let us know how it goes.
Rich responded no action needed.
Nicola Barranger – seems we just can’t find slide show.
Email to Wayne Merry re Kate Grant re Said CO-Gas Safety would support.
Survivor MS re sub acute vertigo and hearing loss through low levels of CO – estimated 25,000 UK residents affected. Emailed to say hadn’t heard of this but only estimated – no proof so tends to be ignored.
Asked Wayne Merry to Gaelan meeting 10.11.
Simon Main Gas Safe Charity wrote to ask our help re promoting their free courses on CO. Responded that would try to help. Did so on 24.09.23.
IGEM conference event 09.11.23 – booked place 24.09.23.

1484 19.09.23 Monday
Received a notice that Giovanni had noticed I was mentioned in an article so wrote with update sent 27.07.23 about GDNs, sweep test and Lions’ Liar and asked him for support re HSE.
Sent Work Group June and July website updates.
Paul Overton can attend the 10th – said I’d ring when I got back.
Wrote to Gaelan Komen to accept the meeting on the 14th November in person and suggested Wayne Merry to talk at the next APPCOG meeting.
Sent email about 14.11.23 to Kane and Brehany.
Sent email to Kevin that I accepted re 14.11.23.
Kevin responded saying he was leaving. I wrote saying glad for him that he’d got a job in Irish Diplomatic service and would love his email address to send him material about CO.
Received response from a Megan from Alzheimers re abstract – she can’t upload it. Need to do this when I get back to UK.
Reply received to email dated 22.08.23 from Innocent Magambi about 23 to hospital with CO from refugee camp.
Sent email to Joshua of Agility re lack of country where CO occurred e.g. incident in Boston but was it Boston Lincs in UK or Boston USA?
Forwarded invitation from APPCOG 14.11.23 to Wayne.
Gaelan allowed me to forward his response about the law on Church properties to survivor PD. Sent to PD and said if not enough, we’d get a legal opinion.

1483 17.09.23 Sunday
Resent email sent to Isabella Myers sent 21.07.23 about the Prepare, Practice & Protect document by Liz Twist MP not mentioning testing by the gas emergency service.

1482 16.09.23 Saturday
Sent email to Climate Home News re Oppenheimer’s dilemma – asking question about indoor air – should be looked into as more concentrated and easier to control.
Sent email to Alzheimer’s Assoc. re abstract – we’ve sent it – no response.

1481 15.09.23 Friday
Reacted to Oppenheimer’s dilemma. Responded with asking about indoor air.
Asked Alzheimer’s Association if they’d received our abstract.
Sent Work Group – ME Association survey – should we try something similar with support of APPCOG, GSR etc?
Received J. Kane’s reaction to APPCOG’s minutes etc.
Received reaction of survivor PD re tied church property and reply from Gaelan that Regs probably applied.
Wrote to Paul Overton re meeting to be held on 10.10.23 and who should attend and why.

1480 14.09.23 Thursday
Wrote to Gaelan and Frank and confirmed 10.11.23 at the Marriott.
Jonathan Kane wants to attend – will consult Frank and Paul and think about it.
Wrote querying the HSE training event on 22.11.23.
Wrote to Mike Jones.
Wrote to Wayne Merry that probably 22.11.23 pointless and vital thing was for him to give his presentation at the next APPCOG meeting.
Wrote to Holmes and CO re bank statements.
Wrote to Josh Dornbrack of Business Leader that he’d sent me the website link and surely PDF or Jpeg pic OK? Wrote to Alex asking for my pic to be scanned.
Filed APPCOG minutes and our update. Sent to WG.
Asked WG if that is OK i.e. our update not being part of the minutes etc.
Sent query from Paul Dawson about Smoke and CO alarm regs to Gaelan re property supplied with the job.
Resent email to Akshay Kaul, DG of Infrastructure for Ofgem, sent 05.07.23 about warm hubs and raising more vital issue of testing for CO.

1479 13.09.23 Wednesday
Did emails etc. Heard from Gaelan that lunch is on for the 11th October so responded.
Heard from Sue Westwood – her father is even more ill.
Communicated with Jenny re case study for Fred Jackson.
Emails about the meeting with Gaelan, where to have lunch.
Emails about the HSE training – asked HSE what that was and could we have a website and ideally an email address.
Emailed Mark Lambert of HSE People – is this separate from HSE or not?
Survivor MS wrote about symptoms and HBOT treatment. Wrote back.
Wrote to Jenny about EJP and putting case study on website – put date this case study put up.
Also wrote to Jenny about Isla Mae and her mother and need to do a test for CO although wouldn’t be definitive.
Wrote to Sarah Hill re ‘One in every 5 homes in UK potentially dangerous gas appliances’ Wouldn’t it be better if tested for gas and CO so a definitive headline could be given and data retained/used to raise awareness?
Sent WG Earthshot prize – suggested we apply with GDNs and Kane for Clean air and involving citizens.

1478 12.09.23 Tuesday
Heard from Jenny that she’d put up E J-P’s case study of her father’s death from CO on his birthday – 12.09.23.
Wrote to Emma to tell her this.
Wrote to Jenny re Isla-Mae and her mother.
Wrote to AF re her boiler.
Wrote to Michael Jones and Wayne Merry re HSE training event. Also, Dan and Steve.
Resent email to Ladybird books.
Resent urgent email to Frank about 11.10.23 and heard he could make it so wrote to Gaelan about it copied to Paul saying would be good to meet for lunch.

1477 11.09.23
Resent article sent on 04.09.23 to Business Leader.
Received inquiry from mother of Isla-Mae – she’d been given our details by the Coroner.
Received email from Simon Lambert.
Received invitation to make submission to UKEIC about CO and vulnerable customers so re-sent previous submission making the point that Cadent, NGN and SGN actually doing this now and we could help further.
Sent urgent email to Frank re Gaelan Komen’s offer to meet on 10.10.23.
Wrote to HSE to ask more about training event 22.11.23 and copied to Wayne Merry.

1476 09.09.23 Saturday
Wrote to Frank asking his opinion re FOI request re JMLU.
Wrote to survivor DD twice about the garden.

1475 08.09.23 Friday
Sent two emails to survivor DD.
Thought in the night that we need to look at FOI about the data GDNs collect if they won’t tell us. May need a legal opinion about this.

1474 07.09.23 Thursday
Wrote to Gaelan Komen re our possible phone conversation – suggested Tuesday 10th October 11.00 to midday. Then said would be good if he met Frank and a bit about Frank.
KH re the trees and gas main wrote and I responded.
Survivor DD wrote and sent film of smoke from chimney from next door – forwarded it to Jim Kinnibrugh.

1473 06.09.23 Wednesday
Composed email to HSE with Wayne Merry’s presentation and links to the GDN reports and sent this before we left the hotel.
Some email exchanges.
Gaelan Komen responded that he’d like to have a phone chat in the week beginning 9th October. I didn’t respond as by then my diary was not available to me as travelling.
Received Graeme Robertson’s press release re free servicing by RGM and sent to APPCOG and Sarah Hill of GSR to ask if other firms would do the same.
JK thought Give as you Live might be OK if no commission etc.
WHO having an event but can’t attend as travelling but sent a comment about indoor air and CO which might be useful for another event.
Filed permission to use a link in the Law, Practice etc. document from Jack Hulme re Building Regs and HSE – sent to Jenny and filed in Permissions doc. In NCOAA file.
Resent email to relation of Tunaley – asking if he could respond.
Wrote to Matthew Nixon’s sister about filming, Nicky and could she get to Stoke College and would weekends be easier for her?
Wrote to Mike Jones of Stoke College telling him about Nicky and asking if we could use the filming facilities at Stoke College at weekends as Matthew Nixon’s sister works all week.

1472 05.09.23 Tuesday
Correspondence with Gaelan Komen – said he’s noted my comments about testing for CO and the Liz Twist MP’s report and would raise it with Cadent. Asked for our yellow booklet so sent it and John Courtney’s case study.
Sent another email as Gaelan had assumed I’d be at the Gas Safe Register event today but explained I couldn’t. Suggested we meet sometime – perhaps October. Resent HSE document as possible he thought he hadn’t received it.
Wrote to Energy Portal EU.
Wrote to Sue Westwood.
Heard from survivor EJ-P that she was glad to be asked but couldn’t attend NGN’s Qs and As. Same with Mike Jones.
Resent email to WG – draft copy to HSE about GDNs’ reports and also Wayne Merry’s presentation.
Sue responded to draft to HSE by suggesting a sentence.
Sue also gave Give as you Live the thumbs up and sent a review.

1471 04.09.23 Monday
Wrote to CT again.
Wrote to Jenny re the links to the VCMA reports.
Paid bills and sent to Paul Overton for authorisation.
Heard from Gaelan Komen, who’d read what I’d sent. But think he was a bit confused between the Algorithm and my Numbers affected by CO.
Sent him the article.
Suggested he sought help from Adrian McConnell and talked to Tom Woolley.
Charon sent me reference to the diving cases in Greece. I responded.
Sent Gaelan the recommendations document from 2000. Said happy for him to share with Tom Woolley. Asked him if he could receive 4 MB – our yellow booklet.
Corresponded with Jonathan Kane re article for Business Leader.
Copied in to email to Mike Jones by Gaelan and responded.
Asked Mike Jones to attend NGN Q & A tomorrow and ask some questions about testing for CO and what happens and also whether PPM of CO if found given to survivor/medics in writing/digitally?
Same to E J-P.
Wrote to L Ratcliffe and Stephanie Ord both of NGN re Qs and asked the questions above.
Resent Hannah Taylor re Grayson.
Drafted email to HSE with new material of Wayne’s presentation and VCMA reports and asked for advice.

1470 03.09.23 Sunday
Responded to survivor BS.
Advice that I should send VCMA reports and Wayne’s presentation to HSE.
Spent time on article for Business Leader and sent to JK for comment.
Emailed Jenny re downloading VCMA reports.
Jim reacted to HSE letter.
Invented a link
for the VCMA reports and sent to Jenny to check they worked.

1469 02.09.23 Saturday
Wrote to Jenny re the diving cases.
Wrote to work group about letter from HSE asking me not to write anymore unless new material.
Wrote to Charon to report that fire fighters at APPCOG virtual meeting said the event in the USA was a huge success.
Resent email to Phil Burrows about report by Liz Twist MP Prepare, Practice & Protect.
Seems testing for CO was not mentioned – why not?
Wrote to Kane about Charon and her event. Firefighters at virtual APPCOG meeting said it was a great success.
Wrote to AF – neighbour of Paul C.
Received APPCOG August secretarial update and responded.

1468 01.09.23 Friday
Wrote to Jenny about the diving case.
Wrote again to CT re article.

August 2023

1465 31.08.23 Thursday
Sent an email to Mike Jones re APPCOG meeting yesterday.
Received a response from Frank about my idea of reviving CO+SAVI – Avril and Gordon don’t want to.
Corresponded with Graham Savage and sent him the film from David Goodall. Wrote to David Goodall.
Wrote to Nicky B about the film she did – was it a slide show and voice over rather than a video.
Wrote to Jenny re Emma JP and asked her not to bother the HSE.
Corresponded with Brent who is a police officer re anti-social behaviour re DD. More correspondence with DD.
Read diving case and corresponded with Jenny.
Sent diving case to Gbangbolas because carboxyhaemaglobin more that 8% but the Coroner said CO not a contributory cause.
Talked to Mike Jones who wants an invitation to the next APPCOG meeting.
Wrote to Gaelan Komen to remind him that Mike Jones attended the APPCOG meeting yesterday and contributed about rights of entry and really enjoyed the meeting and would very much like an invitation to the next APPCOG meeting.
Resent email to S McK.
Rang Matthew Nixon’s sister for her post code. She promised to email later.
Wrote to Nicky B about the Stoke College, their facilities and their techie. Might be good to work with them but we might also want to film a video for our website as well. Gave her three case studies who might agree to be filmed and all had interesting stories to tell.

1464 30.08.23 Wednesday
Got ready for APPCOG meeting at 10.00 until midday.
Just before it began sent joining instructions to Mike Jones and later heard he hadn’t received them so just as well I sent them.
Quite a good meeting. I made some comments about the need to test for CO and what the GDNs were doing.
Question asked about the power of GDNs to test for CO next door. Mike Jones confirmed that they had the right of entry. Great that he was there.
Report about NCOAA’s meeting in the USA from some of the attendees.
Also, that this was only happening for ‘vulnerable customers’ and how it should be everyone as all are vulnerable to CO however healthy, wealthy or wise. Said I’d send him a note and did so very soon after the meeting ended.
Gave very quick update to recommend Wayne Merry to give the presentation he gave us in June and said I’d send the rest which I did later to Kevin Herron after obtaining JD’s approval of what I’d written about him and Trading Standards.

Wrote to work group about draft to HSE. Said I’d review and look at the email later.
Sent email to Wayne Merry about trees near gas mains and he said he didn’t know who was responsible so sent a customer link. I sent this on to KH, the retired risk assessor.
Discussed Trading Standard’s email with JD.
Sent congratulatory email to Alberta Mills of CPSC re the CO warnings given by CPSC for the impending hurricane.
Asked CT how we could pay to put article on our website or add a link to another website for the full article.
Sent Becky Walker the presenter HIA an email asking if the gas safety checks did a sweep test and also sent Beth Cheshire’s research.

A good talk on the phone to Gaelan Komen the new manager. He comes from a health background. We discussed the algorithm and case studies. Sent him Algorithm, Katie Overton and Amber Yates case studies, also sweep test and giving CO nowhere to hide.
Said I’d send ‘Numbers affected by CO’ after I got permission to send the Emerald article.
Also sent him note to Tom Woolley but asked him to keep that confidential.
Email to Mr T of Trading Standards – stated that we were disappointed as clear breach of General Product Safety 2005 but up to him – his job. Hoped nobody was exposed to CO due to lack of warning. Hoped for good news soon.
Also wrote to Dr SD and amended Numbers affected and equivalent on the website. Asked her advice re obtaining article by Emerald.

1463 29.08.23 Tuesday
Got ready for meeting with David Walker, Mike Jones and Matthew Nixon’s sister KD at 10.00.
Successful meeting and wrote some rough notes and sent them.
Thanked Wayne Merry for giving us permission to send his presentation to HSE.
Reminded Avril of email sent yesterday re the idea of reviving a victim group.
She later responded that they couldn’t back this – too draining and upsetting.
KH risk assessor – wrote to say we might mention tree roots at APPCOG.
Wrote to Jenny re case study – Emma had written to say up to us to choose the date of publication on the website.
Sent Holmes the list of payments.
Wrote to Kevin Herron asking him to send Mike Jones an invitation for tomorrow’s meeting.
Wrote to Jenny re incorrect link in Law, Practice etc. document – sent corrected version.
Gaelan Komen wants to talk to me – suggested tomorrow and I’ll ring between 3.30 to 5.00.
Sent an email to all the victims I have emails for about the ME Association and update on GDNs testing.
Prepared May notes and June notes for work group and sent them.
Wrote to VB.
Wrote to Matthew Nixon’s sister KD and asked for her post code and also wrote about her being filmed.
Wrote to Nicola Barranger about filming KD.
Wrote draft response to email from HSE last Friday from Sue Bartley and sent to work group.
Receive email from Ben Kuchta re Oxygen Depletion Devices. Corrected the Law, Practice etc. document and sent corrected version to Jenny.
Received email from risk assessor KH with documents. Also link from Cadent. Sent this link to Wayne Merry asking him to forward to someone in Cadent who deals with tree root issues.
Resent email to Elizabeth Warwick from 15.06.23 – didn’t seem to have been answered.
Resent email to Jake of Leonardo hotel 18.06.23.

1462 28.08.23 Monday
Sent email re meeting tomorrow.
Got response from Matthew Nixon’s sister KD.
Read media updates and found an electric fridge that was supposed to emit CO. Wrote to Ideal Home to ask about this as couldn’t find the journalist on Twitter.
Re-read article for Business Leader and sent to Jonathan Kane.

1461 27.08.23 Sunday
Received email from Charon McNabbs about gas hobs. Responded.
Wrote to AF re having to wait until Monday to send to the gas engineer.
Wrote to Ben Bayliss of Engineering Forensics about new gas appliances CE marking and whether or not there were tests for CO at PPM.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta to refine a few lines on Oxygen Depletion Devices.
Received email from and responded to Emma Jackson-Phillips about her case study – should it go up now or 12th September?

1460 26.08.23 Saturday
Very early 26.08.23 – sent reminder to WG about NGN’s event on 14.09.23.
Resent email to father of barbecue victim abroad, JD re Thursby Trading Standards. Does he want to take it further?
Wrote to Jenny re Coroners testing for CO and %.
Wrote to Josh Dornbrack about writing a Business Leader article about how difficult change seems to be in a democracy.
Wrote to J. Kane who suggested Ben Kuchta for a name to put to summary on ODDs.
Worked on article for Business Leader.

Received prospective case study from Emma Jackson-Phillips and amended it and sent to Jenny.
Heard from someone I’d met from PC – his neighbour. AF. Worried about her flue. She sent pics and I asked if I could send them to gas engineer.
Worked on the response to negative reply from HSE and sent to work group. Waiting for Wayne’s response as have asked him if we can send his presentation to HSE.
Scanned RHS response on tree roots and gas pipes and sent to risk assessor, KH.
Wrote to JD father of man who died abroad using BBQ fuel, to say that I didn’t think CO-Gas Safety should do Trading Standards’ job for them.
Drafted suggested copy for my document about oxygen depletion devices and sent to Ben Kuchta for approval.

1459 25.08.23 Friday
Wrote to J. Kane who suggested Ben Kuchta for a name to put to summary on Oxygen Depletion Devices for Law, Practice and Prevention document.
Jack Underwood responded re Jodi Semonell.
I thanked him.

Response from HSE – same as usual but from Sue Bartley. Sent to WG and drafted a response.
Wrote to Wayne Merry asking if we could send his excellent presentation to HSE.

Received case study from Emma Jackson-Phillips about her father Fred. Sent this to Jenny after adding a few bits.
Received email from DD re Housing ombudsman taking over a year to say it should be another ombudsman – Local Government. Suggested she tried her MP.

1458 24.08.23 Thursday
Thought about asking Avril and Gordon to join in a survivors’ group again but under our own terms. Correspondence with the work group about this.

Corresponded with Graeme Robertson of RHM about providing free servicing and suggested asking midwives and health visitors in order to find worthy recipients of this free service.

Corresponded with Josh about an article in Business Leader.

Email from Jenny re Isla Mae Oakes aged 3 died 17.12.22 – was there a carboxy level found?
Emailed Liam Doyle from the Express about the same thing.

Emailed Pierre Chays and Lee Battrick about their plans.

Sent Jack Underwood an email asking him to send my email address to Jodi
Running for a cause: Ultramarathoner begins 500-mile run to raise awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning
Scottsbluff Star-Herald, Jack Underwood, August 23, 2023

Received email from Sue of HSE Gas enquires stating that anything about gas should go to gas enquiries. I’d written to ‘Discovering Safety’ (which seemed to be about companies giving data) about testing for CO.
Gave Jenny an update on Oxygen Depletion Devices. Jonathan has provided a summary but doesn’t feel ‘qualified’ so I’ve sought his permission to send his summary to Ben Bayliss and ask him to agree or suggest something else and be named.
Emailed Jenny about LC etc.
Email from Michael Jones, Stoke College inviting me and anyone else I wanted to ask to a virtual meeting on the 29.08.23.
Sent email to Avril and Gordon re survivor group.

1457 23.08.23 Wednesday
Wrote to ask Jonathan and WG about Charity Month re Business Magazine, Josh Bornbrack.
Heard from KH who is the retired risk assessor who is concerned about tree roots pinching plastic gas pipes. She offered to help and agreed to me asking RGS about the right trees to use on pavements.
Thought up reviving victims/survivors group for APPCOG. Sent to WG and Jonathan. JK thinks it’s a good idea on our own terms. Sue Westwood wants it called CO Survivors Group.
Resent the idea of Kane and Cadent making a presentation at APPCOG.
Graeme Robertson wrote to tell me they are offering free servicing. I asked if we could ask APPCOG and IGEM to help.
While filing found email from Jonathan Kane about oxygen depletion devices. Asked Jonathan Kane to write something or perhaps needed to be written by Ben Bayliss or maybe someone else?
Alerted Jenny to this.
Logged into RHS website and asked what trees are suitable for pavements – which ones with tap roots – explained possible danger of pinching plastic gas pipes leading to an explosion.

1456 22.06.23 Tuesday
Read a report about over 20 people were affected by CO in a refugee camp.
Wrote to Innocent Magambi about CO in refugee camps and asked if he had any contacts with the UN.
Sent SD a report of a CO death in a car.
Received answer from HSE re a FOI request about the number of investigators and their qualifications.
Sent on to work group and thanked the sender.
Was approached by email by business mag looking for articles. Charity Month.
Wrote asking about this.
Heard from risk assessor worried about gas pipes being pinched by tree roots KH.
Heard from Kevin Herron re agenda for stakeholder group.
Wrote to Jonathan Kane suggesting he and Wayne Merry give a catch up about Chris Bielby award and what Cadent is doing, data on cookers etc.
Heard from survivor DD about Dr Shaw. Agreed to talk to Dr Shaw.
Resent email to Mother of the hero child Grayson.

1455 21.08.23 Monday
Chat on the phone with Aviva Franco of Centrica. Looking for several providers of courses for gas expert court witnesses.
We talked on the phone and she sounded horrified when I told her about the 20% of the population exposed to CO of 50 PPM and above. I pointed out that the industry doesn’t seem to want to test for CO. I wrote that we needed to talk again on Wednesday.
Aviva was going to ask EU Skills if they would help set up a good course for gas expert court witnesses.
Asked Stephen Critchlow if we could send his response to Aviva.

Sent email to work group asking for suggestions. Made the point that there was a need for a body for victims/survivors.
Received a response from HSE re a FOI request – for investigators and investigations. Sent to work group for their reactions.
Resent email to Kerry Potter of SGN saying we’d love to hear from her especially re what SGN does re testing for CO.

1454 20.08.23 Sunday
Checked media updates and sent an email to Vic Syracuse re CO in planes. Received a response and emailed back. Re CO from air coming from the engine.
Heard from Steven Critchlow of HSE re Centrica’s query.
Asked Aviva from Centrica if I can send on the correspondence we’ve had to Steven Critchlow.

1453 19.08.23 Saturday
Wrote to Jonathan about Roland’s suggestion of SGas re experts’ course.
Told him that I’d written to Steven Critchlow to ask about course providers.
How I’ll need to run it past solicitors.
Wrote to survivor KH.
Wrote to Charon McNabbs – can’t meet in Toronto sadly.
Wrote to survivor EJP several times about case study and attending meetings.

1452 18.08.23 Friday
Sent Roland Johns the Lincoln go cart incident. 56 people poisoned.
Email to Wayne Merry asking for a link to his presentation as it is 12 MB.
Sent an email to HSE’s Data warehouse ‘Discovering Safety’.
Wrote to Charon re the 19th September maybe we could meet in Canada but this is the only possibility.
Wrote to Jenny re her great email to Which re CO alarms tested.
Wrote to YorksLincs BBC Re Go Cart track.
Wrote to gas experts re Centrica’s inquiry about a training centre for investigations into gas incidents.
Roland responded with SGas. So I sent it on to Avivo at Centrica.
Resent email to SimonColvin@weightmans Re hydrogen and lack of Regulation and absence of field trials with homes with appliances not new or serviced.
JK responded and suggested asking Steven Critchlow of HSE.

1451 17.08.23 Thursday
Wrote to Wayne Merry copying speakers for the ENA Safety Conference and saying I thought CO should be mentioned.
Heard from Pierre Chays and finally his boat is in the water. Willing to film and get Lee Battrick to test. Made the point that we need PPM of CO on the floating quays.
Sent invoices to John Holmes.
Wrote to Jenny re ONS but it seems that ONS not interested in our CO detail.
Found draft of VCMA consultation and thankfully today is the last day so read it through, changed it a tiny bit and sent it.
Amended data page a bit on website.
Heard from KH the risk assessor re the tree root issue on the gas pipes – could squeeze a gas pipe causing a build up and explosion.
Found an email from Kevin Heron re Parliament to investigate air quality on 30.05.23 and found we’d offered to assist only to be told that they were at reading mode at the moment – offered reading. Sent email asking for update.
Drafted an email to HSE’s data warehouse, ‘Discovering Safety’. Will send tomorrow.

1450 16.08.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Stoke College. David Walker, Joe Eyden and Mike Jones re Mathew’s mother and sister.
Asked if other fuels now on RGE’s syllabus.
Stated our concern about
Testing by gas emergency service whenever practicable.
Reg. 36
Unsafe Sits and supplement re CO alarms

Wrote to Wayne Merry of Cadent re ENA safety conference.

Emailed David Walker about research into cookers and how Cadent had some data.
Wrote to thank Rich for alerting me to the Which report on CO alarms.
Wrote to Jamie Reeve re ENA safety conference. He rang me and said more about construction only. Emailed Wayne Merry to say this.
Wrote again to Jamie Reeve to warn him personally about CO and say need for a CO conference ASAP.
Survivor DD told me BMJ had refused to publish her study.
Suggested she asked for help from APPCOG’s COMED and the medics as part of that.
Wrote to Jenny to correct something on ‘the document.

Walker of Stoke College wrote to say they were trying to get Cadent involved with their CO safety week.
Wrote to Matthew Nixon’s sister and invited her to the virtual meeting on 29.08.23.
Wrote to someone BC who was asking about boilers in bedrooms re a house she was thinking of buying.
Responded with the relevant Regs.
Wrote to Woman’s Hour re Listener’s week and suggested CO.
Wrote to survivor MS about a go-cart incident involving about 30 people poisoned.
Sent ONS survey to Jenny.
Charon responded re the conference with news of her dog dying just before the conference and also mentioned Albert Donnay.
Resent email to Pierre Chays sent in May.

1449 15.08.23 Tuesday
Wrote to David Walker and told him I’d heard from Matthew Nixon’s mother.
Heard from Trading Standards Martin Thursby and after permission from MT forwarded to JD father of the man who died using BBQ fuel in Tunisia.
Talked to Matthew Nixon’s mother and she’s more than happy to help. Asked her to the meeting on the 29th August. Wrote to David Walker asking for permission to send his email address to her.
Asked if DW would like an agenda.
Suggested their ideas for the CO Awareness week plus asked if course for RGEs included other fuels.
Also Reg. 26 (9), 36 and unsafe sits and supplement.
Received Cadent Wayne Merry’s presentation given to us on 22.06.23.
Heard from Jamie Reeve on ENA about Safety Conference on September 21st.
Asked Wayne Merry if he is giving a presentation.
Wrote to Charon McNabbs and her husband asking about their conference and how it went.
Wrote to Janine Crawford of British Gas.

1448 14.08.23 Monday
Wrote to gas lecturer David Walker and sent him unsafe sits and supplement and asked his advice. We fixed a virtual meeting for 29th August at 10.00 a.m.
Sent Phil Burrows of Cadent notice of how to enter a Go Tech award.
Wrote to Sue Westwood.
Wrote to Jenny re document, Law, Practice & Prevention re emails and We Transfer so she could check permissions etc.
Received and filed survivor DD’s normal weekly levels.

Resent email to Matthew Nixon’s mother that had sent on 07.08.23.

1447 13.08.23 Sunday
Sent Jenny the file of the email permissions re the Law, Practice and Prevention via dropbox transfer.
Sue Westwood -sent her some reviews of Brainszyme.
Wrote to Nicky B about the audio with stills and also Rich. Found an email 26.02.21 with the reference to the audio with stills on the website – it did have contents then but doesn’t now. Asked Rich how it could disappear.

1446 12.08.23 Saturday
Wrote to survivor KM whose parents died of CO. Still suffering PTSD do unlikely to be able to write case study. She doesn’t want us to write it.
Asked Jonathan about Ian Duncan Smith MP re the suspected risk of an explosion due to the gas pipe being squeezed by a tree root.
Finished reading and checking the document, Law, Practice and Prevention of Unintentional Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the UK and sent to Jenny for page checking etc.

1445 11.08.23 Friday
Sent letter to the Times about CO alarms and Which report.
Corresponded with Jenny over alarms issue, the Mallet deaths, the survivor HP case study, hydrogen and this and that.
Was rung up by a concerned person KH who was worried about explosion due to invasion by tree roots. She was a risk assessor. Interesting case. MP is IDS.
41 gas explosions since 2020.
Wrote to her and sent her my CV.
Told her about Adam Forrest Independent journalist re explosions.

1444 10.08.23 Thursday
Wrote to Albert Donnay in the USA about his presentation at the conference and about our aims re testing.
John Cook rang me from ITV News and needed a case study of a CO alarm that hadn’t worked. Didn’t have any. He wasn’t interested in testing etc.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta in response to his email about the Chris Bielby award and IGEM’s Unsafe Sits Procedure and also testing and HSE.
Wrote to Jenny about the NGN event I will be in Canada for and asked her to explain why I wouldn’t be there and ask about testing.
Wrote to Jenny about survivor HP case study.

1443 09.08.23 Wednesday
Jim Lambeth wrote agreeing with me to go carefully re HSE’s warehouse on data.
JK corresponded about this. Agreement needed.
Chat with journalist Simon Foulds. He will send deadlines and article will be aimed at tenants. Wrote to him to educate him about CO for his own safety.
Wrote to Olivia Fox re mains replacement. Not our expertise.
Wrote to journalist Robert Dex re blast at Thornton Heath re passing our details to mother.
Wrote to Suzanne re survivor HP – offered to sponsor hero engineer award.
Wrote to Jo Cooke, Bucks Firefighter re pregnant tenant.
Survivor HP sent email re his case study which I sent to Jenny but also asked HP some questions.
Albert Donnay asked our opinion of exposing people to any CO. Sent him Beth Cheshire’s article and Harry Rogers’ opinion.
Resent contact with SA mother of SS who died.
Sent WG request to attend NGN virtual conference as I’ll be away.
Re-sent email about CO to Action Aid to Esme Roslin-Sprason.

1442 08.08.23 Tuesday
Wrote to survivor MS to recommend for brain fog – from Sue Westwood.
Arranged a chat with Simon Foulds journalist at 10.00 Wednesday.
Sent email to Martin Thursby of Trading Standards – he was going to talk to Dorset BBQ company two weeks ago.
Received feedback from Rachel re our abstract to Alzheimer’s international.

Wrote to re article about CO from biomass composting. Sought PPM of CO. Sent her the wood pellet article.
Wrote to Ben Baylis seeking formal permission and got it. Filed and copied in appendix 8.
Wrote to BSI for standard for CO in homes and cost but found I’d already written the vital bits in the Law, Practice etc. document.
Wrote to Ben Bayliss about oxygen depletion devices and also would he join committee on unsafe sits procedure.
Heard from Joanne Cook Bucks Fire Services – had a CO situation couldn’t identify the source. Had a pregnant woman who seems to have been exposed to CO and a CO alarm alarming.
Responded with lots of questions that her email didn’t make clear.
Had a weird email from seeking my help with mains replacement. Responded that we are a charity etc.
Resent to Cassi Free.
Arranged a chat with Simon Foulds journalist at 10.00 Wednesday.
Sent email to Martin Thursby of Trading Standards – he was going to talk to Dorset BBQ company two weeks ago.
Received feedback from Rachel re our abstract to Alzheimer’s international.

1441 07.08.23 Monday
Heard from Jonathan who gave me some new information so wrote to Ben Kuchta to correct and update what I’d written last night.
Decided I couldn’t draft unsafe sits procedure – too long a document and I’m not the person to do this. Suggested a list and then recalled David Walker who could be ideal as he’s a teacher of gas at Stoke College. Several things impacted, Reg 36, 26(9) and unsafe sits.
Remembered I’d sent submission to IGEM re supplement 3.
Heard from Anthony Liu re domain name application in China. Sent to Rich but he’s away. Sought John’s advice who thought good idea to write and say we had no affiliation with a company in China so did so.
Sent letter to Sharon Baker of Gi Magazine.
Ordered some more ink cartridges from Viking and another mouse just in case.
Heard from Chris Arnold from EU Skills re Law, Practice and Procedure on CO in the UK. Filed this in permissions folder and added to appendix.
Worked through to page 16 and put note in red on the page to show I’d got there.
Wrote to Sue Westwood re family illness etc. She responded with some information about some amazing herbal pills that have helped her brain fog.

1440 06.08.23 Sunday
Caught up with emails.
Sought advice from work group re David Goodall’s assurance that he was in favour of testing for CO whenever practicable. Decided to ask Ben Kuchta’s advice so sent him an email.
Corresponded with survivor MS and also Jim Kinnibrugh.
Corresponded with Roy.
Drafted a letter to Gi Mag and sent off to work group for approval and perhaps reduction.

1439 05.08.23 Saturday
Wrote to Sarah West of York Uni about SAMHE monitors and also about support for testing for CO whenever practicable.
Got email from David Goodall about the film ‘the hardest day’ and sent to Jonathan Kane and Work group.

1438 04.08.23 Friday
Wrote to work group about ENA’s safety conference.

1437 03.08.23 Thursday
Heard from Paul O that all the bills are paid thank goodness.
Sent a link to survivor SD about the three marines in the car in the USA.
Received notification that ENA are having a safety conference on the day we get back from Canada so I can’t do it. Wrote to Jonathan about it.
Resent email to David Goodall re contact with Pat and Kate Bielby. Also film that Graham Savage told me about that Chris got made and shown about the RGE who visited the house with a gas boiler and serviced that, but half noticed a fire on the way out and didn’t inspect it and then all went dark and whole family had died.
Received email from Bob Seely MP in response to mine about signing the Clean Air Bill – Bob doesn’t sign any EDMs. So, responded to say fair enough but why have no Conservative MPs signed the Clean Air Bill especially those MPs who are members of relevant committees and All Party Groups?

1436 02.08.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Nicky Barranger saying roughly what we needed in the way of filming. Asked her if she would send us anything she’d done recently.
Worked on and then sent the letter to Kevin Tse, Rebecca Pickett, (Ofgem) Sarah Newton and Sarah Albon (HSE) about MOU and safety issues. Hopefully made the case that testing for CO is a safety issue and so HSE and Ofgem should discuss it and take action.
Tried to trace Matthew Nixon’s sister with no luck.
Spent most of the day on my expenses but had done quite a lot yesterday too.
Heard from Anna White (HSE) that cross departmental report 21-22 is the latest one.
Jonathan asked about mandamus. Responded.
Heard from survivor DD about her Councillor and asked about the rules re parks and gardens and planning.
Wrote to Britsafe – no mention of indoor air in article about pollution.
Noticed advert for job as energy adviser for House of Commons – sent to Ben Kuchta to see if he could suggest someone.
Wrote to ‘Discovering Safety’ – found it was HSE so wrote about testing for CO.
Paid bills and transferred money from deposit to make sure we had enough in the current charity account.
Wrote to Paul Overton to authorise bills to pay.

1435 01.08.23 Tuesday
Spent the morning struggling with expenses and rewriting email to Ofgem and HSE.
Send to workgroup and receive heads up from all.
Sent new invoice to Kane for July and received nice email back.
Sent email to gas enquiries in HSE about new CEO – received immediate response that it’s still Sarah Albon. Sent email to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey to apologise and correct this.
Receive nice email from Frank Brehany re my email to Kevin Herron and Barry Sheerman MP about the Clean Air Bill and why haven’t all the APPCOG MPs signed it – seems no Conservatives have signed and nor has Barry Sheerman MP.
Responded to Jonathan re possible legal opinion.
Survivor DD reported about the garden and queried whether it was against planning – suggested she asked her MP in writing.
Also, news that she’d been referred to a psychologist – asked her what she thought about this.
Responded to Nicky Barranger about her possibly doing some interviews with victims/survivors and others.

July 2023

1434 31.07.23 Monday
Sent email to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey copied to Andrew Musgrave re HSE meeting.
Wrote to Rich re various issues.
Wrote to ONS.
Wrote to NLA twice – Lucy Brooks.
Updated home page on website.
Drafted email to Ofgem re VCMA and sent to WG – re showcase event, data, data to Ofgem and testing.
Wrote to Jenny re work on the Law, Practice & Prevention.
Wrote to HSE asking for email address of CEO Bernard Gloster.
Drafted an email to Kevin Tse and Rebecca Picket about Mou.
Paul Overton OKed email to Ofgem re VCMA.
Heard from David Walker – happy for us to use his email to send to IGEM and show their support for the changes we want to 26(9) and Reg. 36.
Wrote again to Amazon re Alexa – was it made to a standard?
Wrote again to Sarah Graham, health journalist.
Wrote to Kevin Herron and Barry Sheerman MP asking how could APPCOG MPs not sign the EDM for the Clean Air bill and still stay part of APPCOG? Please explain.

1433 30.07.23 Sunday
Wrote to Nicky Barranger and asked her if she’d interview more people and what her costs were these days and if it would be via video or not.
Drafted an email to David Walker, Stoke College.
Rechecked the email to Ollie and Ian and changed it a bit.
Checked Agility and wrote up yesterday’s diary.

1432 29.07.23 Saturday
Very nice email from David Walker re what the gas lecturers would do for gas safety week and so replied. He pointed out that 26(9) was wrong too.
I responded with my short CV.
Tidied up response to IGEM’s Ollie and Ian.

1431 28.07.23 Friday
Spent a long while with Rich on my computer doing lots of things, I’d asked him to fix. He also dealt with the heading on the website re open air CO deaths – now on website under CO.
Jenny’s chart on low level COHB – decided to leave it until January and emailed her to say that.
Long chat about the fact that I’ll need a new computer soon before 2025. Asked Rich to buy one and set it up so I have the old one to use, just in case I can’t. Windows 11 will not work after 25.
Reviewed Alzheimer’s abstract and its now ready to scan and send. Cut-off date is 29.09.23.
Drafted email to Phil Burrows re demo and testing and also MP Liz Twist’s report re healthcare personnel and their clients and not mentioning testing for CO. Sent this.
Thought about putting one newspaper cutting on website. NLA said the cost was huge. Found a way around it used a link.
Heard from Valli re the watch that can warn of CO re a meeting proposed for 19.11.23.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN – asked questions about data etc.
Heard from Dr Julie Connolly re permission to use what she’d agreed re Ofgem and filed it. Wrote back thanking her.
Wrote to Jenny about Agility’s endless reports about some American marines – she’d changed the settings to hopefully exclude these endless duplications.
Wrote to Nicola Barranger about the film slide show.

1430 27.07.23 Thursday
Corresponded with gas teacher David Walker who wants to take action on CO during CO week and dedicate it to the memory of Matthew Nixon as he was one of their students.
I asked if he’d like to join us. He suggested Mike who is younger and keen.
I sent email to KD who is Matthew’s sister.
I sent an email to Ben about Ollie’s email about the HSE.
Wrote to Leslie Thomas re the 21 deaths in S. Africa. Said may need an opinion re Ofgem and HSE.
Received email from Kevin Tse from Ofgem. Basically unhelpful.
Wrote to Work Group re huge increase in Newspaper Licensing payment.
Wrote to Rich re snipping tool not working and means can’t copy what happens re FB.
Jenny thinks she has improved settings on Agility which means we should get less reports but seemed to get nothing but reports about some marines found dead in USA today.
Jenny sent two cases of open air CO death – one in 2004 and one recent – similar vagrants near vent. Recent one had 16% carboxy. She sent chart with low Carboxy.
Sent email to Ollie and Ian re APPCOG’s report Prepare Practice Protect. Nothing about testing. PAMs mentioned but almost dismissed as too expensive at £83.00.
Received email from Dr Angela Ellam re Barry Sheerman MP – told me Kevin Herron was the person to contact. I told her that Trading Standards might do something – had to wait and see.
Sent Sue Westwood survey on ME from ME Association and she did the survey.
Sent survivor SD new report about CO in cars.
Heard from JD father of son who died abroad from a BBQ – been ill – told him about Trading Standards – we need to wait for a while.
Sent email to Ollie and Ian – had received their email about HSE stating they had no remit to make GDNs test.
Heard from BK re HSE meeting.
Heard from Jonathan Kane re quick draft to Ollie and Ian.
Resent quite a lot of emails – SGN community re funding, Leslie Thomas, various survivors including JH, Robin Smith police re Jersey and 8 deaths from explosion.
Wrote to Alzheimer’s International re cut off date for abstract.
Wrote to Giovanni Leonardi of PHE to ask if he could help re HSE and safety issue – maybe he could help us get to Minister for HSE.

Ben again on draft to Ollie – how about asking IGEM to talk to Cadent and NGN.

Wrote to Rich asking him to put up new heading ‘Open air CO deaths in UK and USA’ on website under ‘About CO’ . Also asked him to put up Jenny’s low level of COHB chart.

1429 26.07.23 Wednesday
Asked Rich for password for Hotmail account.
Resent emails to John Richardson of SGN.
Email to survivor AO.
Received email from Ollie – HSE says testing not in their remit because in homes.
Email from Dr Angela Ellam re Barry Sheerman MP. Responded that it seems no obligation to warn about CO.
Rich re left hand side of ribbon.
Paul Overton approved draft to Kevin re APPCOG report by Liz Twist MP.
Rich had sorted website stats. Queried most popular page.
NLA fee seems to have rocketed to over £1,000. Why?
Queried permission re CE marking re Law, Practice and Prevention document.
Queried permission re cross-departmental committee re Law, Practice and Prevention document.

Asked Ollie re IGEM quote -found given permission by Carl.
Linda Mee and Lesley Ecob acknowledged emails to Andrew Musgrave received.
Wrote to Suzanne Callington re victim HP.
Wrote to Chenna’s daughter Valli.
Wrote to David Walker the gas teacher about CO week – Matthew Nixon.
Wrote to Jonathan Kane about HSE meeting. We can accept the fob off, write to Ofgem (already done so) and seek legal opinion.

1428 25.07.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Sue Westwood several times – more social than charity work.
Wrote to survivor AO re Peabody contact Simon Smith. He seems to have left Peabody.
Asked Rich to update Google Account. Also, Hotmail account won’t send. Also, re website results. Also, re Facebook problem – switches to our profile.
Wrote to survivor MS in response to his email. Re wrist gadget and joining the Affotek focus group. MS very strongly of the opinion that all gadgets must be to a standard and certificated.
Correspondence with Jim Lambeth over April website update.
Emails to Kevin Herron of APPCOG re BSI about BBQ fuel. Later heard from Dr Angela Ellam, caseworker for Barry Sheerman MP.
Wrote to Kevin re need for generic email address for APPCOG and telephone number – only address of named manager and then Barry Sheerman MP named (no address or telephone number).
Wrote draft to Kevin Herron and some APPCOG MPs re APPCOG’s and Liz Twist’s Prepare Practice Protect report. Sent to Work group.
Correspondence with survivor AO re Peabody.
Wrote to Jenny re survivor HP.
Wrote to Chenna re AFFOTEK.
Wrote to Dr Julie Connelly re Law, Practice & Prevention.
Wrote to John Richardson of SGN – resent 07.05.23 and 24.02.23.

1427 24.07.23 Monday
Sent an email to Trading Standards in Dorset re the company that made barbecue fuel without warnings on the packets. Reg 7 of The General Product Safety Regulations looks promising. Asked for a link and received it The General Product Safety Regulations 2005 ( and thought Reg. 7 covers the situation so asked Trading Standards to take it further. Copied the father JD into the email.
Rang Barclays over interest rates for deposit account. Lovely man Naveen but hopeless system. However, will at least get 1% on the charity account. Big deal! Why do they write to you by post when the rates go down but nothing when the rates go up?

Drafted a letter to Ofgem about the VCMA letter from Ofgem. Asked about the event and asked for a real one and about the fields of data. Sent draft to WG.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN re award and asked what about customers who are not eligible for PSR but don’t know if they’ve been exposed to CO or not and need PPM if there is CO. Would he agree they were vulnerable?
Sent Cadent, Phil Burrows and Wayne Terry death of the man in Manchester.
Received notification of APPCOG meeting, virtual on 30.08.23.
Jenny had attended W & W U workshop and was impressed. I reminded her about Cadent and NGN testing for CO.
Sent Sam Graham re survivor HP – copied Phil Burrows and Suzanne but Sam would rather I didn’t in future.
Sent Work Group April review.
Heard from survivor MS – much better and sent him the wrist gadget details. Chenna.
Sent Sue Westwood the link to the man who died in Manchester – looks like CO but could be suicide. Cadent was involved as it’s a Cadent area.

1426 22.07.23 Saturday
Filed some emails and dealt with the junk mailbox. I noticed a document from Ofgem which I moved to the ordinary mailbox. It was about the VCMA and asked for feedback. Good thing I’d recently subscribed to Ofgem’s alerts.
Drafted something to send to work group which I’ll look at again tomorrow.
Heard from Nicki Barranger – I’d found her on linked in and wanted to know if she’d kept the slide show with audio. She kindly said she’d check her archives. Do hope she’s still got it.

1425 21.07.23 Friday
Wrote to Paul Overton re Prepare Practice Prevention report.
Sent JK Jim and Sue’s reactions – Sue’s – noticed no mention of testing – Jim’s nothing about solid fuel.
Survivor DD having problems with the garden next door. Endless emails to and fro.

Heard that JK hadn’t been asked to engage in PPP.

Wrote to Isabella Myers of COMED saying I was always known as ‘test it Trotter’ – testing would surely help with diagnoses? Didn’t anyone and particularly COMED mention testing especially as testing is being done by Cadent and NGN?
Were there any representatives of survivors or families?
COMED’s views on testing?

Issie responded very quickly and said, ‘I note what you say and will consider your comments when I read the final report myself.’

Heard from Fire & Rescue – suggested Trading Standards re law on labelling barbecue fuel etc.. Tried them but had to go through CAB. Did this and got Ticket 13094.

NLA emailed and I asked for an invoice.

Asked Kevin Herron of APPCOG about the law on labelling. Excellent response. Basically, advice only. Asked if could put it in a document to be published on website. KH said would have to check and get back next week.

Sent Kevin Herron email about the PPP research and report asking if CO-Gas Safety asked to give evidence or attend the launch. Were survivors etc. asked? Later asked KH to acknowledge receipt.

Heard from ME Association about exercise or CBT – NICE saying neither worked and some researchers saying it did and NICE refusing to budge. Sent to Sue W and Paul Overton.

Worked on PPP word version of report highlighting parts and commenting in green.
Sent Ian and Oliver of IGEM report and the one highlighted with comments for meeting with HSE. Made the point that ‘We think the report totally misses a huge opportunity to get the home checked for CO.’

Found Nicky Barranger on Linked In and sent her a message about the slide show with audio that we seem to have lost.

Resent email that apparently quoted research showing new boilers save money.

Sent email to Scope but found they had responded so recalled.

1424 20.07.23 Thursday
Resent draft email to Kevin Herron. Jonathan hadn’t been asked either.
Asked Jenny to convert PPP (Prepare Practice Prevention) report to word.
Received quite detailed comments from Sue and from Jim. Sue noticed no testing and Jim noticed nothing about solid fuels. Sent their detailed comments to Paul Overton.
Wrote to Jonathan asking if PPP report would help if send to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey as it was calling for change and improvements and the difficulties doctors had in diagnosis – therefore surely testing was the answer to MP Liz Twist’s and APPCOG’s prayers? IGEM could therefore produce it at the HSE meeting and produce a solution i.e. testing.
Heard from Nadine of User Research and wanted to help but next week just too busy.

1423 19.07.23 Wednesday
Sent email to Linda Mee of IGEM warning her of email to IGEM President Andrew Musgrave which I thought I’d sent yesterday but found it in my outbox as too many documents to send.
Sent again 7 times with two documents each time.
7th email inserted the number of the documents into the body of the email.
Sent another email to explain that and apologise. Also, to thank her.

Read Prepare Practice Protect report by Liz Twist MP and Laura Fatah and APPCOG.
Drafted email to Kevin Herron about whether we’d been asked to give evidence or to the launch on Monday 17th. Sent draft to work group. I think we weren’t asked to give evidence or to the launch. Might have submitted something.
Seems so odd that a document like this one, where testing air and appliances for CO would so help with diagnosing CO or ruling it out, doesn’t even mention testing or the fact that Cadent and NGN are testing (but only in home of vulnerable customers).

Talked to Sue Westwood and she didn’t think she’d been asked.

Emailed Francis Olawe Abulude re article Article writes about cheap available technology to tell people about air pollution. I wrote the author to correspond with (Abulade) to ask if these new technologies would be a to a standard and certificated and if not, they should be. If not, any data collected could be attacked, dismissed and ignored.

Wrote to HSE re numbers of investigators and investigations. Both to email HSE enquiries and to Caroline Lane.

Wrote to Docusave – apparently payment to old account OK but must remember next year.

Father of Victim abroad JD sent me a mother and daughter death in the New Forest in December I think 2022. BBQs found inside house. Sounds like suicide. Sent to Jenny to keep an eye on and explained to JD.

Responded to request for research from Companies House.
Sent Work Group ‘Think CO’ summer newsletter.

1422 18.07.23 Tuesday
Clarification of MP Andrew Rosindell’s resignation from CO-Gas Safety 19.05.23.
Received a suggested version of email to Andrew Musgrave and the other to Oliver Lancaster and checked and changed these slightly. WG approved and I sent but the one to Andrew Musgrave didn’t send as too many documents.
Sent an email to Andy Dixon, journo re Mary Somerville asking him to put us in touch with her father.
Wrote to survivor HP and when I received a response that he hadn’t heard from Cadent, I sent email to Cadent. Sam Graham responded. Said he’d tried but couldn’t get a response. Asked him to contact me another time. Sent same request to HP.
Wrote to Chisholm funerals asking them to pass our details to MS’s father.
Received email from Kevin Herron about APPCOG’s new report All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group’s report, ‘Prepare, Practice, Protect: Improving Carbon Monoxide Safety in Health and Care Services’ was launched yesterday at an event in parliament, sponsored by the CO Research Trust. Sent it to Work Group.
Printed it out. Quick check – testing not even mentioned.
Wrote to Sani Dimitroulopoulou about the algorithm. Sent previous correspondence since 2017.
Wrote to Survivor TO’N.
Wrote to survivor AO about Peabody and how he’d said he would write an account that I could sent to Peabody.
Filled in a survey form from NGN.

1421 17.07.23 Monday
Sent email to Jonathan re Andrew Rosindell resigning from CO-Gas Safety on 19.05.23 and resent this to the work group too as Jonathan had thought resignation was from Parliament so my email needed clarification.
Asked Linda Mee for IGEM president Andrew Musgrave’s email address which she sent very quickly.
Wrote draft to Andrew Musgrave and sent to Work group then sent again after adding numbers affected.
Heard from Elaine’s Sindi Mules re who to write to in Scotland re the couple who had died in Majorca – Jaime Carsi and Mary Somerville.
Phoned member of family, IM who’d lost a young woman to CO CM. Urged her to write to the Coroner. Later she sent a draft and I responded.
Sent Jenny all the diving emails etc. I had and started a new file.
Received an email from Oliver Lancaster and wrote a draft response which I sent to the work group.
Received Jenny’s email to the authorities in Scotland re the couple who had died in Majorca.
Wrote to Resa O again.
Wrote to survivor HP asking for an update and if Cadent had helped.

1420 16.07.23 Sunday
Sent email to Nicola Barranger re ‘film’ using slides and audio – asking her if she had a copy.

1419 15.07.23 Saturday
Agreed to draft a response to Ofgem’s email from Rebecca Barnett and explain what Cadent is doing and its significance.
Had heard from brother IM re his sister CM’s death from CO. Responded.
Drafted reply to Dan Edwards and sent it for review.
Wrote to Elaine Motion, lawyer in Scotland about the death of the wife of the couple in Majorca. Both exposed to CO – husband died immediately. Wife 8 weeks later. She lived in Edinburgh. Asked Elaine to let me know whether a FAI or not and relevant Procurator Fiscal.
Thanked Paul McManus.
Wrote to David Goodall re seeing him at Gas Safety awards and asking if he’d pass on our details to Pat and Kate Bielby and Daniel her fiancé.
Wrote to Kevin Hamon re Lille conference being 2020 not 2019.
Wrote to John MG.

1418 14.07.23 Friday
Wrote to Jonathan about meeting Howard Foster, Chief Operating Officer of Cadent.
Wrote to Docusave re bill paid to old bank account.
Wrote to Kane re SGN.
Survivor MS sent me an email about the Majorca couple – very sadly the wife has died of CO.
Ofgem email from Rebecca Barnett responded to my email to Akshay Kaul.

1417 13.07.23 Thursday
Attended the Gas Industry Safety Awards at the Intercontinental.
Arrived in good time for the President’s speech – Andrew Musgrave.
As there wasn’t a booking, I didn’t have a badge, but Natalie very kindly made me one. Andrew greeted everybody and knew what I was on about. I told him that with a deadly gas it surely should be tested for whenever practicable. We had a bit of a discussion. I talked to a young woman Kirsten and sat with her later. She was very nice.
Then AM gave his speech. It was good to hear he came from a gas installer background.
Then we had drinks for a while. Met various people.
Chatted to a man called John who kindly introduced me to Howard Forster Chief Operating Officer of Cadent. I said good things about Cadent and liked him immediately.
At the end of drinks found Jonathan Kane had turned up so as there was no space we went out to lunch and then came back and managed to sit and listen to the awards.
Dan Edwards had won an award. No award for Kane.
Forwarded response from Rebecca Barnett of Ofgem to mine to Akshay Kaul. Sent to Jonthan Kane.
Sent query to Kevin Hamon re roundtables I had attended and date of conference in Lille which I thought was 2020 not 2019.
Received response from Paul McManus about quoting from HSE website.

1416 12.07.23 Wednesday
Received my notes back from Jonathan Kane, remembered odd things and sent to Paul Overton for approval.
Received response from Burgoine of HSE – OK to quote from HSE update on Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regs. 2023.
Wrote to Hilary Cowie about data collection and asked if she knew Sir Stephen Holgate.
Travelled up to London for IGEM event on 13.07.23.
Heard quite late from Jonathan that he hadn’t got tickets for 13th. Sent email saying due to his invitation I’d accepted invitation to the president’s speech.
Sought advice from Jonathan but said I guess I might as well go.

Sent notes of meeting on 11.07.23 with IGEM to Oliver Lancaster, Ian McCluskey, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane.

1415 11.07.23 Tuesday
Meeting with IGEM, Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey with Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane.
Went up early and got there easily in time.
Meeting quite good. Wrote up notes late and sent to Jonathan Kane.
Got home in reasonable time.
Emailed survivor DD re harassment re the garden next door – Council has put off the hearing. She has good witnesses so possibly a good thing.
Wrote to HSE and Caroline Lane – GSR up for relicensing – why doesn’t GSR make it easy to find a GSE with CMDDA1?

1414 10.07.23 Monday
Paul Overton wrote to say he’s authorised bills paid.
Drafted an agenda for tomorrow. Sent to work group and Jonathan.
Correspondence with survivor DD and re report and her solicitor’s advice.

Heard from Ben Kuchta.
Refined agenda and sent to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey.
Ollie responded and resent email sent 26.04.23 telling him there is nothing new in topics to discuss tomorrow.

Corresponded with Jenny re USA open air CO poisoning, authority for chart about CO effects and Baxter couple which doesn’t seem to be CO but have bodies been tested for CO? Also, re new death Charlotte Fisher-Gibson – new CO death in July 2022.

Wrote again to asking what they advise about CO.

1413 09.07.23 Sunday
Worked on an agenda for IGEM meeting on Tuesday 11th and sent to work group and Jonathan.
Paid all outstanding bills except Information Commissioner’s bill which need to pay by credit card.
Wrote to Paul Overton re meeting on Tuesday with IGEM and bills.
Emailed Rich re disappearance of subject in email headings.
Emailed Lesley Ecob and Sharon Baker about what case studies they were after – originally sent 13.04.23.
Emailed Cassi Free in the USA again about open air CO poisoning – sent on email from 13.04.23.
Emailed Ben Kuchta – sent original 1998 talks.

1412 08.07.23 Saturday
Tried to pay invoices and started by at least filling in the spread sheet.
Sent email to Paul Overton re meeting with IGEM on Tuesday.
Considered how this might go and how we could convince them but then realised they had stated that they were willing to discuss how this could be done. They’d mentioned the problem of who was to process the data. Gave this some thought. Contacted Adrian McConnell who didn’t make any suggestions. Wrote to Hilary Cowie but she is away and according to Adrian, not doing this.
Eventually thought of the Royal College of Physicians and those who’d done ‘Every breath we take’ Gary Fuller of Kings College and Sir Stephen Holgate of Southampton Uni. Could also involve Giovanni Leonardi PHE Giovanni S. Leonardi Head of Environmental Epidemiology Unit, UK Health Security Agency – contacted him via Linked in. Corresponded with work group about these issues.
Tweets not showing up again on website – emailed Rich.

1411 07.07.23 Friday
Printed out invoices. Paid Paul Overton fare for Tuesday.
Wrote to the Times re Alzheimer’s and prevention and courtyard gardens.
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster re Tuesday and then bounced back so emailed Lesley Ecob.
Sent Paul notification that I’d transferred the fare.
Communicated with Oliver and Lesley re address for Tuesday and dress code.

1410 06.07.23 Thursday
Drove to Ryde and bought tickets for next week.
Wrote to Agility about country being specified in reports not just town.

Wrote to landlord JB several times to help him ask the right questions of the Gas Safe Register and to see if original gas engineer was GSR and also tester which is of interest to us.

Heard from Paul Overton – he’s approved my abstract to Alzheimer’s Disease International.
Rich re Instagram issue.
Followed up Hull Coroner re deaths of two divers in Kea, Greece with 11% and 15% carboxyhaemoglobin. COD not CO, but could have been CO2.

Wrote to about the chart showing levels of CO and effects on humans and also Isabella Myers.

Wrote to Fire & Rescue Craig Drinkald who has retired about helping us, but it bounced back.

Wrote to Joan Coe of Energy & Utility Skills as document used may change and had
suggested that happens automatically from link we will use in Law, Practice & Prevention.

Also wrote to Chris Arnold of EU Skills.

1409 05.07.23 Wednesday
Wrote to HSE re quoting from their website for ‘Law, Practice & Prevention’.
Wrote to Jenny re chart of effects of CO on humans.
Wrote to Landlord JB prompting him to ask questions of the GSR etc.
Wrote to Rich re my CV which wouldn’t seem to print out the link to the animation.
Sent work group the improved abstract for the Alzheimer’s International with my added biog.
Heard from survivor MS about how he is and about how melatonin helps him sleep and get better.
Wrote to Ofgem re Akshay Kaul DG of infrastructure about testing for CO and who is responsible for consumer safety and about Fuel Fund Foundation and safety issues re vouchers for gas. Copied Matt Cole and HSE.

1408 04.07.23 Tuesday
Spent most of morning checking emails etc. and booking a hotel for next week’s Gas Industry Awards.
Sent Work group my first draft of an abstract for Alzheimer’s Disease International – ADI.
Correspondence re survivor DD with Jim and Gary. Realised I needed the new BSI standard 40102:1 2023 so paid for it but difficult to download so ended up having help from nice customer services lady who sent it. Should have turned computer off and on again after downloading software.
Corresponded with Jenny re if she needed someone to help her and please keep a lookout for someone to replace me.
Corresponded with Natalie Fleck re talks at CORT and how it’s difficult to file them with the title of the talk – would be easier if talk was uploaded and could be downloaded with its title and author.
Heard from Ben Kuchta re his invention and need to talk to John.
Heard from survivor MS re how he is and how difficult it is to obtain melatonin which really helps him.
Spent some time trying again to get in touch with Mike Porter of the Fire & Rescue and received response from Louise saying best for us to contact Trading Standards. Filled up form on website for the National Fire Chiefs Council:-

Urgent contact re BBQ fuel with no warnings. Is there any legislation on labels for bags of BBQ fuel? If you don’t know please ask Trading Standards. Father of son who died re BBQ fuel has seen Dorset Barbecue fuel without any warnings on bags about CO.
Wrote to father, JD.

1407 03.07.23 Monday
Received email from Ben Kuchta re his invention. We need to have a chat about it.
Received an inquiry from a JB – not sure but sounds as if he is a landlord. Responded and asked if he was. He needs an expert.
Wrote to Natalie Fleck of CORT re the talks at the CORT conference – can download but hard to save with the titles – does she have any help with regard to that?
Received the abstract form from Alzheimer’s International. Started to fill it in.
Received an invoice from Jenny Wood and also downloaded and filed two from Viking.
Sent again email to Penguin to ask if I could write a Ladybird book on carbon monoxide and also re-sent to a victim Claire G.
Corresponded with Rick Giles who sells gas detectors.
Linked in with someone from Wales & West Utilities celebrating 43 years there.

1406 02.07.23 Sunday
Heard from Charlotte Simmonds re Houses of Parliament heating – will have to wait until the end of the year to receive options.

1405 01.07.23 Saturday
Several emails sent to and from survivor DD about the millennium garden.
Sent Rich weird email about company registration.
Sent email to Work Group re APPCOG June update.
Gas Safe Charity asked us about Think CO and whether we’d used it for staff etc. Said N/A to us.
Re- sent email to Charlotte Simmonds re heating for the Houses of Parliament.

June 2023

1404 30.06.23 Friday
Received an APPCOG update and so resent three emails to Kevin Herron.
One was to ask him to relay my email address to Mike Porter and tell him I need to email him. Secondly about the labels about BBQ fuel and thirdly about the Amazon air purifier.
Heard from Paul O that he can’t make the W & W virtual event but reassured him that Jenny doesn’t think it’s vital.
Wrote to Deborah Coles of Inquest to support their call for an overseer mechanism for results of inquiries etc. calling for safety improvements to be implemented.
Wrote to survivor DD several times about the garden next to her house and the harassment she’s experiencing.
Survivor MS sent a report that Emiliano Sala had carbon monoxide poisoning prior to crash – inquest The footballer’s blood contained high levels of the gas before plane crashed, an inquest hears.

1403 29.06.23 Thursday
Jonathan O’Toole of Lascar wrote so I wrote back about certification.
Ollie wrote to say someone has to be a member of the RAC to book the room. Suggested Jonathan probably was.
Heard from Dorset Fire & Rescue and they didn’t seem to understand what we wanted – wrote again and received a nice response.
Correspondence with Charon several times.
Heard from Alzhimer’s organization about an abstract and responded.
Correspondence with survivor DD several times about the garden next door – heard from her solicitor and he’s not representing her about this.

1402 28.06.23 Wednesday
Sent June’s invoice to Kane. Three invoices now due. But we are fine for funds.
Sent link to Times article about Wes Streeting MP and asked WG if worth approaching him.

Heard from Kane that they might get an award from the Gas Industry so I’m attending the President’s address and the lunch. Responded.
Booked the Premier Inn for the 12th July.

Heard from W & W that they have a workshop that I can’t attend. Asked WG and Jenny to attend. Heard later that Jenny can’t attend but she doesn’t think it’s that important.
Hear about survivor DD’s problem with the millennium garden next to her. Many email exchanges about this
Write to Dorset Fire & Rescue again.
Wrote to Rich about slow computer – could be internet problems.

Filled up form for CORT and wrote to Adrian McConnell to congratulate him re conference.

Heard from Jack Hulme re Building Regulator and he sent a link for this to use in document.

Heard from Louise from the Dorset Press Office.
Heard from Jim Lambeth re approaching Les Streeting MP – Jim says go ahead.

Received Docusave bill.

Resent email to concerned RGE’s relative and printed out his story – maybe take it to IGEM meeting.

1401 27.06.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Paul Overton thanking him for coming last week to Cadent.
Discussed demo etc.
Discussed up and coming meeting with IGEM.
Wrote again to Jack Hulme of HSE safer buildings re two ladies from HSE at CORT and also asked for summary of what he does at HSE,
Wrote to Blane Judd with a catch up and asked him what he’s been doing.
Asked WG if they would support Inquest’s ‘no more deaths’ about Coroners’ recommendations and action to make sure these were carried through.
Paid Viking bill and asked Paul O to authorise which he did.
Personal invitation to President’s address before the Gas Industry awards 13.07. – asked work group for their views.
Responded to journo David Williamson’s response. Doesn’t look as if he’ll do anything.
Wrote to survivor DD about her garden issue and suggested she asked her solicitor about harassment.
Sent circular from HSE about positive influence in the workplace, leadership and behaviour.
Asked WG and Jenny if would attend W & W’s event on 24.07.23 as I can’t make it.

1400 26.06.23 Monday
Sent email to David Williamson journalist at the Express about the article ‘Fury at army and families living in homes without gas safety certificates’.
Sent article to PD, clergyman to show it isn’t only the Church that has these problems. Asked to be put in touch with his Bishop and to pass on my email address.
Wrote to father of Lewis Duncan re Dorset Fire & Rescue. He gave me permission to use his contact details so once I got the email address of the press office from ringing them, I then wrote a careful email to Dorset Fire & Rescue, congratulating them about their warnings but informing them about Lewis Dunton’s death and father’s efforts to persuade a Dorset company to put warnings on their bags of barbecue fuel.
Contacted Viking for the invoice number for the big bill. Received it and printed it out.
Wrote to Kevin Herron, manager of APPCOG re Fire & Rescue contact Mike Porter. Asked to be passed onto Mike and for Mike to contact me.
Resent email to New Scientist asking to be put in touch with Alan Stewart whose letter in 26th March 2022 recommended using methane from sewage. Have sent this several times without even an acknowledgement except for an automated one.

1399 25.06.23 Sunday
Heard about the Church of England and safeguarding on Radio 4 Sunday this morning. Argument that they’d got rid of the safeguarding committee because it wasn’t independent enough. Not sure I followed this. Sent this to PD, clergyman who alerted me to the state of church property.
Article about the state of DoD property which I also sent to PD.

Wrote to survivor DD re her experience re the park next to her.
Drafted email re article to Express journalist David Williamson about DoD property.

1398 24.06.23 Saturday
Checked media alerts and found Kane had won Outstanding contribution to Business from the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Tweeted and wrote to congratulate.
Also noticed Dorset fire and rescue were raising awareness about CO and BBQs. Wrote to father of Lewis Duncan to ask if he would speak etc. and he responded to say he would and also gave me the number of the fire station.
Had emailed a survivor whose father had died in a hotel in England about the two people who died in a hotel in Mexico and she responded kindly offering to help. I wrote back suggesting a case study.

1397 23.06.23 Friday
Wrote to Jonathan re Dan Edwards email.
Wrote to victim JD – must ring Dorset barbecue fuel company on Monday and find out who is the company director I can write to. Put this on to do list.
Filled in the feedback form for CORT. Filed this too.
Heard from Wayne Merry and tried to obtain invitation for him to attend our IGEM meeting but sadly Oliver declined.
Wrote to notify Wayne and quoted from Oliver.
‘I’m not sure about adding too many to the meeting, but for us to just have a catch up and initial conversation. Do bring his ideas with you, and I’ll try to get a chance to speak with him beforehand as well. I’m also speaking with WWU at the end of next week before I go away on leave.’ Disappointing. Jonathan has suggested a venue and Oliver is asking someone to book this.
Sent another email to Rich about the window for filing.
Drafted a general email to victims and survivors re ME survey and an update about testing.

1396 22.06.23 Thursday
Hung about a bit at the hotel and then drove to Cadent. Confusing but found the right place.
In a room met everyone. Wayne Merry, Phil, Paul, Ricky and I think Jack. Jonathan came.
Introduced each other. Paul talked about Katie’s death. They were all every moved by Paul’s account. Shocked there isn’t automatic testing for CO on death. Talked about need to test for the medics.
Asked for their ideas and their case studies. Gave them all cards. Wayne had seen death of Matthew Nixon and the other gas installer who’d killed Kelly Webster and her daughter Lauren aged 10. Hadn’t seen John Courtney.
Wayne gave his presentation.
Various things came up including unsafe situations procedure and the Supplement and also IGEM and the committees that control the guidance.
Mentioned that we’re having a meeting with IGEM on 11.07.23. I asked Wayne to come.
Saw demo of cooker in kitchen. Window needs to be open.
Thought about response to Dan Edwards of SGN.
Wrote to father twice and now have phone number and email address of Dorset charcoal company.
Heard from Natalie of CORT – she is forwarding to Jack Hulme of HSE.
Wrote to Wayne when I got home to thank him and ask him to meeting with IGEM on 11.07.23. Explained would have to ask IGEM.
Wrote to ME Association again re my theory about many things affecting the mitochondria and this will be forwarded to Dr Shepherd.
‘My personal belief after over 28 years of talking to those exposed to CO and other toxins is that ME can be caused by anything that damages the mitochondria in the cell whether it was a virus, bacteria, pesticide or other poison such as CO.
Please do pass this on to Dr Shepherd. Thank you.’

Wrote to Kane about meeting on 11.07.23 and asking Wayne.
Wrote again to Rich re need to expand window when filing.

1395 21.06.23 Wednesday
Emailed survivor PD clergyman.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN as he wanted to put off responding until after his holiday – I asked for him to delegate to someone else if he didn’t have the figures to hand.
Wrote to E J-P sending media about deaths in hotel in Mexico.
Wrote to father of Lewis Duncan who died abroad of barbecue. Father Joseph wants to find out what the law is about labelling now we’re not in the EU. I sent email to Kevin Herron and also responded to Joseph. Suggested he wrote direct to APPCOG, Barry Sheerman MP and gave him the APPCOG link.
Dan Edwards of SGN kindly responded and I sent response to Work Group and Jonathan Kane.
‘In last 12 months of the VCMA funding cycle: –
1. How many times were engineers alerted to presence of CO by their test equipment, possibly saving their lives?
Between 01/04/22 and 31/03/23 our engineers recorded 67 Personal Atmosphere Monitor (PAM) activations due to CO.

2. How many engineers SGN instructs via the gas emergency service who have additional competencies gained while carrying out other roles &, specifically, how many have CMDDA1?
As previously stated, SGN have not trained any of our own engineers to have CMDDA1 or carry out appliance repairs/replacement. Some may have these qualifications in their own right, but are not carrying out this work for SGN. We use our partner Universal Gas Solutions to carry out our CMDDA1 investigations, and all of our appliance/ pipework repairs/replacements

3. How many homes were referred to National Energy Action (NEA)?
We don’t actually refer to NEA for appliance repair/replacement, which I assume is what you’re asking about here. All of our appliance/pipework repairs/replacements are carried out by our partner Universal Gas Solutions. During 22/23 we referred 233 households to our Care & Repair service.

4. How many replacements were funded via ECO or NEST?
NEST sits in Wales, so we don’t refer to that. I’m working on getting hold of number of households we refer on to LEAP/ECO and other such funding schemes that fell out of our eligibility criteria for our Care & repair service. If I can I’ll send this over while I’m off, otherwise I’ll forward this over when I’m back w/c 3 July.

5. How many were separately funded by SGN?
During 22/23 we funded 163 appliance/pipework repairs/replacements as part of our Care & Repair service. 37 referrals required a survey only.’

Emailed Rich Banks about window for saving on dropbox being far too narrow.
Discussed game with Paul Overton who came up with some brilliant ideas.

1394 20.06.23 Tuesday
Heard from Natalie of CORT re talks now on the website. Sent to Work group.
Wrote to Lisa Pollitt of NEA.
Responded to the ME Association.
Had a long talk on the phone and then wrote to new survivor re Church of England accommodation. Luckily, he lives in a Cadent area.
Wrote to Natalie asking her to forward my email to Mike Porter – CO firefighter liaison.
Wrote to Paul Overton re trip to Cadent.
Wrote to Jenny re case studies – we have 8 possibles and gave her the top priority.
Heard from Dan Edwards of SGN – not sure how to respond. Wants to put off answers until after his holiday.
Heard from father of someone who died abroad of charcoal – wanted to know what the laws are about warnings on charcoal bags now we’re not part of the EU. Forwarded query to APPCOG’s Kevin Herron.
Asked Alzheimer’s Disease International to send form re submitting an abstract on prevention.
Sent B12 info to survivor MS.
Resent query to solicitor survivor from solicitor’s office – S McK.
Asked Natalie to forward query to Jack Hulme on new Building Safety as need to insert something into Law, Practice & Prevention of CO poisoning in the UK.

1393 19.06.23 Monday
Sent work group draft email to Hilary Wareing. Jim responded quickly and suggested I shortened it. Sue suggested I just sought her views at the end.
Later in the day worked on it and shortened it and sent it to Jonathan with the others copied in.
Worked on letter to New Scientist re article by Sadiq Khan on outdoor air and how he’d been afflicted by adult-onset asthma due to London pollution. I write to say indoor air is more concentrated and could be dealt with more easily. Also about the gas emergency service, Ofgem and HSE.
Wrote to Daria Dabrowski re Agility reports and how often it’s difficult to work out if it’s happened in Lincoln UK or Lincoln USA.
Heard from survivor MS and responded. He’s not going to be able to write a case study, so I asked him if OK to get Jenny going on it. He gave permission. I sent an email to Jenny to find out the last date I’d sent all his emails to her. It was 27.02.23 so I need to send them on sometime.
Wrote to Jenny about this.
Asked Natalie when CORT talks would be on the website as need to insert something by Jack Hulme and the Building Safety in HSE in the Law, Practice & Procedure on CO in the UK. Also suggested we all exchange email addresses.

1392 18.06.23 Sunday
Sent email to Dan Edwards of SGN asking questions: –
‘In last 12 months of the VCMA funding cycle: –
2. How many times were engineers alerted to presence of CO by their test equipment, possibly saving their lives?

3. How many engineers SGN instructs via the gas emergency service who have additional competencies gained while carrying out other roles &, specifically, how many have CMDDA1?

4. How many homes were referred to National Energy Action (NEA)?

5. How many replacements were funded via ECO or NEST?

6. How many were separately funded by SGN?’

Wrote to Fire fighter Mike Porter who has been appointed to APPCOG – wrote his email in ink on one of my cards but it smudged so not sure it’s right and was returned. Sent email to Natilie Fleck of CORT asking her to pass on my email to him. Wrote to Jack Hulme of HSE asking if he could pass on my details to the other two HSE ladies at CORT.
Heard yet more difficulties with energy etc from survivor MS. Responded and asked if OK to forward to Jenny. He’s writing it to help others but we need a chronology.

Read about the couple of Americans who’d died in Mexico – supposedly CO but ‘gas ruled out’ so emailed Elsy (a friend) to see if she could help.

1391 17.06.23 Saturday
Emailed survivor PD and we’ve fixed Tuesday at 9.30 for a chat.
Emailed Sue Westwood and also Hilary Cowie about the stats. Sent Hilary articles from the last few years and also leaflet and my short CV. Also sent her link and told her about the list of deaths. Also sent Coroner’s form and copied Jenny in.

1390 16.06.23 Friday
Wrote to Charon re generators and also the CORT event and how things seem to be changing at last.
Survivor MS has had another knock back trying to get some medical help and advice – basically there isn’t any, but he finds that hard to believe. I would feel the same.
Frank responded re Ofgem’s refusal to supply the statutes and sections that govern their duty to ‘vulnerable customers’ and re CO. Suggested I challenged this but I responded that I think it is an exception if it’s possible to obtain the info elsewhere. I’ve already said I think getting a legal opinion is a hammer to crack a nut and can’t they help. Also responded to Frank re the case of the pilot in Oz who had CO and crashed the small plane with 5 Brits on board. Responded to ME Association – did they know that CO is often confused with ME or people exposed to CO are told they have ME or CFS.
Jenny wrote re Richard Phillips who died in a tent from fumes from a generator. Generator had been turned off but was turned on again.
Sent Jenny the IGE case study I gave in 1998.

1389 15.06.23 Thursday
Jonathan had written to me about the future of CORT which is interesting. Responded.
Very old case – survivor PD wrote to me – clergyman and wife exposed to CO while wife pregnant. Wrote back.
Heard from Boucher re heat pumps mainly personal but also re CO-Gas Safety.
Heard from Steve Richard re video games. He’s finally found someone good, but it’ll take a while for this person to get back to him.
Wrote to Rich about old slide show – said I recalled it being on the old website and did that help to find it?
Heard from Charon re generators.
Asked Jenny about Richard Phillips and the tent.

1388 14.06.23 Wednesday
Attended the CORT conference in Sheffield.
Asked Jenny to download the Atrial fibrillation article and send as couldn’t seem to do that as away.
Asked for Coroner’s address in Oz so could write about the length of time taken to test for CO when in Majorca took three days.
Wrote to Hilary Cowie who has a grant to collect articles about CO. Sat next to her at the dinner!
Had a response from Elizabeth Warwick and wrote back with some detailed questions.
1387 13.06.23 Tuesday
Jim Kinnibrugh rang me. Long conversation – Micha not well and will have some time while she is having treatment to look at survivor DD. Told him that understood the solicitor’s dilemma re no legal precedent for very low levels of CO or other products of combustion except perhaps in a death e.g. Kissi-Debra.
Asked Jenny to look up a case I couldn’t seem to get the report up to read – hopefully due to lack of Internet connection. Could be American though.

Atrial Fibrillation and Silent Coronary Spasm Complicating Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
It looks interesting. Couldn’t it be the CO causing the fibrillation and spasm rather than vice versa.
Note must restart 2021 computer re carbonite. Emailed Rich to remind me.
Jenny has pursued the Australian small plane tragedy and asked the Coroner, to kindly give us the result etc.
Jenny has also emailed journalist Zak re the Newton family and their narrow escape from CO poisoning emitted by their faulty boiler in council-sourced accommodation:

1386 12.06.23 Monday
Caught up with emails.
Responded to KH, survivor and willing to do case study re RGM – she had written to say willing to work with Jenny – copied Jenny in.
Heard from Kane re Ofgem’s net zero.
Wrote to Frank about a small plane crash in 2017 – pilot blamed but finally vindicated by the report that found cracks etc. and obviously it was CO. Poor mother of pilot said she’s always known it wasn’t his fault.
Heard from Jim – not coming so asked him to notify CORT.
Heard from Jenny re mother and daughter – sure it couldn’t have been CO.
Heard from Daria of Agility and resent earlier emails asking if they could specify the country.

1385 11.06.23 Sunday
Sent an email to MS about the IGE conference in 1998. Worked on the Law, practice and prevention of CO in the UK – took out articles & saved it to 11.06.23 and filed the old ones in folder within the NCOAA file.
Heard from Jim – sounds as if he’s not going to the CORT conference. Sent him an email to say I’m going anyway so no worries if he can’t.

1384 10.06.23 Saturday
Checked media reports and found one looking at pros and cons of HBOT – sent to Martin Southwell.
Resent remail to EH.

1383 09.06.23 Friday
Heard from Kevin Herron and received APPCOG stakeholder minutes from April meeting. Next meeting 30.08.23.

1382 08.06.23 Thursday
Got back and opened Outlook but got new outlook – horrors! Seemed to lose emails that were open and spent ages sending emails to Rich asking for help. Much later found at the top could revert to old outlook which I did but still can’t find emails.
Received a general update from Sue.
Received responses re Every Doctor the NHS whistleblowing organisation. Responded that had asked doctor friend and she is going to ask around and let me know. We can always join later. Could ask medics next week at CORT too.
Received Utility Awards response that we could apply with another company i.e. Kane and we could apply with a utility. Entries in some time in September. Jonathan suggested we asked Sam about this when we see him at the demo.
Spent time reading Jonathan’s presentation for CORT and asked some questions and made some suggestions. John found the symbols re the arrows pointing at 50 PPM etc. I suggested Jonathan might explain those as I didn’t know and to me, they were counter intuitive.

1381 07.07.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Jim re email to Kevin Tse of Ofgem and got his OK to send to Ofgem.
Wrote to Sam Graham re date for demo and printed out maps for hotel and training centre etc. Rang Paul and will go via Lymington to pick him up. Heard from Sam and all AOK for the demo. John booked ferries. Filed everything on top of file for Paul Overton on invoice copies.
Wrote to Stephanie Balloo journalist at re her article Every UK household warned over ‘invisible killer’ – as a million people taking the risk. Told her about RGM and Graeme Robertson in Scotland.
Finished off email to Kevin Tse of Ofgem and copied to Jonathan Brierley and Sarah Newton Chair of the HSE.
Paid Tip Top and sent to Paul Overton. He authorised all three payments.
Heard from new victim IM re her sister who died of CO on 06.12.22 CM. Sent two emails including my CV and leaflet. Two chats on phone. There is to be a charge of manslaughter by gross negligence of the landlord. Inquest opened and closed. Explained this. Mother lives partly in Egypt. Tragedy has devastated the family. Has sisters and brothers – half I think.

Received email about Whistleblower portal for NHS doctors. Thought about being a member. Jonathan not keen. Jim OK. Not sure – decide after CORT perhaps.

Jonathan sent CORT Talk – need to read carefully and suggest things. Already suggested Elisabeth Giauque case.

1380 06.06.23 Tuesday
Drafted an email to Kevin Tse of Ofgem about testing. Sent to work group and JK. Received answer from JK but need to hear from WG.
Paid bills and sent details to Paul Overton to authorise.
Interesting email and information about CPSC and AHRI from Jonathan Kane.
Rang Essex Coroner about whether there has been a blood test result yet – had sent email on 14.04.23. Still nothing so sent email with report about Majorca taking only 3 days.
Also heard from Kent Coroner about mother and daughter and the generator in a burger van. Asked if we could have contact details of the police re the generator as Coroner not writing a report re prevention of future deaths. Also asked for our details sent to the family.
Wrote to Joe at Exposed Magazine re the RHM gas installer firm in Scotland.
Sent Coroner’s reports etc. from Kent Coroner to Jenny for filing.
Sent email again re Kevin Tse of Ofgem asking work group for their opinion.

1379 05.06.23 Monday
Got down to dealing with expenses and as study tidy it didn’t take too long. Just about finished it by lunch.
Paid some bills and finalised expenses and paid them. Alerted Paul Overton to authorise. Forgot insurance payment – must do tomorrow.
Wrote to SD about car article and she’s about to publish.
Heard from Stuart Upton of BRE and BRE didn’t say CO alarms are health monitors so that’s a relief. Asked how we could get together to stop this.
Heard from Lucy of the NLA and will have to change my Law, Practice & Prevention of CO in the UK to remove articles but links are fine.
Kane sent two articles on gas in the USA from AHRI which were interesting.
Heard from MS about Dr Myhill and responded.
Received invitation from Andrew Glynne MP re housing in Manchester but on the 8th and short notice so responded that couldn’t make it but would they consider supporting our ideas re testing for CO?
Received email from Kevin Herron about the Parliamentary inquiry into indoor air quality which we’d offered to help with. Apparently at the reading stage only. Offered some reading material.
Followed up email to Elizabeth Warwick of Wales & West – she’d offered an update in March.
Followed up with reminder to HT about Grayson the four year old hero.
Followed up on response to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem and drafted email to Kevin Tse who has taken over her responsibilities. Must send tomorrow.

1378 04.06.23 Sunday
Resent email originally sent to Dan Edwards on 20.03.23 which I’d sent to Kerry Potter of SGN with additions because Dan was away for the day.

1377 03.06.23 Saturday
I rang the Hampshire police and heard a message suggesting emailing instead, so I rang off. Later the police rang me to make sure I was OK which was lovely of them. Damien called me and I told him why I’d rung because I wanted to get the idea that possibly the tragedy on Bournemouth beach could have been caused partly by CO from the boat engine. Drafted a letter to the police and sent it to what I thought was the right email address. Later I realised that it was wrong. I checked and amended it slightly and sent it again to the correct email address after we got back and by then it was Sunday.

1376 02.06.23 Friday
Wrote to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem about vulnerable customers and testing for CO.
Answered Charon’s questions as had heard from Ben Bayliss. Referred her to the summary by APPCOG re CO alarms because it can’t be put in a sentence or two.
Heard from insurance company so can pay next week.
Wrote to Lucy Brooks of the NLA about quoting from articles.
Read an article quoting BRE saying CO alarms are the way to protect people as well as installing and maintaining appliances. So wrote to Stuart Upton of BRE re this advice and that this is very good but explaining that CO alarms would save people from death/serious injury but are not health monitors. Sent Beth Cheshire’s research on low levels.

1375 01.06.23 Thursday
Communicated with RGM and got the name of the lady re the case study and her phone number. Phoned her and we had a chat and exchanged email addresses. She gave some really good quotes. Wrote to her and sent the quotes. Wrote to Graeme Robertson of RGM and asked him to record the CO found another time and give it to the survivor for their medics and maybe undertake research showing the numbers of properties tested and the CO level found. Could then be used for an article.
Heard from Pierre and he will ask around and perhaps find other boats to test and someone to film and edit.
Sent question to Ben Bayliss that Charon queried. He responded.

May 2023

1374 31.05.23 Wednesday
Wrote to IGEM about their survey monkey survey and how I couldn’t do this as headings disappeared as list so long and none of the answers worked for me.
Had to ring Graeme Robertson of RGM Heating at 10.00. Good chat and told him about Jonathan’s offer and he was very happy about that and did use all Kane FGAs. He agreed I could forward his email address to Jonathan. Spent quite a while writing to him with various things like the CO alarm levels and our comments and Beth Cheshire’s research. He’d sent me the press release about their initiative of a free service every week and their funding from Cosy Kingdom. Suggested others follow his example. Told him about the Fuel Bank Foundation and risks to users. He sent me the case study and I said another time we need to know CO in PPM and was it a landlord situation and could he ask the person exposed to email or text me.
Wrote to Pierre Chays and he responded several times. Willing to use Lee Battrick and find a film person and editor.
Responded to survivor MS re ME and effect on mitochondria and said so many poisons seem to cause this damage.
Wrote to Frank to clarify is advice re solicitors and he responded.
Filed update from APPCOG’s Kevin Herron. Need to write about BSI and WHO.
Resent email re article re hydrogen to Weightmans.

1373 30.05.23 Tuesday
Caught up with emails.
Got ready to phone Graeme but he’s got a work problem, so we put off talking until tomorrow.
Filed an email from Robert Pocknell of Easy Assist and heard from him. We corresponded and then I sent an email to work group suggesting approaching David Johnston MP, who has helped Easy Assist.
Sent email to Kent Coroner Catherine Wood re the mother and daughter who died in the burger van of CO.
Sent another email to Ben Kelly.
Sent email to Sue W re article about Covid jabs sent by survivor MS.
Ben Hudson of GAP (Global Action Plan) invited me to a webinar on 08.06.23 and I accepted.
Lee Welch of Agility wanted to know what I was concerned about, and I responded that articles should state the country not just the town.

1372 29.05.23 Monday
Checked emails and wrote draft to Coroner in Kent re mother and daughter dead in van.
Heard from Graeme re call today and we’ve put it off until tomorrow.

1371 28.05.23 Sunday
Wrote to Ben Bayliss re Charon’s query,
‘Re the extract you kindly wrote for us I’ve received a query: –
Re the New Gas Installations: Is a new gas installation the install of a “new appliance” or new “gas line” into a building?
I have no idea what happens on a new gas line into a building – do you know? Is this an HSE matter or is it still a Local Authority issue?’

I wrote to Pierre Chays, in Jersey about

Wrote to Sue and also to survivor MS.

1370 27.05.23 Saturday
Survivor MS sent article about Covid. Musculoskeletal Manifestations of COVID-19: Currently Described Clinical Symptoms and Multimodality Imaging Findings. Sent it to Sue Westwood.
Musculoskeletal Manifestations of COVID-19: Currently Described Clinical Symptoms and Multimodality Imaging Findings

Wrote to MS about him still not feeling well.
Wrote to Frank re finding a solicitor for legal opinion.
Wrote to Paul Overton re slide show with audio as I think he found the film some months ago.
Very late – 28.05.23 wrote to Ben Bayliss about new gas line in a building.
1369 26.05.23 Friday
Worried about document and CPSC.
Decided we had to seek legal advice.
Wrote to Work Group informing of decision. Jim responded to agree.
Wrote to Jenny about mother and daughter in burger van – needing more detail.
Received response.
Jonathan suggested a solicitor which was kind.
Wrote to Rich re the snipping tool and size of box for saving.
Wrote to Alverta Mills of the CPSC to say please don’t publish. Received response saying will keep for use by staff but won’t publish. I responded to say would let her know after legal opinion sought.
Resent old emails to LH.
Wrote to Helena Larion Utility Awards to ask if open to all or if just utility companies. Also asked if there was a safety award.

1368 25.05.23 Thursday
Received email about Gas Stoves being unbanned in California.
Corresponded about new Conservative MP.
Asked Sir Peter Bottomley.
Received query from Daniel Atherton from Peter Bottomley.
Received acknowledgement from PB.
Sent explanatory letter and Law & Practice & Prevention document to CPSC via Alberta Mills. Copy to work group.
Wrote to Ben Kelly re telephone number and trying to contact.
Wrote to House of Commons asking who was the MP for Mersea near Colchester re the couple who were reported to have died of CO.
Hear back that it’s Bernard Jenkins MP.
Fixed date for IGEM meeting as 11th July and both Paul and Jonathan can make it so write to IGEM to fix it.
Received email from CPSC Alberta Mills that they would publish unless I said not to by end of business 26.05.23. Initially pleased.

1367 24.05.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Work Group about Safety Tourism foundation and partnership.
Wrote to Kane about datalogger.
Received suggested dates from Ollie Lancaster after sending a reminder and can only do 11th July so sent it to Work Group.
Drafted email to Sir Peter Bottomley MP.
Wrote to work group about UKEIC funding.
Wrote to Graeme Robertson of RGM Heating in Scotland. Spoke to Lucy. Very helpful.
Sent sexual harassment survey to Sue Westwood.
Lots of emails from Rich re my computer queries.
Speed of broadband.
Company which might know games company online@barkman so emailed them.
Problems Sue had with emails
Snipping tool.
Original film by Nicky Barranger – asked Paul Overton as sure he found it in Feb.
Kane sent ‘Gas stoves unbanned in California’.
Tried to find MP for couple who died of CO in Essex and asked House of Commons information for MP for Mersea near Colchester.
Sent another email to the Daily Mail re the Tammy Slaton story which is all about weight loss but it seems she had a near miss from CO and that was hardly mentioned.

1366 23.05.23 Tuesday
Correspondence about a new datalogger from Kane to EN 50543 which is very good and which will measure and keep data from 1 PPM to 999 PPM, will be launched very soon, be on sale in August, cost about £250 and will obtain certification hopefully in 6 months.
Wrote to survivor AO.
Wrote to Jim Lambeth who had OK’ed draft re new MP.
Email from Jim Kinnibrugh.
Alerted Chenna to dinner at CORT.
Survivor PF wrote saying in huge pain so offered to help contact right surgeon for him etc.
Congratulated Katherine Atkinson and please pass same to Sharon Wood on partnership with Advantage Travel – later noticed it’s ‘exclusive’.

1365 22.05.23 Monday
Received Kimberly’s email about hotels and managed to book Leonardo thank goodness for CORT.
Wrote to Adrian also about this.
Booked dinner on the 14th. Filed receipt in Expenses.
Received email from Charon and wrote back saying would send document to CPSC on Wednesday as thought her suggestions for changes were for her not us. We can change the document anytime.
Wrote to Sarah Wilson about animation and game maker as she’d responded to me.
Wrote to Directors about renewal insurance and sent form for them to fill up.
Received Paul’s and Sue’s forms and filed them.
Wrote to Steve Dacre to say sorry it was too far for the NGN event.
Wrote to Jenny re the anonymous cases and she’s filed them – so have I under case studies. We know names and email addresses.
Terminated MP Andrew Rosindell’s directorship at his request and sent him the termination notice. Filed under Companies House 23.
Wrote draft to Peter Bottomley and sent to Work Group.
Wrote to Richard Gerrard (Recar and Cleveland) correcting animation link from You Tube to link on our website.
Wrote to Tracey about B12 and her recent medical experience using a different drug inhaler for her asthma. Tweeted.
Wrote to donor who’d given us £100,000 in 2020 to update and send both report of the year 2022 and our Law, Practice and Prevention of CO in the UK. Suggested a life game including CO.
Thought about Johnny Mercer as a Conservative MP but he’s a minister.
Wrote again to Cassi Free.
Sent work group Michael Scholand’s slides of CLASP about indoor air and gas appliances.
Wrote to Global Action Plan (GAP) about presentations on 09.03.23 and could we please have all presentations.
Wrote to Baines of Just Giving – can’t do 31st May

1364 21.05.23 Sunday
Wrote to survivor AO.
Wrote to Chennakesavalu Rajagopal re CORT conference.
Wrote up anonymous case studies with names and email addresses.

1363 20.05.23 Saturday
Wrote to Kimberly Allen of CORT asking if any hotel rooms left as there seem to be none but I did register.
Wrote to Paul Overton about payments.
Wrote to survivor AO.
Wrote again to Paul about payments.

1362 19.05.23 Friday
Thought about making a film and contacting the company who made the film for Chris Bielby – sent email to Work group.
Corresponded with survivor AO.
Wrote to work group about MP Andrew Rosindell’s resignation and sought advice on new Conservative MP. Removed him from directors on email addresses.
Rang Paul re authorising payments.
Sent email to directors about insurance and how they need to fill up form.
Wrote to Charon about my law, practice & prevention document and asked her how she was getting on. Asked her when she was getting back with suggested changes.

1361 18.05.23 Thursday
Hannah Taylor responded and said OK for me to ask Jenny to start preparing a case study so wrote to Jenny about this and to Hannah thanking her.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh re his new email address.
Wrote to Sue sending her an article about hyperbaric. It was helping her but is now too far away to be cost effective and she finds CB oil helpful.
Wrote to Dr Sarah West who had spoken at the Air Quality event on the 10th May.
Rang MP Andrew Rosindell’s office and spoke to Pierre and sent him the email re questions for the insurers. Also urged him to sign the EDM for the Clean Air Bill.
Paid Jenny and Agility and sent payments to Paul to authorise.
Sent invoices to Kane.
Wrote to David Goodall re Chris Bielby’s film and asked could he provide a link and who made it?

Sent Dr Susan Michaelis’ plea for funding etc. re lobular cancer to Directors and patron and Baroness Jenny Jones. Interesting that contaminates have been implicated in this cancer and others.
Sent Charon interesting training opportunity by EPA for monitoring air in schools.
Researched CORT event on 14th June and hotel itself booked up. Thought again that would take three days and really don’t think it’s worth it. Especially as Jim Lambeth will be attending.
Wrote to Chenna of Affotek asking if he ever came to London and that Monday Tuesday or Thursday would be good.

1360 17.05.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Hannah re media report re award to hero Grayson aged four.
Asked if W & W U had contacted them.
Wrote to Simon Foulds (journo) asking to put us in touch with Lee Vernalls re
Wrote to Simon Birkett to ask his opinion on Global Action Plan and CLASP – Christine Egan.
Sent Charon interesting article about UK about to join USA re gas cookers.
Wrote to the Times about therapists will be hired to help long term sick. Suggested that better health could be achieved by free nutritious school meals, more servicing, testing and raising awareness of CO.
Wrote to survivor AO having looked at his supporting letters.
Wrote again to say summary and these letters probably enough for the contact I met from Peabody to help AO.
Jim Kinnibrugh emailed to give new address and new email address.
Wrote to Steven Richard, a friend, about need to find someone to invent a game.
Wrote to Richard Gerrard asking if he knew anyone who makes smart phone/computer games.

1359 16.05.23 Tuesday
Read new article on Aerotoxic Syndrome and was concerned that it stated that effects of CO rapid when we think low levels of CO not that rapid. Corresponded with Beth Cheshire and also Frank.
Phone chat with Richard Gerrard N. Yorkshire – we got on really well. I wrote and sent Sue’s film, our animation and our leaflet. He’s going to try to find someone in CAB.
Zoom had disappeared so wrote to Rich.
Wrote to survivor with back injury PF to urge him on.
Wrote to Sarah Wilson about animation and whether we could replace ‘Animation 18.11.MP4’ and substitute Sarah Wilson for CO-Gas Safety. Also asked her if she knew a games company.
Wrote to Ben Concept 4 but email was returned so asked Sue who says she will ask around.
Wrote to Chenna Rajagopal.
Wrote to Charon re the document and she said she would get suggestions back soon. I told her that Adrian had made some helpful suggestions and I’d taken on most of his.
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster re his suggestion for a meeting in London.
Wrote to AO re Peabody tenancy.

1358 15.05.23 Monday
Charon issue re contribution. Sent to WG.
Sent to WG re sending talk in 1998 to Oliver Lancaster*.
Wrote to Adrian McConnell re his suggestions for the explanatory letter.
Checked draft email to Simon Main and sent it.
Rang Paul and Sue re* and sent to Oliver Lancaster.
Wrote to Rich re Sue’s problem not receiving one email today.
Received FOI response from Ofgem and Ofgem has refused to supply Acts and sections so forwarded to Frank. Looks like we’ll have to seek a legal opinion.
Wrote to survivor/tenant AO.
Worked on long document again and eventually finished and sent document and explanatory letter to Charon.
Received email from PIB insurers and sent on to Andrew Rosindell MP.
Sent encouraging email to survivor PF also AO.
Resent email sent 03.03.23 to John McNally MP about Conservative MPs signing EDM for Clean Air Bill especially those on relevant APPCs.

1357 14.05.23
Wrote re me making a mistake reading Oliver Lancaster’s email. Wrote draft.
Sent to Ollie of IGEM.
Wrote to Adrian to thank him for his suggestions re my explanatory letter to the CPSC but querying why he took something out that happened.
Wrote to Graham Savage to say things might be moving.
Resent Amazon email re Alexa not having a standard re CO or certification either.
Worked on explanatory letter to CPSE and re-read at least 20 pages of document on Law Practice and Prevention of CO. Added new BSI standard on air quality.

1356 13.05.23 Saturday
Wrote to Sue Westwood – had asked Jonathan to put me in touch with Teledyne.
Wrote to Rich re games company.
Wrote to Nicky, a friend re games company.
Paul Trotter recommended Rockstar. Founded by David Jones in Scotland. Found him on Linked in.
Filed an email to Ollie Lancaster and realised I’d made a bit of a mess of the last para so wrote a draft and sent it for approval.
Signed up to Linked in again for a month’s free trial and wrote to David Jones founder of Rockstar.

1355 12.05.23 Friday
Wrote to John Atkins.
Wrote to Rich re
Sent WG IAQ and health debate webinar.
Also sent IGEM slides from conference.
Signed up to Global Action Plan.
Wrote to Jenny re deaths abroad.
Wrote to Independent re Climate News and all about what needed to be done re CO.
Wrote general summary and filed under Press Pack 2024.
Filed link to EDM for Clean Air Bill.
Wrote to John Atkins again.
Wrote to Frank re possible article.
Inquired how Colin Breed is by writing again to him.

1354 11.05.23 Thursday
Read about Sir Harry’s Summit on investigative journalism and sent to WG.
Wrote to Charon asking what changes? She later responded and just take out politicians. OK re meeting and collaboration on education and that she’d asked me to write a document about safety precautions in the UK.
Wrote to survivor MS.

Adrian – suggested changes to explanatory letter.
Wrote to Simon Main re work on SGN so asked what about the other GDNs?
Wrote to survivor PF to persuade him to get on with accessing MRI scans.
Wrote to Jenny.
Wrote to Cutting Edge re deaths in night club.
Wrote to Alex@mysociety.

1353 10.05.23 Wednesday
Received an email from Jonathan about the problem with the document Law, Practice and Prevention. I responded and was very pleased that this was his reaction, but I explained I’d written to CPSC to put a hold on what I’d sent.

Wrote to Graham Savage and sent the research done by Northern Gas Networks, ‘Giving CO nowhere to hide’. Also wrote about smart meter fitters, Cadent, NGN and about the technology that will soon be here.

Re-read email from Simon Birkett of Clean Air London with the BSI BS 40102-1:2023. We’ll ask for a free copy.
Also read his 7 page letter to Gove.
We had the virtual meeting with Ros and Nicole and Desiree.
Simon told the meeting that I’d asked to be there at the Clive Betts MP meeting about the Clean Aor Bill but that I hadn’t received an invitation. I made the point that it seemed no Conservative had signed the EDM, not even those on committees such as APPCOG.
Told the meeting about the progress by Cadent and NGN re testing but only for ‘vulnerable customers’ when everyone vulnerable to CO.
Wrote to survivor PF.
Sent Sue the 1998 talk.
Wrote to Simon Main of the Gas Safe Charity about CABs who need their courses on CO.
Wrote to Georgina Raper of VCSE and wrote to
Wrote to ask them to write to their MPs and urge them to sign the EDM for the Clean Air Bill.
Received the result of my FOI request and forwarded to Frank to see what he thinks. However, feel the problem is more of an HSE one. But maybe not – if duty to vulnerable customers means they have to relight and test, why not relight and test with everyone as all are vulnerable to CO.
Jenny sent the response re the British deaths from CO – Jenny had written to the Foreign Office. I wrote as well.
Resent email to Jersey police – 8 deaths from explosion. Jersey police still haven’t responded.
Filed an article about linking pollution to dementia – Bob Maynard and Frank Kelly. From 2022. Strange it took so long for them to realise this – we suspected in about 1995 or 6 from the death of an old lady from CO – relatives thought it was just a touch of dementia. Another reason it’s a good idea to see things from a victim’s point of view.

1352 09.05.23 Tuesday
Some correspondence regarding CPSC.
Wrote to the family of someone who’d died re what the procurator fiscal might recommend.
Sent Adrian McConnell the Law, practice etc. document.
Found the person, Graham Savage, who was a friend of Chris Bielby and heard my talk in 1998 about a typical death from CO and the effect it had had on him and apparently others. But I never knew at the time – thought I’d had no reaction except perhaps hostility. He responded and I sent him the copy of the talk from 1998.
Received recommendation from Sam Graham of Cadent for a hotel so booked it for Paul and I for the 21st June. No more expensive than a premier inn and so much nicer – 8 acres of green and two miles away. Rang Paul and we had a chat by phone.
Tried to ring Avril and then got through to Gordon who was very nice to ask him if they’d had an invitation to the meeting with Clive Betts MP on the Clean Air Bill tomorrow. He didn’t think they had.
Spoke to new survivor PF, who seems willing to give us a case study about an oil boiler, has terrible back problems due to an accident while he was coxswain for the Scottish Fisheries. Now lives in Cheshire, I think. Found his MP from his post code but after chatting some more realised that his real need was to access his MRIs and have an operation on his spine. Offered to help him write a letter/email to his GP if necessary and if no luck getting the MRIs, to his MP.
Wrote to CPSC asking them to hold the documents I’d sent as would be substituting another in a few days.
Wrote to Simon Birkett of Clean Air London about the meeting tomorrow.

1351 08.05.23 Monday
Bank holiday but got to get the document into USA CPSC by the end of today.
Working on document when received query from Charon re new gas appliances. Took me a little while to do that.
Then worked on document – reading it through.
Received email from Simon Birkett about Wednesday virtual meeting at 11.00 and maybe see us later at the Clive Betts MP meeting. Responded to say that we’d asked for an invitation to the meeting but hadn’t got one but if I was able to come, I’d be supporting his call for standards and WHO level on indoor air. Later emailed Avril and Gordon to ask if they were going.
Finally finished document and tried to upload. Managed that but it wouldn’t submit – think it is because I’m outside the jurisdiction. Sent it via the email explaining I didn’t want to do it this way.
Jenny sent draft lots of questions for a survivor PF of an oil boiler. I was a bit worried he might be put off and she hadn’t got a phone number. She decided I should write so I did asking for a chat via phone more or less anytime tomorrow but would be good to fix a time. Gave him my numbers.
Charon responded and I asked her if she would submit document for me and she agreed and did so! I was thrilled. She seemed very pleased with our document.
Responded to email from Agility Daria Dabrowski.
Chased up unanswered emails from 24.02.23.

1350 07.05.23 Sunday
Sent email to Dr Julie Connolly re using her agreed copy but in document for CPSC.
Caught up on emails.
Jim responded and he said it was OK to go.
Wrote to John Richardson of SGN twice forwarding email sent 24.02.23.
Responded to survivor AO.

1351 06.05.23 Saturday Coronation Day of King Charles lll.
I did some work on the Law & Practice document.
Sent it to the work group and JK.
Sent an email to Dr C Rajagopal, OBE of Affotek to

1349 05.05.23 Friday
Did some work on the submission to CPSC and also on the Law, Practice & Prevention document. Put in page numbers and read some of it but decided I needed to read it one more time when feeling fresh.
Wrote to Richard Gerrard, Redcar and Cleveland Council and fixed 9.30 Tuesday 16th May.
Sam Graham re the demo and asked for a recommendation of a hotel nearby.

1348 04.05.23 Thursday
Had email from Richard Gerrard – asked for a Teams meeting.
Community Health Development Co-ordinator
Redcar and Cleveland Council
Jenny had written a letter to journalist about an article she wrote,
‘I read with interest your attached article, which states that both Paul and his dog were poisoned by a faulty boiler. We would very much like to correspond with Paul about this incident as it is not one we were aware of and it sounds as if it was a significant exposure.’

1347 03.05.23 Wednesday
Got up and worked on submission document.
Amended Law & Practice document.
Wrote detailed email to survivor HP about his choices of testing etc.
Wrote to survivor AO who is a Peabody tenant.
Talked to Steve Dacre at 10.00. Wrote to him afterwards and later in the day forwarded to work group with added notes of the meeting.
Chat with survivor HP and he emailed to say he agreed that I alert Cadent and would accept their CMDDA1 help. Wrote to Suzanne at Cadent.
Heard from Kevin Herron that we’d been informed about the Welsh consultation in March update and asked if too late for us to respond.
Heard from Paul Overton that he could do 22.06.23 for the demo. Wrote to Sam Graham.
Heard from survivor MS who thought our document about numbers exposed to CO was too old to be useful and suggested research by student EHOs. Wrote back thanking him for his honesty and asking what he thought of the fact that the big study of 75,000 homes hadn’t been done and we were not told this until after I’d enquired several times.

1346 02.05.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Suzanne of Cadent re kind offer to send CMDDA1 person to survivor HP. Sent on most of the message to HP with suggestion we talk tomorrow about 5.00 or could be later.

Heard from Jenny re comparison between USA and UK re cookers or generators.

Heard from Jonathan re date of demo and emailed Paul again re 22nd June.

Heard from Peabody tenant/survivor and responded.

Consultation Wales re CO alarms from Property mark – send email to Kevin Herron of APPCOG asking if we were told about this.

Wrote to Jenny re Law, Practice & prevention document.

Wrote to Survivor MS about his FOI request on 21.02.23 and perhaps should write again asking under the FOI Act.

1345 01.05.23 Monday
I did emails and also read March CO-Gas Diary and sent to work group.
Reading it made me think about adding things to the submission to CPSC so I started making notes of what to include.

Got survivor HP’s case study and read it and asked if OK to send to Jenny. He agreed so sent it to Jenny to polish up. HP will get some pics together.
Downloaded article from survivor MS about antibiotics being neurotoxins. Sent to Sue Westwood.

Watched SGN’s game and sent it to Sue and asked her what she thought of it – also if she’d run it past Ellie and Josh. All felt we would love to have a go. Asked if Sue or anyone knew of a good games’ person or company.

Sent Paul and Jonathan SGN’s demo date again of 22.06.23 – need to know urgently if they can manage this date or not.

April 2023

1344 30.04.23 Sunday
Wrote to Frank about HSE, PLI and survivor KB. Asked if OK to send HSE letter to KB and also if HSE could amend licence conditions if they wanted to or was this ultra vires?
Wrote to survivor MS about effects of an antibiotic he was taking.

1343 29.04.23 Saturday
Wrote to Tech Registry about standard re Dyson’s purifying headphones. Got silly response probably from a robot.
Wrote to Jenny re the two deaths on a boat in Poole in January 2022. She had got notification of the deaths and suspected CO but didn’t know until now.
Wrote to Jenny re comparing UK and USA deaths from generators plus my Law, Practice & Prevention 3rd Edition – would she tidy.
Invoice from Jenny.
Wrote to Owen Andrews from Scope about CO alarms for the deaf and linked alarms and downloadable data (AICO).

1342 28.04.23 Friday
Wrote to Kane re Dyson new gadget about £800 – purifying headphones
– is it to a standard? Wrote to the Tech register to ask.
Heard from Steve Dacre of SGN and we’ve arranged to talk Wednesday 3rd May at 10.00.
Wrote to Steve about data, case studies which might help medics and offers of our help to CABs.
Corresponded with survivor MS about his reaction to his antibiotics for his tooth decay.
Talked to survivor KB and sent her an email late. This was about her claim and PLI and licensing conditions and asking her solicitors to contact me.
Found two new deaths on a boat in Poole January 2022.

1341 27.04.23 Thursday
Wrote to Karen Lock re CO incident in Bucks.
Wrote to Jenny. Wrote to Ben Kuchta re Sam Graham.
Wrote to Survivor/tenant of Peabody re help writing his summary.
Wrote to Cadent’s Suzanne Callington re asking for assurance of confidentiality re survivor HP and three children.
Jonathan Kane OK’ed appendix 4 in document.
Survivor MS alerted me to research from CPSC on generators etc. re CO.
Asked Jenny to compare and contrast our deaths from generators and home heating re same years as USA’s CPSC.
Owen Andrew wrote to me from Scope and asked for leaflets etc. Sent one minute film, animation and leaflet.
Dan Edwards from SGN wrote and it seems there is nothing the SGNs can or will do re the CO awareness competition.
Wrote to HP re Cadent’s assurance of confidentiality and having received his response sent Cadent’s forms to Cadent.

1340 26.04.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Peabody tenant asking for summary to send Simon from the Peabody Trust who I met at the IGEM conference. Wrote to Simon too.

Worked on Appendix 4 and corresponded with Kevin Hamon and Frank Brehany and also Jonathan.
All coming along nicely. Sent to work group.

Sent suggestions for improved publicity to Dan Edwards including First News and Post card drops and event at the Houses of Parliament to increase entries.

Sent email to Oliver Lancaster about IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3. Argued IGEM’s Charter was on our side. Also, the technical document that governed the committee deciding this.

Sent article about ultra sensitive CO detector to Jonathan Kane and wondered if relevant for FGAs.
Date for demo at Cadent fixed at 22nd June – sent to the others.

1339 25.04.23 Tuesday
NGN virtual meeting. 9.45 to 1.00 p.m.
Wrote to survivor O’Resa who had written to everybody about need to make changes.
Two break out rooms. Eileen Brown was excellent.
Made the point that it was great that testing was being carried out on homes with vulnerable customers, but everyone is vulnerable to CO however healthy, wealthy or wise.
After meeting wrote to Steve Dacre of NGN to thank him and also: –
‘Re the CO awareness competition this could be such a huge PR success but the GDNs seem to have recently let it die. Covid didn’t help.
1. I’ve just rung my contact at First News and although it was years ago when I last spoke to her, she was great. She says a full page now costs £2,500 but she could discuss for next year. It used to cost us only £1,000 because we were a charity. However, the GDNs have millions so this £2,500 could be divided by 4 anyway. You won’t get entries unless you advertise somewhere and this is a start and all teachers have access to First News. How about a Post card drop in your area? Happy to help design the PC.

2. Parliamentary event for the prize winners – pics of winners with their MPs (see attached (pic of Theresa May with our winner) before May was even Home Secretary) – in my opinion the whole point of the competition. To raise awareness of CO in Parliament and act as a lure for entries. Expenses paid trip to Parliament for the whole family (on receiving original receipts so rules need to be made clear from the start). A PR opportunity for the GDNs and to impress Ofgem with knobs on.

Other points
1. Testing for CO.
I couldn’t hear (your line went inaudible) but I think there is no test for CO when someone goes onto the PSR register. Surely there should be?

2. CABs – need to be educated. The Gas Safe Charity do a great job at an online basic CO course but there is also a need, particularly for the CABs, to be able to advise people what to do if CO suspected. We could work together on this and with Cadent.

3. GPs – if you find a CO case, there should be an involvement and raised awareness with the local medics. We could help on this too.

4. I think there is still a huge reluctance to admit there is a CO problem. Please see attached document ‘Numbers affected by CO in the UK’. It isn’t easy, Steve but please try to read it – also Eileen. Please tell me if you don’t agree with it and exactly where you think we’ve gone wrong.

5. Net zero – please tell me what to use for central heating that isn’t gas and yet works – we’re about to do up a Victorian semi-detached. Gas still could have its place and is so much better, pollution wise than coal or wood; but gas has to put it’s clean, caring and technically best foot forward in my opinion.

6. We are in contact with a similar victim body in the USA – although they may be about making profits too – there are many lives to be saved, health preserved and also huge profits abroad to be made from safety expertise.’

Wrote to work group re need to boost entries.
Wrote to Jim Lambeth who had approved our suggestions to increase entries into CO awareness competition.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP re signing EDM for Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill.
Received approval from Paul Overton for email to Oliver Lancaster re IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3.

1338 24.04.23 Monday
Wrote to journalist Dami thanking him for passing my details to survivor H P and family.
Wrote to Jenny re Steve Kitcher (deceased) in the IOW – watching brief as not sure if CO or unintentional yet.
Wrote to ask Jonathan’s advice on email to IGEM. Then drafted email and sent draft to Work group.
Talked to survivor H P and corresponded quite a bit. Saved documents and proposed sending Cadent documents to Cadent and asking for names. Decided to ask for confidentiality first.
Wrote to Jenny re her finding Robert Dunn as fiancé who died with MC who survived – used as a basis for talk to IGE in 1998. Asked Jenny for MC’s solicitors as that might give us a clue.
Wrote to Jonathan re Simon Birkett and his proposed letter to Gove.
Wrote to Resa O re letter she wrote re CO and the campaigning she’s done.
Wrote to Jenny re generator safety. Useful for CPSC submission.

1337 23.04.23 Sunday
Received generator data in the UK from Jenny. Will probably be useful for submission to USA CPSC.
Sent talk in 1998 to Jenny and asked her to try to find the death with a survivor MC – think it might have been Michael Wood. This was the case I used.
Realised I hadn’t written to Sam Graham so suggested 27th went ahead at Kane.
Heard from and wrote back to survivor MS who has kindly offered to read the Law Practice etc. document when the second edition is ready.

1336 22.04.23 Saturday
Emails to Jonathan about possibly using Kane premises for Thursday.
Wrote to survivor tenant with three children with infestations & CO problems. Received documents.
Wrote to Jim about attending CORT conference and secured place 14.06.23.

1335 21.04.23 Friday
Wrote to Dami re family with CO issues & infestations re report.
Emailed Kevin Tse re please send to lawyers – need to know sections and acts. Ofgem’s duties to protect members of the public from use of gas through pipes – surely all customers need tests for CO whenever practicable. Copied Caroline Lane HSE.
Booked CORT conference 14.06.23.
Wrote to Rob Lyon re using actors in warning films and he responded.
Looked for old film using audio and stills – on website but couldn’t access so wrote to Rich.
Wrote again to Rob saying that it can take time, but it helps many as CO can be prevented.
Wrote to Jenny re generator safety for CPSC. Filed article about deaths in USA esp. generators and BBQs.
Wrote to survivor MS who had kindly offered to read my document about the Law, Practice & Prevention and explained now into the second edition and when finished would send.
Heard from HP on mobile so emailed him – he’d heard from Dami.
Wrote to Jonathan suggesting use of Kane premises for demo if practical.

1334 20.04.23 Thursday
Found I couldn’t scan in the early hours so sent email to Rich.
By the time I got to my computer he’d fixed it! Thanked him.
Scanned both old talks to IGE and to the Gas Forum Safety Committee in 1998.
Sent them to Frank.
Emailed Kevin of COGDEM EU about background of the organisation and later sent him the appendix 4 and asked if he thought anything was wrong.
Asked Linda Mee of IGEM to ask Graham Savage to contact me – the Graham Savage who was a colleague of Chris Bielby.
Asked Laura Fatah if I could attend the stakeholder event on 10.05.23.
Chased email to Sam Graham and sent copy to Wayne Merry – this has been postponed – this is the third time…
Rang Paul Overton and we discussed competition entries and also Wednesday’s meetings, IGEM meeting and old talks.
Sent talks to Work group and to Jonathan.
Caught up with emails and diary and realised I needed to write to AO re Simon Smith of Peabody Trust so send AO email to ask if he would outline problem so I could send to Simon Smith.
Found cut off date 24.04. re Indoor Air Plus in USA and sent it to Charon in case she didn’t know.
Wrote to Dan Edwards about competition entries. He responded and I responded back making further suggestions.
Wrote to Rob Lyon re him proposing using actors not victims/survivors.
Wrote update and sent it to Kevin Herron to save him some typing.

1333 19.04.23 Wednesday
Was catching up with emails when I saw one from Kevin re the APPCOG meeting at 10.00 – got onto it at about 10.15…
Missed something about using actors for warning films rather than real people.
Gave update (last but one to do so).
Afterwards talked to Frank for about an hour about his Irish family and also about his book etc.
Got an email from Tom Woolley so I responded, and we had a conversation which was very nice.
Wrote to Sam Graham about next week for the demo.
Wrote to Kevin Hamon re CoGDEM EU.
Replied to David Goodall.
Replied to Dr Ben Croxford.
Wrote to Kevin Herron re thanks for the reminder.

1332 18.04.23 Tuesday
Had a bit of trouble finding the Conference Centre for the IGEM conference – just as well I had the instructions to look for the Motor Museum but we had bags of time thank goodness so all was well.
Went in and found my card.
Dumped my case and got a coffee. Quite full and people very friendly. Nice loos.
We had the talks.
David Tomkin, VP of IGEM
IGEM/G/11 CO Supplement
Martin Garbutt Head of Technical Governance, Home Serve Membership Ltd.
He made out that a CO alarm would protect people. I stood up and asked him about this and said that even EN 50291 could allow 29 PPM of CO forever and the WHO guidelines were 4 PPM for 24 hours and even that was not to be continuous.
I don’t think he answered my question and nor did someone else who I talked to later. Martin just went on about the standard.
Jonathan Kane – Your Analyser – Today and Tomorrow. Jonathan’s was excellent.
Hydrogen Training and Assessment
Richard Harper, Contract Manager (Gas) Energy & Utility Skills – Simon from Peabody asked difficult Qs on hydrogen ready boilers.
Update on IGEM/UP/1B
Becoming a Gas Engineer Laura-Lee Oxley, Audit and Sub-Contractor Manager, Lowri Beck Services Ltd. Excellent talk.
IGEM standards
Update on IGEM/UP/1B
Andy Durber Blue Flame Associates.
IGEM/G/13 Another standard – what’s the point – This is the story
Trevor Smallpeice, Chari, Large Business Forum
IGEM/G/5 Practices, risks and moving forward
Mark Duffy, Technical Safety Manager, CORGI technical Services.
Essential Compliance
Safe Electrical Isolation of Gas Appliances
Frank Bertie, Chief Technical Officer, NAPIT
Update on BS 5440 Part 1 and Part 2
Thomas Donnelly, Gas Compliance Manager, L & Q Housing.
Investigating Gas incidents for HSE and learning the lessons from them
Steve Critchlow, Principal Gas Engineer, HSE Excellent talk. Someone from EU skills asked why not a competent list of Gas Engineers and Steve more or less said that could be dangerous and we wouldn’t have enough engineers. He’s right but they should be competent.

New Builds were mentioned as a real CO problem and the need for architects and quantity Surveyors to know about CO and not block flues.

Met Caroline Lane from the HSE with a colleague. Told her that if only HSE said testing for CO was a safety issue Ofgem would find the funding to do this whenever practicable.

Met Graham Savage who told me he recalled an IGEM event at Loughborough in the late 1990s and I’d given a talk and he recalled it really made an impact. He’d also come to the island for the walk.
I gave him my card. He said he had a firm and could help us re testing.

Met various people – very friendly. Atmosphere changed and everyone wants to test and make profits from testing which is great.

John came and picked us up and took Jonathan to the railway station.

1331 17.04.23 Monday
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster as suggested in response to email from Ian McCluskey but then added parts. Therefore, ran it past Jonathan Kane as not sure if should wait until after IGEM talk. But this was approved for sending as I was making points that were serious namely: –
1. Testing for CO being done but only for vulnerable consumers when everyone is vulnerable to CO and
2. Although IGEM standards are made by consulting a committee they are still labelled IGEM number so & so etc. so why wasn’t IGEM leading from the front and advocating testing – so sent email quite early in the day. Ian copied in.
Heard from Frank re work done in EU and responded that would look at this later in the week and weave it into the Law, Practice document and if Frank willing, would add his name to that part. Frank happy with that.
Took Trustee/Director Jim Lambeth out to lunch with his wife, Audrey as we were nearby to Matlock and hadn’t seen them for years.

1330 16.04.23 Sunday
Received the slides for the IGEM conference from Jonathan and asked four questions and sent them to Jonathan.
Wrote to survivor MS.
Sent slides to Work group.
Found I hadn’t sent second edition of ‘Law, Practice & Prevention of CO’ to Charon on Friday as I’d thought after all so sent it.

1329 15.04.23 Saturday
Wrote to survivor MS as had exposed himself to fumes from varnish.
Wrote to Jonathan re Feb which he’d read, second edition of Law, Practice etc and correction of Morgan Lambert and also about slides for Tuesday – did he want me to read them?
Wrote to Mark Aylett but wouldn’t send.

1328 14.04.23 Friday
Spent most of the day amending Law, Practice & Prevention of CO in the UK and compiling what we’d done in the EU.
Heard from Jim re lunch on Monday.
Emailed Ben Bayliss re ratio and manufacturer’s instructions.
Sent email again to EUA and HSE re one sent already 28.03.23.
Corresponded about ratio.
Heard from Alan Parker of Morgan Lambert and corrected document – they don’t undertake suppliers’ investigations – only landlords.
Couple found dead in Essex wrote to reporter and Coroner at Chelmsford.
Wrote to Kevin Hamon re round table events. Need more information.
Wrote to Sue re conference next week.
Checked something confidential for Frank.
Put page numbers in document and filed one with xxs in file.
Sent one with page numbers to Charon.

1327 13.04.23 Thursday
Heard from Michelle Sweeney about prosecutions and convictions re Reg. 36 – updated document.
Sorted Holland out with Jonathan.
Wrote to Cassi Free re NCOAA.

1326 12.04.23 Wednesday
Frank and I met in London and had a lot to discuss. The document ‘Law, Practice & Prevention of Unintentional Carbon Monoxide poisoning in the UK’ which he told me he’d read twice. What a hero! Plus discussed his European Directive cabin air quality etc. Suggested we wrote one on CO sometime. Talked about Molly and what can be done now etc. Talked about his Irish book. I must send Lucy Westhope’s book to him. Had light lunch.
I paid as he had more than helped with so much particularly the document.
Walked back. Fast train delayed so got slow one but then it was overtaken by fast train…but so windy I was worried fast train might never come. John picked me up and we drove to Portsmouth and just got the 6.00 p.m. car ferry. Quite windy.
Emails – Isabella Myers will ask COMED members about the authority for the symptoms and PPM of CO chart. Sent on to Jenny.
Heard from Craig Drinkald and he agreed he’d like to keep in touch with the CO community so would consider helping and asked what he’d have to do. Explained normal procedure and suggested board of reference.
Heard from Andrew Woodall from Agility and responded.
Joan Coe of EU Skills wrote – she’d said new website soon so would need new link and I suggested techie could make old link work. She said she’d put this to techie.
Survivor MS reported two deaths but date unknown so asked if before/after 01.09.95.
Paul has authorised bills paid yesterday.
Sent on email from John Lumb of Evotech about Airthings meters – couldn’t understand if to a standard or if certificated. Think they are not either but maybe I’d missed something so asked Jonathan to look.

1325 11.04.23 Tuesday
Wrote to survivor MS twice.
Wrote to Jenny re chart and resent chart to Isabella Myers again as we are seeking authority for the chart with the symptoms and PPM of CO.
Wrote to WG and J about Charon’s nice email about the document.
Ditto Frank.
Frank said he’d read it twice and suggested I draft something about our work in Holland and the EU.
Registered for the NGN stakeholder virtual meeting on 25.04.23.
Sent query to Rich.
Did a survey for Woodall of Agility – pointed out it would be good if they could label the countries CO events happen in.
Sent HSE alert about the Gas Safety Management Amendment Regs 2023 – mainly about what’s allowed in gas.
Received response from Linda Mee for the IGEM event and booked the premier Inn.
Sent WG and J draft response to IGEM and Oliver Lancaster re Ian McCluskey
Wrote to Morgan Morris of CO2 meter and John Lumb of Evotech re monitors asking why they don’t measure for CO?
Wrote to Coroner at Hull about the divers who died in Kea in Greece.
Wrote to Suzanne Callington re a case that might make a good case study for Cadent. She suggested Kevin Hegarty.
Heard from Joan Coe re quoting EU Skills. Permission given.
Paid bills to Tip Top and Press Cuttings International. Sent to Paul Overton to authorise.

1324 10.04.23 Monday
Sent the work group the Law, Practice and Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the UK plus the others I’d sent it to last Friday.
Jim responded pretty quickly thank goodness. Mentioned the Solid Fuel Association so I added this to the new version.
Rang Sue and Paul and got their permission to send as is to Charon as she needs it now really.
Wrote to Charon and sent it.
John booked a hotel in Dovedale and we’ll meet Jim and Audrey for lunch in Matlock.
Wrote to Rich re need to substitute draft 2 for what he’s put on website sometime.
Heard from Ben Kuchta who has also read it. He seemed to think it reads well. Made a tiny change to clarify.
Frank wrote to say he’ll read it tomorrow.
Wrote up what Jonathan and I did in Holland from 2016 and drafted an email to survivor MS and sent.

1323 09.04.23 Sunday
Wrote to Jenny telling her I’d found the Coroner’s email.
Jonathan responded about the report in Holland and it was due to us he thought. I responded.
Wrote to Kye with a better report about the divers and the percentages.
Drafted something about the IGEM charter and sent to Jonathan.
Did research on CO and CO2 OSHA and sent charts and links to Ben Bayless and reminded him about the document and sent latest one.
Emailed Jenny as think I have found an authority for the charts but not positive.

1322 08.04.23 Easter Saturday
Read report about the deaths of two divers on two separate dives in Kea in Greece – CO of 11% and 15% but said it wasn’t CO. CO2 could have been a COD. Sent report to Jenny and asked for email of Coroner in Hull. Senior Coroner Professor Paul Marks. Email
Sent to Kye and Nicole re percentage.
Ice storms in Canada, Montreal leading to the normal but tragic deaths.
Sent a report about the Netherlands making it illegal to do gas work without a certificate.

1321 07.04.23 Friday Good Friday
Wrote to writer of & tweeted reporter. Report not clear. But seems it’s CO and Cadent. We’d like case study.
Wrote to Suzanne Callington re this too as Kevin seems to be away.

Wrote to Charon re

Wrote to Charon re the Clean Air Bill

Wrote to Charon re the CPSC re the generators
U.S. advances portable generator safety rule to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning

Wrote to survivor DD re report.

Wrote response to Laura Fatah APPCOG re her nice email about the Chris Bielby award.
Sent her the research by Northern Gas Networks.

Wrote draft to Laura re her response to our comments on four things left out of the notes of the meeting on 23.01.23.
Sent to work group. Feedback from JK.
Sent slightly better worked response to Laura Fatah.

1320 06.04.23 Thursday
Wrote to Jenny re hero Grayson and Hannah Taylor.
Sent email to Charon – resent yesterday’s and then got a response saying OK to wait for the document, ‘Law, Practice & Prevention of CO poisoning in the UK’ until 10.04.23 so wrote thanking her and explaining I’d sent to 7 people.
Rich told me he’d put document on the website and thankfully he had. Its password protected and will need to be changed to new version.
Thanked him and sent Aberfan report and updated the document with this and with link from Rich to HSE press release.
Got new telephone number for new survivor and rang him at about midday. Found his daughter’s MP and emailed this to him and asked him to send landlord’s gas safety certificate. Had already tried legal aid so I think it’s probably a non-starter.
Wrote to Kevin Tse of Ofgem and asked for Acts etc under FOI.
Charlotte Simmonds sent me an email in response to my question about what heating system the Houses of Parliament are going to have – undecided apparently so I suggested electricity with tidal.
Wrote to Ben Baylis about my omission of manufacturer’s instructions and their importance and asked him if he’d be really kind and write something.
Heard from Linda Mee re IGEM event on 18th April. Asked for hotel nearby conference centre and about parking.
Wrote to NGN re vulnerable customers event on 19th April – what time and is it virtual? Have an APPCOG meeting on the same day 10.00 until 12.00.
Wrote to BBC about their report of a CO alarm detecting a ‘gas leak’ in Cumbria – was it CO or gas? Which gas emergency service provider was it?

1319 05.04.23 Wednesday
Realised had to read the document, Law, Practice and Prevention of CO poisoning in the UK* again so did. Finished it quite quickly and reasonably pleased with it. Put it on the website but it seemed not to be password protected and the format was wrong (title not in the middle) so removed it.

Sent document* to Ben Kuchta, Ben Bayliss, Frank Brehany, Jonathan Kane and work group.

Wrote to Jenny telling her that I’d asked Rich to put HSE press release on the website last night, so we had a link for appendix 3.

Wrote to Grayson’s mother re Grayson.

Wrote to Jenny asking her to cobble case study together and I might send to Hannah the mother before September depending on the mother’s response but asked Jenny to remind me come September.

Wrote to Craig Drinkald as he’s just retired. Asked him to join us.

Read Dean Olivier Promote International – a training company. Asked WG about the company.

Gas leak spotted by CO alarm in Cumbria – sent to Kevin Hegarty asked about it. Seems a Cadent area. Four people sent to hospital but maybe not serious.

Wrote to new survivor ZS and told them Thursday is no good. Asked for correct phone number. Suggested Wednesday evening but nothing.

Received emails from Laura Fatah – one about the minutes – need to work on that and one about the IGEM Chris Bielby award on testing. Need to respond to both.

Sent document to Richard and asked him to put it on the website and tell me when put on.

Drafted email to Ofgem – read in the morning.

No response from Charon. Sent yesterday’s email again to Charon and copied Mark Pung in too (NCOAA) telling her I’d asked our techie to put it on our website. It would be password protected and I’d rather hear first from some of the people I’d sent it to today but let us know if they really want it now.

1318 04.04.23 Tuesday
Spent about two hours reading Law, Practice and Prevention of CO in the UK and sent to Jenny.
Heard from Jonathan Kane confirmed that FGA cost under £400 now.
Wrote to Ben Bayliss asking about my copy on the ratio.
New victim contacted us – tried to talk today but telephone number wrong or lacked a number. Guessed what it might be which was a 0 as it had a hyphen which is next to nought on the keyboard and left a message.
Heard from Laura Fatah today, ‘Just to confirm I have received your message and will respond shortly. Apologies for the delay.’ My email sent on 08.03.23 and resent 27.03.23 was about the issues left out of the notes of the meeting on 23.01.23.
I responded, ‘Thank you very much Laura for letting me know you have received my email about the minutes.
I was going to update you at the next stakeholder meeting, but you might like to know that Jonathan Kane won the IGEM Chris Bielby award?
Please see attached press release. This is significant with regard to the topic of testing for CO.’
Heard from Jenny late and she sent me the updated, tidied version. On the whole, what she did was very helpful. So, I’ve adopted most of her suggestions. Left out Katie Neal.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA 18.22.
Wrote to Rich re HSE press release and asked for him to put it on website and provide a link.
Will read again tomorrow and send to Jonathan and Frank and Ben Bayliss at least and the work group.

1317 03.04.23 Monday
Looked up bank account and saw Kane had transferred £6,000 to CO-Gas Safety in March.
Sent Kane a new invoice for March. Kane now owes us £6,000 only.
Shannon from BSI approved my quote and told me it was the British Standards Institution not Institute which was a big help.
Received response from Ofgem but asked Derek if we could have our questions about the Acts and sections that applied to Ofgem’s duties to consumers and to vulnerable customers answered with the correct acts and sections so we can study them.
Wrote to Kane to check if FGAs can be bought for under £400.
Wrote to Wendy at Trading standards to ask if quote was now OK and she responded, Yes.
Read IOW Council’s response and then wrote to attacked the Law & Practice on CO in the UK document. Sent quote for approval.

Listed all the organisations I’d written for permission to and listed those that had given permission.
Suggested to Jonathan Kane that we nominate Kane for an award (Gas Industry awards) then later that Kane and CO-Gas Safety nominate Cadent.
Received Jenny’s work on the Executive summary and tweaked it further. Then copied it into the whole document. Read most of that and sent it to Jenny drawing her attention to odd copy on page 7 and 9.

1316 02.04.23 Sunday
Worked on Law & Practice in the UK.
Started instructions for Frank about Ofgem.

1315 01.04.23 Saturday
Wrote to Jenny and sent executive summary of Law, Practice and Prevention of CO in the UK.
Wrote to Frank about Ofgem about possibility of seeking a legal opinion. Frank responded that he thought it was a good idea.
Wrote to Ben Croxford in response to his email about Chris Bielby.
Received an email from SD and responded.
Wrote to Jonathan about Ben Kuchta re IGEM.
Spent time on Law, Practice and Prevention of CO in the UK.

March 2023

1315 31.03.23 Friday
Wrote to Grayson’s head teacher again and to his mother.
Survivor DD has got the report – must read it.
Awaiting BSI’s further reply.
Heard from Wendy Martin re Trading Standards – waiting for further reply.

Got Jenny’s invoice and paid all bills except Tip Top as it went into junk. Must pay.
Sent Paul Overton payment authorisation email except Tip Top.

Frank is attending the next APPCOG meeting.
Worked on Law, Practice & Prevention and wrote template for any country.
Worked on email to Frank and one to Ben Croxford.

1314 30.03.23 Thursday
Thought about responding to Ian McCluskey’s email but too busy on the law and practice document.
Sent email to Ofgem seeking permission to quote from website and also seeking statutes & Regs etc. on vulnerable customers.
Reminded Jenny to watch the data slides. She did and didn’t think it affected what we did.
Wrote to Hilary Wareing who is liaising with Cadent. Sent her Getsi and Trump.
Wrote to EIC about heat pumps and CO and NGN research giving CO nowhere to hide.
Wrote to British standards.
Wrote to Trading Standards.
Wrote to Rich re putting the law document on our website with a password .
Wrote Executive summary but had another idea which was a template of needed legislation and bodies.
Survivor DD as usual.
Dan Howard’s case study now on website.

1313 29.03.23 Wednesday
Worked on the Law, Practice & Prevention document again.
Sent email to Caroline Hooper of IPPCO with corrected version of the interview I gave.
Sent email I’d drafted to IOW Council recommended by Steve P.
Resent email to Ian McCluskey about our comments on IGEM’s technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification.
Wrote to Rich re a new heading on the website to take the document ‘Law, practice & prevention on CO in the UK’.
Wrote to Trading standards about quoting from their website. Heard from them and responded.
Heard from Kevin Hegarty, Cadent and forwarded to Jenny. All seems good to go for Dan Howard’s case study, which is wonderful news. Copied Dan H in.
Heard from CH of IPPCO and suggested Ilsa and also that we’d ask Cadent to let us know about any pregnant women if that was OK with Hilary Wareing.
Got slides on new data law from BWB and sent to Jenny.
Asked her to study them and let me know if there was anything vital I should know.
Heard from survivor DD and corresponded.
Received email from Ian McCluskey of IGEM – sent it to work group and asked for advice.
Sent Ian McC an acknowledgement email – may write later.

1312 28.03.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Jenny about the Dan Howard case study.
Wrote to Sue about the ONS blog on Covid vaccines.
Wrote to Jordanne Allsop re the quote for GU magazine.
Wrote to Jerry Hall and arranged a talk Wed. at 5.00 p.m.
Worked very hard on the law and practice document and sent loads of emails asking for permission to quote material on the website.
Got some responses and filed everything.
Wrote to Steve Peake and got a name re Building Regs and drafted an email to him Stephen Shorrocks MRICS who is Building Control Manager at the IOW council.
Wrote again to Jordanne.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty re finished case study.
Wrote to DD advising her to talk to her solicitor.
Wrote to survivor MS.

1311 27.03.23 Monday
Worked on emails.
Fixed a meeting with Frank on 12.04 at the Marriott in the bar at 12.30.
Case study for Dan Howard – sent to Jonathan in case we need to ask further questions.
Resent email to Laura Fatah sent 08.03.23 about the notes of the meeting on the 23.01.23.
Worked on the Law and Practice in the UK document and so forgot meeting with Caroline Hooper of IPPCO. Sent apology and we rescheduled and had the meeting.
Received email from Jerry Hill and we are talking Wednesday evening – waiting to hear what time.
Dealt with Tanya and Paul Garstang’s case study. Jenny put it on website and sent email to Tanya informing her and asking her if she’s happy with everything – if not, not too late to change it.
Heard from Charlotte Simmonds about the heating in the Houses of Parliament – I’d asked what sort of heating the Houses were going to have. Wrote back to Charlotte explaining our interest in safety and sustainability.
Wrote to Sue about ONS report on Astra Zeneca vaccine (she had had this).
Wrote to Caroline Hooper of IPPCO after long talk and attached case studies, (Overton and Courtney and link to other case studies) numbers affected by CO in the UK and brief. Later sent CO alarm levels and our comments. Offered to help and told her about Ilsa.

1310 26.03.23 Sunday
Received a request to put on a link to an addiction organisation Keith Prance and responded with questions.
Emailed Ed Horner from the York Press about another CO report involving the fire service. Also asked him about the York hospital CO incident.
Wrote to Jonathan re EN 7967 – 6.2.2 needs updating I think as allows RGEs to be exposed to too much CO. Suggested breathing apparatus.
Wrote to Jason of Air Quality saying how good it was to meet him and thanking him for being so nice about Sue. Suggested a letters page for Air Quality News. Commented on monitors that didn’t monitor for CO. Also made the point we need standards and certification. AICO alarm to EN 50291 which is good and can have data downloaded but only accurate at the standard EN 50291. This means that the alarm won’t sound until over 30 PPM for two hours when the WHO guideline are 4PPM for 24.
Wrote to survivor MS who seems better but is sad about those suffering with long Covid.
Wrote to Gary (DD’s solicitor) briefly re survivor DD and report which still hasn’t arrived.
Had another go at the Law & Practice document and added contents. Added note late to remind me to add British Standards Institute and 7967 FGAs and test houses to Law & Practice document.

1309 25.03.23 Saturday
Wrote to Frank trying to set up a lunch date.
Wrote to SD about her research which had not been published, the Chris Bielby award, Ilsa and the fact that SD is trying to persuade Ilsa to include midwives and pregnant women.
Wrote to Stephen Lewis the reporter in York about the leak of CO in a hospital kitchen.
Wrote to Jenny about the Gastangs’ case study. They had given permission on 18.01.23. Asked Jenny to put it on our website ASAP and let me know.
Spent about two to three hours on ‘Law, best practice and prevention of CO’.

1308 24.03.23 Friday
Wrote to parent of dead boy who’d died aged 18 of CO Jerry Hill about the press report and suggested we talked.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent and also Dan Howard the hero. Dropped a line to Phil Burrows. Think emails came twice as apparently there’d been a glitch in Cadent’s email server etc.
Wrote to Jonathan about H & V News awards then recalled it and suggested IGEM’s award for Cadent and suggested we both nominate Cadent. Sponsor IGEM and also EUA
Wrote to survivor DD’s solicitor about the report or rather lack of it.
Wrote to Sharon Baker of Gi magazine with press release – asked if OK to send to other publications and offered to write something more e.g. why we thought testing was so vital.
Jenny hadn’t been able to attend BWB seminar so asked if we could have the slides and received an answer that we could. Asked Jenny to read them.

1307 23.03.23 Thursday
Got up and had breakfast at the hotel.
I got ready for the Air Quality Conference heard Baroness Jenny Jones speaking and met her afterwards.

Wrote to Ron Gooding. Wrote to Kevin Hegarty about Dan Howard.
Wrote to Jonathan Kane re SGN visit.
Wrote to Dan Edwards to ask him for date with care and repair and Jonathan Kane would like to join us. Wrote to Jerry Hill re report of CO alarm alarming and ignored.
Booked me and Sue in IGEM conference 18.04.23.
Wrote to Lesley Ecob about fact that I’d managed the booking.
Wrote to Ilsa Haeusler about Prof. Rosie McEachan Director of Born in Bradford. Has followed 12,500 pregnant women in Bradford – babies are now teenagers.

Met various people – Adrian McConnell, Ron Gooding & Jenny Jones.
Jason Coward said he would take an article.
Adrian kindly said he would take a presentation by me to USA.

Finished the conference.

1306 22.03.23 Wednesday
Got ready to set off and caught 11.00 ferry.
Good trip to Manchester.

Wrote to Jonathan re date to see Care and repair of SGN.
Wrote to Richard Ashby re case study.
Wrote to Jenny about the case study from Richard Ashby.
Arrived in Manchester and checked into hotel.
Had dinner and checked out where the conference was.

1305 21.03.23 Tuesday
I wrote to Ilsa about St Georges and fact that this research project had failed because proof of CO wasn’t there.
Heard from survivor DD.
Worked hard on Law and practice on CO and prevention both before and after lunch.
Heard from Jenny re survivor MS and the FOI request. Examined data – still thought it wasn’t clear enough to be very helpful and Jenny confirmed that she thought so too.
Corresponded re air quality conference on Thursday.
Got through to Sue Westwood re conference and night before.
Wrote to Ben Bayliss re the ratio and asked his opinion. Also left a voice message.

1304 20.03.23 Monday
Sent email to Dan Edwards of SGN re dates to meet Care team.
Wrote to BBC re no running order for Today programme.
Wrote to Rich re size of font on other computer.
Received case study from Jenny on the survivor RA – oil boiler and sent to RA,
Wrote to Mark Llewellyn Slack about House of Lords.
Email to Dan of Cadent bounced back so sent to Kerry Potter of Cadent.
Got too busy to phone Dan so left a message of apology on phone and wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent and to Dan about the case study.
Wrote to Kevin Stevens re CO and re his project of good accommodation for those who need care in Dunstable. Received a response and replied again.
Wrote to Jenny re HSE data. Decided with her this was more relevant for the GDNs if they collect CO data and especially if they extend testing.
Wrote to Rich re signatures and he fixed ours and he told me he had corrected Bible.
Wrote to the mother of Grayson (hero) re a case study.
Long chat with survivor MS who’d sent a FOI request about CO cases to NHS.
While filing found an email to Laura Fatah of APPGOG re 8.2 and cost of investigation by consumer on the 19.01.23 BEFORE the meeting on the 23.01.23 yet nothing in notes about these topics. Sent to work group and filed it.

1303 19.03.23 Sunday
Reviewed email to Dan Edwards of SGN. Must send first thing tomorrow.

1302 18.03.23 Saturday
Jenny sent case study and I read and changed a bit and added a question but it’s great that I can do this so OK for Monday and I’ve printed it out ready for 11.15.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta about Easy Assist and then wrote to Robert Pocknell who wrote nicely back.
Then wrote to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U and Matteo Paganini.
Then drafted email to Dan Edwards of SGN. Had already written a comment on Linked in about the two deaths in the burger van so wrote another saying I was aware of it.

1301 17.03.23 Friday
Wrote to Work group about IGEM conference on 18.04. and also about APPCOG virtual meeting 19.04.
Wrote to Lesley Ecob about the IGEM conference as couldn’t seem to book.
Heard from Kevin Hegarty Cadent that we could contact Dan and got his phone number. Phoned him and he’s really nice and fixed time for 11.15 Monday.
Wrote to Astrid sending her the quote under quotes re her experience of an oil boiler.
Wrote to Karen re survivor MS.
Sent email from Matteo Paganini about articles and cost to Work Group.
Asked Matteo about readership and numbers.
Heard from Ben Kuchta and suggest Robert Pocknell of Easy Assist ask Cadent to fit it to the hydrogen village to test it.
Wrote to Jenny about ONS data and being able to set up your own datasets.
Wrote to her re urgent case study for hero, Dan Howard, Cadent.

1300 16.03.23 Thursday
Wrote to Ilsa about Stefania Oliverio and about study.
Wrote to Phil Burrows about Easy Assist.
Wrote to Jenny about case study AG.
Wrote to survivor DD.
Wrote to Laura Fatah about Parliament to investigate indoor air quality and said we wanted to contribute.
Wrote to survivor MS as he’d updated about his medical treatment.
Wrote to Rebecca Picket of Ofgem re cost of pre-payment meters which I’d sent on 21.01.23 and not been answered. Said all over now but would have been good to have had a response.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty about Dan Howard Cadent hero for case study.

1299 15.03.23 Wednesday
Wrote letter to the Times thanking paper for success on pre-payment meters but asking for help on vulnerable customers.
Wrote to SD about Ilsa and her research on children.
Tried to change the email signatures and then wrote to Rich about this.
Drafted response to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U and sent to work group.
Wrote to House of Commons re heating for the Houses of Parliament.
Wrote to Ron Gooding several times about the conference and also a problem with the inspectors of the BSS not having to have CBR checks.
Wrote to Jason re tickets for the Air Quality conference.
Jenny had done a good job on survivor AG’s story so sent it to AG for final approval to be put under ‘Quotes’ rather than case studies.
Wrote to Denise Massey of UKEIC.
‘I can’t attend either of these events on the 23rd March as I’m attending the Air Quality Conference in Manchester on the same day.

We have a query about the ‘Temporary power supply to a single customer’. Will this involve generators? If so, is anything said about carbon monoxide (CO)? If not, we think it should be. If CO is being mentioned ideally, we’d be interested to know what is being said and might be able to suggest more material.’

As far as: –
EIC Alternative Funding Discovery Sessions
is concerned, I assume that there is nothing new for CO-Gas Safety, with regard to this?
We always seem ineligible for practically everything. However, if this could affect anything, we would like to inform you and EIC that Jonathan Kane along with CO-Gas Safety recently won the IGEM Chris Bielby award. Please see attached press release.

While I’m writing I also attach the ‘Numbers affected by CO in the UK’ document that we would be most grateful if you read. Please do let us know if you disagree with anything, especially the Maths.

Thank you for reading this.’

Wrote to Stefania O. researcher about Ilsa. I then wrote to Ilsa about Stefania to introduce them to each other.
Wrote to Robert Pocknell about Easy Assist.
Wrote to SD about her research – seems to be published.
Wrote to PM on a form about the Clean Air Bill and asked him to sign.
Wrote to Bob Seeley MP again about the same (had written 12.01.23)
Asked Rich to put article I’d written and was published in May/June 2022 on the website.

1298 14.03.23 Tuesday
Consideration of email from Dan Edwards of SGN. Draft sent to work group.
Paul Overton can’t attend IGEM conference 18.04.23.
Guild is booked and Nina will send us the invoice for the night’s stay.
Received an email from Mark Lewellyn-Slade re applications for awards etc.
Heard from survivor DD.

Sent Frank the news about aviation air in USA. Frank says his directive would be better.

Meeting with Ilsa Hausler of British Paediatric Surveillance Unit at 11.30 and explained the need to find children with proved CO and suggested two ways forward. Sent various documents. Really constructive meeting. She’s in Oxford. She climbs. Husband is also a scientist but restores paintings by making up old paint.

Correspondence with Jenny re AG (oil) (from the Guild) and Jenny thought not enough to be a case study but OK as a quote.

Received an invitation from Charon to NCOAA conference.

Correspondence with IPPCO Caroline Hooper about zoom on Monday 20th March.

Correspondence with Ron Gooding about Air Quality Conference on 23rd. Chat with Sue re conference – possible dinner with Sue night before. Sent email to Jason re tickets.

Corresponded with Stefania Oliverio.

Elizabeth Warwick responded, and we need to consider a response.

1297 13.03.23 Monday
Emailed Rich re zoom and he sorted it out so I can send invitations – I think.
Emailed Ilsa Haeusler – research at Oxford re children and CO. Will zoom tomorrow at 11.30.
Heard from Nina – all well and we’re booked but won’t arrive until after lunch.
Had a long chat with Jonathan about USA and this and that. Jonathan promised to help me with the Law and Practice in the UK document. He reminded me about SGN and W&W U. Later looked up emails and resent them asking what SGN (Dan Edwards) & WWU (Elizabeth Warwick) were doing with the UIOLI allowance.
Added the 1996 Regs and the 1998 Regs to the long document. Have decided to publish it on the website under our name but also state it’s ‘work in progress’ and may be added to or amended. This will help Charon and us, I think. Jonathan pleased to hear it’s a useful document in its own right.
Wrote to Stefania.
Update from survivor MS, replied and received further response late in the evening.
Arranged a meeting for Caroline Hooper of IPPCO on Monday 20th at midday.
Wrote to CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Council in USA)
Does CPSC have any remit with regard to improving installation, maintenance, an emergency service response, improving medical treatment, awareness and prevention?

If not, does CPSC have any ways to influence improvements to the above?
Wrote to work group about Gas Utilisation event 18.04.23 and said one of us should attend as Jonathan is speaking.
Had a chat with Adrian McConnell – he has received an invitation. He found accounts of NCOAA and they had £66,000 in 2019 and spent most of it.
Later got an email from Dan Edwards of SGN who mentioned ‘visually confirm CO’. Very disappointed that even one of the companies running the gas emergency service takes the view that anyone can visually confirm CO.
Wrote to Michael Scholand and also Anec.
Case study of AG – reminded and got a lovely pic and sent to Jenny.
Forwarded email to Jonathan that I’d sent to Peter Bottomley MP 10.01.23 about the meeting on the 23.01.23 making point that we are keen for the central point about testing should be covered.
Need to respond again to survivor MS.

1296 12.03.23 Sunday
Wrote to reporter re Tammy Slaton.
Wrote to Frank re ANEC contacts sent by Michael Scholand.
Wrote to Stefania to thank her and also about the articles she’d sent me to prove CO very common poison.
Wrote to survivor DD.
Wrote to Sue Westwood.
Did some preparation for talk to Jonathan Kane tomorrow about NCOAA.

1295 11.03.23 Saturday
Sent emails to Matteo Paganni, Gas goes Green (because at Air Quality conference at their zoom meeting so can’t attend) and Roy.
Then emailed Kevin Hegarty about Cadent hero Dan Howard. Follow up on previous attempts to reach Dan Howard.
Wrote to Cassi Free to congratulate her about Andy’s law and suggest a QR code on the warning stickers for boats and told her about NCOAA.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA about Cassi and also re Shapiro administration giving CO alarms to child care centres – suggested she might perhaps ask someone from the Shapiro admin to attend her conference.

1294 10.03.23 Friday
Wrote letter to the Times about prepayment meters.
Received email from survivor TG about their case study and responded explaining they still hadn’t quite finished it or given us permission to publish.
Wrote to Jenny re list of case studies and when published on the website for reports e.g. to APPCOG.
Phoned Adrian about the NCOAA conference in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Wrote to Nina about the Guild dinner and reminded her we needed a double room for the night.
Wrote to survivor MS re his NHS admin disaster re getting his driving licence back.
Wrote to Jenny about the Data Protection Act which she will attend on the 23.03.23 which I can’t attend due to attending the Air Quality Conference.
Rang survivor RA re his case study (oil boiler) and got his email address.
Wrote to Jenny about case studies.
Found announcement about roundtable on 23.01.23 asking people to contact Laura Fatah if they wanted an invitation.
Asked work group if they’d asked for an invitation.
Wrote to Karen and Nick (medical friends) re MS asking if they could help him at all re getting his driving licence back.

1293 09.03.23 Thursday
Wrote to the CPSC in the USA asking what the date for submission was.
Lawson has asked someone to organise our hotel room for the Guild meeting.
Attended excellent presentations from Michael Scholand from Global Action Plan (GAP) – said hydrogen was not the answer because it still produces NOX. He sent me his slides but will get all of them soon. Very nice and committed lot of speakers I thought.
Heard from Charon – her deadline for me is 05.04.23 for my document – she wants only the facts but apparently can get them from the Internet.
Need more definite invitation to conference and to speak and details of cost to even discuss this.
Talked to Paul before lunch.
Sent very rough notes of the meeting with Charon to Jonathan. Pointed out we need the public behind us. Need to talk to him. Need to talk to the others too.

1292 08.03.23 Wednesday
Sent offering leaflet etc.
Wrote to Jenny re ONS and explanation of ONS stats.
Wrote to Rich re Teams and later had a chat.
Sent document about data for our website to Adrian.
Sent Charon the agenda.
Asked Paul Overton at short notice to attend the meeting with Charon and Mark.
Wrote to Ron Gooding and Sue Westwood about the conference on the 23.03.23.
Wrote to Laura Fatah about the notes left out of the meeting on 23.01.23 and copied to Peter Bottomley MP.
Jonathan and I exchanged emails.
Wrote to survivor DD about her doctor Dr. Shaw – had written in Feb. and resent at her request.
Meeting with Charon, Mark, Jessica Waddell (been with NCOAA about a year – had been public health, fundraising and planning intervention) and Christina (since November 2022 – chemical engineering – new to non profit and CO).
Mark mentioned he helped Charon as much as he could – but they had another business – keen on making sure that NCOAA had funding..
CPSC – standard for gas appliances – responsible for protecting undue injury and death.
Shut offs. Alarms – reduce the levels.
No training for engineers. They’d had a FEMA grant for firefighters.
RFI due – I think May.
Summit July with the Fire Marshalls in Wilmington North Carolina.
NCOAA is running it. Fire Marshalls sending their educators to it. National Fire Fighter Foundation. 26 states.
Getting people treated. Toxco breath analyser.
We talked about HHIC and the 350 PPM of CO allowed.
Fire Fighter has to go through rehabilitation so could use these and get used to using them and then use them on survivors.
Board members talked about and sent.
There will be a legal review before submission.
Having a meeting about the curriculum for a training video. They are writing the verbiage.
Need our document in 3-4 weeks.
I said I wanted to submit the document in the name of the charity CO-Gas Safety. If Charon wanted to reduce it – up to her.
Fire fighters can insist that members watch the training videos.

1291 07.03.23 Tuesday
Heard from CAB Suzanne Lonergan in Ipswich re leaflet. Wrote giving her the leaflet. Asked her if she knew anyone higher up in national office so we could help other CABs. Explained about proof and offered to write article about proof for CABs re CO.
Corresponded with survivor DD whose dogs are sick. Hopefully vet will be able to prove something.
Had an idea of inviting Ofgem and/or HSE to the demo by Cadent but nobody liked the idea. Too soon.
Wrote to Lawson re hotel booking asking him to book us in for the 15th April.
Heard from Jonathan Kane re demo date and also Paul O.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA re queries before meeting on the 8th.

‘Could you please tell me where the conference is to be held in late July as I’ve forgotten where this is to be held.
This is a far less convenient date for me and it would really interfere with family holidays.
Is this a firefighters’ conference? If I came over, would I be able to speak or not?
I gather the conference in May is no longer happening?

I assumed you needed the law and practice in the UK for a conference and probably for a talk to firefighters as well as for a bit of a reference document for lobbying perhaps.

This request for information about gas stoves has only just been published in draft and seems to be simply a request by the CPSC for information to everyone, the public, researchers and manufacturers etc.’

Wrote to Jason re tickets for Ron re Air Quality Conference – need to tell Jason this time next week.
Chatted to Sue – she is having an even worse time with family problems. Unlikely she’ll be able to be there.
Sent GDN showcase event to WG – perhaps relevant for demo.
4th draft of notes to WG re Laura’s notes of meeting on 23rd. Paul has OKed them.
Filed and found email from Jack Hewitt of UKEIC sent in January I think the 4th and decided to write back. Did so pointing out that CO alarms are great death preventers but are not health monitors.

1290 06.03.23 Monday
Heard from Sue and Jim re the media company that would send out press releases for free. Sue thought it was only USA and Jim was naturally suspicious – so am I.
Wrote to survivor MS.
Picked some dates for the demo and sent them to Paul and Jonathan. Both responded so I was able to send the dates to Sam Graham later in the evening.
Heard from Charon of NCOAA re update and meeting on Wednesday at 6.00 p.m. and accepted. Asked Rich to make sure Teams worked and ideally be there on Wed at 6.00.
Drafted letter to Laura about the notes of the meeting on 23.01.23 covering things left out.
Correspondence with Jonathan Kane about NCOAA.
Corresponded with Jason Coward about tickets for the Air Quality conference on 23.03.23 and bcc’d Ron Gooding in on communication re tickets. Feel Sue unlikely to be able to attend but need a ticket for her if she does. Hope Jason will allow that, and we’ll pay for the extra ticket if needed. Otherwise, Ron can take Sue’s ticket if she can’t make it.
Phoned Mark Pratten (now retired) and he helped me with a query about firefighters and what they can do when there’s our sort of CO. He was so nice and very helpful and said he would attend a meeting if I needed him.
Finished PPP and document about Law and practice in the UK re CO and sent to Work Group and JK.

1289 05.03.23 Sunday
Very early had sent again to Charon of NCOAA to correct typo.
Thought about how to respond to the notes of the meeting on 23.01.23 which had left out such vital things as 8.2 and need to test for CO for more than just vulnerable customers.
Sent again to Charon of NCOAA to correct typo. Wrote to Survivor DD twice.
Wrote to Roy and survivor MS twice.
Told MS about meeting on 23.01.23 and said I wished he’d been with me.
Sent media company to work group – they say they’ll put a good press release round for nothing.
Wrote to Charon in response to her email at 12.30 a.m.

1288 04.03.23 Saturday
Sent email to Charon of NCOAA in the USA about the Lions Lair and about Jonathan Kane winning. The vital thing was that testing for CO won.
Sent her the presentations including Jonathan’s and the press release.
Told her I was nearly finished with preparing the law and practice about the UK.
Heard from survivor DD – she’s having terrible symptoms from the smoke next door. Wrote to her to sympathise and asked her lawyer if he’d heard from the surveyor yet.

1287 03.03.23 Friday
Wrote to Sarah Graham health journalist again and attached Chris Bielby award.
Wrote to work group about the demo from Cadent being put off.
Wrote to John McNally MP reminding him of our meeting in 2016 and telling him that no Conservative MPs have signed the Clean Air Bill EDM, not even those on APPCOG.
Wrote to Sue Westwood.
Wrote to Jason about the Air Quality Conference and that we’d got two tickets and may need another for Ron Gooding – may need a third – will tell him next week.
Heard from survivor MS – he’s had another bad day.

1286 02.03.23 Thursday
Heard from Survivor MS.
Also heard from Paul Overton who can’t make the 28th March after all. Too near anniversary of Katie’s death – 29th March.
Heard from Jim re the CORT conference on the 14th June and he won’t need to stay the night which is great news.
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster CEO of IGEM with Paul Overton’s case study and saying surely with a deadly gas, IGEM should be leading testing at every opportunity? If Oliver doesn’t agree why not? We’d like to know and discuss it.
Received notes of meeting at House of Commons chaired by Sir Peter Bottomley on the 23rd January from Laura Fatah – notes lengthy. I worked hard on this and compared with my notes made at and after the meeting. Policy 8.2 of the Gas Safe Register not mentioned at all. I put things not mentioned in word and sent to work group and asked them to check the parts I thought had been left out.

Concerned about Sue Westwood and she responded to say she’s been really ill.

Sent survivor MS’s latest to SD as he gave me permission. He will also try to get his notes together to make a sort of blog case study which is very helpful of him.

1285 01.03.23 Wednesday
Had sent Kye Gbangbola an email in the wee small hours about an article about the antidote to CO and cyanide.
Got ready for Simon Birkett meeting. He had Desiree Abrahams from Global Action Plan. Wrote to her afterwards.
Heard from survivor MS about his use of a paint stripper with nasty effects.
Also, later about NOX on Jeremy Vine show.
Jim said he would attend CORT conference in Sheffield.
Heard from Steven Long (re Oak Ridge) re filtering pollutants from gas furnaces California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program | California Energy Programs ( Visit the Propose an Idea page for more information and online submission form.

Tried to ring Sue re the Air Quality conference on 23rd March as Ron Gooding wants to go and not sure Sue will be free. Couldn’t get through – left a message.
Booked a hotel for the 23rd.
Wrote to Colin Breed and sent him press release about Chris Bielby award.

February 2023

1284 28.02.23 Tuesday
Got Armadillo receipt and credit for card. Put in expenses to deduct from any claim.
Asked Jenny to send Paul Overton’s word document. Changed it and asked her to put it on website.
Got invitation for Simon Birkett for tomorrow.
Lots of correspondence with survivor DD and her solicitor and Jim K as usual.
Asked Rich about Tegel.
Managed to remember Steve Long call about the ‘exhaust’ for the gas appliances re Zhiming – Oak Ridge. Tried Teams but gave up and just phoned his mobile in the end.
Good chat and then sent him an email asking him to write exactly what he does and think he said represents 80% of the gas industry. Put need for a UL standard and a pass by a test house and then could make a lot of money.
Received secretarial update from APPCOG and asked if various meetings were virtual or real. Also, if notes for roundtable on 23.01.23 were being circulated yet. Received response from Laura Fatah that notes still being finalised. Made note in diary to ask again in two weeks.
Long email from survivor MS and suggested he write his own blog and case study as Jenny very busy at the moment.
Worked hard again on PPP and notes – more on PPP. Sent to Jenny as need her to tweak slides 6 & 9 and make the numbers bigger on slides 30 & 31.
Phoned by someone called DB who wanted advice about a cooker which she suspected had been banned. I think it was a Belling. Said I’d call back in an hour but then got busy.

1283 27.02.23 Monday
Wrote to David Goodall of IGEM about Facebook entry and mistake about Jonathan being CEO of CO-Gas Safety. David responded and fair enough – I didn’t notice to start with, and the main thing is that I’ve made the point.

Worked hard on document for NCOAA and working it into a PPP.

Tried to trace Tyla Wanstall to offer sympathy and help yet again.

Rang Paul Overton about the Cadent demo on 28th March and about email to Oliver Lancaster. Need to change his case study – sent to Jenny to obtain the word version.
Wrote to survivor DD’s solicitor re action at last.
Resent email re 8 deaths from explosion in Jersey sent 22.12.22.

1282 26.02.23 Sunday
Wrote to Alan McEwen reporter to try to get in touch with Tyla Wanstall re Leah Chruchill (50) and Brooke Wanstall (17) he found dead from suspected CO. Alan McEwen kindly responded but took the story from someone else so doesn’t know.
However, I found Tyla Wanstall on twitter so sent him a message and hope he contacts us. He is trying to raise awareness. We’d love to help.
Looked up and found the MP is Rosie Duffield.
MS has given us permission to send his emails to Jenny, so I sent them all to Jenny. No rush but it would be good to get his experiences as a sort of medical blog case study.

1281 25.02.23 Saturday
I checked emails.
Thanked SD for her ‘translation’ of some medical report for a survivor (MS).
Asked if I could send it on to him.
Wrote to Ron Gooding about the Air Quality conference and sent him the details.

1280 24.02.23 Friday
Wrote to Jonathan about various things including correcting the Facebook post and also the date for the demo. Wrote to work group about the date for the demo.
Wrote to John Richardson of SGN to express how vital we thought it was to test for CO and he’s kindly promised to discuss this with colleagues at SGN.
Wrote to Rich about various things like twitter and he’s put pic on the website and found my diary.
Heard from Giovanni Leonardi of Public Health England, who asked if I’d written various articles through Academia – I told him I didn’t know and had stopped subscribing but they kept sending me these queries but wouldn’t let me see what the articles were, so I’d stopped worrying about it.
I wrote to MS in response to his ‘health blog’.

1279 23.02.23 Thursday
Heard about SGN Community fund for awareness so wrote to it. Later in the day sent email writing to the Community Fund for awareness to SGN to John Richardson of SGN who I’ve met through Linked in. He gave me his email address. Also sent Facebook alert re Chris Bielby award.
Worked on NCOAA info and started on PPP. Sent to Jenny to sort out and she got it back really quickly.
Heard from Sam Graham who suggested the 28th March for the demo of the sweep test and rang Paul Overton who can do this.
Looked up SGN’s Care and repair partner on Google and found: –
SGN care and repair
Our care and repair service is delivered in partnership with AgilityEco and is designed to provide vital help to our most vulnerable customers, replacing essential heating and cooking equipment where a customer’s own equipment has been condemned.

1278 22.02.23 Wednesday
Simon Birkett at 10.00 not for long.
Told him about House of Commons Meeting on the 23rd and no notes yet.
Told him about Chris Bielby award. PQs.
Told him about HSE letter. Wait re writing to Minister TC.
Heard from Dr Mark Porter much to my surprise and wrote again to him again about lack of specific test for CO on landlord’s safety check.
Heard from Matteo Paganini and wrote to him to thank him for his comment and check it out with him.
Wrote again to wife of delivery van poisoned by CO.
Wrote to Ron Goodling – he’d asked about EHO case.
Wrote to EHO MS – he’d watched the Stefania Oliverio talk.
Sent Sophie MS’s medical blurb (with his permission).
Wrote to Council of Churches and Bathandwa about the possible CO deaths in the nightclub. Asked the Council of Churches to pass our details to the lawyers for the families.

1277 21.02.23 Tuesday
Wrote to Dr Mark Porter about article in the Times about dementia but didn’t mention CO.
Responded to Simon Birkett re tomorrow.
Paid bills for the charity and found Kane had put £4,000 in our account which was very good.
Resent email to Purchase Ledger and Tarryn with outstanding invoices due and also a thank you.
Wrote to the wife of someone poisoned by CO as a delivery driver.
Wrote to Dr Mark Porter again.
Wrote to Rasuca Baduts re we had not subscribed.
Wrote to Steven Long re Oak Ridge <> suggesting Tuesday 28th February at 6.00 p.m. for a virtual meeting.
Did expenses most of the day.
Managed to finish them and send everything to Paul for approval.

1276 20.02.23 Monday
Media about Oak Ridge development (filtering out the worst pollutants from a gas boiler similar to an exhaust on a car) so wrote to Gao Zhiming congratulating him on progress and reminding him about the need for a standard and also a certificating body.
Survivor DD has been offered free cavity wall insulation – suggested she asked Gary and the Council about this and she is also waiting for Jim K’s advice.
Wrote to Dr. S. DD’s neurologist with articles such as ‘Every breath we take’ and offer to help re CO etc.
CORT talk at 2.00 p.m. by Stefania Oliverio. This was about testing the blood in a different way to COHB and was about total CO in the blood, TBCO and gas chromatography to Mass Spectrometry. It seems COHB only measures the CO bound to the haemoglobin whereas her method includes free CO.
Asked if she had an authority for CO being the most common poison. She just suggested HSE. I wrote afterwards to ask her for the original research as HSE doesn’t have it as far as we know. Also asked her to pass on Matteo Paganini’s email address. He was advocating testing the air at the same time as testing the person. Interesting.
Had to write to Kimberly Allen to get Stefania’s email address right as failed first time. Stefania from Luxembourg. Kimberly kindly sent me the correct spelling.
Wrote to Elizabeth Warwick to ask what Wales & West Utilities is doing re the UIOLI Ofgem funding. Included John Courtney’s case study, NGN’s research, Gill Wing’s case study & also Amber Yates’ case study.
Jonathan sponsoring and giving a talk at IGEM’s conference – interesting.
Sorted some of the pile and reorganised some of the files on the shelves.
Had a look at the work on the English law and practice in the UK for NCOAA. Looks doable but will take some time.

1275 19.02.23 Sunday
Wrote to survivor MS about his heart problems and the fact the medics don’t seem to think it could be CO – drew his attention to our Seaview couple – the lady had heart problems but recovered after CO removed. Sent him the CB award details.
Wrote to Rich about lost diary after renaming it.
Jonathan correspondence re award and SGN and W & W U.
Jenny re rescheduling Wed meeting.
Roy re CB award. Listed people sent CB award.
Correspondence with survivor DD re medic and trying to open eyes of medics about possibility her tumour caused by CO and other products of combustion.
Sent Roy details of CB win.
Listed who had been sent details of CB win.

1274 18.02.23 Saturday
Jim agreed to Jenny’s pay rise.
Correspondence with survivor DD.

1273 17.02.23 Friday
Heard from Paul and Sue – re pay rate for Jenny. What I suggested was agreed to by Paul and Sue.
Heard from media alert about W & W U going into schools. Wrote to Elizabeth Warwick asking for document. She responded with document.
Need to write about what W & W U are doing with vulnerable customers.
Wrote to Jenny last thing to tell her about pay rate being approved.

1272 16.02.23 Thursday
Checked the email to Ian McCluskey and sent it.
Wrote to Easy Assist – not for us.
Wrote to Gartland School which presented at the Chris Bielby award. I sent note to the teacher re boys needing some legal assistance or at least someone to look after their interests. Asked if any of the boys’ parents were lawyers etc.
Wrote to Lawson re the Guild event.
Received email from Jenny about her pay rate. Left her a message.

1271 15.02.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Rich re tweets not showing again. Could he put pic on press release of Kane and CO-Gas Safety winning the Chris Bielby award?
Tweeted about the terrible two deaths of the mother and daughter in Kent in a van. Looks like CO from a generator.
Responded to Simon Birkett re not meeting today.
Was contacted by BBC South East Yetunde Yusuf. Wrote to Yetty several times. Was called by someone else later. Gave quick interview to BBC South East at 12.30.
Received presentations from IGEM event from Sarah Churchill but no winner. Seemed very strange.
Asked Frank if I’d missed it. He couldn’t find it either.
Later wrote to David Goodall who explained all details would be in Gi magazine.
Wrote to the Guild of Master Sweeps about the dinner on the 15th April.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP about the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill and stated that not one Conservative MP had signed.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh about the £300 fines for solid fuel fires emitting too many grams of pollutants. Lack of measurement and enforcement. Seemed an instrument costing about £5000 would at least measure for this.

1270 14.02.23 Tuesday
Received press release from Jonathan and responded about the EIC event about hydrogen.
Heard from Laura Fatah re the advisory Board so sent to Frank and re CB award.
Sent to Work group too.
Heard from Jenny re Coroner’s email about Josephine Roberts – didn’t ring a bell.
Heard from MS about the hydrogen event and questions. Wrote back.

1269 13.02.23 Monday
Heard from survivor T O’N which was brilliant news. Wrote asking her to contact me.
Sent IGEM email to WG. Only Jim has responded so far. Frank sent me a link which I’ve now added.
Wrote to survivor MS about hydrogen meeting tomorrow reminding him to ask questions.
Wrote to Frank.
Wrote to DD about her case and also solicitor re he should surely contact Council not DD.
Resent email to Laura Fatah about the next advisory board meeting and also re Chris Bielby award.

1268 12.02.23 Sunday
Wrote to survivor T O’N re her letter to virtually everyone. Asked her to contact us and we’d love to talk to her and find out if we could help.

1267 11.02.23 Saturday
Wrote to IWCP re Steve Kitcher death.
Sent Charity News to Directors.
Wrote to Frank re IGEM comments.
Sent free website person to work group.

1266 10.02.23 Friday
Wrote to survivor MS about him attending the EIC event on hydrogen on the 14th Feb.
Sent Kane the response from Ian McCluskey re IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3.
Then wrote replies to their comments in response to our comments.
Sent to WG and then later sent again as added Anne Brennan.
Heard from someone on Linked in offering a free website. Sent on to the WG.
Heard from Laura that notes of minutes were still being finalised. After some time and thought, sent email asking if we could receive them before finalisation because most of the others were from industry. Also attached 8.2 and also 8.5 and explained why 8.5 acts against the consumer.
Read email from Jim K re the film of the chimney smoke from DD.
Wrote formal email thanking Ian McCluskey for the comments and saying will let him know if the directors wish to reply.
Sent Richard the Press Release with pic and asked him to put it on our website under News as I couldn’t seem to do this with the pic.
Sent Roy press release with pic.
Sent Directors the Charity News.
Very early 11.02.23 Sent follow up re death of Steve Kicher to Alan Marriott.
Sent email to Rich re Tip Top invoices which were in junk mail. Put a new email address in contacts for Tip Top invoices.

1265 09.02.23 Thursday
Received email from Ian McCluskey of IGEM saying: –
‘Many thanks for the email. The panel met last month to review the comments and the standard is currently draft awaiting approval by the committees. I have dropped a note to the chair of the panel for a response to your comments and will revert. We’d hoped to have some feedback by now from IGEM re our comments RE: IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification – Utilisation Sector.
Copied in Oliver Lancaster and referred to Paul Overton talking to Oliver Lancaster about Katie’s death and the effect on the whole family at the Chris Bielby awards on Tuesday 7th. We urged that IGEM look at how this standard affects the end users.
I tried to find someone to listen to the hydrogen event EIC next week. Neither Paul nor Jim could. Sue’s father has been in hospital for three months so felt I couldn’t ask her. Asked a survivor MS who was an EHO, to ask questions. He will if he can. If not, I’ve asked him to let me know and I’ll send the questions by email.
Wrote to a survivor’s wife AR to ask how JR was.
Drafted some emails to SGN and W & W U based on Jonathan Kane winning the Chris Bielby award and a draft press release. Will send tomorrow.
Wrote to Laura asking her to write to COMED asking for medical help for MS. Said I thought this might be more productive but if she couldn’t ask, I would write to Issie. However, surely the members of COMED need to hear from survivors who need medical help from time to time?
Wrote to Laura to ask for the notes of the meeting on the 23rd January at the House of Commons.
Sent final letter to HSE Caroline Lane and copied to work group.
Thanked Sandy of the Health and Social Care Committee who had inputted our proposal into their portal (sent 08.02.23) and Sandy explained why we couldn’t see the proposals from our rivals yet.
Jim Lambeth expressed an opinion and gave me permission to pass this on to survivor DD and her solicitor. Lots of correspondence re a film DD has made showing bits flying out of the chimney.
Wrote to Sam Graham of Cadent about the dates for the demo but he’s still trying to organize things at his end.
Printed letter to HSE and then scanned each page but needed help from Jenny to merge them into one document which she did. Sent to HSE’s Caroline Lane.
Wrote to Issie Myers seeking more authority on charts of effect below 1500 PPM of CO and received a quick response which was great. Don’t think there is an authority so will go on using WHO guidelines of no more than 4 PPM in 24 hours and Harry’s opinion – only safe level is nil.

1264 08.02.23 Wednesday
Paul and I talked about his conversation with Oliver Lancaster – Paul told me he’d told Ollie all about the effects on Paul’s family and thought he’d made an impact. I thanked him and for coming and he was very kind and thanked me for keeping going and that had helped them too. We parted. I got the train fine. I caught up with emails on the train.
Sent Frank topics for bill sent to Nicole Zandi.
Sorted the bills and put them in Paul’s envelope.
Wrote to David Goodall congratulating him for yesterday and also about Pat Bielby and asked him to pass my details on to Pat.
Correspondence with survivor DD, Jim Kinnibrugh and the solicitor.
Really nice email from survivor BD thanking me.
Lovely email from survivor MS who’d written to Laura Fatah and said how helpful I’d been.
Wrote to Sue Westwood about the award and Jonathan winning.
Wrote to Jonathan congratulating him.
Jim Lambeth wrote commenting on the DD case and felt things should be moving. I agreed and asked if I could use his email as a solid fuel expert.
Worked on the submission to the All Party Parliamentary Committee on Health and Social Care. Ended up sending it.
Wrote to Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster re the RE: IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3. Resent email dated 01.12.22 hoping for feedback at some time asking for feedback now.
Wrote to survivor MS again.

1263 07.02.23 Tuesday
Got up and got ready to go. It was a stunning day. The Solent looked like summer and it was flat enough to waterski. Got on the ferry and got to Portsmouth. Travelled up – train empty ish. Met Paul and we got taxi to the hotel. Got to hotel and checked in and dumped cases and unpacked and then had a late lunch. Got ready.
Found Jonathan eventually.
Met Pat and her daughter Kate and Daniel her fiancé. Dave Goodall was there with his wife I think Frances – very nice.
We heard an amazing presentation by a school about electric charging points for electric cars. I gave them my card and said they should have a good lawyer.
Then the presentations. Jonathan went fourth.
There was a good sniffer gadget for leaks and one for cutting pipes. Jonathan was very good. Then we had supper.
I talked to Oliver Lancaster about the need to deal with CO and thought hydrogen unlikely to be in homes – he disagreed. Paul talked to Oliver at length. Met Bob Murray and asked him if he’d been there when I gave a presentation to GISG. He said he had been.
Talked to Sharon Donnington of SGN – very nice. Had had something like 19 out of 25 calls with CO alarms alarming – RGEs said it was big pans on hobs. Was it? Why wasn’t there any investigation?
Then there was a talk about hydrogen by Anthony Green National Gas Transmission was Grid. Interesting but not yet in homes. Testing the actual grid. Idea of hydrogen blending starting very low. Might work.
Then the results and they started with the runners up and kept going and Jonathan won – CO-Gas Safety not mentioned.
Jonathan wanted to take a pic.
Jonathan left for home and Paul and I went to the pub.

1262 06.02.23 Monday
Heard from Laura Fatah and responded. She said I could send the email about the Clean Air Bill and getting MPs to support it around.
Congratulated Susan Michaelis for her people’s award.
Wrote to survivor BD and to Jim Kinnbrugh and Lawson Wight.
Sent ideas to Nicole Zandi for Geraint’s Clean Air bill.
Suggested definition of “indoor air”
‘Indoor air’ refers to the quality of air in any & all enclosed/partially enclosed spaces including buildings, garages, huts, caravans, cars, aeroplanes, boats & tents.’

1. Testing for CO whenever practicable
2. Equipment used to test and/or warn must be to most up to date standard available
3. Levy for warnings, education for prevention and for research.
4. Independent body to help advise survivors, collect data and advise government

Wrote to Jenny re submission to APPG for Health and Social Care to check for spelling etc..
Wrote to Kye re passage in Lucy Easthope’s book about lists of Coroners – good and naughty.
Worked on email to HSE.
Wrote to hsccom re the deadline on the 8th – is it 5.30 p.m. or midnight? Got answer very quickly.
Reviewed the slides Jonathan will be using.
Wrote to Jonathan re Chris Bielby’s award.

1261 05.02.23 Sunday
Read the draft to HSE and then edited it further.
Sent to work group.
Heard from EB of NGN who kindly said it would be OK for us to put ‘Giving carbon monoxide nowhere to hide’ on the website.
Wrote to Rich and asked him to put it on the website.
Sent KG the page about Coroners from Lucy Easthope’s book.
Wrote to survivor MS.
Wrote to survivor DD.
Edited letter to HSE again and sent to work group.

1260 04.02.23 Saturday
Wrote to Isabella Myers re the application regarding the call for evidence by the Health and Social Care – we’d already heard about this from the Pharmacy Association but it does seem tailor made for CO-Gas Safety.
Wrote to EB of NGN to ask if she had a link to ‘Giving CO nowhere to hide’ as I need to quote a link in an email to HSE. Alternatively, could we put in on our website so I can quote a link?
Rewrote final topics for MP Geraint Davies’ bill and sent to directors saying would send Monday morning.
Rewrote letter to Caroline Lane of HSE. Waiting for link to ‘Giving CO nowhere to hide’ and will send to HSE copied to PB.

1259 03.02.23 Friday
A lot on the news about prepayment meters.
Read Times and wrote to a Jonathan Grigg a doctor who’d written to the Times about pollution. He wanted me to CC him. He responded and I invited him to be on our Board of Reference, but he declined.
Sent Work group Isabella’s notification of a consultation about prevention in health and social care. Needs to be in by the 8th. Think the one I did for the Pharmacy is the same and should be adapted to this.
Worked on the topics for Geraint’s bill and sent again to Work group.
Put Fuel Bank Foundation crisis report on our website.
Drafted long HSE response – needs adding to and copying to PB.

1258 02.02.23 Wrote to Sam Graham of Cadent and asked him to pass our details to Mum poisoned by generator. Congratulated Cadent.

Tweeted to Centrica’s Chris O’Shea about prepayment meters and also CO.
Wrote to Times about prepayment meters and also testing for CO.

Drove to Ryde to buy ticket for next week 07.02.23 and bought ticket.

Wrote to survivor MS about possible fines for those using log burners.

Wrote to Joe Green of Third Sector about a podcast and copyright issues.

Heard from Nicole Zandi in response to my email asking if we could contribute to Geriant’s bill. She responded that I could send 3-4 items. Wrote four things and send to work group and J. Sent again amended later in the day.

Wrote to Rich re twitter and he fixed it – need to open replies.

Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh about survivor DD.

Received Viking supplies and infuriatingly Oreo biscuits which they said they wouldn’t send and they’ve got palm oil in them.

Thought up 750 words for the Pharmacy call. Sent to Jenny to check.

Worked on NCOAA document. Need to send to Jenny to sort the format and then I’ll put into a PPP.

UN conference on 01.04.23 – can be virtual. Wrote 100 words on CO and long Covid. Sent to Sue.

1257 01.02.23 Wednesday
Simon Birkett at 10.00 – he was busy and needed to get off. I won’t be needed for event in February which is a relief.
Talked about Nicole and the PQs.
Also talked about Geraint who has launched his bill on air. Covers transport, indoor and outdoor air and Human Rights. Not yet drafted.
Talked about Piers Morgan but a bit difficult.
Also, we discussed George Monbiot who apparently has not been well.

Caught up with emails.

Sent HSE email from last week from Caroline Lane of HSE to the WG to comment on. Must draft a reply.

Corresponded with Third Sector and asked work group for their input. Suggested an agreement might solve the problem so the private company of Third Sector doesn’t use our material commercially, but I am not sure that’s practical. What concerns me is that a podcast becomes Third Sector’s copyright, yet it’ll be all our work.

Talked to Paul Overton by phone about timing of our trips to London and cost of the rail ticket etc.
Corresponded with retired EHO, MS who is not well. He’s feeling nauseous. I’m worried he might have new CO exposure. He told me that he’d spoken to a gardener who knew that a lot of people on the boats near him were being exposed to CO so I rang Ron Gooding who’d contributed to our press pack 2020 and is an expert RGE for boats. He’s bought a lovely old lockkeeper’s cottage in Nottingham – sounds idyllic with a café and tiny pub. He’s got all his toys in one place now and he’s happy as a sandboy. I’m so glad for him.
He is happy for his email address to be sent to the retired EHO, so I passed that on to MS.
Worked on NCOAA document.
Worked also on Pharmacy document of 750 words.

January 2023

1256 31.01.23 Sunday
Read that Piers Morgan is leaving London due to air pollution. Sent to Simon Birkett.
Wrote to survivor PM in N. Ireland to send article about wood burners in N. Ireland and George Monbiot article.
Sent invoice to Kane.
Rang Paul O and he can make all the dates for the demo which is great.
Made another reservation for Chris Bielby award for me so Paul Overton can have mine.
Wrote to EIC UK about Ayr explosion and implications for hydrogen.
Received APPCOG update and it included a report about the Roundtable meeting but ‘CO-Gas Safety Trust’ (i.e. they didn’t get our name right) mentioned last although I thought I made the most comments. Notes of the meeting have been made but not sent to us yet.
Some research on Long Covid – sent to Sue Westwood.
Wrote to Roy – having other family preoccupations at the moment.
Wrote to the ONS about data – made the point that data is only as good as the data collected and with CO, little/no testing means no/little data.

1255 30.01.23 Monday
Woke up determined not to miss ballet or my meeting with the MP.
Jim Kinnibrugh rang me and we talked about DD. Need to fix a day and time to talk.
Virtual meeting with Siobhian Brown MSP and Ross on Teams. Camera didn’t work.
Wrote an email with questions for her and sent it.

I attach the executive summary of the HSE final report.

This states that the cause of the explosion was a build up of gas due to corrosion of the metal pipes. This corrosion was caused by the plastic covering being damaged by builder’s rubble, when some sort of softer material such as sand should have been used.

What disturbs us is that there seems to be no duty on anyone to ensure that softer material is used in the future except possibly a duty of care in negligence after the event of an explosion, presumably on the builder or person infilling with rubble. Surely there should be a duty on the Local Authority to supervise the filling around such pipes? This would surely be an issue for the HSE to advise Government?

The response might well be that now there are plastic pipes so no need to worry about this.

Our concerns and questions we suggest for you to ask are:-
1. What proportion of gas pipes in my constituency still have metal gas pipes?

2. When will the metal pipes be replaced with plastic?

3. Has HSE undertaken any research and advised the government on whether or not there should be a duty imposed on the Local Authority as part of planning law and perhaps as part of their duties with regard to their work (such as road works etc.), to supervise the infilling around new and old gas pipes to ensure sharp rubble is not used?

4. Has any research been undertaken to ensure that even new plastic pipes are immune or reasonably robust from being pierced by sharp rubble?

5. Has any research been undertaken into the lifetime of plastic pipes and what might cause weakness, holes etc. leading to future leaks even in plastic pipes?

6. Has any research been undertaken on the relevance of hydrogen being added to natural gas in the gas pipes with regard to this issue and also to the issue of leaky joints?

Questions we would like some information on.
1. Why is CO-Gas Safety the only body that seems to be offering specific help to survivors, victims and families, yet is treated as ‘not approved’ whatever that means?

2. How does CO-Gas Safety become an ‘approved body’?

3. How does CO-Gas Safety, which used to be on the HSE bereavement leaflet at least, become an ‘approved body’?
Note We would be more than happy not to try to contact families and offer them specific help and advice, if there were other ‘approved’ bodies with the same or better expertise with regard to carbon monoxide and gas safety. However, as far as we know such other bodies either do not exist or do not offer any specific, knowledgeable help and advice.

Lastly, accounts from survivors and families are a research resource that should be encouraged not refused. Most survivors or those who’ve lost family members want to help prevent future tragedies. Why is this rich source of information refused? Please see our case studies and quotes from survivors

Asked Rich to fix the camera issue and Bcc – did so but copy on emails back in the middle again…
Sent Sam Graham dates for a demo.
Resent email to Peter Bottomley re 8.2 & included 8.5.
Wrote about the VCMA allowance and how it wouldn’t work for Matt of the Fuel Bank Foundation as the GDNs would need to say the appliance was suspected of emitting CO first.
This was accepted. Shame. Perhaps bring up this point with Rebecca or maybe HSE?
Wrote to Jenny re the CORT talk on the 18th January.
Wrote to SD re her research on cars.

1254 28.01.23 Sunday
Emails seemed endless.
Wrote to new survivor MS several times. Also, Jenny re his case study.
Wrote to Roy.
Wrote to Ryan Thom, reporter about explosion in Ayr and asked if he’d got contact with the family and how were they.

1253.1 27.01.23 Friday
Looked at Jonathan’s slides again for the Chris Bielby award and found more to change.
Heard item on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour about dementia and nothing of course about CO. Texted 84844 but no response of course.
Sent slides back. Corresponded with Ross researcher for Siobhian Brown MSP

Corresponded with work group on slides etc.

Corresponded with Nicole Zandi re PQs.

Endless correspondence re survivor DD and their solicitor.

Contacted by new survivor MS who was an environmental health officer using a portable gas heater while renovating an old cottage.
Endless emails to file.

1253 26.01.23 Thursday
Wrote to survivor. DD. Rang Hannah Taylor and chatted about Grayson’s croup and asthma and wood burner. Got her email address and wrote to her.
Paid CO-Gas Safety bills. Rang Paul Overton – gave him quick brief about meeting at House of Commons on Monday and 8.2.
Paul later emailed to say he’d approved payments.

Wrote to Nicole Zandi and finally found that Minister for HSE is back to Mims Davies.
Wrote to Ofgem re VCMA funding for the Fuel Bank Foundation to fund servicing & chimney sweeping. Rebecca Pickett away so Jourdan Edwards responded – apparently a matter for Kevin Tse <>

Found email to Ross McKay re Siobhian Brown SMP and sent documents in two batches re gas explosion and family of four.

Jonathan sent slides for Chris Bielby award and I sent suggestions in red.

1252 25.01.23 Wednesday
CO-Gas Safety’s 28th anniversary!
Got up at 7.45 and looked at email to send Rich.
Decided to just send the report and charts to Rich and did so.

Thought a lot about Molly Maher today. Also, Tony Pompe, Harry Rogers and David Jenkins. It feels lonely without them. Glad to have heard from Colin Breed at Christmas but wish he’d get back properly in touch. Hope he’s OK.

Virtual meeting with Simon Birkett and Nicole Zandi – must send some PQs on CO. Seems unlikely that the Clean Air (Human Rights) bill will go through Commons, but CO more promising. Not sure I believe this but amazing if true. I made the point that indoor air is more concentrated, more controllable and testing for CO could save NHS funds and make profit abroad. Think I said this on Monday at the H of C meeting.

Forwarded email from Charon about her organisation to work group and J. Asked them for their advice re the organisation. I am still unsure what the organisation is – a company – I don’t think it is so what is it?

Reviewed comments made on Companies House website about keeping occupations of Directors and addresses from the public. Made my point about writing to company directors after all else has failed about an urgent safety issue. Recognised that some company directors are harassed. Law enforcement could apparently forward concerns to directors, but what if it’s urgent? Used the ferry leaving harbour with bow doors open as an example (Herald of Free Enterprise). How would I, an ordinary person, convince the police or HSE to act at all, let alone quickly enough? Later suggested an automatic forwarding system that would guarantee and prove receipt, as a compromise. Tried to upload the Evans cartoon – hardhat and suit. Tried to find Evans and found a Malcolm Evans and wrote to him and he very kindly responded but it’s not his so not the right Evans. Thanked him and asked if he knew of any other Evans cartoonists?

Heard from the mother of Grayson the four year old hero – she messaged me and I rang back but she had to go as her son Grayson had just arrived home. Very nice and happy to help. She said she’d ring back but I filed her number and will try to ring tomorrow morning as that’s a better time for mothers.

Checked website had been updated with our new report. Changed the signature on the bottom of the emails to put our new Report.

Responded to Simon and Nicole and must look out some old PQs tomorrow and see if they are still relevant and think of new ones.
Corresponded several times with DD about the chimney report yet again. Asked her to ask her solicitor how much an application to court for the report would cost.

Read media updates and wrote to Eliot Ball reporter re Plymouth family in the navy and their gas boiler. Asked reporter to pass on our details and contact us.

1251 24.01.23 Tuesday
I thought I’d better get on with the emails etc.
Sent Sue the rough notes and she said she had time for a quick chat. We chatted.
Fixed a new date for Siobhian McDonagh MSP to talk about the explosion in Ayr, Gorse Park.
Realised I should read the report of the year again so did so and changed a very few things.
Sent to everyone. J. responded quickly with constructive suggestion.
I changed it and warned Rich I’d be sending late tonight or tomorrow morning to put on website. Also charts and stats also copied to Jenny.
Received dates of Fuel Bank Foundation event which can’t make and asked Matt if I could catch up later.
Wrote to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem about the VCMA funding – couldn’t that be used for the Fuel Bank Foundation? Or was it up to the GDNs? RP away on holiday so resent to Jourdan Edwards and explained why it was urgent.
Accepted Simon Birkett’s invitation for 10.00 tomorrow.
Read about Grayson a four year old who woke up of family after a CO alarm sounded. He’s in Wales. Tweeted and Grayson’s headmistress Caroline Swann range me – ace head and really nice. We got on very well and I got her email address and sent her the usual documents etc. and asked if she’d put me in touch with the parents for a case study and we’d like to put the family in touch with W & W Utilities re the competition.
Heard from AT sent by the Guild of Master Sweeps by Paul Clements but AT told me she didn’t think she’d suffered CO. I wrote to her saying in her shoes I wouldn’t use the fire but up to her.

1250 23.01.23
Meeting at the House of Commons called by Sir Peter Bottomley MP. Made some notes on the train home.

1249 22.02.23 Sunday
Wrote to Sue W., Roy, Jonathan asking him to contact David Goodall and to tell me what we were doing re possible meeting after meeting. Also, Jim about report which he said was OK but formatting was funny and it seemed fine on mine. Also wrote to Ben Bayliss who’d OK’ed the notes re meeting with Charon. Told Ben about the USA meetings and that I needed to outline what happens in UK and could I run this past him when I’d done it?

Got the 11.45 a.m. boat and train from Portsmouth but had to change at Haslemere and it was over half an hour late. Got to Waterloo. Rolled cases to Premier Inn and got them up the steps.
Sent a follow up message to man who’d lost his son to CO and wanted to do a run for a charity. Asked him to contact us as we collect data.

1248 21.01.23 Saturday
Wrote to Rich re website.
Responded to Tom Woolley – had seen he was a member of the Hemp society so had written to tell him about the Radio 4 play about hemp and he replied with details of his latest book. Also, about a CO incident in Ireland concerning Sarah McKeown. Found her on twitter and wrote to her on twitter asking her to contact me. I bought the book and responded about Monday’s meeting and NGN’s research and Cadent.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh, Sue Westwood and Roy.
Also asked Ben Kuchta’s advice re meeting and concern about explosion in Ayr and hydrogen. Ben responded about IGEM’s charter and I found an interesting part of that which was
Individuals that join us are required to sign a declaration agreeing to be bound by our Professional Code of Conduct which places an obligation on members to act with integrity and in the public interest.
Told Ben surely, it’s in the public interest to test for CO and inform medics whether or not someone has been exposed to CO.
Worked hard getting everything ready and as packed as possible for Monday.

1247 20.01.23 Friday
Worked on report and finally finished and sent to work group.
Siobhian Brown MSP’s meeting at 200 was cancelled. Wrote to say perhaps we could rearrange?
It’s about the explosion at Ayr – family of four in hospital. Rubble eroded plastic around gas pipe. Issue is whose responsibility in new builds etc.? Wrote to Stephen Critchlow HSE.
Wrote to Siobhian Brown on 1st December 2022.
Dear Siobhian Brown, MSP
I have written to the journalist Ryan Thom to ask if he could pass our details onto the family. We are an independent, registered charity and have nearly 28 years of experience of helping such families – mainly carbon monoxide but we are also interested in explosion, particularly now hydrogen may be in our gas pipes soon.
I attach my short CV.
If there is anything we can do to help you too, please let us know.
The HSE refused to prosecute and I can understand why because proof is so hard after such a long period. However, this explosion is extremely worrying and the family must need some support at least.
Is there no inspection by the Local Authority or Building control when plastic gas pipes are being back filled?
Wrote to Ben Kuchta re CO2 and also re meeting on the 23rd.
Asked Rich to put original House mag articles on website ASAP.

1246 19.01.23 Thursday
Got an email from Charon of NCOAA re survivor KB.
Got another email re conferences in the summer.
Sent Laura Fatah, manager at APPCOG, email re products to alert to CO being sold on the Internet – asked if APPCOG could issue advice on products not to standards or certificated.

Meeting with Laura and Kevin Herron also from Policy Connect from APPCOG re the agenda for Monday.
Went very well and sent her an email afterwards with some material we’d discussed.

Heard from JK.
Jenny copied me into an email re the death in the hotel.

Worked on report of the year and finished it.

Wrote to JK re the 23rd.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta re CO2
Resent to Ben Bayliss to check notes made with him and Charon of NCOAA sent originally in November.
Sent Rich all the website updates on what we’ve done so far to put on the website ASAP.

1245 18.01.23
Virtual meeting with Simon Birkett of Clean Air London.
Simon asked for a brief on CO for Geraint Davies* MP.
Spoke to Jenny about the AICO alarm and checked 3 deaths with her. One not ours, one last year and one to check as it’s the subject of a criminal investigation.
Wrote the brief* then ran it past people who helped edit.
Received a case study and sent it to Jenny to publish.
Heard from a survivor KB but wrote to say really sorry can’t do anything for a week and could she please resend in a week.
Responded to RS.
Sent final version of brief to Simon Birkett.
Worked on report up to September. So, September & October tomorrow and November December Friday.

1244 17.01.23 Tuesday
Accepted invitation to Laura’s call on Thursday 19th at 11.00 to discuss the agenda.
Spent time considering the questions on the agenda for the 23rd and finally after consulting work group decided they were OK although we had other Qs naturally.
Wrote to survivor DD.
Spent time on Jenny’s charts for the website.
Spent time on the case studies and emailed the BBQ couple.
Sent another chase up email to Charon of NCOAA re her email to AHRI asking her if she’d sent it.
Sent email to work group re submission to IGEM November and December work done for the website. Highlighted extra part inserted in red. Paul wants it out and Jim thinks it should stay in.
Emailed Laura about questions – was conferring but implied probably OK.
Queried deaths as found 3 and drafted email to Jenny.

1243 16.01.23 Monday
Wrote to Laura Fatah of APPCOG about article about Amazon monitor – no standard – ought to be. Also asked how the numbers were going for the meeting.
Wrote to Rich about a link for articles and various other things.
Resent email to the Times about the death of Carol Midgley’s young cat – could be CO and could mean the family is at risk.
Corresponded with Jenny with regard to the charts and stats for the website.
Corresponded with Charon of NCOAA in the USA about Energysafe Victoria. She responded that she will ask them to the conference.
Wrote to Carol Stanners re Chi Onwurah Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne Central
Shadow Minister Science, Research & Innovation and copied in Kier Lewis.
Received questions from Laura Fatah and drafted answers and sent to others but need to rethink the attachment and resend.

1242 15.01.23 Sunday
I worked on the charts and stats.
I wrote to Jenny with changes.
I wrote to Roy about this and that.
Wrote to Adrian McConnell of CORT about the testing of the dead and he kindly responded immediately. He’s also attending the meeting on the 23rd which is great.
Drafted a request to Peter to ask Jonathan to the meeting on the 23rd.

1241 14.01.23 Saturday
Read the Times and saw that Carole Midgley’s young cat had died unexpectedly. Found her on twitter and emailed and tweeted. Had problems with tweeting again and couldn’t find the sent ones even when I copied ‘@cogassafety’.
Emailed Rich and left a phone message.
Heard from Paul Overton about IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 that I’d put in red in November/December – Paul thought best not.
Heard that there was a case in Wales which found that two health workers who’d died of Covid had died from an industrial disease. Interesting. Sent it to Sue. Probably will be appealed.
Correspondence with J. re email to Peter for an invitation.

1240 13.01.23 Friday
Quite a few email exchanges re the meeting on the 23rd Phil B, Sam and J.
Heard from Stacey re the Lions’ den event.
While filing found email from survivor AG oil boiler – and emailed her again.
Exchanged emails with Sue Westwood.

1239 12.01.23 Thursday
Received a road map document from UKEIC so wrote back to ask why testing for CO didn’t seem to be innovative to UKEIC and attached Numbers affected by CO and copied Denise Massey.
Emailed Jason Coward Air Quality News & conference about the Manchester conference and asked him to send an invoice for tickets for Sue and I.
Booked Holiday Inn hotel for the Lions’ Den event on 0 7.02.23 – printed out and put on board.
Worked on update for November and December for report of the year.
Wrote to Eileen Brown of NGN re missed opportunity and maybe case study for Ben Loker.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN about data from the one care company they now use and asked questions which might help SGN compile the data.
Wrote to Kevin Hegarty of Cadent re Dan Howard as a possible case study and later assured him in writing that nothing would be published without their approval and prior permission in writing.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP about Ella’s law – Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill.
Read article about hydrogen written by Simon Colvin, Weightmans about our concerns re hydrogen.
Had a go at setting up the AICO alarm with downloadable data and needed to change the guides, so let Peter Bottomley know and sent amended guides.
Wrote to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem re forced pre payment meters and asked her if, although they cost more, could Ofgem find funding to at least make them the same cost as ordinary meters through the funding for ‘vulnerable customers’? But asked perhaps the VCMA millions don’t apply to suppliers?

1238 11.01.23 Wednesday
Meeting with Simon Birkett, Rosamund Kissi-Debrah and Nicole Zandi.
Discussed the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill most and that 29 MPs have signed the EDM but not a single Conservative.
Told them I would be at House of Commons on the 23rd at a meeting called by Sir Peter Bottomley MP so could hopefully do some lobbying for Ella’s law.
Wrote draft to Dan Edwards of SGN.
Informed work group of Sam Graham of Cadent being the 4th speaker.
Sent AICO guides to Peter Bottomley as requested.
Asked for and received article published in June in HVP from Joe Dart – very pleased with it and thanked him.
Tried to download an EIC innovator partnership innovator action plan
delivery roadmap for 2023 and couldn’t so wrote to them.
Asked Peter to sign EDM for Ella’s law as the first Conservative.

1237 10.01.23 Tuesday
Wrote to survivor CC about the 11.6% which J thought was CO2. I suggested she asked firm which is Gas Safe Registered and asked to speak to the engineer who did the work and ask him to explain the 11.6%.
I worked on July and August work done for report of the year January to January.
Correspondence with Peter Bottomley re meeting 23.01.23 and also speakers.
Attached NLJ article 2018 about making it a specific duty to test for CO for a landlord’s safety check and later email, attached ‘Giving carbon monoxide nowhere to hide’ and sweep test to PB’s correspondence.
Peter phoned me briefly – difficult to get the right speaker on testing.
Jenny is kindly sending me the AICO alarm.
Sent email reply to James Birkinshaw via of HSE. Attached ‘Numbers affected by CO’, NLJ 2018 about making it a specific duty to test for CO for a landlord’s safety check and ‘Giving carbon monoxide nowhere to hide’ and sweep test video. Asked for testing as an issue to be passed to his superiors and we wanted to see the Minister for HSE to discuss these issues.
David Goodall rang me and he needs to check out Jonathan’s name etc. for Chris Bielby award. Emailed Jonathan and messaged him and then sent David something from the Kane website as Jonathan said he can’t ring him until tomorrow. I also sent Dave Goodall our original application in the name of CO-Gas Safety only with Kane as a supporter.
Responded to Dan Edwards and asked how soon the data might be available now there is one contractor.
Looked up speakers on Policy Connect and found Sam Graham of Cadent has been added, which is really good news.

1236 09.01.23 Monday
Heard from Karen Randall of Improving Performance in Practice. They want to ‘interview key stakeholders representing either policy formation or national organisations who are involved with achieving positive pregnancy outcomes and protecting people from CO poisoning e.g. OHID, NHSE, Gas Distribution Networks, Baby charities, APPGs.

We would like to invite you as a representative of The Carbon Monoxide and Gas Safety Society. The interview will last about 40 minutes and include questions about:

• CO exposure including identifying levels of risk associated with exposure, symptoms of exposure, impact on the mother to be and impact on foetus.
• Barriers and facilitators to identifying and rectifying the risks.
• Attitudes and beliefs regarding the role of your organisation, current practice and views of professional responsibilities.
• Who should be responsible for identifying women at risk and delivering messages about CO and in what way.
The interviews/small groups will be undertaken at a time and place that is most convenient and comfortable for you. Interviews can be undertaken via Teams or Zoom.’
Sue replied immediately and said she’d help. Have yet to hear from Paul.
I responded and said I would be more than happy to do so and perhaps two trustees and also a victim/doctor might be interested. Got very nice email back – want us trustees but not anyone else.

Wrote to Laura Fatah asking to be a speaker and asked for Phil/Wayne to be.

Wrote to Jenny asking her to send me an AICO alarm with downloadable feature.

Worked on accounts and confirmation report for CO-Awareness Day Ltd and managed accounts first time using template from 2021 but couldn’t sign in for the confirmation report. Had to ring up Companies House later and after a long wait was helped and managed it. There seemed to be a problem with the system. Paid the £13.00 and it’s done until next year.

Wrote to Ian McCluskey re answer he’d given us some time ago about getting back to us when work with Cadent and NGN was further on or completed – responded quickly but said same thing.

Wrote to Astrid who is a survivor and willing to write an oil case study for us.

Found speakers on the Policy Connect website
• Andy Speake, National Technical Manager, Aico
• Scott Darroch, Director of Marketing & Communications, Gas Safe Register
• Ian Palmer-Smith, Supplier and Heating Services Director, Domestic & General
Decided to write to Peter Bottomley and sent draft to work group.

Heard from expert on survivor CC’s 11.6% CO – expert thinks it’s CO2. Survivor CC is home owner so suggested she asked the RGE who came to her home and put the 11.6% on a receipt I’ve filed as a report.

Read May and June and worked on Report of the Year.

1235 08.01.23 Sunday
Resent an email to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey of IGEM about testing for CO in homes – had been promised that Ian would get back to us on the 14th April 2022.
Wrote to Laura Fatah to suggest adding Oliver Lancaster CEO of IGEM and Ian McCluskey Head of Technical and policy would also be helpful at the meeting on 23.01.23. Perhaps on reflection, also someone high up in the HSE is what is needed for this meeting – someone in policy.
Prepared March and April 2022 for Report of the Year January to January.
Sent my email to SD and her response to work group with comments about the failure to test for CO.

1234 07.01.23 Saturday
Sent draft email to HSE to work group on the way.
Also sent email asking if I should ask to be a speaker at Peter Bottomley’s event.
Heard from SD – link between Ambient carbon monoxide exposure and elevated risk of mortality in the glioblastoma patients: A double‐cohort retrospective observational study Sent to work group.

1233 06.01.23 Friday
Worked on Report of the Year and have done January and February.
Received rather an unhelpful email from HSE. Drafted a response which I’ll send to the work group tomorrow.
Had a dilemma over invitees to the meeting on the 23rd January but emailed Laura and she did say I could suggest people so I did so.
Paul Overton
Sue Westwood
Jonathan Kane
Phil Burrows Cadent
Dan Edwards SGN
Kerry Potter SGN
Ben Kuchta
Roland Johns
Frank Brehany
Speakers are yet to be confirmed. Should I ask that we be a speaker?
Heard from Frank and he can’t come as he’s got dental appointments.
Wrote a short resume to Collette Hanson, Peter’s researcher.

1232 05.01.23 Thursday
Sent summary of questions and answers from GDN VCMA showcase event to the work group. Huge underspend.
Started on report of the year.
Wrote to Jenny re case studies this year.
Michael Frosdick – by his brother Andy. On the website.
Amber Yates. On the website.
The Seaview couple – almost there. Jenny just checking something.
The BBQ hut – sent again for final approval – getting back to us in a week.
Another survivor RA. Need to phone him.
Sent summary of questions and answers from GDN VCMA showcase event to the work group. Huge underspend. Queried GSE – wondered if it’s HSE. Sent draft email to Nigel Winnan of W & W U and Dan Edwards to Work group for approval.
Sent email to Peter Bottomley but auto response so wrote longer one to Collette Hanson. It wasn’t returned so hopefully she’s received it.

1231 04.01.23 Wednesday
Wrote to Ben Bayliss re query about 11.6% and what that meant to a survivor CC – was the ratio but that still doesn’t tell me how much CO.
Wrote to ‘My Mirror’ re the woman who was worried either that her husband was messing with her mind or that she was suffering from CO exposure.
Checked November & December updates and sent to work group.
Concerned about roundtable event and who had not been invited.
Wrote to Phil Burrows about roundtable event and meeting perhaps afterwards or after the demo in Hitchin (date to be arranged).

1230 03.01.23 Tuesday
Tuesday Heard Woman’s Hour and wrote to Sarah Graham, health writer of women’s issues re medics ignoring women and mentioned CO. Later heard from her but busy for a month. Responded re that’s fine.
Heard from Laura Fatah re save the date 23.01.23 for a round table event about improving CO safety in homes. Will have to spend Sunday night in London. Drafted email for work group and Jonathan. Sent to Frank.
Heard from survivor CC that she isn’t a tenant and have with her permission sent the report with 11.6% to Ben Bayliss to see if he can explain this.
Sent questions and answers re the Showcase event to work group.
Heard from Carol Stanners re Chi Onwurrah MP – techie re iPhones – want CO sensors in them.
Read October 2022.
Heard from Paul Overton re all the months so far.
Corresponded with survivor DD as usual.
Heard from Beverley and wrote back.

1229 02.01.23 Monday
Sent September October work done to work group.
Wrote to survivor LL re does she need a solicitor.
Wrote to survivor CC. quite a long email asking various questions – concerned she might be in danger.

1228 01.01.23 Sunday
Sent email to Rich our techie about a website entry – can’t make a link a link. Please visit and put as a link.
Wrote to Eileen Brown of NGN to congratulate her: –
Hi Eileen
Just seen
Great news.
We would really like to work with you on this campaign.
Saw East Enders and tweeted about it.
@cogassafety Report said East Enders would feature carbon monoxide (CO). Hoped awareness of the dangers of CO would be raised & how to prevent it but ‘tho ‘tests are being done’ no tests seen being done – why not? So far no explanation re where the CO came from/how to prevent it.

1226 31.12.22 Saturday
Wrote to someone who lives in the Isle of Wight called RB who has been poisoned by organophosphates from sheep dip. After some correspondence asked him to write to Bob Seely MP to ask him to support the Clean Air Bill. He did so and copied me in.
Heard from survivor CC
‘I have read on your website that the maximum CO emission from a boiler should be below 350PPM. We have had our boiler serviced recently and the engineer said that the reading is within the limits, but high. It was given as a percentage (11.6% CO).
I would like to know please how that relates to the numerical figure.’

Responded to CC survivor:-
‘Have you got a carbon monoxide alarm? If not suggest you buy one from a supermarket or DIY store NOT the internet and make sure it’s to EN 50291.
CO alarms to EN 50291 are brilliant at warning of levels likely to kill or severely injure you but are NOT HEALTH MONITORS.

‘Hi C.,

Thank you for your inquiry. I suspect something has gone wrong in the translation. Have you got anything you can scan and send?

Meanwhile if you are at all concerned you should ring 0800 111999 immediately and ask the free service for gas emergencies to call. Testing for CO is not standard. Are you on the Priority Service Register?

If this means 11.6% CO in the products of combustion, which are presumably either going up the chimney or flue or exiting outside, if you have a balanced flue. A balanced flue sits on the wall and takes air in and expels the products of combustion outside. But I really doubt this because I think this would be 110,600 PPM. I suggest you seek further information from the Gas Safe Register and from HSE (I attach contact details) but I doubt you will receive a response from them at the moment.

Please note ‘Less than 2% of CO in the air can kill in between one and three minutes.
(Paragraph 74 table 23 page 26)’

Did you check that the engineer was Gas Safe Registered?

Are you a tenant or home owner?

When was the boiler last serviced and the chimney/flue swept and checked?

Where do you live?

You could phone me 01983 564516 or 07803 088688 if you are worried but it is Saturday. I run a charity as a volunteer. The gas emergency service is your first port of call.’

1225 30.12.22 Friday
I emailed various people. Sent the website update May and June to work group.
Emailed latest survivor LL and found out her mother’s name. Suggested they think about calling the gas emergency service.
Correspondence with survivor DD and her solicitor. She needs the Council’s investigation and report. Asked the solicitor for estimation of costs which we could consider reimbursing her for, but she would need to pay up front.
Sent work group July and August too.
Worked on September October and drafted an email so I can send that. Leaves November & December to work on and later January.

1224 29.12.22 Thursday
Did emails and updated what we’ve done so far July and August. Sent March & April to work group.
Correspondence with Charon and also Daniela Gentile and got the costs of the research so need to think about that tomorrow.

1223 28.12.22 Wednesday
Sent Daniela Gentile an email asking if they had the £60,000 they needed. Responded and they haven’t got it yet. Offered to give a few funders a go if I could pass on their email etc. She responded straightaway. Need to know how much for how long so asked her this. She told me that their research was the whole of the UK so that’s good as I thought it was just Scotland.

Emailed Charon of NCOAA about the terrible weather conditions in the USA and Canada and also asked if she’d sent the letter to the AHRI.

Was contacted by a survivor LL in Glasgow worried about her mother and her Belling Cooker causing the CO alarm to sound. Wrote to her and must write to Elaine Motion to see if she’d take the case on.

Wrote to Chi Onwurah MP Labour re her interview on Life Scientific in June and asked if we could have things in common – she was the engineer responsible for bringing mobile network to Nigeria and also MP and shadow minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Shadow Minister Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Maybe knows someone to put a CO alarm in an iPhone. Left a phone message at constituency office Newcastle 0191 232 5838

Worked on what we’ve done so far for the website and got to end of June.
Sent January and February to the work group.

1222 27.12.22 Tuesday
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh re survivor DD about the need to persuade her solicitor to make an application to court for the report of the investigation the Council had done. Costs were an issue, but we needed to know what the costs were and perhaps we could help. That if the report helped DD, then maybe the other problems would be easier to deal with.
Worked on checking ‘what we’ve done so far’ and checked January, Feb. March, April and May and filed this. Also worked on the update to March for a start of the Report of the Year 2022. Dealt with the PPP from Dr Gill Jackson in December 2021.
Wrote to a friend involved in Smokegate and sent my explanation of what was wrong and how it could be put right and also ‘Numbers affected by CO’.

1221 26.12.22 Monday Boxing Day
I did some drafting of emails and sent one to Colin Breed who had been the charity’s MP years ago. Sent an email about the Great Smog to a friend. Also drafted one to the same friend about CO. Sent email to Jim Kinnibrugh about survivor DD.

1220 23.12.22 Friday
Phoned person who’d been poisoned some years ago, who was a tenant and had not had a gas safety certificate for a water heater. We had a long chat and he’d been a Health and Safety person and lecturer in vehicle safety. The landlady was prosecuted by HSE and fined. He’d brought his civil action in time but it was struck out in March 2022 because he lacked medical evidence but apparently he did have the right evidence. He’s sending me the contact details of the medic in Casualty who helped him. He’s also sending more papers. I told him we’d love to have it as a case study eventually and meanwhile although I couldn’t give legal advice, I’d hope he’d be able to deal with this unreasonable striking out and maybe we could do some publicity as he wants the system changed.
Heard from people who I’d sent Christmas cards to.
Corresponded about Smokegate (smokey evening during dinner on Wednesday at house of friends).
Corresponded with the work group about the film by SGN – we thought it was very good but a missed opportunity and also CO alarm not a health monitor. Need to draft something about this.
Set off and took smoke alarm and CO alarm to the hosts of our dinner. Also took an article about smoke from wood fires indoors and the levels of CO for CO alarms and the WHO guidelines and my comments that a CO alarm a good death alarm but not a health monitor. I was invited in but the smell of smoke was so bad my lungs told me not to, so I declined.
It turned out that they hadn’t had their chimney swept and they said they wouldn’t put the fire on again until it was swept.
Wrote to Big Issue about a recent article about energy costs asking them to write about CO.

1219 22.12.22 Thursday
Received media alert and warning of CO and use a CO alarm but although I was thrilled I do think this was a missed opportunity to explain that servicing/chimney sweeping is key. However, simple & strong message.
Heard from media alerts that British couple who died in Majorca have tested positive for CO
– so this means it took a maximum of three days to get the results – what a difference to the UK.
Wrote to Abigail Nicholson of Liverpool Echo about the Cadent Hero Dan Howard. Also wrote to Kevin Hegarty the PR person for Cadent asking for our details to be passed to Dan and to work with Cadent on this so we could get two case studies and congratulate Dan and Cadent.
More correspondence with survivor DD and her solicitor.
Wrote to Roland Johns.
Wrote to Wayne Merry of Cadent.
Wrote to another two survivors and will speak to one tomorrow morning.
Rang Sue and talked to her about the local incident last night of CO during a dinner party.
Sue called it ‘Smokegate’. Sue thought they probably hadn’t had their chimney swept. This turned out to be the case although that fireplace always smoked quite a bit.
Felt ill all day from the smoke but gradually improved a bit.
Rang Paul and talked to him about the same incident.
Resent email to Robin Smith of Jersey Police about deaths from explosions. Offered help.
We’ve had a problem recently about not being an approved body whatever that means. That’s fine but if we are not, there ought to be a body properly funded to help people.

1218 21.12.22 Wednesday
I did emails. Nothing from anyone re draft to Cadent – will just send my draft to Wayne Merry tomorrow if I don’t hear.
Wrote to Rich about twitter being back but asking why my tweets weren’t on website after the 16th to today.
Sent a horrific report about the likelihood of a Kafkaesque law coming into force to Frank. It’s been said that an alleged terrorist won’t necessarily be told what the charge is nor will lawyers acting for the alleged terrorist.
Contacted by tenant PC in an HMO – gas meter looks dangerous and there are other problems. Suggested he contact his MP and copy me in.
Filed receipts for storage from Armadillo.
Went to a friend’s house for a take away and we had drinks by the fire. This was an open wood fire but it smoked. The smoke became unbearable and the wife opened the doors and windows.

1217 20.12.22 Tuesday
Media alerts reported death of a couple in Majorca from suspected CO – son in UK alerted the police because he couldn’t raise them. Emailed Metro and Liam Coleman.
Wrote to survivor RF in order to check bank account details for reimbursement.
Drafted second version to Wayne Merry.
Emailed Guild sweep Paul Clements about his case study of a survivor AT.
Talked to AT at 4.00 p.m. Sent info. about CO alarms to EN 50291 and what the levels mean.

1216 19.12.22 Monday
Wrote to Sue Westwood, Phil Clements about a case study and the object of that study, AT who I’ll talk to Tuesday at 4.00 p.m.
Also wrote about the draft to Wayne Merry. Will need to think again about this.
Paid bills and wrote to survivor about the invoice for her reimbursement.

1215 18.12.22 Sunday
Drafted email to respond to Wayne Merry of Cadent and sent it for consideration.
Wrote to Rich about Tweets not showing up – nothing since the 16th yet have tweeted to Jeremy Clarkson about his chimneys (article about his new house in the Sunday Times) and copied to him and @cogassafety.
Interesting case study from Paul Clements – the owner will be contacting me. I offered to try Jim Kinnibrugh as an expert.
Wrote to a friend with heart trouble because could be CO. She responded that she had had her boiler serviced but I responded what about the cooker or other appliances or things like a generator? She says she will buy a CO alarm so I responded must be EN 50291 and to get it out of the box and going by pulling a tab. Nobody ever thinks it could be CO.
Sent second version of draft to Wayne Merry of Cadent to work group with a couple of additions.

1214 16.12.22 Friday
Further correspondence re the Dragons’ Den event in February.
Got a great case study from Paul Clements of the Guild of Master Sweeps and responded with questions.
Wrote to David Goodall about Jonathan being in touch.
Heard from Frank – article about MPs.

1213 15.12.22 Thursday
Wrote to Robin Smith the police chief of Jersey re offer of our support for victims etc.
Received email from survivor RF re investigation and received receipt and put that in bills to pay.
Asked RF if could send all emails to Jenny to make up a case study.
Received email re Chris Bielby award from David Goodall stating, ‘We only allow 1 person to present therefore Jonathan will be on his own to do the presentation and 4 minutes is not a long time.
Happy for you to give Jonathan my contact details so that I can explain the process.’
Forwarded to work group for comments. Rang Paul Overton about this.
Sent email to work group about Matilda Borgstrom 350 – European digital climate campaigner asking if OK for me to join.
Resent email to Phil Burrows of Cadent re separate organisation to help survivors originally sent 17.10.22.

1212 14.12.22 Wednesday
Thought about response to Wayne Merry but will do that tomorrow now.
Wrote to Jonathan to ask him to register for the 7th Feb Dragons’ Den event.
Responded to interesting email from Roy B. who is trying to lobby for our aims.
Met a burglar alarm service person James whose sister Katherine studies films and could teach me to edit. Gave him a card to pass on to her.
Resent email to Woman’s Hour about whistle blowers and Baroness Jones’ Clean Air Bill.
Wrote to Rich about email problems with new computer and website post for Inquest.
Got email from survivor RF and wrote to firm which did the investigation. Survivor RF so fed up she is moving from the flat. She is thinking of suing and I asked if she has a solicitor.
Heard that 8 people died in the explosion in Jersey – awful. Must contact the police.

1211 13.12.22 Tuesday
Sent response to David Goodall.
Dealt with Armadillo storage and received invoices.
Received Professor Chris Whitty’s report and an article linking pollution with COPD and Asthma.
Registered for the Lions’ Den event and filed under IGEM 23.

1210 12.12.22 Monday
Finished Christmas cards for the charity. Chased couple of survivors re their case studies.
Filed and dealt with emails. Wrote to Sue Westwood. Talked to Jenny about explosions.

1209 11.12.22 Sunday
Wrote to Jenny re notice of storage unit ending.
Wrote to survivor RF. Wrote to Engineering Forensics, Ben Bayliss re whether he’d been paid yet and also to get Christmas card address.
Wrote to Phil Burrows, Wayne Terry and Suzanne Carrington re Christmas card addresses. Ditto Dan Edwards asking also for addresses and names for NGN and W & W U.
Found papers from survivor AC and wrote to him asking him to contact me ASAP.
Heard from company called Cademy which does educational courses and sent their email to WG and responded asking for references about them.

1208 10.12.22 Saturday
Read my draft to HM Coroner Carline Sumeray and sent it.
Heard about an explosion in Jersey – killed one person. Probably a gas explosion.

Wrote to about
Asking if they have evidence for saying that a new boiler at least every ten years saves money. We are all for new boilers because they tend to be safer, but we don’t have that evidence that they also save money.
Wrote to Armadillo and confirmed that last day would be 27th December and notice to be treated as given on the 15th December.
Wrote to Rich to ask for instructions to change view of emails and add to Bible as can no longer see who the emails are from.
Got on with the CO-Gas Safety Christmas cards and finished them – indeed did most of the 150 in a couple of hours.
Watched the News and three people now dead and possibly more from the gas explosion in Jersey. Sounds horrendous.

1207 09.12.22 Friday
Got an email from Wayne Merry of Cadent answering my questions sent 09.12.22 re presentation made 14.11.22 re the 626 CO investigations. Sent to others asking for their views as not quite sure I understand exactly what he’s saying.
Sent email to IOW Coroner about the death of Stephen Kitcher. Got an email back very quickly which was good but maybe it isn’t our sort of CO case. Sought Frank’s advice.
Nice email from Roy and responded.
Corresponded with survivor DD.
Heard fascinating programme about a film on Woman’s Hour ‘When we speak’ about whistle blowers and wrote to Woman’s Hour telling WH about CO, the great Smog 70th anniversary and the Clean Air Bill and our 28th anniversary coming up.

1206 08.12.22 Thursday
Wrote to couple in our village who’d had a CO scare and sent an article linking pollution with heart trouble as one of them had suffered from heart trouble. Response was that the heart problem seemed to improve when the CO stopped – interesting.

Wrote to Simon Birkett asking for timing and maybe a brief to send MPs re the Clean Air Bill.

Responded to Laura Fatah and asked to address the APPCOG Advisory Board.

Wrote to Frank.

1205 07.12.22 Wednesday
10.00 attended meeting with Simon Birkett re the Clean Air Bill and we chatted about campaigning being like a roller coaster. Then Ros (Ella’s mother) joined and we discussed how to progress the bill through the House of Commons.
Did emails and found there had been a tragic death in the Isle of Wight from suspected CO, 43 year old Steve Kitcher while fishing at night and in bivvy with a gas heater. Wrote to the Isle of Wight County Press and the Coroner offering our help to the widow and family. He leaves three children. So sad.
Sent email to Laura Fatah and received a reply quite quickly. Drafted a response and sent draft to work group. Signed up to ENA talks and updates.
Received amazingly fast response from Dan at the Coroner’s office and responded asking if CO test can be done ASAP and offering to help.

1204 06.12.22 Tuesday
Got suggestions back re a draft email to Laura of APPCOG. Will send tomorrow.
Sent an email to a survivor.

1203 05.12.22 Monday
Heard from Ian McCluskey that our late contribution to IGEM re IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification with huge apologies would be considered. Wrote an email of thanks.
Received an email from Laura Fatah in response to my chase up about what APPCOG was doing about our proposition that the landlord’s gas safety check which is very specific should surely include a specific test for CO. Drafted a response and sent to work group.

Heard from a tenant AO whose landlord is a Housing Trust and I’ve corresponded a lot before. Still no heating or hot water.

Richard sorted out my email format problem.

Sophie wrote sending me a couple of charts about CO. Corresponded with Jenny about this.

1202 04.12.22 Sunday
Started the day with a response re the outstanding invoices we should have received and am assured payments will be made soon. We are in no urgent need, so this is absolutely fine.
Saw a media alert from a bit of publicity by ‘Boiler Central’ run by Tom Allan. Found his number so rang and spoke to his answering service and told her I’d like to hear from him. I then emailed him

Sent late response to IGEM re IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification with huge apologies for being late.
To summarise our response:-
This document seems to be mainly about training and procedure for gas engineers to attend emergency call outs and carbon monoxide (CO). CO-Gas Safety submitted that although there is no legal duty on the gas emergency service to test for CO, as CO cannot be sensed using human senses, surely IGEM should advise that a flue gas analyser be used?

Wrote to Sue Westwood about her suffering after CO and the Covid jab which seems to have given her new and worse injuries.
Filed and found the media alert about BP spending £18 billion on the UK’s energy system by 2030 and thought it might be worth drafting an email and did so.
Emailed Rich about the view and screenshot and asked for help.

1201 03.12.22 Saturday
Sent invoices due again.
Corresponded with Jenny about the CORT report on testing the deceased for CO.
Wrote to IGEM about standard out for comment. IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification.
Wrote to Chris Stewart re the three young people who died in Mexico.
Had email about gas boiler next door causing problems. Responded suggested we fix a time to talk.
Corresponded with Sue Westwood.
UN day for the disabled – put a post on our website under News. The most recent estimates from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) put the proportion of disabled people in the UK at 22% in 2021 (up from 19% a decade ago). I found this shocking but perhaps unsurprising.

1200 02.12.22 Friday
Wrote email to USA lawyers L. Chris Stewart re the three Americans who died in Mexico of CO.
Re charts and stats – sent Jenny the deaths and luckily, she’s dealt with all of them. Asked her to deal with explosions but it will take time.
Correspondence with Sue Westwood.
Accepted meeting with Siobhian Brown MSP 20.01.23 and in diary.
Corresponded with Matt Cole of the Fuel Bank Foundation and Kerry Potter of SGN.
Resent invoices to K.
Resent email in September to Laura Fatah about landlord’s gas safety check not including a mandatory test for CO.
Sent CORT report about coroners testing for CO to Jenny and correspondence about this to Adrian McConnell of CORT.
Received email from USA lawyers and responded.
Wrote to technical IGEM for IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification.

1199 01.12.22 Thursday
Wrote to Kerry Potter of SGN about need for a fuel service for the Fuel Bank Foundation.
Wrote to MSP Siobhian Brown ( and telephoned her office and spoke to Julie Waugh and later received a request from Ross for a meeting in January. Date set for Friday 20th January 2023 at 2.00 p.m.
Inquired about Dragons Den event re whether we had to book in and whether there were any concessions as I need to stay the night of the 7th February in the Holiday Inn Bloomsbury.
Wrote to survivor DD.
2.00 p.m. CORT talk. CO on the brain. Effects bad even at very low levels. PhD student Lucie Wilson.
Excellent presentation and great research – using Functional MRI and also ultrasound. Could tell oxygen level of the blood and where the blood went in the brain on certain tasks. After CO less blood flowed. Very complicated and quite hard to follow.
Asked if levels of 4 PPM for 24 hours could now be said to be dangerous or at least best avoided. It seemed the answer was that it’s obviously hard to be sure yet but seems likely. Asked if it would be possible to tell if people had damage consistent with CO weeks or months earlier. Hopefully at some stage. Put Harry’s view that the only safe level is nil.

1198 30.11.22 Wednesday
Sent signed pages to John Holmes.
Meeting with Simon Birkett and Ros re Clean Air Bill – discussed strategy. Fun discussion especially at the end.
Thought CO on the brain was today but it’s tomorrow.
Corresponded with Charon of NCOAA about media in USA and also about UK law and practice. Will get to it ASAP
Corresponded with David Bublil re sense pro and open air poisoning.
Emailed Jim re survivor BD and he’s agreed to help her.
Registered for heat pumps talk on 08.12.22 at 10.00.
Corresponded with Lawson Wight re film person Barrie White.
Made a note to ring IGEM tomorrow about the document they are seeking opinions on.

1197 29.11.22 Tuesday
Sent phone message to David Goodall. Received DG’s email address.
Received message from Mark Rolfe and the problem is that CMDDA1 relies on the unsafe procedure procedure which does not require that RGE gives PPM of CO to survivor/medics.
Wrote to survivor BD re chimney and case. Wrote to Marcus about BD’s possible case.
Received assurance from Coroner that Lance Corp. Michael Miah’s suicide had nothing to do with CO.
Case in USA about deaths from CO and relatives receiving help from lawyers. Couldn’t open this and sent to Charon NCOAA with request to find out lawyers so I could write to them.
Marcus Weatherby very helpful re BD.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh re BD.
Wrote to Sue Westwood about general issues.

1196 28.11.22 Monday
Wrote to Jonathan re the Chris Bielby award.
Wrote to Mark Rolfe with questions about CMDDA1.
Received AICO advert on their CO alarm and send it to the WG – asked if they notice anything.
Dave Goodall phoned me about the Chris Bielby Award. Chris Bielby’s widow and daughter will attend. Supposed to be a bit of a fun evening.
Issue over the four minutes and who was going to speak.
Think it had better be Jonathan. The support group was not mentioned as part of the conversation.
Wrote to Sarah re the animation.
Sent some questions to Dan Edwards of SGN.
Wrote to survivor BD to point out her difficulties in making a claim.
Drafted a message to Dave Goodall.

1195 27.11.22 Sunday
Sent a draft to Dan Edwards for consideration.
Received email from student of the Young Innovators and responded.

1194 26.11.22 Saturday
Wrote draft to Simon Joyce with questions about Chris Bielby award.
Wrote to Jenny re the stats and boxes. Agreed notice will be given on the 15th to the storage unit.
Corresponded re SGN and Cadent on the difference between what they do.
I think SGN keeps the CO testing at arms’ length by delegating to a care team – the issue is do they test for CO and if so, do they tell the survivors but that’s the same re Cadent really.
Wrote to the Times re soldier’s suicide.
Sent copy to Jenny.
Then wrote to the Coroner Mr David Ridley with background on word document.
Wrote to JK about CMDDA1.
Sent media alert to WG Wrote to about the two dead and one injured by suspected CO.

1193 25.11.22 Friday
Corresponded with David Bublil again of Sense-Pro.
Corresponded with UKAS – they can’t approve us as only approve products.
Saw media update about Dan Howard of Cadent rescuing man who was overcome with CO.
Wrote to Phil Burrows and Wayne Merry immediately to congratulate Dan Howard.
Later tweeted and tweeted one of the reporters.
Corresponded with Roy.
Received great news that we will be presenting to the Lions Den Chris Bielby award. Drafted some questions to Simon Joyce.
Wrote to Seve Critchlow of the HSE about prevention of explosion re filling trench with rubble – whose responsibility is it – shouldn’t this be clarified for the future?

1192 24.11.22 Thursday
Responded to David Bublil’s email from Sense-Pro.
Checked media update and found a young doctor had died in Mexico City and sent this to Dr Lilian Calderon.
Wrote to Frank re the occupiers’ right to know. He’s had the same problem re Cabin Air Quality.
Wrote to the Times about the government’s proposal to pay £25 million to tell the public how to save energy. Basically we think this is somewhat insulting because most people know what to do, especially when there are few warnings about CO, which many people don’t know about.
Sent accounts to John Holmes with another email to the Directors to remind them they had to get back immediately if they wanted to query anything.
I put up Thursday’s COAW references from APPCOG on the website.
Wrote to Laura Fatah.
Sent animation to Jenny and mentioned the E-Learning course.
Sent chart in slide 35 to Dr Duggan to see if she can find the reference.
Sent origins of companies to AP – student part of NGN’s young innovators group.
Zoom meeting with AP and wrote to her.
Worked on list of what UK does for NCOAA.
Heard from BD survivor that her claim is not outside the Limitation period but she only has until 30.12.22. Advised her to get an appointment with a solicitor ASAP or give it up. Suggested a chat tomorrow.

1191 23.11.22 Wednesday
Paul Overton has approved the accounts.
Drafted a briefing note on CO and sent it to Charles Nancarrow of the National Audit Committee.
Sent email to survivor asking if we could help. (Roy).
Sent email to Tina Mistry of AICO as suggested asking if AICO is likely to introduce a 2nd version of CO alarm approved to EN50543 with logging?
Sent email to Dan Edwards asking what is SGN doing for CO analysis under RIIO 2? Response was that they are using a company to service.
This is fine except what if the survivors are being exposed to high levels of CO and the servicing destroys the evidence even for the medics?
Did some telephoning about the tragic suicide of Cameron Milton who poisoned himself with yew but I did wonder if a contributing cause could have been CO. Coroner responded quickly and kindly but no test for CO was done.
Wrote to Charon suggesting I outline what is needed, what is done in UK, what changes we want and she can then do the same in the USA,
Corresponded with Lemonlight which makes videos – asked for prices.
Wrote to BD and she responded.
Wrote to Steven Critchlow about the explosion in Scotland and why we weren’t an approved body.
Wrote to Robert Palmer on new taxes on oil telling him about CO.

Emailed Rich for help re the font on my emails but at least it’s OK when it arrives.
Had a panic about the animation as had used an old link but it was fine thank goodness.
Paid bills.
Discussed various things – New technology and Lascar.
Decided to ask SGN (Dan Edwards) what to do re CO analysis under RIIO2 – draft for tomorrow.
Heard from David Bubil Sense Pro.
Responded to Charles Nancarrow from the National Audit Office – Regulation and People Development – had sent him quite a summary of the problems re CO and how due to not testing this was wasting NHS resources
Wrote to Peter Bottomley again.
Wrote with detailed questions to Wayne Merry.
Sent accounts to directors and Phil. Sent animation to directors & Phil.
Wrote to Graywolf sensing and copied Charon in BCC.
Wrote to Roy re his experience.
Made appointment with AP – student of NGN’s Young Innovators group .

1190 22.11.22
Emailed Rich for help re the font on my emails but at least it’s OK when it arrives.
Had a panic about the animation as had used an old link but it was fine thank goodness.
Paid bills.
Discussed various things – New technology and Lascar.
Decided to ask SGN (Dan Edwards) what to do re CO analysis under RIIO2 – draft for tomorrow.
Heard from David Bubil Sense Pro.
Responded to Charles Nancarrow from the National Audit Office – Regulation and People Development – had sent him quite a summary of the problems re CO and how due to keeping quiet about it and not testing this was wasting NHS resources
Wrote to Peter Bottomley again.
Wrote with detailed questions to Wayne Merry.
Sent accounts to directors and Phil. Sent animation to directors & Phil.
Wrote to Graywolf sensing and copied Charon in BCC.
Roy re his experience.
Made appointment with AP – student from NGN’s Young Innovators Group.

1189 21.11.22 Monday
Put animation on website last night but no link so emailed Rich asking him to make link live.
Correspondence with Jonathan about Wales and West who say they will follow Cadent but will they? Sent John Courtney case study.
Sent email about the Clean Air Bill.
Asked when GDNs will publish their data.
Wrote to survivor who is a doctor asking which scan shows damage consistent with CO.
Sent animation to all Directors and Phil Hunt.
Wrote to Rich re CO Awareness week materials and he put on the website.
Wrote to Matt of the Fuel Bank Foundation about his presentation and whether we could put it on the website and also re funds for servicing.
Had a long chat with new survivor BD and wrote to her with various documents.

1188 18.11.22 Friday
Wrote various emails to discuss issues.
How to obtain a meeting with Minister for HSE.
Correspondence with NCOAA.
Received animation and looking good to go for Sunday for Monday for CO Awareness week.
Received more recently updated dissertation and need to discuss with the student from NGN’s young innovators’ group.
Sent on IGEM’s application to be on their committee in various forms to work group – thinking of the Marketing committee that governs publication but do I have time? Especially when I’ve asked many times to be on the Gi publication committee and failed.
Meanwhile great news about Jenny Jones’ bill – got through Lords Committee stage.

1187 17.11.22 Thursday
Sent email to Freddie asking advice re the animation changes.
Wrote to WG about getting on with the animation and getting it done for next week as it’s CO awareness week. Rang Paul O who said yes.
Correspondence with survivor DD re solicitor and the report she needs. Solicitor actually responded.
Inquired if a CO2 monitor had a standard.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP about bonfires and the Clean Air Bill.
Wrote to animator about last two changes and a possible award to apply for.
Finished the application for the Chris Bielby award and sent it off.
Checked Laura Fatah had received our update sent about a week ago – she had.
Sent notes of meeting with NCOAA to Ben Bayliss.
Received email from HSE that Mims Davies still the Minister for HSE. Seems to be true
Reviewed accounts and sent them to WG.
Sent Anisha my suggested changes.
Found an article about CO causing arrythmia and sent it to the local couple and requested permission to put their case study on the website and received a ‘yes’.
Sent the case study to Jenny with request to put it on the website ASAP.
Worked on my expenses and actually finished them.

1186 16.11.22 Wednesday
Wrote to animator re too many ‘immediatelys’ in animation.
Wrote to survivor DD re the Clean Air Bill and involving MP and local paper.
Suggested to DD’s solicitor that he get local paper interested.
Solicitor actually responded and he is going to outline procedure for applying to court for the chimney inspection and video. Sent email to DD asking how long ago the inspection and video was and how long ago since the solicitor asked the Council for it.

1185 15.11.22 Tuesday
Received Hilary Wareing’s talk from Adrian & sent to WG. Call with Frank re his time in Egypt and CO.
Long talk updating him on the video and this and that and Wayne Terry’s talk about the 626 investigations with 400 left live, 198 with one appliance disconnected & 28 capped off at meter. 36% had a real problem – we don’t know exactly what. We don’t know what the criteria is or the permissible levels nor if anyone is given the levels of CO if found. Later drafted an email asking all these questions and sent to WG, Sue, Frank and Jonathan. .
Frank told me about the EU Directive re cabin air quality and I realised there could be one on CO re awareness and testing for CO. I’d do the ‘whereas’ parts.
Watched the new version of the animation and sent to WG.
Sent the two changes not done to Sarah.
Later after Sue’s reaction sent the too many ‘immediatelys’ to Sarah.
Had quick talk with Simon Birkett and then sent him notes for referral – he’s seeing APPCOG tomorrow.

1184 14.11.22 Monday
Work Group OKed the draft I’d written for the CB award and so did Sue.
Wrote to Frank about the Cogdem meeting in the afternoon.
Attended the Cogdem roundtable CO meeting and wrote a brief summary which I sent to the work group. There were some excellent presentations.
Received the latest version of the animation and two invoices.
Wrote to Adrian to ask for Hilary’s slides and got them almost immediately.
Heard from survivor DD and tried to persuade her that it’s her solicitor she should be having a go at. I’m afraid that her solicitor doesn’t think she’s got medical evidence to prove that her injuries were as a result of the exposure to CO and other products of combustion. That is so often people’s problem but I wonder if some of the research could be used for that.

1183 13.11.22 Sunday
Sent final of our application to the Chris Bielby’s award to WG and heard from Sue.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta re IGEM technical standard IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification – Utilisation Sector and hope he will support our views.
Downloaded film of smoke from chimneys from survivor DD and can see smoke – not sure whose chimney is whose though.

1182 12.11.22 Saturday
Wrote to Frank about our virtual meeting next week, Charon of NCOAA re the notes of the meeting and Anisha about her dissertation.
Wrote to Simon Birkett of Clean Air bills to arrange a virtual meeting.

1181 11.11.22 Friday
Heard from Paul Overton about a film could be made about a fatality re an alarm but it wasn’t taken out of the box. PO thought it best not to suggest this.
Wrote to Jonathan about the AHRI and NCOAA and later sent a resume to Charon and Jonathan.
Sent notes of our meeting on 03.11.22 between me, Charon and Jonathan.
Forwarded email to JK and WG about whether we should make a film explaining the sweep test more. S W had already said she thought that would be a good idea.

1180 10.11.11 Thursday
Emailed Lord Hunt re speaking in support of the Clean Air Bill.
Emailed Frank re his return and us getting together for a chat.
Emailed Laura Fatah with update for APPCOG.
Emailed John Holmes re Olivia Murray and filed his bill in unpaid bills.
Emailed Lilian Calderon re NCOAA.
Emailed Sue Westwood.
Emailed Rich to ask for explanation re my volume on Teams and sent this to Charon.
Emailed Ben Kuchta re the IGEM document and obtaining a quote and new survivor re him and his two grandchildren JAC.
Reminded Jonathan of the aide memoire to Charon.

1179 09.11.22 Wednesday
Got to work first thing preparing for the meeting at 10.00 with Simon Birkett. Lots happening.
Had sent an email to Lord Hunt about the 18th.
Most vital thing is 18th for Committee stage and 30th – invited to Room CR 2 House of Lords at 4.30 (aim to get there 3.30 as have to go through HC security).
Emailed Phil Hunt and asked him if he could speak in support.
Various emails including to Ben Kuchta and also work group about Chris Bielby award – had a go and sent to Jonathan and he added techie bits. Later sent to work group.
Correspondence with animator and survivor RF and DD and Gas Safe Victoria.
2.00 p.m. Attended Hilary Wareing’s talk on CO in pregnancy and this was fascinating. Need to ask for the slides.

1178 08.11.22 Tuesday
Found I had heard from Phil Burrows which was great.
APPCOG meeting.
Tom Woolley was chair.
Tributes to Chris Bielby.
Good presentation by Adrian and Laura and as the very last contributor, I was asked to give an update.
Asked some questions and so did Paul Overton. Michaela a nurse was concerned about nurses who visited homes re CO and Paul told her about PAMs. I made the point that CO really difficult for medics as CO so like any virus. Michaela agreed. I said better to test the air in the home for CO.
Read out the agreed part of our update.

‘Disappointed that the GDNs showcase event was virtual only.
But delighted that Phil Burrows of Cadent said he would consider setting up a properly funded body to do what CO-Gas Safety tries to do. This could be based on the Advertising Standards Authority.

You may not all know that Cadent is undertaking sweep tests for CO in some properties and if CO is found, Cadent is undertaking CO investigations.
We are delighted by what Cadent is doing.

In August, 31.08.22 we received a film created with Cadent of the sweep test
This showed how quick and easy it is to:-
reconnect appliances after the customer or First Call Operator from the gas emergency service had turned them off
Undertake a sweep test for CO.

We also received details of almost 500 CO investigations.’

Also read out
‘Northern Gas Networks held a virtual meeting.
We asked the GDNs to get together and ask HSE to state that testing for CO was a safety issue (and how can it not be) and therefore to order that testing be done because then, Ofgem would find the funds for testing air and appliances for CO.’

‘We applaud the work of the Fuel Bank Foundation but what about servicing/chimney sweeping and CO alarms to BS EM 50291?
But suppose the FBF provides money to pay for gas in a home, which hasn’t been serviced and could therefore be dangerous?
Suggested a ‘Service Bank’ which was well received.
Could APPCOG please ask Energy UK for funds?’

Wrote to Michaela Nuttall and after APPCOG phoned her and we had a chat. She wants PAMs but not Bedfont – too expensive at the moment.
Wrote to Adrian and received his presentation – must read it properly as it had some very good material in it.
Received DEFRA report etc. from Laura and have filed it.
Drafted email to Laura and sent it to Paul Overton – then added a bit and sent to work group.
Sent our list of medical experts to Kerri for Madelene for what it’s worth and ‘Every breath you take’ as the names on the report could be helpful.
Wrote to NICE about the guidelines as I couldn’t seem to log in to NICE.
Rang Sue and talked to her about her father but also the meeting.
Received accounts from John Holmes – need to read them and send to the others. Found Olivia Murray’s resignation letter and sent to John Holmes.

1177 07.11.22 Monday
Heard from Jonathan Granger of Energy Safe Victoria (equivalent to HSE in Oz) and they’ve sent links to their campaigns and You Tube films.
Be Sure campaign are here:
There are three ads and they are all available on our YouTube channel: Watched and liked ‘Night duties’ and another two by Vanessa and Scott Robinson who lost their two boys Chase and Kyle. Sad that this happened in 2010 and that the parents have stopped doing this work.
Asked for further details such as cost.

Wrote to Ben Kuchta re document about training FCOs/ESPs.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA to see if she is attending a CIAQ virtual event in the USA because I’m thinking of doing so, but more relevant for her.
Heard from Dan Edwards of SGN re leaflets and wrote back.
Also wrote to Dan and Phil about update for APPCOG – what he would say about CO investigations and what I’d say – didn’t want to steal his thunder but big news for us. Asked further detailed questions about the CO investigations.
Heard from survivor DD and suggested solicitor needed chasing.
Heard from Sue Westwood – father in hospital.

1176 06.11.22 Sunday
I was keen to finish the update for APPCOG and worked hard on the ‘what we’ve done so far’. I put it in the order I’d write the report in i.e. from July to November and realised I need to keep two lists of CO things done – one for the website which is just added to and another for the report which is older to newer so set up a new document in website update.
I’d sent the case study of the couple in Seaview to Jenny very late last night – really early Sunday morning.

Then composed an email to Jonathan based on the contact from Linked in who’d been interested in the CO sensor in an iPhone and was hoping we were a company making money not a charity.

Wrote to Gasgoesgreen@energynetworks asking if they were doing anything for survivors of CO or anything re dangers of hydrogen – flammability and explosion.
Worked on IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification – Utilisation Sector – read it and sent draft to Jonathan Kane.

Wrote to Laura Fatah to congratulate her on the You & Yours report with the Samuels.
Wrote to Gas Safe Victoria in Australia to chase them about the TV warnings and asked them to send the link ASAP as needed it for an APPCOG meeting on the 8th.

Worked on APPCOG update and sent to Work Group late.

1175 05.11.22 Saturday
Did a lot of work.
Sent review of the year to John Holmes.
Revisited animation in view of Lawson’s comments and compiled cuts and sent to our animator.
Looked at notes/aide memoire of meeting with Charon, Jonathan and Ben and sent to Jonathan.
Made a start on update for APPCOG – need to edit it but it’s there in a raw state.
Heard from Frank and he’s OK thank goodness.

1174 04.11.22 Friday
Wrote to Adrian McConnell about the data he is about to reveal I hope and also sent Numbers affected by CO and asked if he could get the Liverpool research released.

Wrote to Jason Coward saying I’d cancelled so despite rail being OK now – too late to change.
Wrote to work group explaining the same and if anyone else wanted to attend the Air Quality Conference they were more than welcome to use my ticket.

Wrote to Laura Fatah to say I would be giving an oral and written update.

Wrote to Phil Burrows and Dan Edwards explaining this and saying didn’t want to steal their thunder but would mention the sweep test and also we had questions about the CO investigations but if they wanted to discuss before the meeting on the 8th – very happy to do so.

1173 03.11.22
Really helpful email from Jason Coward about the Air Quality conference blighted by the rail strike next week on the 9th November. He’s going to try to listen to Geraint Davies MP and is very kindly going to let me know if he mentions indoor air and CO. Incredibly kind. I feel for them with the rail strike making the conference so difficult.
Checked the animation and sent suggested changes to work group.
Wrote to Laura Fatah of APPCOG asking about the next APPCOG meeting – it’s apparently on the 8th November 10.00-12.00.
Wrote again to a survivor T O’N who’d written to Ofgem and APPCOG on the 9th October to make the point about the urgency of doing something such as prime time TV warnings and other campaigns and funding for servicing etc.
Wrote to Avril and Gordon Samuel to congratulate them on the You and Yours feature last Wednesday 26th. Heard it while driving.
Wrote to Ben Bayliss re the meeting with Charon of NCOAA, USA.
Attended the meeting with Charon, Jonathan and Ben at 3.30.
Various matters discussed including a possible conference with the Fire Department next summer.
Corresponded with Adrian McConnell of CORT – may have some data to share. Very exciting.
Wrote to Gas/Energy Safe Victoria, in Australia asking for response to an email after a virtual meeting sent 14.07.22 and sent the idea of asking them to the conference to Charon.
Spent time on list of work done.
Started to prepare report for APPCOG.

1172 02.11.22 Wednesday
Emailed survivor CC who’d been poisoned in the USA but not sure it was CO as from an air con unit.
Emailed Jack Hewitt of UKEIC
Paul Overton kindly emailed to say he’s authorised payments which saved me ringing him.
Read review of the year and changed it and sent it to Directors saying would send to John Holmes on Friday if I didn’t hear anything.
Sent John Gignac in USA an email about NCOAA.
Sent Frank email about leak of CO in LA airport. Also wrote to him as he’s in Egypt.
Adrian McConnell responded to my attending Hilary Wareing’s talk 09.11.22.
Due to rail strike on the 9th, cancelled ferry hotel in Cobham for the conference on the 9th.
Wrote to Jason Coward about hopefully attending some talks virtually.
Attended Simon Birkett meeting but it was very brief which was good as we were all very busy. I mentioned the amounts of pollution specified in the bill and either the need to put either WHO amounts or as the Sec of State specifies. They’d already been down this route, and it is the latter now. Simon kindly sent his cartoonist’s details to me.
Worked on the animation and Lawson Wight’s emailed suggestions.
Wrote to Keith Johns to thank him for depositing the boxes and to say I hoped he’d got the money.
Wrote to Lord Hunt about the fact we weren’t approved apparently and wouldn’t have our details sent to families, (the four year old who’d died in the explosion). Asked him for help.
Wrote to Lawson Wight of the Guild of Master Sweeps to thank him for his suggestions.
Wrote to Dr Sophie Duggan.

1171 01.11.22 Tuesday
Scanned revised licensing agreement for storage near Jenny, signed it and sent to Big Yellow Armadillo for the storage of the old boxes of press cuttings in Devon.
Received feedback on draft to Jack Hewitt of UK EIC.
Heard that there was to be a rail strike on the 9th November and decided I could not go to the Air Quality News conference. Wrote to Jason Coward re the talks to see if any could be done virtually.
Wrote to Adrian McConnell to book Hilary Wareing’s talk on CO and pregnancy.
Did all payments due and sent to Paul Overton for authorisation.
Talked to a new survivor CC who was poisoned with her daughter in a hotel in LA, USA last August. She is a teacher and can no longer work as a teacher. She is seeking help and advice. She is very dizzy still. Advised her to make sure she isn’t being poisoned here. She is helped by magnesium – found on our website.

1170 31.10.22 Monday
Did a lot of work trying to book Big Yellow, organise Jenny and liaise with Keith Johns. Still not quite there but nearly. The licence has to be resent and I’ll have to sign, scan, send back and then pay by credit card.
Research on WHO guidelines. Wrote to Simon Birkett and he’s sent some long EU document.
Heard from Anisha and she’s sent me a long document she’s written. Asked when her deadline is.
Some work on Linked In.
Correspondence with Frank re his time abroad.
Corresponded with Sue – will ring tomorrow afternoon.
Found out that there is an excellent talk by Hilary Wareing on CO in pregnancy I’d prefer to attend not the Air Quality conference. Need to ask Adrian if I can somehow see it afterwards – have asked work group to attend – at least one of them.

1169 30.10.22 Sunday
Tried to check in to Big Yellow – hopeless. Warned Keith Johns not to go to Big Yellow until I’d checked in.
Tried to check in but needed photo ID. Emailed Jenny for her photo ID.

1168 28.10.22 Friday
Spent time on the storage box problem in Devon near Jennifer Wood our data officer. Think I’ve solved it at last. Called Keith Johns of Safe Car Security which is closing down and Big Yellow and hopefully all is set.
Draft to Sarah Newton Chair of HSE.

1167 27.10.22 Thursday
First had to deal with email from Charon re meeting next week.
Lots of correspondence on this.
Talked to Ben Bayliss about this and he has agreed to attend the meeting.
Worked with Ben on what happens when a new gas appliance is installed in the UK.
Ended up with a good statement about this.
Corresponded with survivor DD a lot.
Tried to deal with the storage problem again and found Big Yellow Armadillo self storage Tel. 01392 666230. Needed measurement from Jenny of the archive box. Phoned to ask her and work out what size we’ll need.
Chased survivors the Gs for case study about the barbecue hut.
Wrote to Life Changing.

1166 25.10.22 Tuesday
Responded to Jonathan re his email about Kane’s new products.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh about DD and also RF and our funding efforts for survivors.
Wrote to Lucy Wang of Kane stating that anything invented had to be certificated to a standard.
Received animation from animator and watched it and checked changes already suggested and suggested a few extra changes including adding the link for the website to the animation.
Wrote draft for work group.
Followed up on a new storage unit for the 12 archive boxes and managed to finally talk to someone. Mustafa at Crown and sent an email. Phoned Keith at Safe Car and he was very nice. 31st is ideally the cut off but the odd extra day might be OK.
Wrote to Charon McNabbs suggesting that COMED best place for her queries and forwarded the email about dates for meeting again.
Wrote to Lawson of the Guild and Paul Young of HETAS about the animation.
Followed up Amazon’s Alexa re something that should have a standard for it’s CO sensor.

1165 24.10.22 Monday
Jonathan Kane wrote to me.
Our KANE79 CO monitors link wirelessly to a KANE LINK FGA so room tests can be recorded for later transfer while engineers perform tests safely outside property.
They are EN50543 pending for CO – i.e. they currently meet and will receive independent certification, once test house finishes its work.
They are not standalone loggers unless linked to a KANE FGA when up to 4 can be used simultaneously to test multiple rooms for CO migration
We see the potential for introducing a CO logger in ’23.”

Wrote to DD survivor about the particulates issue and sent her, her lawyer and Jim the Beth Cheshire article about very low levels of CO affecting older adults.

1164 23.10.22 Sunday
Spent time catching up on emails.
Read document from IGEM re training for gas emergency service personnel.
IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 – Metering/Emergency Service Provider Natural Gas Training Specification – Utilisation Sector
Seemed the same problem – look for signs of CO – no mention of flue gas analyser. Drafted email to work group and Jonathan about this and how surely IGEM should lead industry and not be so old fashioned.
Jim responded with agreement.

1163 20.10.22 Thursday
Replied to Les Gradwell who had sent me the link to an article about gas stoves leaking benzene even when gas stoves are turned off. Hadn’t heard this but did know that there is no safe level of benzene.
Inquired of Ofgem about gas emergency service and whether Ofgem had consulted the HSE recently.

1162 19.10.22 Wednesday
Had an email from someone called Chris who had written before to me. He and his wife had suffered from CO in the past. He’d written to the BBC and his MP about the BBC reporting a Ukrainian woman using her gas stove to warm her. He wanted the BBC to put out a warning that people shouldn’t do this in the UK. I wrote to his MP Jeremy Quin and suggested he rang the MP’s office to make sure they’d got the email. Also asked him to send me the BBC email and I suggested he wrote to Woman’s Hour and to a director of Woman’s Hour.

Survivor (AO) rang me in the middle of composing this which was hard but managed to finish it and ring him back.

Wrote again to Richard Dugdale a solicitor recommended by a survivor and asked if he had any gas or medical experts to recommend. Also could we use his booklet about CO cases?
Wrote to Joshua Atkins, CEO of Energy Networks Association about the refusal to have CO-Gas Safety on their TIDE taskforce. Seems they need data yet don’t want us.
Wrote to a couple more survivors.
Worked on what we’ve done so far and managed August and September. Only got October to go and re-reading it and sending it to the others.
Chased Sue re the Review of the Year.
Resent an email to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem as I don’t think we’ve had a response.

1161 18.10.22 Tuesday
Usual catch up on emails.
Pulse oximetry article sent to Adrian McConnell and he’s going to suggest it for a CORT talk.
Communicated with Jenny and storage unit. Communicated with animator re animation.
Wrote to solicitor for survivor (DD) suggesting application to court for a document before action.
Wrote to animator re suggestion of different background colours for different fuels e.g. blue for gas.
Wrote to NCOAA about deaths due to using generators etc. in USA.
Wrote to Frank about Coroner’s recommendation to test for CO.

1160 17.10.22 Monday
Re-read the review and sent it to the work group.
Corresponded with various people about the animation including animator herself asking her for a reference for the animation to send to others and also Sue Westwood.
Corresponded with survivor (AO) and sent email to his solicitor who sounds nice.
Rich set up a link for the animation and I sent this to animation to add to it so we can add notes.
Filing and came across email to Phil Burrows about our suggestion for a body to do what we do.
Received an email from Dan Edwards, SGN and Jill Walker, NGN about the best practice for GPs which COMED (sub group of APPCOG) was doing but nobody’s heard anything. Suggested that the CEOs of the GDNs should put a bit of pressure on APPCOG as the GDNs pay the admin costs of Policy Connect which runs the group. Also offered our survivors to tell COMED what it’s like when there is no proof.
Got a suggestion from Anisha for a voice website for a different voice for the animation and sent it to animator for future use.
Also managed to phone the storage unit in Devon which is closing down and speak to the owner Keith Johns who kindly gave me his mobile and I asked him for a recommendation for storage. He was very kind and said if we found a good place he would transport the boxes. I agree to pay the sum due. I delegated this to Jenny Wood as she will need to access the storage unit and Jenny agreed to find somewhere and gradually go through the boxes when she has time.
Finished notes on the animation and sent to animator.
Did usual filing.

1159 14.10.22 Friday
Spent afternoon catching up and reviewing review of the year for John Holmes.
Wrote to Alan Young of HETAS re the animation – Jim had kindly written to him.
Got Anisha’s reaction to the animation, which was hilarious – so different from John O’Leary’s. Had a chat with Sue W about the animation and I decided I needed to review further and that we needed the pic of the fire engine and ambulance and the bit about not blocking grilles (and will probably have to pay Sarah for more pics) and otherwise perhaps less is more. Will review it later.
Correspondence with Gary – solicitor for survivor DD and Jim Kinnibrugh.
Corresponded with Jill Walker and Dan Edwards and asked if there was ‘Any chance of an update about the presentation about working with GPs about CO to COMED?’

1158 13.10.22 Thursday
Worked on the animation for most of the day.
Got email from Dan Edwards with the winners of the competition but no event. Objected to that and offered to help if they were going to do an event ideally the Cholmondeley room. Dan is having a meeting with the GDNs today re CO.
Long phone call with John O’Leary who made some very helpful suggestions re the animation.
Tried Lawson Wight and left a message.

1157 12.10.22 Wednesday
Heard from Dan Edwards at SGN about the competition and emailed to work group and directors and Lord Hunt saying great but would be even better with a prize giving at the Houses of Parliament.
Wrote to Sophie Duggan who had kindly responded about animation and said it was very good and told her I was going to seek her advice about numbers affected.
Wrote to survivor (RF). Wrote to Jenny. Jenny responded with lots of changes to the animation and noted it on the page I’ve done re asking people’s opinion.

1156 11.10.22 Tuesday
I worked on the Review of the Year (beginning August 2021 to end of July 2022)
Resent email to TO’N survivor who was poisoned at work and very concerned about this winter and CO in view of the poverty etc.) sent on Sunday night and resent email to Sir Peter Bottomley sent

Asked Sophie for reference for her research for my review of the year.
Sent animation to a lot of people.
Jim said we hadn’t got an emergency number for solid fuel so asked him to talk to HETAS as they ignore us. Otherwise, will mention Fire & Rescue.
O’Learys’ – John said to ring him with his ideas so will have to try that.

1155 10.10.22 Monday
Sent the email to Matt and Oliver Lancaster about funds for the Fuel Bank Foundation and also an email to the CEO of Shell, Ben van Beurden for funds for the FBF.
Later survivor RF emailed me to say OK to send to Jenny so sent her all the correspondence etc. to make into a case study.

1154 09.10.22 Sunday

Sunday evening got an email from T O’N a survivor to Ofgem and Barry Sheerman MP;
copied to Stephanie Trotter <>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

RE: URGENT – Risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning during the energy crisis and possible power cuts in the UK
At 20.11 Dear Ofgem,
Re: Risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning during the energy crisis and possible power cuts in the UK
There have been many positive changes in recent times about carbon monoxide awareness and new laws. I am now mindful that due to the energy crisis and possible power cuts, people in the UK are looking at alternative ways to heat and power their homes. This may lead to people using old appliances, buying power generators or using a fireplace that they have not used for some time.
I believe there should be an urgent carbon monoxide awareness campaign to both highlight to tenants about the new Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 that came into force on October 1st, 2022 and the safety aspects of heating and powering the home.
I believe a national campaign in newspapers/TV (both local and nationwide) and social media could cost approximately £14 million and the relevant CO risk information could be distributed relatively quickly.
Can reduced/subsided Carbon monoxide alarms be offered to vulnerable households – given to social services/GPs/food banks etc?
To monitor the urgent distribution by landlords of carbon monoxide alarms to tenants.
Can GPs be informed about the possibility of an increase in CO-related patients and their symptoms.
More posters/leaflets in key areas such as A&E, GP surgeries, council buildings, libraries, student campuses, school and colleges, campsites, hotels, housing associations etc.
On a personal note, I had carbon monoxide poisoning in a workplace environment and I was fortunate to have got help at the right time.
Thank you for your consideration regarding this urgent matter.
Responded at 21.09
Dear Theresa,
Thank you very much indeed for your email.

We agree with your great suggestion and support you and your idea.
We’ve lobbied for this since we started in 1995.

I am so sorry you were exposed to CO – would love to hear more. Do you have any idea of how much CO you were exposed to?
I do hope you recovered?

We’d also be interested to hear what reactions you receive from your email.

Could we arrange a date and time to talk?

1153 08.10.22 Saturday
Sent draft email to work group to Oliver Lancaster asking him to ask Energy UK for funds and about us giving £5,000 to Fuel Bank Foundation for servicing.
Draft to others about Clean Air Bill meeting Wednesday 19th at 2.00 as already doing something
Survivor RF sent picture of flue with huge holes in to me – she’s sending to Ben and Alex. I asked her if OK to send everything to Jennifer Wood.

1152 07.10.22 Friday
Jonathan convinced the chimney balloon is fine and Jim said it was fine so sent this to Sue and Paul.
Sent email to Ben Bayliss about RF report.
Corresponded with Charon of NCOAA.

1151 06.10.22 Thursday
Heard from Oliver Lancaster who seems in favour of services and chimney sweeping but asks ‘Have you got funder ideas that could be targeted with coordination?’
Wrote to Tom Saunders of Frazer-Nash asking if he knows about the Fuel Bank Foundation whose CEO is Matt Cole, who I met when he was at npower?
I explained that ‘The Fuel Bank Foundation gives funds/vouchers to those who can’t afford heating etc. so they can have heat and a bath and cook some food for a couple of weeks to allow them to get their lives together. However, there isn’t funds to pay for servicing or chimney sweeping. I raised this issue with Matt and he supports the idea of handing out funds/vouchers for servicing/chimney sweeping. More funds are needed for this but obviously it would not be good news for anyone if the FBF’s vouchers ended up causing a family’s death from CO.
What we need is donors. The obvious ones are:-
Wealthy fuel suppliers.
Wealthy manufacturers.
Possibly big oil and gas companies making millions out of extraction and resale?
Possibly Ofgem with the millions it has available for the GDNs to spend on CO and vulnerable customers but it can give direct to charity and I think it can only give to the GDNs.
Other bodies.
Oliver Lancaster is in favour, but we need funding.
Any chance you could suggest any body, or you could do anything at all to help with this?
The FBF would hand out the vouchers.

If our directors agree, we’d be happy to start the fund with a modest £5,000. This needs to be done now.’

Paid all cheques. Rang Paul Overton and we had a chat. He authorised all the payments.
Did some work on the Review of the Year.
Sue told me that some Chimney Balloon company was on ‘This Morning’ ITV last week. Wrote to the Chimney Balloon company, left two messages and then wrote to ‘This Morning’ ITV.
Then CORT talk about Pupillometry then long chat with Frank. After we’d talked about CO, we then talked about him going to Egypt. I’m really worried for him and his family.

1150 05.10.22 Wednesday
Worked on emails. Corresponded with Jim Kinnibrugh.
Rang Tom Saunders of Frazer-Nash. Amazingly reached him. Told him I didn’t really want to just fill up the form because I couldn’t see all the questions before answering and anyway the form was narrow.
I told him I thought CO was very prevalent and that it was appalling that there was little awareness and no free test or even easy to obtain test. That we were the only specialised victim support for those with CO. He was really nice and listened. He said he’d visited our website. Told him I’d written to Oliver Lancaster and said I thought it was terrible that there was nothing about CO in the IGEM conference – assumption hydrogen already in the gas pipes when it wasn’t and when we were facing the worst economic squeeze.
I spent quite some time composing an email to him with our ‘Numbers affected by CO’, our NLJ articles and our House Magazine articles, Belinda’s speech, Comic Strip, Beth Cheshire’s article and the CO alarm points and sent it.
Resent email to Oliver Lancaster CEO of IGEM asking if IGEM will ask for funding for servicing. Added that Matt Cole of the Fuel Bank Foundation supports the idea of a ‘Service & chimney sweeping Bank’ but needs funding.
Filled up the IGEM Frazer-Nash form and this took about three attempts. Wrote to Tom Saunders about this.

1149 04.10.22 Tuesday
Wrote to Valerie Derrett of Fawcett with details of the law on CO alarms and alarm points.
Heard Lawson Wight’s radio interview and wrote to Lawson congratulating him and asking who interviewed him and whether or not we could get an interview.

Wrote to Adrian McConnell of CORT about their recent research into Coroners’ inquests and also asked if Adrian would join with us to ask APPCOG what they had been doing about this?
Read email from Jim Kinnibrugh about the survey for IGEM and asked if I could refer to this in an email to Tom Saunders.

Ordered more supplies from Viking.
Spoke to Jenny about the cancellation of our meeting tomorrow.

1148 03.10.22 Monday
Sent email to Dan Edwards of SGN pointing out that the competition was greatly enhanced by the prize giving event at the House of Lords and enabled awareness raising too. Ideal PR event for the GDNs.

Wrote to the animator about the animation.
Wrote to Adrian about the study CORT had done pointing out that surely the most vital thing was to test all the deceased for CO or at least those having a PM. Response was that there was no progress on this so they researched on other issues such as identifying deaths where CO might have contributed to the death.
I wrote to ask what efforts had been made to change the law re testing of all deceased or at least those having PMs. Asked if I should write to Laura Fatah.

1147 30.09.22 Friday
Wrote an email to Oliver Lancaster CEO of IGEM about the CO2 against the item on CO and also suggesting he ask Phil Burrows to give a talk about the 500 CO investigations with us giving an introduction.

1146 29.09.22 Thursday
Wrote to Jenny Wilkinson about the Young Innovators Council and Thomas.
Wrote to J re the Sweeps film and person who filmed and suggested we do something.
He suggested better with GDNs.
Wrote to Ryan Thom reporter about the explosion in Ayr, Kincaidston, Gorse park with the whole family injured but thankfully not killed October 2021. Sons aged 16 and 11. Parents in their early 40s. Corrosion in the gas pipes but HSE not prosecuting.
Wrote to Sarah of the Fuel Bank about the entry on their website about CO and made a few more suggestions.
Wrote to Sophie Duggan and sent her the Dr Calderon articles about Mexico City and pollution affecting children’s brains.
Talked to survivor RF and she will ring Ben but has virtually decided not to take this further but will write a case study.
She made a brilliant comment that ‘all this could have been avoided if SGN had tested as soon as they arrived.’
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster re no CO for the conference when hydrogen isn’t there yet and this winter is set to be horrendous for CO.

Got ready for talk to hoarders and it went very well. 5.00 to 6.00 p.m.
Seven people and Karen Locke who brilliantly asked questions when others didn’t.
Fiona 1 & 2, Ian, Jane, Heidi, Nigel and Jenny.
They agreed to help with the animation.
Jane said she hadn’t got gas so didn’t think it was relevant but she’d learned a lot and would tell all her friends and relations. She was lovely – they all were.

1145 28.08.22 Wednesday
Wrote to Lawson and watched the Guild’s film which is very good. Sent it to J re a better film for the civil servants and the Minister.

Good chat to survivor RF and then Ben Bayliss of Engineering Forensics. Left that Ben would look up highest CO emission and cost of another visit and send me the invoice again and we’d have a think but needs to be done quickly now.
Wrote to Young Innovators and asked for Thomas’ email address.

1144 27.09.22 Tuesday
Wrote to Sarah of the Fuel Bank Foundation and amended the copy she’d sent about CO.
Spoke to Ryan Thom re the explosion and the family who were injured. He is going to try to pass our details on.
Wrote to the couple in Seaview and sent the final case study from Jenny.
Sent report to survivor RF. Wrote to Sam Graham of Cadent about a meeting.

1143 26.09.22 Monday
Then forgot I had a meeting with Sarah of the Fuel Bank Foundation, but she reminded me, and we had a good meeting a bit later than intended.
Worked hard on the animation etc. Sent leaflet, film and alarm points to Sarah and promised the animation and e-learning if she sent me an assurance.
Contacted the Federation of British Chimney Sweeps and Guild – heard from someone from the Guild.
Corresponded with J re Air Quality Conference and then with KA.
Wrote to New Scientist about the article on fatigue – no mention of CO.
Then did emails.

1142 25.09.22 Sunday
Wrote to Jenny about the meeting on the 5th and worked on the email to work group and J about Oliver Lancaster and the IGEM conference and will send that tomorrow. Have clearance to send email to Tom Saunders of Frazer Nash from Jim and also Paul.

1141 24.09.22 Saturday
Wrote draft to Cadent as they want us to write something for Ofgem. Sent to work group.

1140 23.09.22 Friday
Wrote to Tom Saunders of Frazer Nash – asked by Ofgem to research how to raise awareness of CO.
Had cleared this with work group.
Wrote to Anisha of the Young Innovators Council Northern Gas Networks and also Charon about the stick on CO detector for iPhones.
Heard from Ryan Thom, reporter, about the explosion and suggested 4.00 p.m. Tuesday.

1139 18.09.22 Sunday
Various correspondence with RF and sent report to J and the others.
Wrote to Steve Critchlow of the HSE asking him to pass our details to the family who’d suffered an explosion due to SGN’s pipes being corroded.
Sent new article to Simon Birkett and Sophie linking pollution with irregular heart rhythms.

1138 17.09.22 Saturday
Wrote to Lawson Wight of the Guild re the Service Bank.

1137 16.09.22 Friday
I checked emails and found that Matt had answered 18% of their fuel bank users were owners so wrote back.
Also asked Cadent’s permission to send film to Matt.

1136 15.09.22 Thursday
Email from Matt Cole of the Fuel Bank Foundation which I answered. Asked what percentage of Fuel Bank users were owner occupiers.

1135 13.09.22 Tuesday
Wrote to TIDE at Ofgem – stands for ‘Tackling Inclusivity and Diversity in the Energy sector (TIDE) Taskforce’ – should really be TIDEST surely – probably a waste of time – they are on about diversity but in my opinion seem to ignore all survivors and family members of those the energy sector kills or injures through lack of action to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning so I wrote as tactfully as possible but attached our ‘Numbers affected by CO’ document and asked them to let us know if they disagreed with our findings. I copied in the work group. A line in the sand at least and you never know – hope springs eternal and all that.
Received fantastic case study for Naila Mansour from Jenny and sent to Naila who immediately OK’d it. Jenny put it on website and I told Naila who immediately responded. It’s taken over two years but she’s thrilled with it and so are we.
Jenny also inquired about the Isle of Wight couple but I asked her to let me know in a couple of weeks.

1134 12.09.22 Monday
Wrote to Simon Birkett and also Holmes to make sure he’d got our accounts etc. He has.
Wrote a letter to the Times about ME and CO. Wrote to NGN about the slides which I can’t seem to save. Signed petition about Universal Credit and destitution and sent it to Bob Seely MP.
Wrote to Ofgem about TIDE which I’ll send tomorrow.

1133 11.09.22 Sunday
Wrote to Sophie re the articles about increased risk of hypothyroidism after CO exposure and also air pollution causing lung cancer and also wrote to Richard re Microsoft.

1132 10.09.22 Saturday
Correspondence with DD and Jim Kinnibrugh.
Wrote to the Times about 12 ways to fix tiredness – of course they didn’t mention CO.

1131 09.09.22 Friday
Email to Eileen Brown NGN and her assistant Jenny Wilkinson about the Young Innovators group.
Also emailed Matt Cole about his presentation. He sent me back his report and I put it on our website.
Writing back I suggested a ‘Service Bank’ and he liked the idea so I emailed Dan Edwards and got a response. Emailed Dan about this to see if there’s any way it can be done but it seems outside the VCMA but I responded to see if the funds could be raised some other way.
Sent email to Tina Mistry of AICO about the advert for the AICO alarm.
Went through J’s suggestions for the script with the animation and wrote our animator.

1130 08.09.22 Thursday
Delighted to hear from Lawson Wight of the Guild and sent a response saying perhaps could talk on Thursday afternoon – later resent to say perhaps over the weekend.
Sent Naila Mansour’s case study update to Jenny.
Got onto NGN’s virtual meeting at 10.00 – it was quite a long morning but quite good.
Asked quite a few questions in the chat but didn’t get round to copying them. James Garland the facilitator was really nice and helpful and gave me every opportunity to speak. Eileen Brown gave an excellent presentation and so did Matt Cole of the Fuel Bank Foundation.
I think everyone was rather different to usual – they seems shell shocked by the poverty at least and possibly by the lack of action.

I did manage to ask the GDNs to get together and ask HSE to state that testing for CO was a safety issue (and how could it not be) and therefore to order that testing be done and then Ofgem would find the funds. This wasn’t read out.

After lunch there was a Q and A and I wrote quite a few questions.

Would the GDNs please ask HSE to state that testing for carbon monoxide (CO) is a safety issue?
When a customer calls the gas emergency service the customer is told to turn everything off, open windows and doors and get out. Therefore, by the time the First Call Operator arrives, any CO will normally have disappeared.

Could NGN ask HSE to look at NGN’s own brilliant research in about 2016 which showed that it would only add 5-7 minutes on to the time of a call if the FCOs did a sweep test for CO? I

If the HSE says this is a safety issue – and how can it not be – then Ofgem would fund this.

There are already funds for ‘vulnerable customers’ and we say all customers are vulnerable to CO.

How can NGN insure that the hydrogen villages (which are being used for research) are typical of real houses with their own safety issues, old gas pipes and gas appliances which are not regularly serviced or not serviced at all? Eileen Brown has just mentioned that in the hydrogen villages although efforts have been made to reproduce old houses, safety considerations have meant that things have been somewhat changed or words to that effect. Tim Harwood has said that NGN is preparing houses for hydrogen and that could help but are the GDNs going to visit every home before the changes are made? This happened with the change to natural gas.
Answer Redcar area chosen – lots of different homes and shops etc. Lots of different sorts of people.
British Gas did visit every home.

Great answer re hydrogen and visits by British Gas in Redcar and it would be great to eliminate CO. But could the assurance be made publicly that there will be a visit to, inspection and check of every home before hydrogen is put through the pipes to power all gas appliances.

Love the question about how is NGN engaging with primary school level. Delighted to hear Eileen Brown’s answer about Safety Seymour – that’s great news. Are the GDNs holding a prize giving event next summer? Could the GDNs appoint some pupil ambassadors?

What experts in hydrogen does the HSE have? We’d like to know how many experts there are, what their qualifications are and what research has been done and published?

Sadly, guaranteeing that the standards are going to be the same as natural gas does not reassure us because the gas emergency service does not test the air for CO on a call (at least does not test with the gas appliances turned on). This is despite the fact that CO is deadly in tiny amounts (less than 2% in the air – can kill in between one and three minutes) and cannot be sensed using human senses. This is also despite the fact that HSC/E recommended that the gas emergency service should carry & use equipment to test gas appliances for CO in 2000.
Note there are trials for testing for CO being done by Cadent but this is the exception.
Note NGN is following Cadent’s example.

After the virtual meeting, wrote to Sam Graham of Cadent about the next meeting and also about survivor AO.

Worked on script and sent to the work group.

Wrote to AO to tell him what Sam G had said.

Heard the Queen had died – felt incredibly sad.

1129 07.09.22 Wednesday
Got ready to do virtual meeting with Simon Birkett re the Clean Air Bill – committee stage likely to be 21st or 28th October. Simon hoping for something about dementia which could help – Chris Witty is due to publish a report – could be about dementia and air quality. Maybe Kwasi Kwarteng will be interested in the economics argument – i.e. cleaner air means less costs re NHS, social security etc.
Network Rail asked to be included. Some amendments are going to be made.
Later wrote to Simon to say can’t do next two Wednesdays and sent him Dr Calderon’s article and also ‘Every Breath you take’.
I wrote to survivor who has Cadent as his GDN (AO) re Cadent and later wrote to Cadent – Sam Graham and Wayne Merry to ask if they could help someone by testing in his post code.
Jenny returned the case study with the pic inserted so sent it on to the survivor (Naila Mansour – now on our website) for final approval and also suggested she make a short film. Said we could help with expenses for child care etc. and with what to say about CO.

1128 06.09.22 Tuesday
Dealt with emails. Main one was resending email about film to Sam, Wayne and Phil. Got back a good response. Drafted email to Sir Peter Bottomley MP and sent it.
Talked to survivor RF and also survivor who has Cadent as their gas emergency service provider (Ayo). Later wrote to survivor AO as he might be able to use Cadent’s investigations.
Reminded RF, first survivor to ask how much the second visit would cost although we have agreed to reimburse. RF is fantastic and very helpful. Was making some really helpful comments about the system and has agreed to write things down for us.
Wrote to the Times about the 10 top tips for winter and mentioned CO.
Caught up with another survivor and she finally sent us a pic of her and her husband and I sent this to Jenny.
Watched the animation from animator and wrote changes to the script and sent to Directors.

1127 05.09.22 Monday
Correspondence from Les Gradwell and sent confidentiality agreement which he signed and sent back immediately. Ideally need his report though.
Call from Viking again and managed to pay and then phone Paul to authorise. We had a chat and I’ve pencilled him in for 5th October.
Heard from Survivor AO and wrote to him and we’ll talk tomorrow.

1126 03.09.22 Saturday
Communicated with J about Les and HSE.
Email from animator – will have animation ready soon – sending something tomorrow. Sent her the pic of lever on gas supply.

1125 02.09.22 Friday
Conferred a great deal about the email to Sir Peter Bottomley MP.

Correspondence with Les Gradwell, who has now published his concerns which I sent to Roland Johns. Corresponded with Jenny re e-learning course and suggested she cut into chapters and add questions and answers. She responded enthusiastically to this which is great news. Reminded her that our meeting should be about 5th October.

1124 01.09.22 Thursday
Corresponded with Les Gradwell, Tina Mistry and Karen Locke and the work group about the film and draft to Peter Bottomley.

Jenny sent the e-learning course but I didn’t have time to really read it fully. More of an encyclopaediac resource.

1123 31.08.22 Wednesday
Meeting with Sam Graham and Wayne Merry of Cadent but was OK apart from technical difficulties. I asked for the film and received it. Sent to work group.
They seem to want to work with us and fix a date for the next meeting.
Draft notes and send to Paul Overton for his input. We suggested improvements to the leaflet. Not sure yet what we should include but they seemed keen on pics of CO etc. and how to explain that. Could also explain how to cut off gas at the meter.
Sent quick note of thanks and NGN research which I’d mentioned – the only adding 5-7 minutes to visit by testing air for CO.
Also need to find out what help NEA offers.

1122 30.08.22 Tuesday
Wrote to our animator re needing the animation by end of September if at all possible.
Wrote to David Bublil of Sense-Pro re certification and also identification of CO.
Reminded Sam Graham of our meeting tomorrow.
Sent Paul Overton the questions I drafted for the Phil Burrows meeting in July.

1121 29.08.22 Monday
Correspondence with Les Gradwell and Ben Kuchta, RF and Agility Support which seemed to have stopped service but hadn’t in the end. Heard from David Bublil and responded. Had sent my short CV and leaflet.
Sent email to Niki Cole of Lascar if the Lascar CO monitor is to any standard.

1120 28.08.22 Sunday
Did emails. Corresponded with Les Gradwell about a fire with changes that needed different manufacturer’s instructions.
Corresponded with Charon of NCOAA re the Brits in Bangladesh and the woman’s need for death certificates to get repatriated.

1119 26.08.22 Friday
Heard item about energy cap on Woman’s Hour and tweeted about safety – of course nothing. Sent tweet to Energy UK and copied Laura Fatah of APPCOG too.
Emailed RF as had bill from Alex Wildish.
Got an email later that she had been delayed and a bit fobbed off re visit from GSR again.
Heard from David Bublil so emailed asking for certificate and copied Jenny and work group.

1118 25.08.22 Thursday
Got an email from Laura Fatah about Cadent’s MD Stephanie Van Rosse on Leicester radio BBC so sent several tweets. Van Rosse gave the usual interview. Not even a recommendation to buy a CO alarm to EN 50291.
Deal with emails and check junk and find email from David Bublil. I forwarded to work group, Sue and also NCOAA. Sue responds. She is moving tomorrow and has been doing this all week…

1117 24.08.22 Wednesday
Caught up with about 90 emails and did diary.
The resolution will empower people to claim their rights to a healthy environment. The UN General Assembly resolution, which passed by a 161-0 vote on 28 July, is not legally binding on UN Member States.

1116 23.08.22 Tuesday
Got ready for meeting with our animator. Good meeting but unsure of progress.
Needed to ask GSR about ID card so emailed Sarah Hill.
Then two emails came from Viking – from different departments. Sent all the correspondence to David Biris. Phoned my bank and spoke to Isobel who was helpful to some extent. Wrote to David Biris asking him to connect with the other writer of emails, send us a new invoice and get his bank recognised by Barclays.
Heard from Air Quality News and wrote to work group about this – heard from Paul and Sue who supported me but not sure if it will help or not. Sorted emails and diary.

1115 22.08.22 Monday
Joshua Atkins had responded so wrote back but don’t expect to hear from him somehow. Sent film and leaflet to Joshua Atkins.

1114 21.08.22 Sunday.
Did some emails and dealt with the minutes of APPCOG 13.07.22.
Wrote to Kevin Herron of APPCOG asking for our whole update to be included in the Minutes.

1113 20.08.22 Saturday
Wrote to Bathandwa about the report in the paper about the nightclub owner appearing in court.
Then wrote to Joshua Atkins asking if their search for diversity and inclusion applies to customers as well as staff.

1112 19.08.22 Friday
Wrote to our animator to suggest explanations to the animation and to suggest copy for credits.
Wrote to Joshua Atkins Head of Communications of ENA about applications to join energy industry’s diversity and inclusion taskforce to ask what it was all about because not sure, but it seems it’s about datasets. Sent 22.08.22.

1111 18.08.22 Thursday
Wrote to KA.
Responded to James Chan and he replied so responded again later. Sent email to COGDEM.
Later sent his certificate to Andy Curtis of COGDEM. Later still wrote to TUV Rheinland the certification body.
Contacted by Lucie Heath, reporter for the i. – was Independent now the online part. Talked to her about the explosion and sent her an email and numbers affected by CO.
Saw CEO of SGN on media report, Mark Wuild, had been talking to residents of the gas explosion. So I found him on Linked In and he replied with his email and Mobile number. Asked him to pass our details to the family and/or the police liaison officer. Emailed him with two articles in the House mag and my brief CV. Decided to leave numbers affected by CO until later.
Jenny emailed with the stick on iPhone sensor and forwarded my email to them last Sunday.
Our animator suggested Tuesday and I put that in my diary.
Emailed survivor RF who we are trying to help with an expert to see if any news.
Sent email again to Tom Woolley while filing and got a response – he’s taking a week off for personal reasons.
Got email from a survivor LB who needs a solicitor. Sheffield Council tenant – shaky evidence as usual. Responded with that’s probably the problem.
Followed up a reference for KA by emailing

1110 17.08.22 Wednesday
Re read draft to AD asking him for his name and address. Sue Westwood found his details on a business website so I contacted his MP’s office and spoke to Jacob COAD assistant to Dr Caroline Johnson MP who was very nice and helpful.
Asked Jenny to find the email address of Coroner Stephen Teasdale about the baby who died and wrote to ask if CO test done and if done what the carboxyhaemoglobin was.
Found draft to Dan Edwards about the leaflets the GDNs give out.
Heard from Sharon Baker of Gi Mag and she’s not given up the editorial diversity idea.
She sent me an article about CO alarms and asked me to write something. I drafted something and sent it to the work group. Need to read this again and really think about it before it goes.
Dealt with three bills including our animator’s. Rang Paul Overton to tell him and ask him to authorise and we had a chat about strategy.
finished the cheques and payments for 21-22 for John Holmes and sent him this via email. Told him last bank statement would be copied and sent.
Packed up 21-22 invoices and bank statements and put in envelope to John Holmes. Went to Ryde and posted this special delivery.
Then back and I re-read the draft to Dan Edwards about the leaflets and sent it.
Heard from animator and realised that I needed to find the gas valve. John helped me open the cupboard and I took a pic and sent it to animator.
Found email to Isabella about testing and checked to see if there was a response but there wasn’t so sent it again.
Did my filing.

1109 16.08.22 Tuesday
CO-Gas Safety – got an email from James Chan of ANKA SCI-TECH . CO Ltd. Their CO alarm works like AICO’s. Wrote suggesting he sends me a certificate and joins COGDEM.
He responded with a certificate and thanks re the COGDEM tip.
Sent to Jonathan as I don’t know if this certificate is above board or not.
Got safety warning from Laura Fatah and realised I needed to put it on website but the bookmark had disappeared. Phoned Rich and he fixed it immediately and promised to put it in the diary.
Dealt with website and updated the summer campaign and wrote to Laura about the Regs not covering cookers. Tweeted this too.
Corresponded with LB (local IOW) re her doing something in the Autumn to raise awareness.
Sent an email to Siobhain McDonaghs MP and Dan about contacting the mother.
Wrote to Directors and Lord Hunt about the same thing and how we were dreading the winter.
Sent about Chris Day an NHS doctor re whistle blowing to Frank. Link didn’t seem to work so suggested try just Dr Chris Day in search in Linked in.
Wrote to Utility Week to find out if competition categories included charities or safety etc.
Wrote to Work Group about a possible advert in Air Quality News to raise awareness of lack of testing etc.
Wrote to Work Group about a Healthy Homes virtual seminar which I can’t make on September 14th.

1108 15.08.22 Monday
Sent draft to AD to directors.
Wrote to Viking and sent scanned copy of invoice 7132887 asking for new invoice with new payment details and reminding them that we owed more than the sum they said we owed.
Wrote to Hilary Wareing asking her if the story about the midwife in Beds, realising that one of the pregnant women is being exposed to CO, is one of hers. It isn’t but she says it’s fairly typical and she’ll try to find out. I thanked her and said we could congratulate the midwife and perhaps get a case study.
KA, private fire risk assessor contacted me for some CO alarms for Ghana and told me he lived near to the explosion which killed the four year old. I asked him to try to get our details to the mother and he said he would try. I tried the MP again Siobhan McDonaghs MP and got Dan but he said we weren’t approved so couldn’t do this except through the police liaison officer. Infuriating.
Sent email to You & Yours about wood burners and the dangers from them and the need to service.
Rang ICO to try to get invoice.
Wrote to NLA asking for one.
Wrote to our animator. Wrote to COGDEM re CO alarms and also again to KA.
Heard from Paul Overton re my draft to AD and later from Sue. Paul thought I should ask some questions so drafted something which Paul agreed to.

1107 14.08.22 Sunday
Sent an email to Siobhan McDonagh MP re death by explosion of four year old and tweeted a bit too. Then found a report of a stick on sensor for a smart phone. Wrote to David Bublil Re
Media Contact:
David Bublil
972-50-5471607 Asked if it was to any standard.

1106 12.08.22 Friday
Got email from Sam Graham telling me to get the film directly from Phil. Sent Phil an email but nothing back of course but at least I didn’t get a ‘I’ve gone on holiday for a month’.

1105 11.08.22 Thursday
Sent Sam Graham the zoom invitation for the 31st. Paul O responded straight away but nothing from
Wrote to HSE re landlord’s query.
Please read query below.
Can you please answer this? We assume that a CO alarm would be required in a kitchen with a gas boiler and a gas cooker. Could you please confirm or correct?

If the alarm sounds who would find which appliance is emitting CO? We are extremely concerned that if a cooker sets off the CO alarm those living in the house will be told to ignore it.
See attached alarm points and WHO guidelines.

We ask under the FOI Act.

Also wrote to Alex Jones Department of Levelling up and Communities but he’s left and it’s now Sam Oakley who responded really quickly and then received response from HSE James Birkinshaw, referring me to the levelling up department.
I wrote quite a longish email pointing out why I thought it was an HSE issue.
Main points were:-
Ofgem deals with money; HSE with safety.
Without finding the source of the CO, how can anyone be safe from CO?

Without proof of CO, medics tend to dismiss CO as too rare to be considered, leading to wrong diagnoses and a waste of NHS resources. Testing a survivor is rarely helpful because CO leaves the blood and breath quickly in fresh air or oxygen. Sadly, the effects of the CO do not necessarily stop after the survivor is removed from the CO. The medics do recognise this.
Medics are correct in that proved CO is rare.

I attached ‘Numbers affected by CO*’ and pointed out that if he reads it he will see that the respected university studies extrapolated over the whole of the UK show millions are being affected by CO at levels way above WHO guidelines.
* I extract just one sentence, ‘The average of 22% and 18% = 20% had CO readings over 50 PPM, which means residents would feel CO effects within 15 minutes of being indoors.’ This equates to about 13 million people in the UK.
Got a very good answer from Isobel of the Levelling up and asked her to post it on the website where the query came from.
Wrote to Sam Oakley
‘Many thanks. I have already received a good response from Isobel.

As we see this – it’s HSE which should be taking on this issue.

Ofgem has provided millions to the GDNs for CO and vulnerable customers and has been as helpful as we think it can be. HSE, responsible for gas safety, seems to have made the right recommendations but then refused to take any further action. Sadly, unless and until there is action for safety, people will continue to suffer.’

Dealt with two emails from Jenny re AICO and Which.
Wrote to the editor of local paper re the dead four year old and our efforts to help.

1104 10.08.22 Wednesday
Wrote to Steve Reed MP re the four year old’s death from a gas explosion then heard from his office that it isn’t him it’s Siobhan McDonaghs MP so forwarded to her – also Labour.
Peter Bottomley rang me and offered a round table in January or March. I told him the film was made and we’d been told we’d receive it but so far we hadn’t.
Later phoned by Dan MP Siobhan McDonaghs’ assistant.
Wrote to Charon Mc Nabbs. Sent email to the landlord who thinks it’s our fault he’s got to supply CO alarms and he responded again. Asked work group for advice as he’s apparently read that the CO alarms are all our fault according to the Government. I’ve suggested asking Alex Jones about this.

1103 09.08.22 Tuesday6
Wrote to Hilary Wareing asking questions such as what happens if CO found.
Wrote to Dan Edwards re the death of the four year old in the explosion and blind copied Kerry Potter and asked them both to send our details to the family.
Wrote to Ceena Mathew re the PSR and whether or not they tested for CO.
Sent Charity News to Directors.
Sorted virtual meeting with Sam Graham for 31.08.22 and Paul can make it.
Wrote to Sue Westwood. Heard Wed 31st would be great for Sam Graham.

1102 08.08.22 Monday
Emailed Sam Graham of Cadent saying we were looking forward to our meeting on the 9th August and attaching agenda and notes of the meeting we’d had with Phil Burrows and saying that Phil
kindly agreed to release the film about what happens on an investigation for CO. So, we asked Sam for the film so we could watch it beforehand to save time.

Got an email back a couple of hours later saying he’d had to cancel and could we reschedule. Sent an email suggesting Tuesday 23rd as he’s on holiday next week. No response.
Later in the day indeed 09.08.22 rescheduled it for Tuesday 23rd August 10.30 to 11.30. Sent zoom invitation.

Received email from Hilary Wareing. Responded and need to respond further to her further response.

Another email from the landlord.

Heard from Jenny re AICO re Which report.

Also heard from Sophie – willing to help check animation.

1101 07.08.22 Sunday
Wrote to Welsh newspaper about deaths of Cardiff family and also Fiion Lewis – sent tweet to and wrote. Wrote to the landlord three times. Seems to think it’s entirely our fault that he’s got to put CO alarms in, yet he was a fire fighter. Asked him to please complain to the government from now on.

1100 06.08.22 Saturday
Wrote to Directors and Oliver Lancaster about Waste to hydrogen technology leading the way to net zero but hydrogen isn’t here yet and how we’re dreading this winter.
Wrote to Rich about the ribbon for Twitter and the website.
Wrote to a landlord querying the new Regs on CO alarms.
Film still of concern as we don’t have it.

1099 05.08.22 Friday
Thought about Phil Burrows first thing and decided to email one last time to ask about the film.
Our animator kindly sent an email saying she’d send an invoice next week.

1098 03.08.22 Wednesday
Managed to send Sam Graham of Cadent a Zoom invitation and also received acceptance from him and thankfully from Paul Overton for Tuesday 9th at 10.30.

1097 02.08.22 Tuesday
No news from Phil and we need the film to be released.
Wrote to Sue and Paul re the Air Quality conference on the 9th November.
Sent inquiry to EIC Our questions are do those on the Priority Service Register have a visit and a test of air and appliances for CO? Do they have a right to a service?

1096 01.08.22 Monday
Decided to write to Phil Burrows of Cadent about the film of undertaking a sweep test and sent it. Wrote to Adrian McConnell about both ideas for funding – to prove servicing increases efficiency and also monitoring women who are about to get pregnant.
Heard from our animator – needs a payment – asked work group. Agreed. Later wrote to our animator asking for invoice.
Asked Suzanne if a survivor’s (DC) home is in Cadent’s area and she said it probably was.
Corresponded with Jonathan re the idea of monitoring and asked him about standards and sensitivity and found EN 50543:2011 Filed under CO monitors.
Spent a long time on my expenses.
Finished expenses after lunch and sent to Paul O. to approve.

1095 29.07.22 Friday
Sent brief email to Rebecca Pickett under FOI and got acknowledgement from Shannon re FOI the same day.
‘Dear Rebecca Pickett,
We are undertaking some detailed research for the safety of consumers.
Could you please help us to fully understand exactly what the gas emergency service are required to do on each emergency call out:-

By law – please provide the statute and sections and

Under the licensing conditions – please provide the wording and references if possible and

How much is allocated in monetary terms for each visit?

Could you please also let us know if there are any changes planned to any of these?
Could you also please let us know if there has been any consultation between the HSE and Ofgem with regard to the duties of the gas emergency service, VCMA or RIO2 since we last asked you and you confirmed that there had been no change and no consultation.
Are there any plans to consult HSE and for HSE to consult Ofgem about the gas emergency service, VCMA or RIO2?
Asked under the FOI Act.’

Drafted email to HSE but decided to wait until after film released and write about that.
Wrote to Sophie with an article about something which might be a marker for CO.

1094 28.07.22 Thursday
Checked emails. Found Paul Overton had authorised my payments made last night which is excellent.
Wrote to Derek Lickorish MBE
Non Exec Chairman at Utilita Energy Brighton, United Kingdom several times on Linked in.
Drafted an email to the Times* about the double side spread about pollution causing dementia and one to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem but decided not to send yet. Nothing from Phil so not sent Dan Edwards email which is in drafts.

1093 27.07.22 Wednesday
Heard about a report of air pollution causing dementia on the radio.
Tried to find report about air pollution and dementia and finally found it as the latest report on the 25.07.22 at Professor Bob Maynard seems to be chair.
Sent to Simon Birkett plus Lilian Calderon’s report.
Got agenda ready and phoned Paul Overton to discuss strategy.
Paul got back to me and sent to the others. Then sent to Phil after a few more comments etc.
Then rang our animator after watching the test. Need to look again at the storyboard though. Sent to Sue who commented about the canary being too big.
Wrote to Sophie about the haemoglobin point.
Wrote to survivor RF about how things were going.
Wrote to Phil – when is Cadent starting to test in London.
At Bathandwa’s suggestion wrote to Cutting Edge.
Made CO-Gas Safety payments but name of account holder, account number and branch didn’t match with Viking – seems to have been taken over but can’t understand why they don’t match.
So couldn’t pay Viking.

1092 25.07.22 Monday
Sent email to Stacey re Chris Bielby’s death.

Dealt with emails from Phil Burrows, Sam and Jonathan.
Seems Sam can’t speak to me before Thursday and I can’t do Thursday. Phil B can do Wednesday 12.00-12.30 only. Will respond further later.
Email to Phil Burrows of Cadent
What we’re proposing is an independent* body but funded by the fuel industry although might end up as only the gas industry.
*independent but funded by Industry based on Advertising Standards Authority see
This new body would have to be properly set up either as a charity or a social enterprise – probably a charity, but advice should be sought about this.
This new body would ensure:-
Mandatory testing by gas emergency service with recorded levels & information given to survivors/medics in writing/digitally. To make this mandatory would require a change in the law. The huge advantage of this to the GDNs would be that if HSE required this, (and it recommended** this in 2000) Ofgem would fund it.
** As well as a levy on the gas suppliers to pay for raising awareness of the dangers of CO – we’d prefer the whole fuel industry but gas suppliers easier to reach through Ofgem.

Tests for CO when law imposes with recorded levels & information given to landlord & tenant (e.g. landlord’s gas safety check – again no mandatory requirement to test for CO in Reg. 36 but huge support for this so why not ask Government to make testing for CO and results recorded, mandatory? See attached article).
3. Support for survivors, data collection, collation & publication, case studies and raised awareness, and looking out for new dangers.
4. Identifies areas to improve, cracks in system & lobbies for change.
You asked for the cost, but this is almost impossible, especially without the information about the 297 CO investigations and how these cases were picked for investigation.
There are further unknowns such as the effect of less servicing due to poverty, CO alarms being fitted and some alarming in rented properties and perhaps further changes to the CO alarm Regs, re cookers etc.
Hope this is enough for you to consider as first steps.

1091 24.07.22 Sunday
Re-sent email to WG re Wednesday 27th and phone message to Paul. Really concerned.

1090 23.07.22 Saturday
Looked at emails and reviewed email, I’d drafted in response to email from Phil Burrows and sent draft to Work group.

1089 22.07.22 Friday
Wrote to Dan Edwards and Jill Wakefield about GPs project, algorithm and need to find source of CO so need to test.
Forwarded my email to Laura Fatah re GPs and email from Jill re email from Laura which suggested a presentation to the COMED group and made the point that people/survivors/patients need testing of the air and appliances for CO.

Received a response from Phil Burrows at 1.30
‘Many thanks for your email and your contribution to the Showcase Event on Wednesday.

I guess it would be beneficial ahead of a catch up to provide a really rough idea of what this would look like. It only needs to be on one page and can include, the idea, who would run it, how much it would cost, what problem would this be looking to address (numbers of people, issues etc) and what would success look like.

This will allow me to have a better idea ahead of meeting up as well as being able to share with my GDN colleagues too.’

Forwarded to work group.
Wrote that we would need free testing for CO by the GDNs to be a safety issue as declared by HSE and funded by Ofgem and the body we are talking about, would do the data, victim support and lobbying. We would help set it up.

Suggested if WG and J agree I would try to draft something.

Got permission from survivor RF to forward to WG which I did. Very fortuitous timing as she said she couldn’t have done this without support from CO-Gas Safety.

Very late drafted a ‘holding’ email for Phil re Wed 27th and may have a go at the other part tomorrow but need his info on the 297 investigations so far now.

1088 21.07.22 Thursday
Wrote to Dan Edwards asking for leaflets again.
Wrote to Jonathan re questions on collaborative report.
Wrote to Phil Burrows about chat about possible chat Wed. 27th July.
Got leaflets from Dan and wrote to him again.

1087 20.07.22 Wednesday
Showcase event today. Thought about questions to ask and rang Paul and we decided he would ask about CO alarms in private houses. I would ask the CO testing questions.
Started at 10.00 – Sue very unwell. Thank goodness Paul is attending.
Asked loads of questions in the break out groups.
Then more in Q & A and copied these. Phil said it was possible they might fund a body to test.
Afterwards wrote to the local paper in S. Africa again and Bathandwa.
Wrote to Sue Westwood and Dan Edwards – do GDNs involve any body that offers specific support to survivors and medics. Do work with medics – Jill Walker NGN but not even sent a leaflet.
Jenny sent case study IOW couple.
Wrote to Paul re Qs asked in Q & A.
Jenny sent E-Learning course. Amended it a bit re CO alarms and amended Smoke and CO Alarm Regs.
Wrote to Dan and Jill Walker together re Algorithm and GPs needing alarms and CO monitors.
Looked again at the questions in Q & A and sent again to WG.

1086 19.07.22 Tuesday
Spent a lot of time reading the reports and trying to print out some. Some I couldn’t seem to print. Sent a couple to Rich and he helped a bit.
Wrote to Charon re two points for her slide and then also about the fire service – suggested if there was to be a USA gas emergency service surely it should test for CO and give PPM found to survivors and medics in writing/digitally.
Wrote to survivor RF re grant after hearing from Jim Lambeth.
Wrote to J.
Wrote to Mark Lorch of Hull uni about his article and hope we can work together.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN about reports and that it’s the HSE who needs to take action.

1085 18.07.22 Monday
CO-Gas Safety – wrote to James Garland re invitations for Paul and Sue. Heard from our animator and wrote back.
Had a really nice email from Dr Gill Jackson who said she didn’t think I had anything to apologise about which was so kind – I had apologised to Suzanne of Cadent. She wondered if CORT already had something like this in the pipeline.
I did some more work – particularly on composing an email to Charon and Mark based on some comments I had on her presentation – adding a few things such as making a record of the PPM and giving it to the survivor.
Heard from Annabelle Brown| Senior Analyst
Regulation, consumers & competition
the National Audit Office – levelling up.
‘We recently published a report which examined the regulation of the private rented sector in England, specifically the extent to which it supports the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities’ (the Department) aim to ensure the sector is fair for tenants. Whilst our work didn’t explicitly cover the harm caused by carbon monoxide, we touched on the Department’s working with other areas of government such as the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy on the review of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System. We also supported a Public Accounts Committee hearing with witnesses from the Department. We will draw on your correspondence to feed into our ongoing discussions with the Department as we track the progress of our recommendations. We will also use your correspondence to inform our future work programme.’

I responded with another copy of my NLJ article on Reg. 36 of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regs and made the point that there was no mandatory testing for CO in the very specific Reg. 36 which was wrong as CO cannot be sensed using human senses.
Tried to track down all the GDNs’ reports but so far only got collaborative report, Cadent’s and W & W’s – NGN and SGN can’t be found. Emailed Dan Edwards of SGN asking for help.

1084 16.07.22 Saturday
Sent some emails off re the Showcase event on Wednesday the 20th. Trying to see if any of the work group can attend etc. but one is ill and the other’s wife is ill – difficult.

1083 15.07.22 Friday
Needed to contact Alex Wildish (Engineering Forensics) for survivor RF which I did. Found my email to survivor RF hadn’t gone through so sent again. Also heard Ben, Alex’s boss has pencilled Alex in for Wednesday the 20th so passed this on to RF and told her Ben had left a voicemail for her.
Got an acknowledgement from Annamaria of Gas Safe Victoria, Australia of my detailed email. Responded.
Made sure I’d registered for the showcase event. Asked all the work group to register.

1082 14.07.22 Thursday
I had a teams meeting with Gas Safe Victoria in Australia. I was about ten minutes late, but they were so nice.
Wrote later in the day:-
‘It was fascinating to learn about your TV campaign with prime time TV warnings. We would love links to these. If you have any data on how successful they were, that would be extremely helpful.

We are extremely concerned about the prevalence of CO in the UK (and probably all over the world). Please see ‘Numbers affected by CO’ attached and we’d really appreciate your comments or criticisms.

I learned from you that Energy Safe Victoria is the equivalent of our Health & Safety Executive, although I think ESV is much more proactive.

I learned there are 8 states in Australia all with their own legislation.

I learned that you are dealing with open flued appliances by using a standard. We would really like to learn more.

You were helped by our IGEM which is very good. Sadly, so far, we’ve not found IGEM that helpful.

We’ve been informed that 20% of hydrogen added to our gas will reduce CO by 70%. I attach the summary kindly given to me by Thomas Isaac, which we have permission to quote (although if you want to quote this too it would be best to drop Isaac a line). We would greatly appreciate your views on this.

We would also appreciate your views on the safety of hydrogen in old gas pipes. We are concerned about leaky joints in old gas pipes.

We also discussed the much wider range of the risk of explosion with hydrogen and, as I understood it, less energy is needed to ignite hydrogen. Enzo mentioned the Hindenburg and I’d love the link to the investigative film he mentioned.

Also, we are concerned that hydrogen sets off CO alarms see

I was also informed about the organisation which the mother of Jason Tyler Robinson set up. I understand she has wound up this foundation, but we would love to connect with her. Could you please pass on my email details? Thank you. I’d love to hear about how she set up the foundation and what sort of support she managed to get – sounds as if she got quite a lot. It would be wonderful if the Foundation could be revived at least enough for someone else to be found to take it over, so her work isn’t wasted or forgotten. It is so rare to know of another organisation anywhere like CO-Gas Safety. Yet CO is such a global problem.

However, we’ve recently come across NCOAA see It is cheering to find another victim based organisation.

We’re very interested in your recent legislation about service records. Please find attached our 2018 article published in the New Law Journal pointing out that the landlord’s gas safety check does not make a test for CO mandatory, yet surely it should? We have had lots of support for this clarification/change, but no action.

We have been told that there may be a resolution at the United Nations soon about clean air being a human right and that 150 countries have already got some legislation about this. Mostly this is outdoor air, but some legislation includes indoor air. There is a private member’s bill about the Clean Air (Human Right) bill going through the House of Lords at the moment.’

I dealt with urgent emails. Asked Rob Lyons for his presentation at APPCOG.

Sent emails to Dr Gill Jackson, Suzanne and Jonathan.

Then I read the Cadent report. Nothing about the CO testing that we can see apart from the 297 CO investigations. In our opinion, although this is a huge step forward at the moment at least, this is a drop in the ocean of need. Also in my opinion, too much being spent on what we would see as social issues rather than gas safety ones.

1081 13.07.22 Wednesday
Worked on update for APPCOG.
Clean air bill meeting which was very nice. Simon, Tom Scott of the Greens and Nicole Zandi who later contacted me through Linked in – she is some kind of senior Parliamentary assistant. Asked her what her work is and sent leaflet and numbers affected and Sue’s film.
Quite a lot of info. Very successful second reading. Lib Dems and Labour supported en bloc and quite a lot of Conservatives.
There is to be a UN resolution very soon (July sometime). 150 countries have got legislation on clean air. Committee stage 09.09.22. Rosamund is trying to get Zac Goldsmith to persuade Boris to do some good on this as his legacy. Need the UK and ideally USA to vote on the UN resolution for clean air as a human right – clean air is a global issue. 70th anniversary of London’s Great Smog coming up
Then attended the APPCOG meeting 10.00 to 11.30 – Isabella talking about difficulties as blood tests are always low re CO hard to progress until we have a pathway. Alarms and monitors are the answer….plus someone to go round and check…
Rob Lyons gave a good presentation about the publicity campaign and the law.
Laura gave an update about the Clean air bill – said indoor air is included and limits could not be reduced. Citizens Commission for Clean Air. Civil Aviation Authority. Committee stage not fixed yet.
Ongoing battle to get this through.
I sent an email to Laura privately saying that the Committee stage was fixed for 9th September.
Various others gave updates etc.
Finally, there were about four minutes and I gave our update including the committee stage date – Laura hadn’t said anything. Of course, it’s all barring rail strikes.
Laura thanked me.

1080 12.07.22 Tuesday
Sent another email about the S African deaths to a ‘letters’ email address Bathandwa (a S. African I know) sent me.
Wrote to Simon Birkett re Wednesday’s update.
Asked Sue to sit in for me.
Sent resume of Clean Air bill to Simon Birkett to make sure it was accurate.
Worked on an update for APPCOG.
Came across media from the States that seemed to advertise testing for CO. Found company in California – emailed them and got an answer. Need further answer re PPM and cost.

1079 11.07.22 Monday
Checked the email from Phil Burrows
Tried to print out Cadent report but had problems printing it.
Got the IGEM guidance responding to domestic CO alarm activations/reports of fumes after attendance by the gas emergency service from Adrian, but it was published in March. I found the steps to be taken seemingly endless, confusing and contradictory.
Sent Cadent report to Rich our techie to ask him to make it possible for me to print.
I think we need to write to Ian McCluskey to make the points that it involves many steps and is confusing and contradictory when if only a test was carried out after the gas appliances were relit and then if CO found each appliance was tested that would be so much better.
Spent time going through the GDN report.

1078 10.07.22 Sunday
Wrote to Phil Burrows of Cadent.

1077 08.07.22 Friday
Had a lot to catch up on. Wrote to Adrian and put feedback in. Spoke to Sue Westwood. Wrote to Jonathan. Caught up with emails.

1076 07.07.22 Thursday
Heard Charon had Covid.

1075 06.07.22 Wednesday
Got to the session (Sandpit event) but I was a bit late as the barrier had been removed and I thought I could get in at the front, but I couldn’t and they’d started. We started with letters and gave them to the person next to us. It was quite a good way of breaking the ice. Got to know Ash a doctor and Kevin Herron who works with Laura. Told them that it was really difficult to diagnose CO in a survivor so we’d gone for testing in the home like Hugh Laurie in House.
We went back into the room and went through the main ideas from each group. Then towards the end Suzanne from Cadent said the GDNs test for CO. I objected. Asked Adrian to intervene. It wasn’t easy. Adrian explained to Suzanne, and it was semi resolved.
Got back and I managed it in double quick time. Got to the Park Plaza – confusing as there are two and met Mark and later Jonathan joined us.

1074 05.07.22 Tuesday
We walked to the conference venue on CO run by CORT.
It started and Charon was first to speak and was very good.
Other presentations seemed to be offering some hope for treatment – but I wonder how long that will take?
Charon contributed that survivors are very sensitive to CO, and I contributed that drugs often affect survivors very badly. Saw Avril Samuel.
Afternoon dragged on but Hilary Wareing excellent. She is wonderful and so is Dr Gill Jackson. Really liked both of them. Managed to give Hilary Wareing my card and she promised to drop me a line. I sent ‘Numbers affected by CO’ to Dr Gill Jackson. Great chats with Sophie. Dr Andy Shaw very friendly. Prof. Heather Jarman very nice.
Susan Lockrie reporter emailed to give me the story and I asked her to pass on my details to Mr Jackson, the councillor.
Talked to Rob Chilcott on the way back. Told me the Chancellor had resigned and so had someone else. Walked back and to room. Exhausted.
Caught up with emails. Got one from the Australian Annamaria Energy Safe Victoria and fixed 9.00 a.m. Thursday 14th July. Put in calendar.

1073 04.07.22 Monday
Travelled Waterloo to attend conference and meet Charon McNabb and her husband Mark Pung of NCOAA. Met then and walked to Gabriel’s wharf where we had dinner and got to know each other.

1072 03.07.22 Sunday
Heard from PM of N. Ireland and she seems to have understood at last and is going to ask for anything in writing tomorrow and is thinking about publicity. I’m thankful. I don’t want her to lose her home. I wrote back. Later sent her the new email from Simon Birkett re the Clean Air (Human Rights) bill and she responded that she had thought there was a human right to fresh air. She will read it and she’s already liking what she sees, I think.
Read VCMA report and rather disappointed. Sent to directors and asked for their views.
Dan Edwards, chair of the CO GDN group will be at the CO conference so will discuss. Sounds too little being done for too much money. CO alarms – are they to EN 50291? Seem to think alarms make people safe – they do save lives but are not health monitors. Safety checks mentioned but there’s no test for CO mandatory on a safety check. No testing mentioned apart from a pregnant woman, but we still don’t know how that was managed and we think that was years ago but still being used as the example.
Re poverty presumably prepayment meters are still more expensive than normal? Unifying the cost may be said to be unfair on the other customers but so are the payments to help with poverty etc.
Also resent email to Rebecca Pickett as our original email which makes sense of our submission still not published as far as I can see and no response to my email 11.05.22.
Re read email from Dan Edwards – all v. depressing about awareness competition for schools – looks like it’s dying. Good about the scouts. CAB doing the work but what does CAB know or do for survivors? Leaflets being given out, but we’re not shown them. Why weren’t we being asked for our input?
Wrote to Phil Burrows offering help to the family re the lady who died of gas explosion and also for her husband who is in hospital. Seems there is corrosion of the gas pipes and HSE trying to decide if it’s a work problem. What happens if it’s a system problem, i.e. the wrong pipes used everywhere? This has huge implications re hydrogen.

1071 02.07.22 Saturday
Wrote to survivor PM N. Ireland about four times and Sophie Duggan about a medical article as she’d tried to explain it to me, but this is work in progress.
Managed to finish printing out the report re VCMA at last.
Commented on Edinburgh Sensors and asked to be contacted.
Asked reporter to contact me re 21 deaths in S. Africa.

1070 01.07.22 Friday
Had trouble printing the report from GDNs for the showcase event – John offered to help and I thought it would work but still can’t print pages 13-19.
Sent email to Dan Edwards SGN and chair of the CO GDN group. Received quick response.
Wrote to Frank Brehany and survivor PM of N. Ireland and also HL for emails of Lords etc.
Wrote to all the Lords/Baronesses I know re Clean Air (Human Rights) bill 2022 and Baroness Jenny Jones.
Nice email from Marcus Weatherby, Pattinson & Brewers re representing a survivor just to get an expert and responded.
Wrote to a survivor RF. More correspondence with PM of N. Ireland some copied to Frank urging her to get an opinion on what evidence she lacked, or she could lose her home.
Loads of emails to file.
Wrote to Mark Pung and Charon as he’d told me they were staying in the Park Plaza.

1069 30.06.22 Thursday
Wrote to Luke at Dispatch the S. African newspaper recommended by Bathandwa about the 21 deaths probably from CO. Offered to help and sent leaflet.
Email from Simon Birkett. Will now write to all Lords and Baronesses.
Read about Smart Compliance – gave them a ring – got through to owner Scott Wallace – felt like talking to myself about the barriers i.e. agreed with him. Sent him an email about ‘Numbers affected by CO’. He knows Andy Shaw.
Finished John Hoyte’s letter, scanned and sent to MP Dunne Philip.
Reminded survivor PM of N. Ireland of settlement issue.
Wrote to Rich re spare computer not backing up and he got carbonite for it too.

Jenny let me know about showcase event. Found my invitation in junk mailbox.
Drafted email for Dan Edwards of SGN, chair of CO group.
Drafted email for survivor PM.
Got email from John Hoyte – he is grateful and is attending the conference next week. Glad we helped.
Sent an email about survivor RF to Marcus Weatherby of Pattinson & Brewer.
Heard from Charon re dinner on the 4th and she is staying at the Hyatt.

1068 29.06.22 Wednesday
Worked on email to John Hoyte and his MP, Philip Dunne.
Caught up with emails.
Wrote to KA about deaths in S. Africa – they are CO also Bathandwa.
Wrote to a relative who might be in touch with Lords and Ladies to lobby about clean air.
Wrote to RF, a survivor about a chat.
Wrote to Jenny about the Tipperary deaths & the deaths in S. Africa .
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA about the deaths in the Bahamas.
Wrote to PM in N. Ireland re reminder to consider settlement.
Wrote to Penguin Books about Ladybird book on CO and I’d write it.
Wrote to another survivor.
Wrote to Paul Clements re survivors of an oil CO case study. Note to ring them ASAP.
Made notes of things to do tomorrow.

1067 28.06.22 Tuesday
Wrote to the New Scientist about Zak Coleman’s article about polluted partnerships – universities being funded by big business, therefore affecting research.
Wrote to Jonathan about the film being done about CMDDA1 and levels of CO.
Wrote to Rich at Tip Top re the archive needing more space. He replied and is sorting it.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP about housing and building modular or volumetric homes.
Drafted an email to Anastasia of Energy Safe Australia. Sent it late hoping I’ve got the times right.

Heard from Lord Hunt that he’s going to talk to Baroness Jennie Jones, so wrote back thanking him and offering any help we could give.

Wrote to the directors about the Clean Air (Human Rights) bill attaching the documents from Simon Birkett.
Wrote to Kye or Nicole about peers they might know.
Wrote to Mark Paris re the BSS.
Wrote up what we did so far. Worked on that all afternoon and finally caught up.

1066 27.06.22 Monday
Did some work before that re writing to Frank re survivor RF’s email.
Then received email from Simon Birkett and the brief. Forwarded to Phil – Lord Hunt.
Responded to our animator and rang Sue.
Wrote to Phil Burrows about the gas explosion in Birmingham and that I was sorry it was Cadent. I asked him to pass on our details and said it was surely helpful to have a body to pass people on to.
He responded but only to ask if I was well.
Worked on email to Laura Fatah and eventually managed to send it – suggestions re her email to me dated 31.05.22.
Wrote to Tom McCue about the brief and got a response. Replied to him and to Jonathan re the film that is being done tomorrow hopefully. Phil Burrows is apparently supporting.

1065 26.06.22 Sunday
Not many emails – main one was to Frank with the form (slightly amended) asking for a privacy policy for our website.
Re-sorted my list of priorities.

1064 25.06.22 Saturday
Wrote to survivor RF and work group.
Wrote to Belfast Telegraph about the couple in Tipperary.
Wrote to work group about the film and email I sent to Tom McCue.

Responded to Paul Overton and Jim Lambeth re film and RF and gas engineer with CMDDA1.

Wrote to Adrian McConnell about KA and copied KA and work group in.

1063 24.06.22 Friday
Heard from Tom McCue – filming on Tuesday, so emailed him.
Wrote to KA asking him to keep in touch.
Heard from Paul Overton re the email addresses and payment for them.

Heard from Bob Seely MP that he’s put my questions about housing to the Council.

Heard from RF who thinks she may have been poisoned rang. She’s a tenant, private landlord and has a horizontal flue without inspection hatches yet a CO certificate and flue is eroding. She got Pimlico in but of course they won’t test. She and her very small dog ill last winter. She rang and we talked and I talked to David Earley of Pimlico. Said he’d tested the flue integrity and it was OK – wasn’t leaking. Left full report for customer.
RF is stopping the landlord from doing the work tomorrow and getting the GSR in.

1062 23.06.22 Thursday
Wrote to Rich re problems with password in word press re comments in newspaper but OK re website.
Heard from survivor’s doctor who had, according to survivor attributed a symptom to CO. Doctor said actually that wasn’t so as not much knowledge of CO.
Had a possibility of paying for a list of Installer live attendees. Not sure it’s worth it.

Read Laura Fatah’s email about meeting on 13.07.22 and asked some questions.
Safelincs tool about fire risk – OK for everyone?
Summary of law re England, Scotland and Wales re CO alarms – could this be sent out on plain paper (not blue) and can we put on our website?
Made a comment that medics need more education about CO – still very unaware and using arterial blood tests.

Heard from Kimberly and Adrian re KA. They are not letting him attend the sandpit event because he can’t attend the CO conference. Wrote to say I thought his survey didn’t need in depth knowledge and I could help anyway.

Heard from John Hoyte that Aerotoxic now majoring on CO. Sent on to work group.

Emailed Tom McCue and apparently filming Tuesday. Thanked him but asked for brief.

Wrote to KA saying how sorry I was that he wasn’t allowed to attend.
Asked him to keep in touch and I would try to find a uni to support his/our idea for research.

1061 22.06.22 Wednesday
Can’t believe it’s past midsummer day already.
Got emails up and read the one to Rebecca Pickett.
Then time for virtual meeting with Simon Birkett re the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill.
Doesn’t want any amendments at the moment. I can understand. But needs it at some time re what a building is.
Wrote to Simon Birkett afterwards offering a quote or any quote if I or perhaps Lord Hunt agreed. Simon will be sending explanatory notes etc. and I’ll write to various Lords then. Lib Dems are backing plus of course Greens and some Labour and perhaps some Conservative Peers.

Got emails up to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem, Dr Andy Shaw re the tiny gas sensors and Dan Edwards of GSN, now chair of the CO group. Re-read them and changed some of them and sent them all.
I did some emails and found Sharon had responded re the panel – had written originally in March. Wrote to Jim and DD re her case.
Read media alerts and sent email to the editor about an article re headaches – CO mentioned but no further info.

1060 21.06.22 Tuesday – the longest day
Organised Prontaprint for new cards.
Wrote to Ron Goodling.
Wrote to Rich re address book again.
Spoke to a survivor (NM) and changed case study and sent it to her. Found out she is in Cadent’s area.
Suzanne from Cadent sent me a great tool to find out from post code – filed in GDNs.
Emailed Frank about the conference agenda and he told me it was 60 cc in France outside…absolutely baking. So glad we are here.
Found emails not sent and got ready to send tomorrow.
Also got clause 18 Interpretation re indoor air in the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill – “indoor air” refers to the quality of air in buildings; Better if it was ‘Indoor air’ refers to the quality of air in any and all enclosed or partially enclosed spaces including buildings, garages, barbecue huts, caravans, cars, aeroplanes, boats and tents.’

1059 20.06.22 Monday
Wrote to celebrity tips about Jenna Fischer.
Booked Premier Inn County Hall for three nights.
Rang Kimberly about KA.
Wrote to Paul Overton re Dr Shaw’s draft and tiny sensors.
Wrote to work group re drafts to:-
Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem
Dr Shaw re tiny sensors and
Dan Edwards.
Wrote to survivor re flue and gas safety certificate.
Wrote to another survivor.
Wrote to Sam Clark of the scale up awards.
Worked on our animator’s story board and sent it back to her and work group.
Wrote to Ron Gooding re free boat Safety Scheme packs.

1058 19.06.22 Sunday
Wrote a draft email to Dr Andy Shaw of JMLU and sent to work group – Jim responded and so did Paul but not sure if he OKed the actual copy.

1057 18.06.22 Saturday
Did emails*.
*Found first mention of gas sensors in iPhones – look up Gas sensors in articles folder.

1056 17.06.22 Friday
Wrote to KA and also Kimberly re KA attending Sandpit event.
Listened to the Life Scientific Chi Onwurah who is an engineer responsible for bringing mobile network to Nigeria and also MP and shadow minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Shadow Minister Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Must contact her next week. Made a note on the list. Agreed with everything she said, and thought she’d be ideal to talk to re CO sensors in iPhones.
I filed and caught up – amazing. Found a new death in November 2021 Holden and put it on list. Found Chi Onwurah’s details and put in address book and on list of things to do.

1055 15.06.22 Wednesday
Wrote to Ben Kuchta re his gadget and a meter that would shut off for vulnerable customers from EIC.
Declined Simon Birkett’s invitation re a virtual meeting at 10.00 as on holiday but willing to help if needed.
Sent Fatah email re 15th anniversary of the Aerotoxic Association.
Sent Sue Q & A on WHO re Covid.
Heard from Avril Samuel re the conference but she’s so busy – unlikely to be at conference so suggested dinner on the 4th but made it clear hadn’t asked Charon yet re Avril.
Response from Dan Edwards – much better than expected but not really re helpline. Forwarded to work group.
Found seminar from EPA was about cookstoves – told Charon.
Paid Jenny and sent note to Paul and filed invoices.
Heard from survivor. Possible phone chat next week.

1054 14.06.22 Tuesday
Wrote to Jenny about the blood test – she is really pleased at the finding of the cost from the Cardiff Labs.
Wrote to Roy about his experience with NG leaking from joints designed for town gas and the implication re hydrogen.
Forwarded my HVP article to work group and filed it in CO-Gas Safety articles.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta re call for Innovation on meter turn off for disabled etc.
Wrote to Lauren Russell re death of Hilary Devey – was it CO? Needs to be ruled out for the sake of others.
Wrote to Envirotech re Ultra compact CO sensor.
Wrote to Charon of NCOAA with notes of meeting and case studies.

1053 13.06.22 Monday
Wrote to Jim re funding application, Sue and Paul re draft to Laura, Thomas Electricals re cost of delivery, Roy re email to Baroness Jones and gas joints how they leaked and caused an explosion because Natural Gas needed tighter joints. Implications for hydrogen.
Wrote to Debbie and Lollie and re article about CO alarms and need for sensors in iPhones and our need to find the right company to work with.
Wrote to Jenny about Cardiff Labs – blood test for CO cost £32.50 and turnaround 7 days.

1052 12.06.22 Sunday
Drafted an email to the author of an article about CO sensors. Will send tomorrow first thing.
I read the colour supplement about Grenfell – terrible. No wonder we are having trouble with CO.
Added some days to the work done. Up to the 13th April. Not bad.

1051 11.06.22 Saturday
I made a start on writing up ‘what we did so far’ March 2022.
Also sent draft to Laura Fatah to work group and Jonathan. Plus, original email from Laura Fatah.
Later wrote to Jenny about the website.
Worked on emails and on ‘what we did so far’ and finished March.

1050 10.06.22 Friday
Got ready to go but before I left rang Gas Safe Register and it seems they only raise a concern with the landlord – they don’t inspect automatically giving an opportunity to the landlord to change the evidence. Spoke to a really nice employee Gemma Tootill. She was lovely.
When I got back did more work on a survivor’s situation but it looks as if the boiler has been replaced. Waiting to hear from her.
Composed an email to Dan Edwards asking the GDNs to consider a helpline and a body to do what CO-Gas Safety does. Asked if he’s going to the conference on the 5th. Sent email.
Wrote up notes of the meeting with Charon of NCOAA and sent to Paul and Sue for their contributions.
Found draft email to Laura Fatah which I amended and sent to work group.

1049 09.06.22 Thursday
Wrote to Samuels to ask if they were going to the conference on the 5th July.
Wrote to Rich re Docusave and also to Docusave.
Sent article to Jos about Sulphide.
Alerted Sue Westwood and Paul to meeting.
Did zoom invitation just in case Teams didn’t work.
Wrote to KA re the 6th – seems to be able to be there for the 6th so asked him to register.
Email from a survivor – need to print out all docs.
Spoke to Steve Dacre and he told me I had to speak to Dan Edwards.
Composed email to Dan Edwards.
Meeting at 4.00 with Charon of NCOAA very successful – Sue and Paul attended.
Phone call with Paul afterwards.
Thanked Sue by email and wrote to Charon.

1048 08.06.22 Wednesday
Then got an email cancelling meeting with Charon of NCOAA – no explanation.
Hope she’s OK.
Sue Westwood asked if I’d received anything and said no, nothing.
Great meeting with Simon Birkett re Baroness Jones’s bill on Clean Air. Went really well and had sent a resume of what the vital issues are and he was kind enough to seem to think this was very helpful.
Lack of awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) and other products of combustion (we call CO+) particularly the relevance of being indoors and therefore more concentrated.
It is almost impossible to prove exposure to CO even to medics. Medics won’t usually test breath or blood in time. Usually test done too late to be reliable. Much more reliable to test air and emissions from appliances. Gas emergency service (four companies that do this) don’t test air or appliances as standard – just starting to do this for ‘vulnerable’ customers but:-
Everyone is vulnerable to CO, however competent, well educated etc.
Cadent has been doing this as a trial since April 2021. We will know more by late July.
We think at least two of the four other companies are following, from April 2022.
We are not sure exactly what happens when CO is found. Cadent has told us it gives parts per million of CO on a form to the vulnerable customer – but would anyone really understand this? There is no helpline yet often CO affects higher intellectual abilities and symptoms often get worse even after exposure ends.
Gas Safe Register will send an inspector to inspect work done by a Gas Safe Registered engineer within the last 6 months, free, but if you are a tenant will only test for CO with the landlord’s permission. HSE who licenses the Gas Safe Register refuses to take any action on this. Even if you can pay, its almost impossible to find expert to test.
Medics think CO is incredibly rare but it’s not – see attached ‘Numbers affected’ extrapolated from the small but respected uni studies. Millions affected in the UK alone by levels above 50 PPM. Medics are correct in that proved CO is incredibly rare.
All carbon-based fuels are seen as ‘old fashioned’ so fewer engineers & chimney sweeps exist who are competent to service etc to make them safe.
Solutions are obvious but are political. Yet an efficient boiler or cooker is safer.
Realised I need to know when show case event is so tried to ring Eileen Brown and then Steve Dacre – sent them both emails.
Corresponded with Docusave re missing files and almost all complete now.
Sent email to survivor. Took a call from her son who is in prison. No Legal Aid. Thinks CO affected him and caused him to lose his temper but also a robbery – harder to believe.
Sent K A an email.
Rang Sue again about Charon. Wrote to Lollie and Simon and offer to have a bright young thing – another little thing to do no doubt but perhaps would accompany me to the meeting in July. However, when Sue tried to register it was too late…

Decided to write to Charon to say that with lack of explanatory email about cancelation, is she OK?
Decided to write to Lord Hunt of Kings Heath in the morning and warned Simon Birkett that I would if he didn’t tell me not to. He responded to say the date has changed for the second reading from the 24th to the 8th July.
Last thing found that Charon had not cancelled – some glitch in the machine/ether. Very odd.

1047 07.06.22 Tuesday
I went home to prepare for Astrid about an oil case study. Phoned her at 9.30 and took notes. She seems very nice. Sent rough typed up version to Jenny to perfect.
Sent reminders to Simon Birkett.
Home just in time for Rich. Dealt with Teams. Also iPod.
Asked Pat from Docusave to check filing list and he did. Just 7 files not accounted for – probably thrown away but asked him to check one last time.
Then got up and got call from a survivor – sent her email.
Left phone message with Simon Birkett and later got zoom meeting for tomorrow at 10.00.
Emails all evening.

1046 06.06.22 Monday
Sent better draft email to Work group re Laura Fatah and Jonathan.
Responded to Jonathan re cost of sensor now and old sensor.
Fixed time to talk to Astrid re oil case study.
Paid all bills due.
Fixed time for Rich re Teams.
Wrote to Docusave to see if they can list what file numbers are in box 101 and 102.
Wrote to Kirkhamstead again re donation.
Wrote to Safe Fire Direct re reimbursement for heat alarms.
Read Charon’s documents.
Tidied study but needs more.
Spoke to Paul Overton re Charon and bills.

1045 04.06.22 Saturday
Accepted Charon’s meeting for the 9th June and sent email to Rich asking him to check Teams particularly for Paul Overton. Also email to Paul.
Corresponded with KA and sent him the Clean Air bill. He wants all of Africa to know and I suggested WHO and UN but didn’t think we’d get anywhere.
Asked Albert for authority on CO from vaccines and his instructions to click on the syringe in the poster didn’t produce the authority – merely a disclaimer. Seems he relies on Pub Med articles but nothing I could find for the vaccines or anything else. Asked for link just for the vaccines.

1044 03.06.22 Friday
Worked on email to Charon.

1043 02.06.22 Thursday
Wrote to Astrid.
Replied to Simon Birkett who is working for Baroness Jones.
Replied to Baroness Jones who had written such a nice email to me.
Wrote to Roy twice – once re what Cadent is doing but also what we still don’t know and the other about Baroness Jones.

1042 01.06.22Wednesday
Seemed to take a long while to compose an email to Roy (B S) about CO alarms and the law in the different countries.
Then someone called KA emailed me so I asked where he was based and found it was Croydon – he works for a company that does fire safety checks and wanted to know more about CO. He is Ghanian but has been over here since about 2004 and when he went back to Ghana he was horrified to find nobody knew about our sort of CO. I told him that lots of well educated people here don’t know and don’t take it seriously even when they do. He checks places like pubs and hotels – I suggested he might do some research and suggested he came to the sandpit event on the 6th July perhaps even the conference on the 5th. I sent him my CV and our leaflet and he sent his CV. Looks good. He is going to see if he’s free that week. It was good as he feels as I do about CO.
Angie from SafeLincs told me about Astrid who might give us a case study.
Wrote to her.

Having found Sue and Paul can do those dates next week.

Talked to Sue briefly and Paul.
Chased about email to Laura Fatah and sent it again after amending it.
Wrote to Baroness Jenny Jones about her Clean Air Bill. She’s a Green. Forwarded it to Tom Woolley.
Realised later I had written to Baroness Jenny Jones in 2018 when she tried a similar bill. Love her ‘Deep dark politics’ speech on You Tube.
Wrote to Charon and to Albert Donnay. Albert sent a poster and apparently vaccinations produce CO in the body – I hadn’t heard of this and asked for an authority or article etc.
Wrote to Charon about meeting up perhaps on the 4th before the talk the next day.

1041 31.05.22 Tuesday
After huge difficulties and Sue and Paul not being able to be there, decided to send email to Charon to say sorry can’t make today now. Suggested 7th and 9th June next week
John kindly took parcel to the post office – the CO alarm to Maria.
Decided to write quite a detailed email about my concerns re the gas emergency service in the USA and to suggest meeting dates next week 7th and 9th June.
Wrote a draft to Laura Fatah and sent to work group.
Wrote to Tom Woolley – the now new Chair of the APPCOG stakeholder group to say how delighted we were that he was the new chair.
Alerted Frank to new date for next APPCOG meeting.
Dealt with return of Safe Lincs one and got parcel ready to be collected in porch of cottage.
Tried Durham Coroner re Paul Calvert but sadly not the one although kind of them to respond immediately.
Filed Jenny’s helpful idiot guide for the AICO alarm.
Tried to book rooms for 4th and 5th July – Marriott looks too expensive.
Sent queries to Stand Palace.
Wrote to Isabella Myers about the cost and time of test of deceased for CO and asked Bob Flanagan and Simon Clarke and APPCOG as a whole.
Got back and found email from Charon. Sent to Sue and Paul re dates.

1040 30.05.22 Monday
Told Paul and Sue by email that hadn’t heard from Charon yet.
Wrote again to Charon at around lunchtime.
Cut out article from Sunday Times about Paul Calvert and saved it and sent it to Frank.
Phoned Sue and she recalled me trying endless times to communicate with Charon.
Email from Laura Fatah about call for evidence re brain injury and emailed everyone.
Also APPCOG meeting no longer on 8th June at 10.-11.30 and Tom Woolley is the chair now not Chris Beilby.
Heard from Charon and she’s OK, thank goodness so no need to bother Ruth.
Wrote to Steve Dacre but he’s away until 6th June.
Emailed Eileen Brown to see if she could give me an update as Steve’s away.
Tried Mark Havenhand for Paul Calvert but he’s not representing him sadly.
Tried the journalist, Hannah Al-Othman through twitter.
Alarms arrived and they weren’t CO alarms they were heat alarms. Left message.
Heard from Tom McCue and wrote to Maria Mason. Packed alarm up to send to her.
Wrote to Anna White via the gas emergency email about how surely the HSE should be concerned with low levels not just deaths and hadn’t consulted Ofgem under the Mou and that millions were affected in the UK. Sent around 4.00 p.m.
Drafted email to Laura Fatah.

1039 29.05.22 Sunday
Tried to find Paul Calvert as he seems to have been trying to blow the whistle on the ambulance service and NHS covering up horrendous delays which are causing death. Poor Paul Calvert is a Coroner’s officer and has nearly had a nervous breakdown. Emailed Frank but he can’t read the Sunday Times’ report due to the paywall. I sent him a resume and tried to contact Paul Calvert through linked in and Twitter but couldn’t find him but did find a good resume – sent to Frank. Sent out a general tweet if anyone knows him we may be able to help.
Wrote to
‘Dear Sir/Madam
We are an independent, registered charity who sometimes needs private pathologists to test for carbon monoxide poisoning.
We launched in January 1995.
How much does a simple blood test cost for a deceased person?
How quickly can this be undertaken?
How do you arrange access to the body?
Can you arrange this with deaths abroad?
We might also be interested in the cost of second post mortems.’
Wrote to Roy who has access to Mercedes and also told him about the idea of a CO sensor in an iPhone.
Wrote again to our animator to add explanations and Energysafe Victoria Oz re their safety regs.
Last thing wrote to Jenny to see if she can find Paul Calvert.

1038 28.05.22 Saturday
Caught up with emails.
Sent the email yesterday to Charon again saying that if she couldn’t do the 30th perhaps she could suggest some other dates and then it was time to pack up and go.

1037 26.05.22 Thursday
Got ready for Angie Dewick of Safe Lincs at 10.00. She couldn’t seem to connect for ages. Then she did and was really nice. Seems Safe Lincs is not just for money but they have problems getting AICO audio link. Said it would be good if they could persuade CO alarm people to have lower levels certified by test house and downloadable.
Did some emails. Wrote to Roy re numbers affected and Liverpool uni research.
Steve Dacre rang me which was kind. Told me about Affotek and Dr C Rajagopal OBE and I tried to contact him. Told him about the funeral and he will ask Dr C Rajagopal to contact me and I said, give him my email and telephone. Heard from John Burns and he is contacting someone in Amazon he knows.
Odd case Gary Croft apparently couldn’t be tested for CO although dead cos a few days had elapsed. Asked Jenny to write about that. Odd because Steve had mentioned the difficulty and I told him about the embalmed body from Spain.

1036 25.05.22 Wednesday
Then wrote to Jenny about the sandpit event – she can’t do the conference apparently. Communicated about the ONS new data. Need it before Christmas.
Corresponded with Charon McNabb re the virtual conference on the 5th July.
Also communicated re the three deaths in the Sandals resort in the Bahamas. Corresponded with work group re date for virtual meeting with Charon.
Corresponded with our animator re the animation film and fixed a zoom at 4.00 p.m.
Resent email to Steve Dacre about can’t be at stakeholder event due to funeral. Left a phone message. Need to fix virtual meeting.
Virtual meeting with our animator and followed this up with an email.
Rang Tom McCue and left a message. Updated Lord Hunt. Various other emails and last thing sent email to Charon to secure Monday 30th May but not sure how late Sue can stay.
Sent email to Charon very late i.e. 26.05.22

1035 24.05.22
Received an email from Charon and responded that I’d be in touch tomorrow with suggested dates.

1134 23.05.22 Monday
Finished my email to Charon McNabb and hope to have a reply soon about Holly stating on the website that the gas company will check for CO free in USA.

1133 21.05.22 Managed to talk to Elaine and mention the Scottish survivor and her need for medics.

1132 20.05.22 Friday to Paris for Parlex 50 years (my husband’s group of European lawyers)
Saw Elaine Motion briefly and said I wanted to talk to her about another case, but I thanked her very much for looking after Jerry Hill.

1131 19.05.22 Thursday
Wrote to tenant Paul Christie – at least three & to Directors about the insurance.

1130 18.05.22 Tuesday
Drafted a summary for Steve Dacre of NGN and copied Eileen Brown in.
Wrote to Laura Fatah about cheap CO alarm USA.
Wrote to Isabella Myers asking for medical experts for survivor in Scotland and one in N. Ireland.
Wrote to Paul to plead with him to allow Advocate to inspect intercom.
Wrote to Kerry Potter and standard email address re SGN stakeholder feedback
Found email to House mag. Asking if we could put colour copy on website dated 09.03.22 and sent again.
Found email to HSE 09.03.22 which had been ignored so resent it again.
Speakers announced from CORT and Charon McNabb of NCOAA is the first speaker.
Sent Charon a tweet about the fact that on her website Holly says it’s free to get appliances checked for CO in USA.

1129 17.05.22 Tuesday
Wrote to Jim re Mark Paris. Wrote to two survivors.
Wrote to Isabella re Janis survivor in Scotland but anonymised it – copied Flanagan, Clarke and Prof Mark Edwards.
Amended draft to Steve Dacre. Wrote to Sue and updated Lord Hunt. Got ready for Mark Paris. I had seen his letter and so had Jim. It was a while ago and we’d forgotten. He wants to wait until they have a meeting on the 19th then possibly press further. Not sure what government department is in charge of the Boat Safety Scheme – looks like a CORGI type body. Loads of navigation bodies and won’t change but I’m told they are allowing unsafe appliances because the way it’s set up they can’t do anything about the unsafe appliances except give advice. Apparently, CO alarms now mandatory on boats but it’s OK to not have a flue or a gas appliance not to current standards when RGEs cannot do that in homes anymore. Weird. About 10 people on the committee.

1128 16.05.22 Monday
Wrote to the Times about dementia and lack of mention of CO.
Wrote to Mark Paris re the letter he’s signed and added my signature and the charity’s to the BSS.
Wrote to Suzanne Callington of Cadent about the form I’d just filled in. Wished they’d consulted us and what happened if CO found.
Survivor from Scotland rang and was very nice. Needs medical experts. Drafted something for her approval for me to send to COMED and the two doctors I have email addresses for – actually could add Prof Mark Edwards perhaps. She sent me her authority to send stuff on her behalf.
Sent draft to Dacre to work group again.
Asked Tom McCue for an update.
Wrote to Elizabeth Warwick of Wales & West Utilities.
Wrote to a tenant. Wrote to Mark Paris again asking for a chat tomorrow at 4.00.
Finished letter to Action for ME.
Had email from Ron Gooding about email from Mark Paris
Spent ages trying to find the tenant’s letter re police. Found it eventually in archives.
Wrote to tell her and sent it.
Wrote to Dyson – catalytic converters for cars.

1127 13.05.22 Friday
I wrote to the Times re ME.
Wrote to our animator.
Sent congratulations to Phil Burrows re award for customer relations.
Drafted email to Steve Dacre and sent to work group.
Wrote to Dan Edwards as suggested.
Sent Sophie’s study to the survivors.
Wrote to a survivor of a BBQ hut re a case study.

1126 12. 05.22 Thursday
Reviewed email to Eileen Brown NGN and copied Steve Dacre and to Elizabeth Warwick W & W –
Eileen responded and I responded back explaining how people can be incapable after poisoning and need help and support. Need for GDNs to own this, create a new body funded by GDNs but separate from them and that manufacturers ought to help raise awareness of the need to service and help survivors, educate medics so to create awareness and prevention – CO being a worldwide issue.
Steve Dacre responded. No helpline.
Usual emails and suggested to a solicitor for DD that he try to claim for failure to supply quiet enjoyment re the park.
Asked questions again of Heather Jarman as article still not ready to be published.
Heard from Jennifer Burke. Then congratulated Dan Edwards who’d got some award.
J. wrote to say he’s only just twigged that perhaps we’ve done it and well done.
I responded with the need for the film and to involve HSE.

1125 11.05.22 Wednesday
Worked on email to our animator and sent to work group and Sue.
Sent draft to our animator to work group and Jonathan.
Worked on emails.
Finished email to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem and sent it at 12.36.
Nothing from Tom McCue so phoned and emailed – still nothing.
NGN networking lunch – didn’t say where on the website – queried it and its in Leeds – can’t go anyway. Emailed survivor re possible Cadent visit.
Had to ring Jim and Paul. Told them of my plan re the charity now it seems most of the GDNs are on board. Jim said he and Paul could hold the fort while I was away.
Had a go at story board but didn’t get on with our animator’s font or her layout.
Sent short email to Laura Fatah at last.
Made payments.
Three emails to Sophie Duggan, survivor and researcher about CO in cars.

1124 10.05.22 Tuesday
Spent most of the day dealing with emails, survivors and business cards.
Heard that Wales & West Utilities seem to be following Cadent. This is amazing news because we now have three out of four GDNs. Wrote to Jonathan about the future.
Nothing from Tom McCue sadly.
Spent most of the day doing the usual round of emails to the usual survivors, Debbie and Paul. Debbie gave me some quotes which I put on the website.
Heard from Paul’s advocate and wrote to the Council re the other queries as the advocate suggested.
Sent draft to Elizabeth Warwick of Wales & West Utilities and sent draft to Pickett of Ofgem again to work group.

1123 09.05.22 Monday
Reviewed draft to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem.
Then spoke to Tom McCue of Kane re the film and he said he’d get back either today or tomorrow.
Asked HSE how many prosecutions were there under the whole of Reg. 36 of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998 about landlords and their duty re CO to their tenants.
Ordered business cards for me, Sue, Paul and Jim. Lunch.
Received a APPCOG secretariat update re acquired brain injury survey.
Laura Fatah let us know that there would be no APPCOG meeting tomorrow.

1122 08.05.22 Sunday
Worked out Ofgem has left out our main document. Drafted email to Rebecca Pickett.
Email from Peter Bottomley – responded.

Registered for CORT 5th/6th July- CO-Gas Safety does:-
Carbon monoxide & other toxins from combustion from the view of survivors/families + data.
Testing and monitoring for CO to create data to provide action for prevention & support.

1121 06.05.22 Friday
Sent an email to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem thanking her for making sure our documents submitted in response to the CD have been published.
Also asked:-
Do you have any update on whether or not Ofgem and HSE have consulted each other with regard to the MOU and RIIO-2? I suppose I should add that this question is made under the FOI Act.

1120 05.05.22 Thursday
Wrote to Jonathan Kane about the film and use of a FGA. There seems little lack of action.
Heard from Sophie re query from survivor.
Worked hard on draft for our animator and arranged to talk to Sue at 5.15.
Then went inside and worked on this and that. Spoke to Sue at 5.15 and we worked through the email and the story board.
Rang Allan re the business cards and he’s had a terrible two years. Nearly went bust – Kadee has left but he’s got someone else back so that’s good.
Wrote to Phil Burrows asking him to call me. Need help on what First Call Operative does and also want to discuss something else.

1119 04.05.22 Wednesday
Wrote to Jonathan re film.
Usual crop of emails to and fro.
Worked on our animator ’s email and wrote a draft and sent to Sue for her comments.
Crossed with an email from Sarah so explained. Couldn’t access story board for making comments although I tried to convert the PDF. Asked Sarah for the word version.
Sent email to Prof. Ben Santer without much hope of response.
Dealt with all the invoices for Paul and put in envelope in hall.
Usual emails – one from advocate for tenant. Responded.
Sent email to Tania of IPCB re paying twice in July 2021.

1118 03.05.22 Tuesday
Emails as usual.
Then got on with CO-Gas Safety work. Read long email from Jim Kinnibrugh about the rich ruling the world and the beliefs of native Americans which I’d always loved and agreed with.
Paid the bills and rang Paul and he promised to authorise them immediately which was very good of him.
Dr Gill Jackson wrote to me re the cure for CO and I wrote back saying basically not here yet and anyway prevention better.
Joe Dart sent my article edited and I reposted with questions which he responded to.
Dealt with Healthy Homes invitation for next week and asked survivor AY as well as the work group and Jonathan. 
Wrote to Angie at Safe Lincs and we’ve sorted a date and time in diary and calendar for 26.05.22.
Filed Sharon re panel on Gi magazine and sent again, copy to Oliver Lancaster.
Lots of emails to Pierre and Reay again re Jersey.
Drafted something to Dr Ben Santer – will look at what I’ve written tomorrow.

1117 02.05.22 Monday
Exchanged emails with Sue and received her invoice for the computer.
Caught up with emails which included survivors. Also answered by Techmedia about Bosch so sent another email to Mr. Constantin Schmauder who was copied in and hope to hear about a gadget that might monitor indoor air.

1116 29.04.22 Friday
Wrote to Jonathan about the need to contact the trainers and find someone to film.
Also wrote to Promoflix.

1115a 28.04.22 Thursday
Wrote to Eileen Brown just before lunch – as per sent to work group but perfected it.
Wrote to Angie of Safe Lincs suggesting how about from 10.30 to midday on the 25th or 9.30 to midday on the 26th May.
Sophie’s talk for CORT. She did mention the carbon monoxide & gas safety society.
Excellent talk. Thanked her on the chat. Adrian kindly mentioned me.

I thought Sophie’s research and talk were outstanding. I rang her to congratulate her.

Wrote to Adrian of CORT.
‘As you probably know, I was contacted initially by Sophie as a survivor, then introduced her to Jonathan.

I’d hoped that the wearable CO monitors were at last available, but sadly they are still not. I was delighted to hear that Ilora was going to give Amazon another try – we’ve long thought that CO alarms in iPhones would eventually be the answer. However, there are of course the Personal Alarm Monitors for CO that FCOs from the gas emergency service wear. I think Sophie used them in her research along with Lascar monitors too. They are somewhat clunky and Sophie wants something a lot more accurate and medical but they might be better than nothing for GPs to lend to patients?

Could a pilot project be set up with some GP surgeries for the Autumn? Perhaps TATT patients could be trialled with these, and arrangements made for a breath test at least (and hopefully a blood test too) ASAP after exposure? Perhaps this could be done in Cadent territory so that Cadent could check the appliances, if CO is found? Hopefully, that would identify the source of any CO.’

Rang Scott of Kane who was so helpful. Sent him an email and he is going to relay to someone who’d know the colleges. Got in touch with the film company Promofix but they are too busy. Asked if they could recommend anyone. The film seems doomed.

Contacted Tina Mistry about the AICO alarms but they won’t sell direct so think I’ll go with Safe Fire Direct or possibly Safe Lincs. Sought a quote from Angie as well.

1115 27.04.22 Wednesday
Wrote to media firm (P and DM) that we were going with someone smaller.
Wrote to Jonathan and Sue about DM who asked we pay about £600 yet we didn’t agree to pay anything. Offered half as a goodwill gesture.
Good news from tenant (PC) – he has got the advocate and female colleague to see that his intercom isn’t working and may be Irwin Mitchell on board.
Wrote to PC to suggest that he ask advocate to write a letter and maybe a sworn statement and take it to Irwin Mitchell.

1114 26.04.22 Tuesday
Heard from our animator, who is being very helpful about the animations.
J. rang and we had a discussion – hard because such a lot of noise – he was in Poland at a trade fair. But he can provide the name of a film company and also the names of two trainers of CMDDA1 so that means we can get on and do the film hopefully.
Such a relief. Told me the date was the 21st October for his award. Put in diary. Thursday 20th also noted as we might have to go to the mainland on the Thursday.
Sent an aide memoire to J. He will deal with this and I’ll be communicating with Scott Holiday and Martin O’Dea for the trainers and film company.
Email from Inland Revenue about VAT – amazingly quick but we’ll have to pay VAT it seems on the animation and on Jersey. Sent email to Emmi re this.
Worked on VCMA and drafted a long email to Eileen Brown – sent to the directors for approval.
Wrote to Jenny to approve her buying a CO alarm. Approved her going to the seminar by Western Power.
Heard from Ben Kuchta – too busy but suggested he might like to add something at the beginning of film or end and it wouldn’t be this week anyway.

1113 25.04.22 Monday
Sent Jim several emails and also Ben Kuchta
Talk with Jim Kinnibrugh all about Micha and his life.
Replied to Adrian twice.
Replied to Jenny re case study by EJP – Jenny has corrected quotes.
Replied to Emmi re address and VAT.
Wrote to everyone re draft to Dan Edwards.
Replied to Jenny re AICO alarm procedure – how to set it up. She needs one so suggested she bought one locally as she had suggested.
Heard from Eileen Brown of NGN.
Responded to Jim re the conversation today and attached various attachments promised including quotes by Phil Burrows and article in the House Mag.
Managed to finally apply to Inland Revenue for VAT queries on Emmi and also our animation.
Responded to Jim Lambeth re his agreement on the draft to Dan Edwards.
Sent Kane success news to Jenny.
Sent email to Dan Edwards.
Wrote to concerned tenant. Wrote to Emmi re Jersey trip re VAT.
Wrote to Jonathan re need to discuss test urgently.
Wrote to our animator to tell her I had to do something urgent tomorrow or Wednesday so when was she free?

1112 24.04.22
Wrote to Sue Westwood as she had alerted me to a couple in Manchester dead due to a gas leak but sounds like a gas leak not CO.

1111 22.04.22 Friday
Wrote about the drafts to Phil and Dan and also about standards and the need for reorganisation of them and a bit more oomph.
Wrote to Jim re Gary’s point about clarifying Jim’s report.
Wrote to a solicitor re survivor’s need to get two reports from Council and why can’t he ask for a court order. Is it a funding issue?

1110 21.04.22
Sent email to work group re draft to Phil Burrows.
Wrote to Hetas re emergency service for solid fuel – is it right just to call Fire Brigade?
Wrote to survivor in N. Ireland.
Wrote to Nicola of W & W U congratulating her on initiative to female pupils and offering presentation about CO copied to Elizabeth Warwick.
Good news about Fuel Bank given £500,000. Wrote to Ollie Lancaster re IGEM and getting more funding for Matt’s Fuel Bank from suppliers etc.
Heard from Paul Overton re draft to Phil but not anyone else.
Kane’s won award Queen’s industry award and innovation – fantastic. I will be asked to the award ceremony later by the Lord Lieutenant.
Passed on to work group. Heard from Sue and relayed to Jonathan.
Did expenses.
Tweeted about the need to save up for maintenance of gas appliances for the Autumn.
Finished expenses and paid bills.
Sent unpaid invoices to Kane so that’s Feb, March and added April’s.
Wrote to Adrian late about questions he’d promised to ask Phil.
Read the PPP JMLU report December 2021 and sent it to work group.
Even on this report not exactly clear.
When I wrote to the work group and Jonathan about this report:-
‘Looking at slide 22
Looking at the data logger results it has been found that 4% of the 496 households were identified with a significant exposure to CO level according to WHO guidance. This suggests that there
could be a potential 1 million households in the UK with increased levels of Carbon Monoxide. Putting approximately 2.3 million people at potential risk for chronic exposure to CO.
What was significant exposure? Over 50 PPM?
With 2.3 million at potential risk for chronic exposure it does seem wrong that the large study of 75,000 homes was never completed and that we weren’t told at the time that the funding wasn’t there after all.’

1109 20.04.22 Wednesday
Decided to draft something to Dan Edwards of SGN and sent it.
Wrote to Jim re the Plume gadget and standards.
Saw article by Stephanie Peacock MP about giving away CO alarms. Wrote to say this is great but surely better to prevent.
Survivor EJP wrote to ask for different spacing in her case study so sent it to Jenny.
Long chat with a concerned tenant – pretty sad and not much I could do. But did send press release as a draft for her to talk to her solicitor about.
Got response from Dan Edwards – rather difficult to follow and they had the meeting last week.
Received request from disabled person MM and forwarded it to Kerry Potter of SGN.
Late – drafted an email to Phil B to work group and Sue.

1108 19.04.22
Taken up with email from Jim about gadget from Plume that can sense other toxins. Useful for a survivor DD perhaps. Wrote to Jennifer Wood re Plume and making these things user friendly.

Email to Sue about Sarah – received good email from Paul Overton..
Spoke to John Cribb about AICO CO alarms.
Talked to Sue about the weekend and Peter Bottomley.
It is very good of Peter to offer to go to Minister for HSE re testing but wouldn’t it be more productive if APPCOG agreed about testing? Also need to film testing.
Joe Dart responded.
Kimberly Allen of CORT responded and I responded back stating that it would be good for testing to be discussed and that we could provide speakers. I copied Adrian McConnell in.

1107 18.04.22
Wrote to Ben Kuchta about the film and Phil Burrows of Cadent. Also wrote to work group about new media company (SW).

1106 16.04.22
Social time with Sir Peter Bottomley and Baroness Virginia Bottomley and Peter did offer to go and see the Minister for the HSE with me. Told him about Ofgem and the GDNs and Cadent. He asked me who the other GDN was who was mirroring and I told him I wasn’t able to tell him at this time.
Peter has certainly understood the problem (testing should happen). I told him that we were getting somewhere with the GDNs at last, thanks to Ofgem.

1105 15.04.22
Wrote to a survivor and a tenant.

1104 14.04.22
Wrote to Ben re Oliver Lancaster and Lucy Ritchie.
Wrote to Steve Dacre asking when next CO GDN meeting was and could we attend.
Sent directors my story Board and new media company (SW).
Wrote to a tenant and two survivors.
Reviewed article to Joe Dart and resent it.
Wrote to Ollie.

1103 13.04.22
Talked to someone I know about quote from a media company and was advised the charity was being overcharged.
Talked to new media company (SW). Think the copyright can be dealt with as a licence.
Wrote to Ben Kuchta about Ollie and apparently, he’s staying at IGEM for a couple of years doing leadership so maybe we’ll get somewhere. Need to know exactly what his role will be.
There’s someone called Lucie Ritchie who apparently, I should get to know. She’s a mentor at the Women’s Utility Networks – sounds ideal for us.
Wrote to survivor PM (N. Ireland) re her need for a medical expert etc.
Then heard that a tenant has been refused leave to the Supreme Court which in my opinion, is terrible for gas safety. It seems that landlords can flout the Gas Regs which require a gas safety inspection and certificate before the tenancy is agreed.

1102 12.04.22
Woke up and had breakfast.
Got ready for the webinar ‘My Society’ re climate change. Very nice and cheering. Emails were to be exchanged. Someone said he’d email me.
Wrote to Sarah.
Heard from Frank and sent his response to PM or N. Ireland.
Had another go at the story board and sent to Sue Westwood.
Wrote to concerned tenant.
Heard from Oliver Lancaster – could be a bit of a breakthrough and drafted a response to work group. Not sure I’ve got this right.
Wrote to Council tenant twice.

1101 11.04.22
Rang advocate service for a Council tenant.
Got great email from Eileen Brown of NGN and responded. She will respond fully after Easter. She encouraged us to look at VCMA and get together something for Steve Dacre. Not sure when next meeting will be.
Heard from our animator re films and she has sent back NDA so will talk to her 11.30 Wednesday. Corresponded with survivor PM of N Ireland and sent email query to Frank re her medical evidence. Need to chase that. She has no proper sworn statement as the doctor who wrote in favour has been replaced by another doctor, who is against her.
Replied to Kimberly Allen answering questions about Professor Jarman’s talk.

1100 10.04.22
Watched our animator’s films. Wrote to work group about Sarah. Heard from Sue Westwood. Sent NDA to our animator.

1099 08.04.22
Heard from Sarah Hill of Gas Safe Register that there is nothing in the rules stopping RGEs from selling CO alarms.
Rewrote article and sent it to Joseph Dart of HVP magazine.

1098 07.04.22
Got ready for meeting with media company. Meeting went quite well.
Think we will need more funding to make the best of it and also need to redo website apparently.
Wrote to Ollie Lancaster CEO of IGEM.
Wrote to Jodie editor of GU magazine and told her I’d like to write about responding to domestic CO alarm activation.
Wrote article for HVP magazine.
Wrote to Bob Seely MP about the energy policy – should be tidal, wave, wind and solar not nuclear. Wrote to survivors.
Wrote to Eileen Brown of NGN re funding for animations re raising awareness and testing for CO.
Caught up with emails. Wrote to Rich our techie re website.
Sent query to Sarah Hill of the Gas Safe Register re RGEs selling CO alarms.

1097 06.04.22
Read quote from the Media company and thought it far too high. Sought advice from those I know in the industry who confirmed this.
Talked to Sue Westwood (trustee) just about the quote. Sue very helpful.
Tried to sort out the VAT for the media work but still can’t. Sent email to John Holmes.
More correspondence with couple in our village who was exposed to CO.
Letter in New Scientist from Alan Stewart re methane from sewage – sent to lots of people, Ben Kuchta, Ollie Lancaster, Sharon Baker and New Scientist.
Sent email to Phil Burrows. Lots of correspondence with Survivor PM (N. Ireland) – seems to have good evidence.

1096 05.04.22
Wrote to John Holmes, our accountant about the VAT issue on the media work. Wrote to couple in our village with CO exposure, who has agreed to Jenny making up a case study.

1095 04.04.22
Wrote to a survivor PM (N. Ireland) and to a concerned tenant.

1094 03.04.22
Filing and wrote to survivor PM (N. Ireland).
Wrote to couple with CO exposure in my village re the heart condition of one of them and about a possible case study.

1093 02.04.22
Heard from Matt Cole who is doing some race on Sunday. Wrote to him about the concern that people are not having appliances serviced or chimneys swept.

1092 01.04.22
Reviewed email to Phil Burrows of Cadent and sent it.
Wrote to survivor (MW) about solicitors and asked for her bullet points to the solicitors.
Got a reply from Isabella Myers which was OK ish re arterial blood but she did not answer the rest of my email particularly about testing air/appliances for CO.

1091 31.03.22
Wrote to a solicitor about his letter to the Council for survivor DD.
Wrote again to Isabella Myers of COMED with Amber Yates’ case study re arterial blood tests.
Wrote to Jenny about yesterday’s webinar and also arterial blood tests and Dr Duggan’s talk on
1091 28.04.22.
Replied to a landlord after her report – apparently no CO found.
Wrote to AICO Tony Boyle and Tina Mistry re possible award.
Rang Andrew Rosindell MP and spoke to assistant Daniel Burden who was very nice. He gave me his email address and now filed it under Rosindell.
Left a message for Stephanie Peacock MP at Westminster office.
Booked for Dr Duggan and her talk on 29.04.22.
Heard from HSE re submission re Gas Safety Management Regs. Wrote back because not sure if we did offer to be contacted but offered anyway.

1090 30.03.22
Talked to Jenny about the E-Learning course and the animations and the Cadent trials – also the Air Quality Conference. Later sent her Roland’s course, the animations and the interview with Baroness Finlay and our response article. Also told her about the trials and how hopeful I am.
Correspondence with Sue W, media company re animations, Ben Kuchta re course on hydrogen, a solicitor re a survivor (DD) – he is finally drafting the right letter to the Council re chimney survey and will go to court if necessary.
Heard from Jim and Paul re grants from the charity for experts for survivors and they were in favour. Also drafted an email to the work group for all the directors to consider the grants issue to survivors for payment to experts. Wrote to a Council tenant.
Composed and sent an email to Isabella Myers and also to Paul Clements, Guild of Master Sweeps.
Wrote to our MPs, Stephanie Peacock MP and Andrew Rosindell MP about the ITN News revelations about tenants and about a Council tenant not receiving a copy of this landlord’s gas safety certificate. Asked for support.
Also dropped survivor (MW) a line asking if she’s found a solicitor.

1089 29.03.22
Sent Frank’s email to survivor PM in N. Ireland.
Wrote to Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem about the submission in September 2020 asking that it be added to the documents received, i.e. published.
Sent directors email about the legal opinion and grants.
Heard from another survivor. and wrote back to her asking her who her emergency service provider was but she hasn’t responded.
Heard from Paul Overton re the grants and he agrees.
Wrote to David Cameron ex PM re his mother’s Alzheimer’s and CO.

1088 28.03.22
Reviewed the draft Pickett email. Reviewed the Rossindell and Peacock email.
Did some emails and tried to find out about VAT for raising awareness films.
Corresponded with Frank Brehany about PM (survivor in N. Ireland).

1087 27.03.22
Tried to sort out the E- learning course but found it too much. Not sure what to do with this. Maybe this is one for Jennifer Wood to finish. Sent it to Jenny last thing.

1086 26.03.22
Got a helpful email from Frank Brehany about PM (N. Ireland) but need to know I can send to her and she needs to complain to Ombudsman about the Local Authority and also she’s risking costs. Very helpful. Also, a pro bono lawyer but she doesn’t trust them, and I do understand why.

1085 25.03.22
Various emails mainly DM of P (media company) and Sue Westwood, trustee.
Also emails with survivor PM (N. Ireland).
Emailed Dan Hewitt, journalist late about the possible scam and the Housing, safety and well being taskforce or whatever it is and mentioned Peter Bottomley.
Found out one of the films by DM of P cost about £17,000 plus VAT. Need to check out the VAT situation.

1084 24.03.22
Write to survivors MW and PM (N. Ireland).
Wrote to a landlord whose tenant’s CO alarm had alarmed but the landlord wanted a CMDDA1 qualified person to test for CO.
I was rung up by someone called M. who was concerned because his daughter, pregnant seemed to have been exposed to CO at her parents’ house. Seemed to think 11 PPM was OK or even higher. Interesting. Told him how to get things serviced etc. and also about CMDDA1. Told him about the WHO guidelines of 4 PPM for 24 hours. Wouldn’t give me his full name or contact details.
Corresponded with DM of P (media company) and Sue Westwood about how they are going to cost it. Sent an email to DM late.

1083 23.03.22
Wrote to survivor (PM N. Ireland) and got the most tragic email back. Also, that she suspects she’s got MS.
Heard from DM of P – media company – send on to work group – promising but needs more work also estimates of costs. Talk to Sue Westwood, trustee.
Take part in a webinar on vulnerable situations.
Found some flowers had been delivered from a survivor MW – how sweet of her.
Sent email to Rich about Ofgem email sent 15.09.20 but still haven’t sent Pickett email.
Hear from gas expert BK – he’s asked a question to do with legislation. Can’t wait to hear more. He’s also going to the States very exciting.

1082 22.03.22
Wrote to Steve Dacre of NGN and to Joseph Dart re article to write for HVP.

1081 21.03.22
Heard from Rebecca Pickett of Ofgem and started email back.

1080 20.03.22
Wrote to DP about hydrogen and downloaded some papers re the Gas Regs and read them.
Wrote to Stuart Burgoigne at HSE to beg an extension.
Wrote to Kye Gbangbola about the opinion.
Also heard of a medic actually suspecting CO but this was in the USA.

1079 18.03.22
Various emails to DM of P the media company etc. but ill so tried to keep everything to a minimum.
Wrote to a survivor (B) about the animations and her experience. Wrote to DM of P again about how we need a RGE to provide pics for them to use to persuade people to get their boilers serviced – how the dirt built up if not serviced etc.
Wrote to Third Sector Joe about attending a webinar or rather a recording of one.
Got email about the Gas Reg consultation.

1078 17.03.22
Meeting with media company (DM of P) at 11.00.
Saw DM and Chris. Quite successful.
Wrote an email afterwards with some ideas. Need a character that speaks the safety message. Maybe I could ask Phil if we could use Safety Seymour…thought of a safety squirrel.
Heard from Kye Gbangbola and need to read the legal opinion he’s sent over.
Heard from John Cribb re alarms.
Heard from Tony Boyle and someone has already put me forward for the award. Tony told me which alarm. Wrote to John Cribb.
Got ready for Professor Jarman’s talk.
On Thursday 17th March 2022 Professor Heather Jarman presented the findings of the EDCO study, which looks to understand the diagnosis of CO exposure in emergency departments (EDs).
Professor Jarman is Research Director Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions, and clinical research lead for the Emergency Department at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London
The aim of the research has been to reduce misdiagnosis so that patients can be treated appropriately and not sent back to the site of exposure before it is safe to do so.

All patients presenting at the hospital ED with specific symptoms such as chest pain, headache or seizures, will complete a health questionnaire.

For those patients with raised COHb levels whose answers suggest possible CO poisoning, a registered gas engineer will be sent to investigate the scene of the suspected exposure.
Excellent talk but problem is how to make sure they are safe and how many times nobody even thinks about CO or are negative when tested.
Survivor rang (MW). Wrote her an aide memoire.
Drafted something for Council tenant (PC) and sent it to him to approve.

1077 16.03.22
Got a nice email of support from Jim Lambeth for Ron Gooding and Mark Paris and sent it on with Jim’s permission. Got email asking for a CO alarm but tried AICO and no luck with free ones. Tony Boyle has recommended retailers and there is one in Ryde. Jim can’t attend.
Downloaded the unsafe procedures procedure G/11 (24 mentions of visual – applied to inspection, signs, risk assessment) and what to do when a CO alarm alarms (2 mentions of visual).
Did some work on AICO awards.

1076 14.03.22
Heard from a survivor and told her about the legal opinion and asked for more details for the others and permission to send. Got embryonic case study from a survivor and sent to Jenny.
Sue Westwood has promised me the e learning course and I’ll ask Rich to finish it.
Heard from Ben Kuchta and read his article in Gi Magazine.

1075 10.03.22
Got ready for the APPCOG meeting. Nothing from Phil Burrows.
Printed out the update.
Sent draft about testing to Lord Hunt.
Sent email to Laura saying I would just mention Amber Yates’ case study.
Frank rang me afterwards and we talked. Rang Sue Westwood as well and thanked her for being there.
Heard from Phil Burrows but it arrived too late for me to mention in the meeting, but it made it easy re the update which I sent.
Sent Laura amended update.
Wrote to Phil Burrows to say we’d decided not to enter the gas awards and wished him luck.

1074 09.03.22
Wrote some emails re APPCOG.
Sent email to HSE re testing. Wrote to Lord Hunt and mentioned Sir Peter Bottomley MP.
Heard from Lord Hunt and he’s asked for a draft.
Boat Safety Scheme consultation seems difficult – printed it out and promised Ron I’d look at it. Cut off date 31.05.22. Wrote to Ron Gooding and suggested 12th April for a zoom.
Gas Safety Regs being revised* – got until 21.03.22. Think Reg 7 only part that’s relevant to us.
Sent it on for comment.
Wrote to Phil Burrows of Cadent re tomorrow but no response. Heard from Frank. Also, from Sue and Paul.
About 60 emails to file. Work with Richard Banks our techie and dealt with on computer.

1073 08.03.22
Spent most of the morning writing up the list of work done and summary for APPCOG on Thursday.
Sent to work group.
Also thought about our media campaign and came up with some ideas. Corresponded with Sue Westwood about these. Arranged meeting for next week.
Corresponded with inventors of Tukker (the AA dog) but this doesn’t seem to go anywhere.
Wrote a confidentiality form re a company (DM) and he is going to send one from Chris the creative…
Sent email about legal opinion and helping survivors and also publicity warning films.

1072 07.03.22
Heard from survivor AY which is great and sent to Jenny as we can put her case study on our website now.
Correspondence with Sue Westwood – also Emmi Isham as she’s got a programme for Jersey schools with dates etc. I asked her about companies run by women. Asked her if she did cartoons.

1071 03.03.22
Wrote some emails – about Stephanie Barwise QC and also Martina Lees and finally sent changed email in the afternoon.
Wrote to a survivor and tenant PC. Wrote to survivor SD.

1070 02.03.22
1. Excited by ‘researchers develop a way to Researchers at Oak Ridge Laboratories develop a way to capture furnace emissions’ but took advice and was told it wasn’t practical as it would cost too much. I am not sure I agree. Looked it up on Internet and cost from £150 to £1,000 but even at that it might be worth it to have a gas boiler. They are working with Trane technology and other entities to improve the technology and elevate TRL for commercialization and technology transfer. From what I’ve read it would help hugely if Government stated that gas boilers had to comply with reduced emissions as cars do.

2. Are you working with a marketing/PR firm to help you explain this invention?
We are working with two US organizations (California Gas Emerging Technology program and Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance) to introduce their utilities and costumers with the furnace technology.

Wrote to the university and got an answer.
Sent an email to Steve Dacre. I’ve asked Steve to ask Phil about the PPM of CO and if Steve will follow suit. Also, about further support and about the other GDNs.
Agonised over application for Gas Industry award and but decided in the end best not to.
Wrote to Frank.
Wrote to Zhiming Gao.

1069 01.03.22
Sent another email about Earl Richards finding out which category Cadent is applying for.
Frank Brehany and I had a meeting.
Scanned New Scientist article about Long Covid and sent it to Sue Westwood.
Received email from a media company about how they were still working on ideas and would get back to us very soon. I wrote back to tell him about the GDNs and testing but we still have a lot of questions.
Got response from Steve Dacre NGN and sent on to work group and also a draft to Steve Dacre.

1068 28.02.22
Wrote to Ben Kuchta about the CMDDA1 course and whether they would change the appliance. He says not.
Gave feedback on the CORT talk and suggested we did a talk…Heard from Earl Richards of Cadent.
Council tenant can’t be there apparently for the repair to his intercom but won’t write to the MP or the Council.
Sent a follow up to Steve Dacre.
Sent email to everyone re Stephanie Barwise and Martina Lees the Sunday Times journalist. Jim has approved but need Paul and probably Sue to think about it.

1067 27.02.22
Read article ‘I thought the Grenfell fire was my fault’ Dr Bob Moore – found Stephanie Barwise QC was referred to – found her on Linked in and sent a message. Stephanie Barwise QC had responded so responded back and composed an email to work group to approve.
Files and sent Jonathan Kane an email about his generous donation of £2,000 a month to CO-Gas Safety.
Wrote to Ron Gooding about what a RGE with CMDDA1 would do.

1066 26.02.22
Wrote to survivors, directors and Diana of Sensyqo.

1065 24.02.22
Wrote to Jenny Ogden who had so kindly sent me the pic of me at the Air Quality Conference. Wrote to her asking if we could say it was taken at the conference.
Got really nice email from Andrew Taylor of Headway about a forum. Replied.

1064 23.02.22
Wrote an email to Professor Jarman re the St George’s research and what was said that CO the most common poison in the world.
Then did more emails about the supportive letter for Diana of Sensyqo and various other things including an email to Steve Dacre. Put quotes from survivors on website.
More emails – sent one to Steve Dacre. Sent message to Phil Burrows.
Looked at AICO awards and at the report about fire and CO.
Messaged CEBR through the Internet. No email address sadly. Tried to phone but no good.
Also messaged Housing Safety and Well Being Taskforce through the Internet.
Paid bills and sent to Paul Overton.

1063 22.02.22
10.30 Diana Sensyqo meeting.
I then concentrated on the funding issue with Tom Robinson of Wales & West U. Done much faster than expected.
Wrote to Frank Brehany.
Wrote to Tom Robinson and two survivors.

1062 21.02.22
Wrote to Sharon Baker applying to be on the editorial panel of IGEM
Resent email to Phil Burrows and copied to Hayley and Jazzmine.
Heard from PC in Jersey at last. Wrote to Alasdair Reay and got CV back quickly.
Feedback request from CORT on the Presentation – The Medical Examiner – closing the loop on CO data – sent to work group for reaction.
Heard from a media company and sent to work group – good ideas but all on CO alarms and all on batteries – don’t most have sealed batteries anyway or should have? Asked for some other ideas on prevention.
Heard from Jonathan and now have information to fill in form for Tom Robinson of W & W U.
Heard from Hayley of Cadent and responded.
Wrote to DM of P. Also wrote to PC in Jersey setting out questions we needed answers to.
Wrote to our anonymous donor attaching our report of the year and updating him on Cadent and our articles.
Wrote to Alasdair Lewis Reay again re questions and script and if he could film in the UK.
Wrote to two survivors.

1061 20.02.22
Sent quotes to survivors for the website and kept getting responses.

1060 19.02.22
Introduced Matt Cole and the Fuel Bank Foundation to AICO.

1059 17.02.22
Attended closing the Loop – Isabella Myers talk. Dr Flanagan is saying much the same as us. Simon Clarke said testing dead bodies for CO didn’t cost much but couldn’t say how much. Coroners still not testing unless they suspect CO. Nothing has changed since 2011. So depressing.
Dr Sophie Duggan giving a talk about her car research next time.

1058 16.02.22
Concerned about the email from Tom Robinson and in the end sent him one asking questions.
Later found conditions of funding and they were interesting – dropped email to a media company as included CO awareness. Also included campaign re legislative changes but don’t know how we’d do that.

1057 15.02.22
Worked on an email to Jason of Air Quality News.
Worked on email to Steve Sherran of Project Shout and Steve kindly gave me permission to put it on the website.
Received email from Tom Robinson of Wales & West Utilities asking for details of the £100,000. We came up with a plan involving St Georges. Sent email to Roland Johns.

1056 14.02.22
Resent email to Alex Jones with slight amendment and he got back to me which was great. I copied to HSE as want HSE to make changes to Reg. 36.
Heard from Emmi Isham that Jersey all booked. Phoned Emmi and talked to her about Margaret Jeffery. Sent news to Esther, Margaret’s daughter.
Sent email to Phil Burrows thanking him.
Thought about grant and sent Frank’s suggestions to the work group.
Heard from Project Shout. Wrote to Sue about Air Quality Conference in Manchester. Found pic of myself.
Wrote to an MP about a Council tenant.
Wrote to survivor about low levels and to tell her solicitor if she felt better which she did.
Put Project Shout survey on website late on 14.02.22.
Looked at article in Air Quality News and happy with what they left out. Put article on website late on 14.02.22

1055 13.02.22
Terminated Olivia Murray’s appointment as director at her request due to ill health. Recorded this in Review of the year 2022.

1054 12.02.22
Wrote to Alex Jones of BEIS and now levelling up department.
More computer work. Olivia’s resigned as a trustee so must send in a form.

1053 11.02.22
Wrote to Tom Keeling.
Got entry form from AICO and thought about entry.
Wrote to Phil Burrows to suggest entering together for the IGEM safety award.
Wrote and asked Jonathan if there is a portable mass spectrometer. Told him about the CO+ Group for action & as a resource and that Jim had suggested a training programme
Wrote to Lawson Wight and gave him Jim’s contact details. Told him we may need Sascha Meding.

1052 10.02.22
Meeting with AICO. Tina and Tony. Promised to send links etc.
Another email from Policy Connect. Wrote back.
Rang survivor and had a long chat.
Wrote to AICO.

1051 09.02.22
Need to hear from work group that it would be OK to send form for survivor to Marcus.
Updated work group on a media company and Luke Appleton of Charis.
Wrote to Sue and also Matt of the Fuel Bank. Sent Phil’s quote and also fact that apparently we were told GDNs haven’t spent more than 30% of their ULOLI allowance and how I’d suggested to Luke that it should go to the Fuel Bank. Did emails then phoned a survivor – spent over an hour with her.
Got ready for and had long meeting with Jim Kinnibrugh and Ron Gooding.
Listed things to do.
I’ve got to:-
1. ask around for building and construction lawyers.
2. Ask Jonathan if there is a portable mass spectrometer. We are already a CO+ Group for action & as a resource. Jim suggested a training programme.
3. Write to Lawson Wight and give him Jim’s contact details.
4. We need help from Sascha Meding.

1050a 08.02.22
New case study on website about the death of Michael Frosdick, thanks to his brother’s help.
Stephanie met a new media company at 11.00 – seems the best so far.
Dealt with new technology for tomorrow’s meeting helped by Rich.
Sent email to Adrian McConnell.
Meeting with Luke Appleton of Charis – seems to give funds out from Ofgem – apparently GDNs have only given 30% of the UIOLI funds this year.

1050 07.02.22
Finished letter to Esther Margaret’s daughter and sent it.
Sent email to Anna Clingham at MP Stephanie Peacock’s office.
Sent email to Matt Cole to both email addresses as wasn’t sure of correct email also included ‘Numbers affected by CO’.
Lots of correspondence with survivor in N. Ireland as need to talk to her about most cases settling. She really needs a solicitor. Made a date and time to speak to her on Wednesday at 4.00 p.m. Wish I could find her a solicitor.
Wrote to MP on behalf of a tenant asking if I could send the email to tenant. Offered to write to MP. Fear tenant is being set up.

1049 06.02.22
Worked on an email to Dr Mark Edwards and also one to Adrian McConnell.
Sent Directors and Lord Hunt my original article submitted to Air Quality News and version published.
Sent survivor both House articles and Air Quality News and Numbers affected.

1048 04.02.22
Stephanie attended a virtual meeting with the Fuel Bank at 9.00 ish.
Very moving. Matt has worked extremely hard. Very nice lot and there’s a lady called Helen Tipton from National Grid I need to get in touch with – she’s also a Fuel Bank trustee.
Found out that Air Quality News had just put my article on the website but I think they’ve cut it a lot.
Sent the Crisis report to the directors and asked if anyone could help the Fuel Bank.
Sent the email to Laura Fatah chasing up our previous one dated 07.01.22.
Gary Gray has offered the possibility of being a solicitor for the five survivors.

1047 03.02.22
Sent email to Ollie Lancaster and Ian McClusky.
Heard from Amber Yates and asked her to finish case study.
Received case study from Andrew Page i.e. Michael Frosdick’s and sent to Jenny.
Signed up to Denis Rooker lecture on 23.03.22.
Checked article for Air Quality News and sent it to Jason. Forgot to put anything in it about the cost of energy and all the kerfuffle today about Ofgem and the price cap.
Asked Labmate if they have an expert in Derby to collect and analyze soot for Christine Free.
Wrote to USA EPA about gas emergency service and testing in USA.
Heard from a media company recommending new person who used to work for the BBC so emailed him same docs sent before and suggested Tuesday 8th at 11.00 for a meeting.
Heard from someone who thinks she is either being poisoned by CO or her husband is poisoning her.

1046 02.02.22
Sent Alex Jones BEIS article about cooker leaking methane even when off (and CO and NOx when on).
Dealt with case studies from Jenny – Andy Page re Michael Frosdick.
One from Paul Clements of the Guild AT and also quote re Emma Jackson-Phillips’ father.
Also wrote to a media company.

1045. 01.02.22
Stephanie had a meeting with Frank Brehany at 9.00 about various things. Mainly the opinion. We talked for about an hour. We also talked about CO in planes and how CO isn’t a good marker for other toxins as CO can be made from a chemical reaction causes when the other toxins mix. He’s going to think about the opinion and suggests I might write to the president of APIL but he’ll give it some thought.
Wrote to Eileen Brown (NGN) about their partnership with the CAB but that the CAB don’t know much about CO, so we offered help to them with our 27 years of experience. Also, that CO alarms are excellent death alarms but are not health monitors. Also, that prevention is the answer so servicing matters and the Fuel Bank would help.
Also wrote to Alex Jones Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
about registration of landlords – does that mean licensing. Also to say that surely the easy thing is to require CO alarms in all buildings and work places even all electric and not to exclude gas cookers. How all homes and workplaces should have CO alarms because of generators, barbecues and cars in garages etc. Also, to remind him of our article about landlord’s gas safety check and how they should make testing for CO mandatory.
Spent ages talking to the bank and finally paid John O’Leary. Some weird glitch in the bank.
Talked to a media company who was very nice. He’s recommending us to someone who does animation. He was at the BBC and has a great team. Sounds just the person we need.

1044. 31.01.22
Worked on article for Air Quality News and sent it to work group.
Wrote to Brussels newspaper and offered to write an article – woman had died of CO due to water heater. Did this via form on the website – I hate these but did copy my copy and filed it.
Consultation from HSE re Gas Regs. sent to directors and note in diary – must be responded to before 21.03.22.
Wrote to the New Scientist about the article ‘Our world against us’.
Sent draft email to work group re IGEM and Oliver Lancaster.
Payment to John O’Leary still hasn’t gone through.

1043. 28.01.22
Stephanie corresponded with CORT re talk by Isabella Myers on the 17th February – anyone can attend who is interested so sent to Directors and some survivors.
Corresponded with Jonathan Kane over monitors and standards. He said ‘BS EN50543 covers CO & CO2 monitors like our KANE457’ but Stephanie asked if this standard covers unmanned monitors such as the Lascar?
Wrote to a survivor re her quote and her (EJP)case study.

1042. 27.01.22
11.00 got Alistair Pearson from the Gas Safe Register and had a conversation. Couldn’t find the engineer Dean Witsch from the Baxi list but he sent me a link and later I could. We had a discussion but it wasn’t very helpful – apparently Witsch works for another company that’s registered. All a bit weird.
Jenny has updated the page about the data that needed updating. She’s also got through to Mumsnet.
Prepared addresses of contributors and put House mags in envelopes with compliments slip.
John O’Leary didn’t get the funds but paid later and Paul has authorized it so should be OK now.
Paid the sum due to Dods but not the extra £1,000 because Barclays seems to be a bit odd so thought best to leave it until the other sum has gone through.
Wrote to Project Shout about quoting from their article. Had to use a form which is annoying.

1042 26.01.22
Stephanie read the opinion about how we can help survivors obtain test of air and appliances for CO – not very helpful. Need a solicitor’s firm but which one and will any firm help? Need to chat to Frank.

1041. 25.01.22
Woke up – can’t believe it was 27 years ago that CO-Gas Safety was launched at the House of Commons. Decided to read the report one more time and just as well – talked about need for testing for CO re all fuels and had forgotten to say carbon based. Finished finally and sent with all other documents by about 10.00.
Communicated with Jonathan Kane re App for sweeps.
Sent Jenny the new report of the year 2021.
Asked Jenny to add something to the COHB chart which she did and returned it.
Listened to Today report and wrote to Prof Landray at Oxford uni.
Sent Jenny a page on the website that possibly needs updating.
Continued to send new document references that Rich had put on website, report, data, articles etc. Sent same to victims and those who’d given us quotes.
Asked Rich to put new page on website for quotes. He did so.
Paid cheques and notified Paul.
Tweeted article and report.
Got opinion ready to read tomorrow.
Paul has authorised the payments.
Filed in the evening.

1040. 24.01.22
Stephanie re-read report. Tried to get in touch with Lawson and Paul Clements of the Guild for Master Chimney Sweeps and tried both. Was delighted to hear from Paul Clements. Got a nice email from Isabella too about my chase re arterial blood. Very cheered. Spent most of the day reading my report. Sent to Jenny as well as something in the charts that I needed her thoughts on.
Went on working on report and charts. Waiting for Rich to put House article on website so I can put link in report. Sent House article to all the survivors.
Tried to put it on website but had to ask Rich to do so. He did so got link for the report.
Jenny kindly checked the report.
By the end of the day, it was beginning to look OK.

1039. 23.01.22
Stephanie started to work on the report and found hadn’t finished it as well as first thought. Worked really hard and got it done before lunch time. Sent it off to the work group.
Re-read report and then did charts. Wrote to Jenny about a couple of queries.

1038. 22.01.22
Stephanie worked really hard on the report for 2021.

1037. 21.01.22
Stephanie sent email to Dr Daniela Gentile and Dr Gill Jackson. Sent email to Sir Peter Bottomley re a Housing Task Force. Very kind response from Peter B so I thanked him and then emailed the contact he gave me. O’RIORDAN, Katherine E
Sent email to her with background and that if we could help please get in touch.
Also spoke to Kevin Mercer of Bucks Fire service and then emailed him asking him to talk to the NFCC and ask him to ask NFCC to
1. Could the NFCC please request that the CO alarm manufacturers agree on the same sound for battery running low? This would save confusion and the time of Fire Fighters
2.Could the NFCC please request that the gas emergency service test the air for CO and then relight and test again and if CO is found, test the appliances until the source is traced. Surely the gas industry should be doing this? At least one of the four gas emergency service providers is carrying out a pilot project doing this.

Responded to Karen Rowling who has been kind enough to respond to me on Stephanie Peacock’s behalf, but it would be great if there were efforts to change things which we could support.
Wrote emails to and for survivors.

Added new quote from Pauline to quotes for website.
Write to Lawson and hear from him re Christine and write to her.

1036. 20.01.21 Wrote to a survivor about the email from Gas Safe Register about a RGE who was apparently registered at the time he tested the boiler and found CO but wasn’t qualified under CMDDA1. Forwarded it to survivor with names removed. Email said they couldn’t change the website as there had just been changes.
Got ready for the meeting with Daniela Gentile and Dr Gill Jackson. Had a terrible time getting on to the meeting – probably tried too early. Got on about ten minutes late and they were very nice. They were open about the data being very limited which of course it is. They need more funding to continue although probably CORT will continue. I suggested Chloe Smith Minister for the HSE and data from the GDNs. A successful meeting. I told them that our deaths are really secure and good, and we were the last people to over egg the data. How we’d received £50,000 from Thomas Cook and we’d used the £50,000 to check the deaths. Also, we’d received £100,000 from the family of a dead person. How the GDNs had taken over our poster competition and improved it and how they’d understood what it does – how some survivors wished they had died. Now at least one was undertaking a pilot project testing for CO for vulnerable customers. I also mentioned AICO as a possible source of funding. Because NPIS covers the whole UK it ought to get Government funding apparently. Need someone to draw this together the research, the GDN testing, the data, the research and the protocols and algorithm and help for GPs. Discussed APPCOG. Told them that if HSE said testing was a safety issue, Ofgem would find the funds and anyway there was probably enough.
After the meeting I did some work on the summary. .
Emailed Jason of Air Quality and he still wants my article – I responded that I could send next week.
Got email from Bucks Fire & Rescue and we will talk tomorrow at 4.00.
3.00 p.m. talk from CORT Euan Sandilands – very good presentation by Euan Sandilands but very honest about the difficulty with the accuracy of the data.
Afterwards I worked on the summary. All incredibly depressing really when gathered up. A series of me trying and getting nowhere at least until we got to Phil Burrows’ email.

1035. 19.01.22
I had to finish the article for the House Mag.
Got last changes in 13.01. Jenny brilliantly spotted footnotes in wrong order as they had changed the order of the text. I noticed that ‘registered’ (for ‘Registered charity) wasn’t anywhere so asked them to insert it at the top which they did.
Read the PPP of Dr Gill Jackson and wrote a long letter back with various attachments and later sent the protocol from the Guild and the case study Tina Wilkinson.
*Wrote an email later to Daniela and Dr Jackson about protocols etc.

1034. 18.01.22
Spent most of the morning answering emails. Queried the safety of copper pipe outside the building – Ben Kuchta said it was safe.
Decided the only way to deal with the opinion was for the charity to give instructions so told Keith Nagel to send me what was necessary.
At lunchtime got the new copy from Will. Sent it to survivors and most responded positively.
Considered last sentence. Sent various versions to work group but no response except from Paul O. who liked the shorter one.
Heard from Will that tomorrow lunchtime is the last moment for changes.
Correspondence with Bucks Fire & Rescue which had talked about a ‘small’ leak of CO from a mains boiler. Sent that to Karen and Dave Tubbs wrote back. Asked him to define ‘small’ and sent CO alarm points. Also asked him to send our details to the people exposed.
Sent an email to Jason of Air Quality re an article commenting on the conference and interview with BF – asked for deadline.
Read 2020 summary.
Resent emails asking for PPP from Dr Gill Jackson and Craig Drinkald at presentation on 09.12.21 we weren’t invited to.
Heard from survivor from Addlestone – RGE was registered but we still don’t know if he was qualified under CMDDA1. Followed up email sent on 13.01.22 about Dean Witsch. Still not showing on the register. Showing as ‘Engineer not currently Licensed to carry out work for this business.’
Correspondence with Dr Myhill and concerned tenant.
Wrote email to Will changing the end of the article.

1033. 17.01.22
Stephanie worked on the Wales & West funding application. Worked on the instructions for the opinion.
Worked on copy from the House mag saying I need to cut the article a lot. Decided a second page was the answer and all agreed. Extra £1,000.
Then Will wanted pics for the House article. Sent him Sue Westwood’s from case study and much later got Amber’s permission to send their great family pic.
Inputted the application for funding and sent it at about 4.40 and got it acknowledged automatically. Quite pleased with the application in the end.
Corresponded with various survivors, Amber and others and also our concerned tenant.

1032. 14.01.22
Stephanie wrote to John O’Leary saying liked the way he’d wrapped the text round the pic.
Need a title so gave that some thought and sent ideas around.
Sent latest version to everyone who’d quoted so they could see tightening up of quotes.
Got responses from PM, Tina W, John O’L and Kate. Concerned tenant did respond and will look later but I didn’t change that quote anyway.
Email from James Brunt about Commercial Content – rang him and chatted and sent further email.
Chatted to John O’Leary too.
Received help from Tip Top re odd message that came up on funding application. Managed to get to form and send it to everyone for help.
Sent final article and pics to Will Hamill of House Magazine.
More emails. Heard from Francesca Quint’s Clerk – cost £2,500 to £3,000 +VAT – forwarded it to others.

1031 13.01.22
Stephanie wrote to survivor AY and also to Phil Burrows. Received response from Phil approving quote and text later about talking to W & W.
Wrote to Elizabeth Warwick of W & W U about that and got helpful response but have to get application in by end of Monday. Tried to look at application but weird post came up – sent to Rich to sort out.
Worked on article for House mag. Tuesday morning is final last day – 18th.
Got John’s O’Leary’s picture late and even later he wrapped the text round and so sent it to work group.
Found I hadn’t sent final submission to Adrian on the solid fuel but had asked him to remind me. Apologised to Jim Lambeth. Must send to Adrian tomorrow.
Sent instructions for opinion about instructing experts to Francesca’s chambers and got immediate response.

1030. 12.01.22
Stephanie read an interesting article in Times 2 about ME so wrote an email to Dr Ron Davis of Stanford uni in CA about his son and the cause of ME and his discovery of ATP. Mentioned that perhaps various toxins caused the damage not just viruses but pesticides and CO etc.
Wrote to more or less all the survivors who had given quotes as more or less all of them had responded with positive comments.
Paul Overton rang and I need to make a further payment re two of the payments I thought I’d made.
Heard from Lee Battrick and managed to speak to Alasdair Reay at last. Lovely man so left a message with PC and wrote to him but doubt he will help. Wrote to Lee Battrick too.
Spoke to the concerned tenant.

1029. 11.01.22
Stephanie wrote to Dr James Hanlon – thought I’d missed the talk on the 25.11.21 but later Jenny told me we had attended – hadn’t even put this in our website update. Later explained we had attended and apologised.
Spoke to Frank Brehany in the morning for a catch up.
Spent time reviewing the articles and working on shortening Phil Burrows’ quote so sent to Phil and others to approve.
Thought about the funding application to Wales & West – wrote to Phil first re working with other GDNs.
Wrote to Gerarda Kenrick of CORT to ask if CO-Gas Safety was a stakeholder in Dr Hanlon’s research. Read the whole 54 pages of the report and can’t find a list of the stakeholders. CO-Gas Safety mentioned 7 times although our name is wrong for most of the references.
Read the instructions documents, changed them a bit and sent to work group.
Paid all the outstanding charity bills – five of them and emailed Paul Overton to approve payments.
Filed and then saved all the relevant documents for the instructions.
Wrote to Frank to thank him for his help.

1028. 10.01.22
Stephanie worked on article for House Magazine and talked to John O’Leary about another picture idea.
Worked on air quality article.
Found out that CORT research quoted our data without our knowledge or permission. Considered what to do about this. Drafted an email.
Heard from HSE’s Anna White about GSR’s 8.2
Gas Safe Register Contract Manager and Policy Advisor

‘While it is GSR’s policy not to work on an appliance owned by a landlord without their permission, how a registered business operates in this situation is their choice. We will not be issuing a public edict to those on the register to advise that they are not bound by the consumer policy, because the consumer policy clearly states that “This policy outlines the service that Gas Safe Register offers within our defined contractual remit.” And that “Registered businesses and engineers are not employees of Gas Safe Register”.

HSE is not able to comment on wider legislation or business practice that may lead registered gas engineers to decline work on an appliance without the permission of the person who owns that appliance.

Having checked our records, I can confirm that we have had no queries from Registered Gas Engineers regarding point 8.2 of the Gas Safe registered consumer policy. Please do ask any Registered Gas Engineers who have advised you that they believe that they are bound by the consumer policy to contact HSE on and we will be able to provide confirmation that this policy covers Gas Safe Register’s service, not the services of the businesses registered with Gas Safe Register.’

Wrote draft response and sent it to work group.’

1027. 07.01.22
Stephanie checked email to Laura Fatah and then sent the email.
Worked on article for House magazine and then later sent rough draft to John O’Leary for inspiration for a picture. Then worked on article for Air Quality News.
Email from HVP magazine asking me to write an article – put off until after the 25th January.
Received a good idea for the W & W U funding application – that W & W U do what Cadent is doing.
Amy emailed and will give us a quote.
John O’Leary rang. He’d got my email. We talked a bit. He will think up something.

1026. 06.01.22
Stephanie worked on the draft to Laura again and sent it to work group.
Stephanie heard from the House magazine that they are reconsidering the commercial content point. Stephanie had made the point that for a charity article to have ‘Commercial Content’ at the top made out that the charity was a commercial company and the object of the article was making a profit rather than informing people and trying to save lives and preserve health.
Stephanie worked on the quotes for the House magazine. Heard from one survivor who suggested pollution be mentioned and recalled ‘Every breath we take’ and its mention of indoor air.
Sent Phil Burrows of Cadent a reminder and got a brilliant response.
Over the last 12 months Cadent have continued to raise awareness of carbon monoxide (CO) and have grown their existing initiatives and have piloted other projects that will allow their customer base to be safer in their homes and more knowledgeable on the sign, symptoms and knowledge of CO. As well as signing a 5 year contract with and education provider to reach over 200,000 school children through their Safety Seymour and CO Crew programmes, Cadent had a hugely successful Summer campaign targeting holiday makers and people having a staycation travelling across their footprint. The campaign made in excess of 8,000,000 impressions and used various innovative media to promote CO safety at home and whilst on holiday. Cadents messages could be seen in various places from toilets in services on the M6 motorway all the way through to London Underground stations.

During 2021, Cadent have launched a pilot programme that supports our customers living in vulnerable situations or customers that may be left vulnerable after a Cadent visit. The pilot uses our own engineers who have obtained a further qualification to undertake CMDDA1 testing to identify the source of CO. By using this qualification and undertaking CMDDA1 investigations we are able to locate the source of CO and take the appropriate action to make the appliance safe and then reconnect the gas supply to keep the customer safe and warm in their home.

Stephanie asked if we could use his name and Cadent’s and received yes to both.

1025. 05.01.21
Stephanie started to update work done so far from diary.
Realised from diary that I hadn’t sent email to Laura and the rest because had just sent one to Baroness Finlay and had hoped for a reply. So read it and changed it a bit here and there and sent it 11.10. Rescheduled meeting with Andy from a media company as had said couldn’t do the 5th.
Received a remarkable response back from Laura at 11.46. Sent it to colleagues and sought their views.
Received an email from Elizabeth Warwick of WWU. Received cut off date but not much help on ideas for funding and support group for survivors.
Considered instructions for an opinion about instructing experts. Checked response to Laura and sent to colleagues.

1024. 04.01.22
Had problems saving this article – useful to read before writing an article in response to Baroness Finlay’s interview.
Heard from Ron Gooding & wrote to him. Wrote to Daniela Gentile of the NPIS re our meeting on the 22.01.21 and asked if Jennifer Wood could attend – rang Jenny and thankfully she can attend.
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh about Ron Gooding possibly joining our meeting on the 9th Feb.
Sent letter to Francesca Quint’s clerks re advice for the charity to instruct experts as drafted by Frank.
Tried the survivor with the baby and got her but she’s not available which is odd and disappointing. Wrote her an email that I would wait to hear from her but please to tell me if she’d heard something about us that put her off relating with her.
Heard from Laura Fatah that we weren’t asked to the APPCOG meeting on the 9th December.
Wrote to Daniela Gentile asking for the slides from Dr Gill Jackson.
Wrote to Craig Drinkald asking for his presentation made on the 9th December.

1023. 03.01.22
Wrote to Jim Kinnibrugh and another survivor and reviewed the quotes received so far.
Wrote to the same survivor again and to Sarah Hopkins re Innovation funding application for Wales & West.

1022. 02.01.22
Wrote to a survivor and to Chihiro, the winner of our poster competition years ago and now training to be a doctor.

1021. 01.01.22
Stephanie received an email from Chihiro which was great. Spent quite a while answering.

1020.        30.12.21
Stephanie dealt with CO-Awareness Day Ltd. Found she hadn’t managed to file the accounts although she’d paid and managed finally to do them.

1019.        29.12.21
Found very good helpful article North Sea gas firms could pay windfall tax to help avoid energy crisis. Copied.

1018.        28.12.21
Stephanie reviewed draft email to survivor and sent it off.
Sent email to Ian McCluskey.
Wrote to John O’Leary about the picture and his fab quotes. Also drafted a response to Earl Richards with lots of questions but need to check it later. Sent on 31.12.21.

1017.        27.12.21
Stephanie tried to do CO Awareness Day Ltd accounts (dormant) and did something as money left account.
Filed and also wrote to survivors.

1016.        26.12.21
Stephanie drafted an email to Ian McCluskey and Oliver Lancaster. Received emails from survivors with some very useful quotes.

1015.        25.12.21
Stephanie sent some messages and emails to survivors on their own for Christmas or who had real problems.

1014.        24.12.21
Email looked difficult as no permission from this person to send email address to Stephanie. Decided to ask survivor to seek permission.

1013.        23.12.21
Stephanie wrote email to a contact given to me by a survivor. However, decided to wait and think about it later.

1012.        21.12.21
John O’Leary rang and we discussed quotes and ideas.
Sent the emails to Ilora Finlay and copied to the directors of CO-Gas Safety.
Sent email to Phil Burrows copied to the work group and Phil Hunt.

1011.        20.12.21
Stephanie wrote to our big donor– update and asked for quotes.
Correspondence with John O’Leary for chat this afternoon around 4.00. We need a great idea. But he will send one liners and I feel sure we’ll manage something.
Call from a someone telling us about an air monitor made by Honeywell. Emailed him back.

1010.        17.12.21
Heard from a PR company, wanted to talk 22nd but can’t so suggested 23rd.
Heard from Jason of Air Quality and OK for an article 700 to 1,000 and OK after 7th January.  Recommended survivors contact APPCOG re medical group and Marcus.
Meeting with Cadent – all sounds wonderful. Are going to get something in writing by end of 7th January.
Frank has suggested three barristers for an opinion to see if it’s advisable for the charity to pay for experts for survivors to at least get them to the proof of CO stage.

1009.        16.12.21
Sent email to Marcus and then spent a while on email to survivors asking them for one liners about how CO had affected them. Got response from various survivors. Decided to wait to send email to Baroness Finlay. Sue liked the look of the media companies.
Ben emailed about CMDDA1 and the problem he’d had with one manufacturer. Made the point that there should be a protocol about that.

1008.        15.12.21.
Stephanie spent time on survivor in Addlestone and then drafted an email to Baroness Finlay. Sent it around to work group for input.
Found that a Master had allowed a survivor and litigant in person to amend the claim to include one for personal injuries which is good as the limitation period had expired for that.
Nothing from Marcus or from another solicitor. 
Searched the GSR for Addlestone survivor’s RGE and found him but when I looked to see if he had CMDDA1 found he was no longer registered as working for BAXI. Emailed GSR to ask if he was registered on the 08.12.21.
Rang Amy to find Bev and she gave me some media companies – sent to work group.
Heard from Dan Edwards of SGN.

1007.        14.12.21
Stephanie received an excellent response from Jim Kinnibrugh re survivor of solid fuel who we think is still being exposed.
Survivor rang me – poisoned in Addlestone from a BAXi boiler – new house. Flue not connected. Recommended lawyers by email. Great guy because he is a fire officer. He had evidence of 1,957 PPM of CO Boiler only at risk.
Wrote to survivors.
Suggested date in January for Daniela Gentile from the NPIS.
Wrote to Dan Edwards of SGN about Isla and Scouts.
Wrote to Air quality Jason about article about conference and Baroness Finlay’s interview.

1006.        13.12.21
Stephanie worked on an email to Ian McCluskey.
Got heart breaking email from survivor from N. Ireland. Asked survivor for permission to send it on without her name and email and got it. Sent it to Adrian McConnell of CORT.
Heard from Headway and they obviously have groups to do with localities and injuries.
Wondered about Amber Yates – worried about her so rang her referee who said she is OK as far as she knows and is really keen to help us.

1005.        10.12.21
Stephanie heard from Marcus who explained he couldn’t speak to his financial director due to bereavement. Will think over the week-end – is thinking of a protocol.
Wrote to survivors to keep them up to date.
Got email from Ian McCluskey. This was about ‘managing expectations and the GL/8 expert panel’. However, does the GL/8 panel have any survivors/families on it? Drafted a response and sent to work group for approval. Intend to copy Oliver Lancaster, CEO of IGEM.

1004.        09.12.21
Frank Brehany sent an email with his kind advice about how we go forward re experts and solicitors. Stephanie asked for permission to send it to the others, and he agreed. Sent it at about half past midnight.
Spent most of the day writing to a survivor, a solicitor and an expert. Also, Oliver Lancaster. All rather depressing until eventually OL said ‘I asked Ian to have a look into this and enquire with others on the potential for a public register and suggest he be your direct point of contact on this.’
I replied enthusiastically but asked re gas emergency service. Ian McCluskey also sent me some extract from what happens when a CO alarm sounds. I asked if I could send to the directors and also if he could send the rest of what the extract fitted into.
Lots of emails to the concerned tenant and back.

1003.        08.12.21
Stephanie wrote to Marcus saying had to make a decision today.
Wrote to Oliver Lancaster, CEO of IGEM.
Tried to find a RGE with CMDDA1.Had the phone put down.
Tried to find a solicitor to help the survivors. No luck.
Corresponded with some survivors and a concerned tenant.

1002.        07.12.21
Bad news that Phil Burrows of Cadent not thinking of funding survivors support group anytime soon….spent a little while writing back reminding him that most of our ideas had been gradually taken up by industry, so why not this one?
Spent most of the day trying to find a solicitor, writing to the survivors.
Heard Matt Cole had united with GDNs re fuel poverty which is good news.
Oliver Lancaster, CEO of IGEN was touched by a survivor’s email so that’s something.
Stephanie Peacock MP is now in shadow defence.
Heard Barry Sheerman MP is not standing at the next election.

1001.        06.12.21
Wrote to Paul Clements of the Guild. Heard from a survivor who seemed to like the idea of being a counsellor.
Wrote to Alex Wildish. Wrote to Daniela Gentile about her paper NPIS – spoke to her at Lille – basically her paper confirmed that CO was a problem and that carboxyhaemoglobin only recorded in about 25% of cases. Asked if we could have a meeting/chat either tomorrow or Thursday – otherwise maybe January.
Was rung by a Council tenant from Scotland – Lanarkshire Council – great as eventually got a solicitor in Balfour Manson to take her on.
No luck with the solicitor I hoped would help though which is really sad. Asked BM if they know any solicitor in England who could help. 
Wrote to Marcus Weatherby of Pattinson & Brewer re being our solicitor for the survivors.

1000.        05.12.21
Stephanie heard part of Sunday – Girton didn’t give degrees until 79 years after the women took the exams. Found that hard to believe but checked and it’s true. Decided there needed to be a Ladybird book on women’s rights and wrote to the publisher Penguin. Also, should be books on CO and Economics.

999.        04.12.21
Messaged our younger son Paul and rang him. Talked to him about Isla, the scouts and the CO game.
Heard from a survivor with her idea of support group – got her permission and sent her email to Hayley Tranter and Phil Burrows of Cadent to talk about on 17th December. Caught up with a lot of emails but 31 outstanding.
Rather odd email from another survivor with a gas safety certificate recently.
Odd article about migraine and those who had migraine had high levels of CO and NO2. Hopefully found someone to write to and wrote to her.
Heard from Charon McNabb re CO alarms and put post on website – alarms good at high levels but not at low ones.

998.        03.12.21
Stephanie wrote to Alex Wildish re solicitors.
Emailed Charon McNabb of NCOAA (US) because she had kindly emailed me.
Spoke to another solicitor about acting for survivors and then emailed him. He will let us know on Monday.

997.        02.12.21
Stephanie spent most of the day trying to get through to Slater Gordon but not successful.
Sent email to Ollie Lancaster. Asked Gary, survivor’s solicitor to help too. Wrote again to solicitor (senior solicitor in the firm) about a long standing solid fuel case.
Heard from John McNally MP re the miners and responded.
Heard from survivor who doesn’t dare have the vaccination and send query to Isabella Myers and forwarded it to Laura Fatah. Responded to same survivor.  

996.        01.12.21
Stephanie wrote email to those concerned about Wobbe.
Stephanie spotted tweet by Stephanie Peacock MP about the miners’ pensions and rang her office asking for the letter as could hardly read it and want to send it to my MP and others. Had a lovely chat with Anna who works for SP. Must write later and did later in the day/evening.
Continued to try to find firms to represent survivors. Also rang a friend of a survivor.
Noticed Stephanie’s tweet about People and Planet poisoning and about Caroline Lucas’ new economic model (sustainable) has attracted 80 views.
Worked on email to Oliver Lancaster, CEO of IGEM. Ready to send first thing now.
Sent draft email to Laura Fatah to work group.
Correspondence with a senior partner about a survivor because the solicitor dealing the ongoing exposure doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

995.        30.11.21
Stephanie worked on the presentation for the afternoon and added a slide about the gas emergency service. Gave PPP to Age UK IOW and audience was great and asked a couple of questions. Helen (runs it) lovely and very helpful. Dealt with PPP and added copyright and sent to Helen.
Resent to Aspen Morris and then later rang them and was told they weren’t interested.
Sent round robin to survivors about lack of solicitor…
Texted another solicitor and sent email.
Sent reminder to a survivor.
Corresponded with Dan Edwards of SGN and told him about Isla so send Isla an email as Dan would like her group to test the materials SGN has provided. Copied to Paul Trotter.
Wrote to someone late about the Wobbe number.  

994.        29.11.21
Stephanie worked on PPP for Age UK tomorrow and sent to Helen of Age UK IOW.

993.        27.11.21
Stephanie thought about the Guild’s app and Paul Clements’ list of questions and worked on that a bit. Looked up Apps. Need to find out more – no time at the moment and need to hear from Paul Clements about software used by most sweeps for bills. Stephanie caught up filing about 60 emails plus some things I had to do including writing to another firm of solicitors to act for the survivors.

992.        26.11.21
Stephanie reviewed draft emails to Lord Hunt & Phil Burrows and sent them off.
Wrote email to Alex Jones Policy Advisor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Social Housing Directorate re Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regs. Resent email to another solicitor asking her to represent a survivor.
By email suggested to UKEIC that AICO and Project Soter might help.

991.        25.11.21
Stephanie had a virtual meeting with Alex Jones Policy Advisor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Social Housing Directorate at 11.00 about the smoke and CO alarm Regs. Mentioned the levels and EN alarm points. Very good meeting. Eddie Hughes MP is his Minister.
Stephanie and Jennifer Wood attended the webinar by CORT Dr James Hanlon about solid fuel.

990.        24.11.21
Stephanie wrote to two survivors.

989.        24.11.21
Stephanie tried to contact a family in our village of Seaview in the Isle of Wight who had had a carbon monoxide incident.

988.        23.11.21
Stephanie attended a W & W U virtual meeting on at 10.00. Really nice people. Was complimented on a succinct summary of what we do. Apparently, they want to work with Cadent.

987.        22.11.21
Stephanie received a nice email from Oliver Lancaster CEO of IGEM.

986.        22.11.21
Stephanie related with various survivors and tried to organise an expert to visit and inspect and test for CO.

985.        20.11.21
Stephanie wrote to the brother of someone who died of CO many years ago. who will give us a case study.

984.        19.11.21
Stephanie wrote to Jane Blackwell of EIC as she’d written an encouraging email in response to mine about a month ago. She is putting the idea of testing to ‘the engineer’, whoever that is. Stephanie wrote to various survivors.

983.        17.11.21
Stephanie heard from Alex Jones, Policy Advisor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Social Housing Directorate

982.        16.11.21
Stephanie sent the email to Oliver Lancaster and Ian McCluskey at IGEM and attached ‘Giving CO nowhere to hide’

981.        15.11.21
Andy Speake of AICO cancelled our meeting – Tina was ill with Covid. Stephanie rote to Andy.

Survivor rang. Stephanie sent him a quick line to outline the questions he needed to ask a solicitor or CAB.

Stephanie heard from Matt Cole that the money should be in the charity account and it was.

Stephanie wrote to Stephron Baker-Holmes of HSE re 8.2 and 8.5 and re Paul Christie.

Stephanie heard good news from Cadent.

Heard that a RGE we know has his CMDDA1 qualification so we can use him now.

980.        12.11.21
Stephanie rang Sue Westwood and went over Air Quality conference.

Stephanie wrote draft to CEO of IGEM, Oliver Lancaster.

979.        11.11.21
APPCOG meeting at 10.00 to 12.00. At meeting it seems that Ian McCluskey is setting out procedure for what to do if an alarm sounds. Stephanie tried a recent survivor, but she did write back to say she’s just under a lot of pressure but wants to help. Stephanie sent Laura Fatah the update after working hard on it.

Update from CO-Gas Safety for APPCOG meeting 11.11.21

We list our work done on our website  This is quite detailed.

General highlights

  1. Jersey competition

Jersey Competition fell foul of Covid and possibly lack of enthusiasm from educational leaders in Jersey. So, it’s being postponed to next year. Phil Burrows from Cadent and Safety Seymour have been and are being very helpful.

Through doing this and through our data, we have discovered a new CO danger.

Open air carbon monoxide poisoning – deaths in the USA – boats/swim platforms

UC Bearcats midfielder Ally Sidloski, 21, drowned at East Fork Lake in Ohio on May 22 2021.She’d been hanging onto a swim platform. Inquest not yet held.

Little Andy Free, aged nine, had been “curled up” at the back of his family’s Malibu Skier at Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma in early June 2020, “slowly dying” of open air carbon monoxide poisoning his devastated mom wrote on Facebook 

Afton Taylor died in June 2019 in Northeast Ohio after carbon monoxide poisoning on a routine boat trip: his parents want to warn others

Also, be aware of CO in harbours and on boats even when at least some of a canvas cover is open. More on this later we hope.

  1. Beth Cheshire’s research on CO and dementia and even low levels of CO causing adverse health effects including dementia.

This is very interesting but extremely worrying.

‘These findings are concerning, indicating that even small increases in CO, below the recommended World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines, are associated with adverse health effects. This suggests that even extremely low-level CO exposure may in fact be harmful given sufficient exposure time. Furthermore, air pollution has also recently been identified as a dementia development risk factor in later life (>65).’

  1. Lack of investigators to work for us or solicitors even with us paying a lot

We have been working as usual. We have at least 6 survivors who need gas investigations. They are leaving their gas appliances cut off and not repaired because they want an investigation into suspected problems and/or have them relit and tested for CO. However, we can no longer find gas experts willing to act as investigators. CORGI Technical and Morgan Lambert cannot help our survivors as apparently there are too few investigators for their own work.

Cost of investigations – seems gas suppliers and possibly landlords can obtain this service for hundreds, whereas survivors and are charged a hugely inflated price – thousands or tens of thousands. We have reliable information that gas suppliers and some social landlords are charged £240 at most. Of course, it may be that the jobs done are different but we don’t think so. Most cases don’t ever go to any kind of court proceedings – there is no legal case and survivors don’t want to litigate.

Further worries – possible scams by Gas Safe Registered firms turning up at jobs for Councils but never doing them. Morgan Lambert didn’t tell us we were wrong about this – indeed they seemed to agree that this was happening. This is extremely worrying. We mention this because this could be affecting gas safety generally and CO in particular.

  1. Ofgem announces £450m Strategic Innovation Fund yet apparently GDNs don’t relight and test for CO every visit – why not?

So why isn’t CO tested for at every opportunity?

Recent article about Alzheimer’s in the New Scientist by Hannah Thomasy 06.11.21 page 46 & see advert on page 51 saying up to 40% of dementia cases could be prevented but no mention of pollution or CO as far as we can tell.

Again wouldn’t testing for CO be helpful for prevention?

  1. Issue of CO’s effect on Covid, vaccine and long Covid.

Need for a survey. Could COMED please comment?

From Sue Westwood – ‘I’m in a Facebook group and the amount of people who have had TIAs (i.e. mini strokes) after having the vaccine is scary! Several had one after the Pfizer jab too. It also looks like many TIAs get misdiagnosed as migraine, as mine did.’

  1. COMED – we need help

Young mother of 6 week old baby poisoning in a holiday caravan along with her husband.  Saved by a CO alarm. Attitude of medics that ‘we were making the whole thing up’. Requirement of arterial blood.

Is there anything the COMED group can do to discourage medics requiring arterial blood?

Can COMED please educate medics about CO?

Can COMED find out the cost of testing dead person for CO? We’ve been trying to find this out for decades.

  1. Our article published in the House (of Commons) magazine article 27th September – a website version with footnotes is on our website.


  1. Constant monitor for CO & VOCs can now be bought. … But presumably this does not operate as an alarm? Wish it did. Perhaps APPCOG could contact Amazon and ask for this to be added?
  2. Case on Reg. 36 (6) is awaiting leave to go to the Supreme Court.

‘…a copy of the last record made in respect of each appliance or flue is given to any new tenant of premises to which the record relates before that tenant occupies those premises…’

Also, the landlords’ gas safety check still does not specifically require a test of the air or flue gasses for CO? Why not? We highlighted this years ago and our article in the New Law Journal lists all those who supported this change see  Pimlico Plumbers; Dominic Rodgers Trust; Katie Haines Memorial Trust; Frank Brehany, Consumer Campaigner; National Landlords’ Association; the Gas Industry
Safety Group; Gas Safety Trust; All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG); and the Institute of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM).

APPCOG could help change the Regulations.

Questions from CO-Gas Safety to APPCOG and its members

    1. Is there any news on legislation for CO alarms for England and Wales?
    1. No testing surely equals no data. But surely the GDNs must have lots of data now?

What do the GDNs do in the form of testing for vulnerable customers now?

Are those who’ve been exposed to CO given the names of any organisations which could help further e.g. CO-Gas Safety, NEA etc.

Most importantly, are those who are exposed given something in writing/digitally telling them what levels of CO were found to take to their medics and families? Surely people exposed to a deadly gas have a right to be informed?

Wrote to Will Hamill about House mag and put date in diary. Found an expert at last for survivors, 3 in London, 1 in Egham, 1 in Leeds and 1 in Canterbury who sent his CV.

Found data protection officers for Cadent and Wales and West Utilities

Helen Angell.   


978.        10.11.21 Stephanie attended the Air Quality Conference at Lords Cricket Ground. Talked to Jenny Ogden which was very nice. Went into lecture hall but after two or three talks Baroness Finlay talked – various people asked questions and then Stephanie. Stephanie said how pleased she was that Finlay had talked about indoor air, low levels and solutions. Could include accurate monitors for CO etc. – need for a standard for levels lower than for CO alarms. Meanwhile free testing at least for CO. Baroness Finlay said testing would cost a lot of money and doctors too busy with Covid. Stephanie replied that testing only added 5-7 minutes to each visit (research by Northern Gas Networks) and Ofgem has plenty of funds. Saw Laura Fatah and she asked for the research. Stephanie wrote to Laura with research.

977.        09.11.21 Stephanie wrote to Laura Fatah of APPCOG and also Andy Curtis of COGDEM about CO alarms and testing the sensor. Laura responded and thankfully APPCOG feels the same as we do about using a can of CO to test the sensor. The problem with the can is that there is no standard that has been created as far as we know.

More work discussed with Paul Clements of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps about data on solid fuel.

976.        08.11.21 Stephanie sent a tweet to Hannah Thomasy about the New Scientist Causes of Alzheimer’s not mentioning pollution or CO. Wrote email to Prof. Anne-Marie Minihane Uni of East Anglia re advert opposite this article about how 40% of dementia cases could be prevented re pollution and CO. Sent her the Mexico city article and Beth Cheshire’s.

Got Mumsnet to reinstate account but still can’t get it to work.

Stephanie wrote to James Brunt and Will Hamill of House Magazine to object to ‘Commercial content’. Heard from Wales and West re data protection.

Corresponded with someone who has just acquired the City & Guilds qualification as an expert witness.

974.        05.11.21 Stephanie asked all the GDNs for the contact details of their Data Protection officers.

Also, if each GDN is covered by the Freedom of Information Act & Environmental Protection Act and Regulations? If each GDN is not covered in a legal sense, does each GDN consider its business works to the spirit of this and similar legislation?

973.        04.11.21 Stephanie started to work on an update to the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group for the 11.11.21 meeting.

972.        03.11.21 Stephanie received an official no from Morgan Lambert – several reasons given but main one is the lack of experts to investigate and test. Stephanie checked with correspondence with CORGI Technical and much the same reason given.

971.        02.11.21 Stephanie read an offer of funding from Wales & West and rings up. Apparently our work is just the sort of thing they are looking for. Stephanie signed up for a presentation on the 23rd and send to the directors. Sue Westwood has also signed up.

970.        02.11.21 Correspondence with Paul Clements of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps about the data and the fuels involved in deaths. Paul had questions about the data and how we categorised some of the appliances and fuels. Stephanie sent this to Jennifer Wood, our data officer who responded today. Stephanie then asked Paul if he would agree to this exchange being on the website and he agreed and it’s now there under our News dated 02.11.21

969.        01.11.21 Stephanie updated website with carbon monoxide poisoning in the open air under maritime CO and asked Rich to make the links live.

968.        01.11.21 Stephanie had a chat with Roland Johns about his course which he says he has updated. Stephanie asked him to send the latest version.

967.        27.10.21 Stephanie had a meeting with Andy Speake, Tina Mistry and Tony Boyle of AICO which went very well. A further meeting is planned.

966.        26.10.21 Stephanie had a meeting with CIPHE Kevin Wellman and he was extremely helpful and pleasant. He might know an expert who could help. Later sent a recommendation.

965.        25.10.21 Stephanie had a meeting with Morgan Lambert. They were very nice but say they are finding it difficult to keep up as the expert investigators are very scarce.

964.        20.10.21 Stephanie and Jenny are working on various case studies. Also helped various survivors with letters to various agencies such as HSE.

963.        19.10.21 Stephanie had a very good meeting with Jane Blackwell who seemed to understand the need to relight appliances and test, so survivors have some proof. Jane kindly wrote down some questions such as, do the GDNs now relight and test for CO and if so, if CO found, do they give the PPM to the survivors for their medics? Jane will be putting these to the GDNs. Wrote to Jane and explained that if HSE told Ofgem testing was a safety issue, Ofgem would find the funds.

962.        18.10.21 Stephanie talked to a referee of one of the survivors and learned that the oximeter isn’t accurate on CO cases. The referee promised to find an authority for this.

961.        15.10.21 Great email from a survivor who has found a list of gas expert investigators on the website and has written asking for one.

960.        14.10.21 Stephanie wrote to Phil Burrows and it’s agreed that costs of the Jersey Safety Seymour and the competition publicity will be shared.

959.        14.10.21 Stephanie wrote to Alan Parker of Morgan Lambert and he offered a teams meeting.

958.        13.10.21 Stephanie downloaded WHO’s climate change COP 26 report The Health report for climate action which had some interesting material. Honour all citizen’s right to health.

‘Momentum is growing to recognise the human right to health, life, and to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, e.g. in the form of ongoing discussions around a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council29, as well as through a growing number of litigation cases around the world30.’

957.        13.10.21 Stephanie communicated with survivors and chased up some references for one of them.

956.        12.10.21 Stephanie related with a survivor of CO poisoning and relayed other experiences of the Covid vaccine from others poisoned by CO.

955.        12.10.21 Stephanie again related with a survivor of CO poisoned in a car and spoke to her at length. Stephanie tried to contact a lawyer and find an expert to visit her.

954.        12.10.21 Stephanie wrote to Stephron Baker-Holmes of the HSE asking for him to visit Paul Christie a tenant in London. She asked Stephron for some gas expert investigators to visit this tenant to write a report and offered to pay. Also, to prosecute for lack of a gas safety certificate.

953.        30.09.21 Stephanie related with a survivor of CO poisoned in a car and will spoke to her at length. The whole family has been badly affected but they can’t prove anything which is difficult.

952.        28.09.21 Stephanie wrote to CEO of IGEM Oliver Lancaster congratulating him on being appointed but asking for leadership particularly on testing for CO.

951.        28.09.21 Stephanie decided to write to Eileen Brown, Customer Experience Director of NGN about the fact that CO-Gas Safety hasn’t got through the first round and sought advice and did so.

950.        27.08.21 Stephanie heard that the CO-Gas Safety application to set up a new body to do what CO-Gas Safety does has not got through the first round even. ‘The volume and standard of proposals were very high and unfortunately, this proposal has not been progressed to the elevator pitch session at the conference. The challenge leaders went through a detailed process of assessing all of the proposals and found that other candidates submitted proposals which were better suited to the NIA Governance arrangements and focus areas of the call. They also wanted to feed back that there are already groups looking at gas safety, including parliamentary groups and GDN collaborative groups.’ Disappointing as our application seemed to tick all the boxes in the VCMA document from Ofgem but unsurprising.

949.        27.09.21 Stephanie gets round to finishing email to Rhys Blakely the Science correspondent of the Times. Here’s hoping he will understand the science.

948.        23.09.21 The person who contacted us (see 933) is now less concerned about the Wobbe index because he’s been told that 20% of hydrogen is to be added to natural gas in the pipes. However, he is keeping his concerns under review.

947.        23.09.21 Stephanie wrote to Chris Bielby after receiving support for change to test provided licence conditions changed. Stephanie wrote suggesting how these conditions could be changed by HSE requesting that testing was a safety issue. Stephanie suggested Chris seek support for this from industry and write to the Minister for HSE.

946.        23.09.21 Stephanie received the accounts back from the accountant and forwarded to the work group. The accountant also sent a list of donations from 2011 which were also forwarded to the work group.

945.        22.09.21 Stephanie paid some charity bills and found the list of sums paid had been corrupted so will have to re-enter them.

944.        20.09.21 Stephanie heard from Chris Anderson that we have his support for the application to EIC, which is brilliant.

943.        13.09.21- 16.09.21 Stephanie worked on an article for the House magazine and got it off in time. Publication will be on 25.09.21.

942.        15.09.21 Stephanie had a very good meeting with Matt Cole of the Fuel Bank.

941.        15.09.21 Stephanie had a really good conversation with Amber Yates, the lady with a baby of 6 weeks and together with her partner they had a CO alert and thankfully their CO alarm saved them. Amber is keen to help the charity work.

940.        14.09.21 Stephanie had an excellent meeting with NGN about customers in vulnerable situations and the time flew. So good to see Eileen Brown and some others mainly women. Such a productive meeting with everyone contributing new things and the enthusiasm was amazing.

939.        13.09.21 Stephanie sent the form to EIC asking for funding to set up a new properly funded body, independent of the fuel industry but funded by it using a model similar to the Advertising & Standards Authority. Amended it and sent it again.

938.        12.09.21 Stephanie received lots of support including Matt Cole from the Fuel Bank and Ben Kuchta, fellow of IGEM.

937.        10.09.21 Stephanie had virtual meeting with Richard Hynes-Cooper and Steve Dacre of NGN. This was a largely helpful meeting.

936.        09.09.21 Stephanie heard that the Katies Haines Memorial Trust will support our application to EIC which is very good news.

935.        08.09.21 Stephanie worked on seeking support for the application to EIC.

934.        08.09.21 Stephanie read an interesting case about an electrical fault that caused heat and decomposition and therefore CO cause of the carbon monoxide leak was found to be in a wire inside pipe insulation that had burned due to an electrical fault. The temperature in the pipe insulation was low so the wire did not cause a fire but was slowly decomposing creating carbon monoxide.

933.        07.09.21 Stephanie had an interesting presentation from an interested party in the gas industry about the Wobbe index.

932.        06.09.21 Stephanie worked on application for ENA conference.

931.        01.09.21Stephanie had a Zoom call with Phil Slatter of Freedom Media re film of Pierre Chays on his boat and the CO from the engine.

930.        31.08.21 Stephanie wrote to Housing Ombudsman about the gas safety issues they’d been dealing with as reported in September’s Gi magazine.

929.        31.08.21 Stephanie had a zoom meeting with Shona Smart of ecomScotland re our online learning about CO.

928.        31.08.21 Stephanie spoke to someone in Jersey who seems to be an independent gas expert investigator and also spoke to Lee Battrick marine investigator who invested Ken Jeffery’s death.

927.        25.08.21 Stephanie received interesting email from Dan Edwards of SGN.

926.        20.08.21 Stephanie considered whether a legal opinion was needed on various issues.

925.        19.08.21 Stephanie sent email to Dan Edwards of SGN asking about how they test for CO for vulnerable consumers.

924.        Stephanie registered CO-Gas Safety with ICO and paid £40. Also confirmed CO Awareness Day Ltd was not trading.

923.        17.08.21 Stephanie had a teams meeting with ecomscotland about a Christmas warning. Good meeting and sent their email to work group. Stephanie received a response from Dan Edwards drafted an email in reply and sent to work group.

922.        16.08.21 Stephanie received an email from Anna White from the Welsh HSE about the policy 8.2 of the Gas Safe Register. Stephanie responded with:-

Thank you very much indeed. We are very grateful to you for clarifying this.

You should know that ordinary RGEs think they are bound by 8.2 and need the landlord’s permission before they test an appliance for CO. They are therefore refusing requests to test appliances for CO for a tenant even when we offer to pay up front before they do the job. Even those qualified under CMDDA1 refuse.

Could the HSE please issue a public edict so the RGEs hear direct from HSE? Also please ask the Gas Safe Register to make a public statement and tell their registrants.

We think this rule (8.2) with regard to the Gas Safe Register’s inspectors is wrong. I attach our ‘comic strip’ which illustrates the difficulties for tenants.

I add that it is extraordinarily difficult for even home owners, to find someone qualified under CMDDA1 or City and Guilds to test appliances for CO. We cannot find anyone who is a qualified gas expert investigator and court witness to do this now. It was always difficult but now we can pay for this, this seems impossible. This is surely a breach of natural justice?

I am sure as a prosecuting authority you understand the importance of evidence gathering. At the moment the system makes it impossible for consumers to obtain evidence of exposure to CO even for their medics and families. This leads to incorrect treatment, waste of NHS resources, further distress and a lack of awareness of the dangers of CO. We would welcome discussing this with HSE.

I take this opportunity to draw your attention to the numbers affected by CO, based on the small university studies. We would be glad to discuss this with you as a matter of urgency.

921.        04.08.21 Stephanie wrote again to HSE and Ofgem under the FOI Act re their lack of consultation under the MOU and Gas Acts.

920.        04.08.21 Stephanie wrote to Gi Magazine re the report of the IGEM safety conference.

919.        02.08.21 Stephanie corresponded with Matt Cole of npower who put her in touch with someone in Cadent.

918.        23.07.21 Stephanie heard from Adrian McConnell and then polished briefing note and made it as from CO-Gas Safety.

Stephanie sent Shona more info about what we thought was important for Christmas message for Shona’s Friday afternoon group think.

Stephanie heard from the couple who had been poisoned in a BBQ hut.

917.        22.07.21 Stephanie had a call with James Brunt and Will Hammell re putting something in the House Magazine (House of Commons). Hard to work out whether it’s worth it or not and whether to go for print or online. James and Will very nice and trying to be helpful.

916.        21.07.21 By email Stephanie asked Andy Ogden from Morgan Lambert to confirm that ML can’t provide expert investigators to CO-Gas Safety and to give us reasons.

915.        21.07.21 Stephanie emailed Coroner’s officer David Freeman from the Oxford Coroner’s court about experts and recommended Morgan Lambert although having checked ML and also Qualitas which is another branch (which does Housing Associations and the like) say they can’t help CO-Gas Safety.

914.        20.07.21 Stephanie emailed Kerry Potter to tell her that her case study was now on our website and thanked her again.

913.        20.07.21 Stephanie had a very good zoom meeting with Shona re our e-learning course that she is putting together. This is coming on well.

912.        20.07.21 Stephanie finished email to Baroness Finlay and briefing note having had suggestions from the work group and sent it about midday.

911.        19.07.21 Stephanie spoke to Stephen Iredale about his cut off system.

910.        16.07.21 Stephanie worked for a few days on a briefing note for the Minister for HSE, Mims Davies MP to send this to Baroness Finlay to send to the Minister.

909.        15.07.21 Stephanie emailed Adam John from Utility Week – recommended by Matt Cole. Later had a chat with him and sent a lot of documents to him.

908.        14.07.21 Coroner’s officer David Freeman asked if we knew any gas experts. Stephanie recommended CORGI Technical.

907.13.07.21 Stephanie finished list of work done and sent it to the work group to read. Stephanie had a conversation about the House Magazine.

908.        12.07.21 Stephanie worked hard on list of work done.

907.        10.07.21 Stephanie sent a response to Laura Fatah who had pointed out that maybe CO-Gas Safety ought not to be continuing to lobby for testing the air and appliances for CO. Stephanie pointed out that CO-Gas Safety supports any measure that might help save lives or prevent injuries etc. even if it wasn’t top of CO-Gas Safety’s list, but that we had come back to testing as necessary for safety and for data etc. and also to help survivors obtain the right medical help.

906.        09.07.21 Stephanie sent Laura Fatah, manager of Policy Connect detailed comments on the CO Data Workshop held on the 1st April, notes sent towards the end of April. This was also sent to Baroness Finlay, Barry Sheerman MP and Peter Bottomley MP and also our directors and patron Lord Hunt.

905.        08.07.21 Stephanie Trotter received approval from Stephanie Peacock’s office for her name to be on our notepaper in the form suggested.

904.        08.07.21 Stephanie had a good meeting with Kerry Potter and Dan Edwards from SGN. Hectic day dealing with flyer and special Jersey leaflet.

903.        07.07.21 Stephanie had an excellent meeting about developing an e-learning course about CO for consumers.

902.        06.07.21 Stephanie worked hard on the response to the CO data workshop held on 01.04.21 and notes sent at the end of April. Too busy to do this until now.

901.        05.07.21 Stephanie talked to Jennifer Wood, who inputs our data, and she will be updating our CO alarms page on our website.

900.        30.06.21

Stephanie responded to Baroness Finlay – letter in italics

‘Dear Ilora

We were delighted to receive your letter dated 23.06.21* to Mims Davies MP, Minister for the HSE asking the government to consider requiring the Gas Emergency Service’s First Call Operatives (FCOs) to test appliances for carbon monoxide (CO) when its presence is suspected.

*but Adrian has just explained, sent 28.06.21.

Obviously, we are waiting eagerly to hear if your suggestion is accepted.

We do have some ideas that in our opinion, could greatly assist your excellent initiative. You may already have these in mind and/or be doing them.

  1. I noticed that the letter is only from you as Chair of the CO Research Trust (CORT), not also from the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group. Perhaps you could possibly ask the rest of APPCOG for support for this? Perhaps you could also seek the views of the stakeholder group? Following your letter up with a show of support from many organisations such as APPCOG, the Gas Safe Charity, the Fire & Rescue Service, the Katie Haines Memorial Trust, ourselves etc. could surely help?
  1. Your last paragraph states ‘I appreciate that there are economic and regulations implications for such a change…’. We do understand that regulations might be needed or be helpful. However, surely it would help if you pointed out that this initiative needn’t cost Government any funds because if HSE asked Ofgem to do this, Ofgem could simply require the gas emergency service to do this via its licensing conditions?

Also, perhaps it might help to inform the Minister that reducing deaths and injuries from CO would presumably reduce the £178 million cost to the taxpayer for the known deaths and injuries from unintentional CO, let alone the unknown ones.

  1. We wondered if it might help to point out that testing by FCOs was recommended by HSC/E in 2000 after an exhaustive gas safety review and with the support of the majority of the stakeholders who are mainly industry? This might give confidence to the Minister that this issue has been well researched, had industry support and also improve HSE’s morale.
  1. We also wondered if you could possibly request a meeting with the Minister about this and ask to take some survivors, families and bodies such as CO-Gas Safety and the Katie Haines Memorial Trust with you?

We do have other comments that might help but these are our main ideas for you to consider with regard to your letter to the Minister.

We’d be happy to liaise with Adrian with regard to the other possibly helpful ideas we have for you to consider in order to persuade the Minister to fully consider your request to require the Gas Emergency Service’s First Call Operatives (FCOs) to test appliances for carbon monoxide (CO) when its presence is suspected and to agree.

Thank you very much indeed for writing this letter to the Minister.’

899.        30.06.21 Stephanie heard from Cassi the mother of the nine year old who died from open air CO poisoning in the USA. Little Andy Free, aged nine, had been “curled up” at the back of his family’s Malibu Skier at Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma in early June 2020, “slowly dying” of open air carbon monoxide poisoning his devastated mom wrote on Facebook. Cassi is bravely trying to raise awareness of this new danger of open air carbon monoxide poisoning. We had heard of people dying in the States and Canada from using a swim platform when the engine was still on and producing fumes but not while sitting in a boat.

898.        29.06.21 Stephanie sent a report to Laura Fatah about what CO-Gas Safety had been doing lately as this hadn’t been approved by the work group, before the APPCOG meeting. Stephanie also chased up a case study.

897.        28.06.21 Stephanie worked on some case studies. Stephanie also received from Adrian McConnell a letter written by Baroness Finlay dated the 23.06.21 to Mims Davies MP asking the government to consider testing air for CO. This was brilliant news, but she was writing as Chair of the CO Research Trust only not as a co-chair of APPCOG.

896.        24.06.21 APPCOG meeting. Stephanie mentioned the need for testing because survivors find it so difficult to be believed by medics. Stephanie Peacock MP was present for the photo launch of raising CO awareness over the summer, which was lovely.

895.        23.06.21 Stephanie had a very productive zoom meeting with the authorities in Jersey Pierre Chays, Linzi Duckworth and Robin Fitzgerald. They were all very helpful especially Pierre Chays Assistant Registrar of Shipping and Harbour Pilot who offered to make a film of him on his boat as he’s found his CO alarm goes off when he starts his engine. All the members of this group have offered to print and distribute a flyer about the competition we’re running on Jersey and produce a special Jersey edition of our leaflet. These are now on our website

894.        21.06.21 Stephanie had a good chat with Louise Baldock who is a Liverpool Councillor who tragically lost her fiancé to CO in 1999. Stephanie would like to work with Louise.

893.        For the last three months, at least, Stephanie spent a lot of time selecting and talk to media companies. Sue Westwood has also helped with this.

892.        During June helped several survivors or tried to. It’s getting almost impossible to find a gas expert even paid thousands to investigate, test for CO and write a report.

891.        14.06.21 Stephanie wrote to Laura Fatah, manager of Policy Connect re APPCOG and re her

presentation about CO alarms for the IGEM conference which was very good. Stephanie wrote about the fact that it’s very likely that CO alarms are going to be made mandatory for all rented property, which have appliances powered by carbon based fuels, except cookers. That we would naturally welcome this although we think other things should be done as well, ‘for example testing for CO/servicing at the landlords’ gas safety check and more enforcement on landlords’ gas safety checks/certificates to prevent CO in the first place. However, we would welcome a discussion on the consequences of these changes, which we’d be happy to do via email.’ Stephanie suggested that perhaps Laura would like to include Adrian McConnell in this discussion?

Trotter told Laura that the charity is glad to hear that APPCOG is arguing to include (not exclude) cookers in this hoped for/expected legislation about CO alarms.

‘Do you realise that Government used data CO-Gas Safety collected, collated and published to exclude cookers? Yet we have always argued that we only receive the tip of an iceberg of data and that our deaths are merely illustrative of the detail in the cases we do receive because:-

  1. There is no automatic testing on death for CO, so goodness knows how many deaths are caused/contributed to by CO let alone which appliance and
  2. At the moment there is no easy way for anyone who suspects they have been exposed to CO, but survive, to find out which appliances has been emitting CO.

As the government has, in our opinion, wrongly used our data to justify excluding cookers with regard to mandatory CO alarms in rented property, we are surely in a unique position to assist and support you in your argument?’

890.        10.06.21 Jonathan Kane visited Stephanie in the Isle of Wight to catch up. Jonathan gave Stephanie a useful personal CO alarm and ID holder designed for registered gas engineers. Range 0-300 PPM and accuracy +/- 5 PPM to 100 PPM.

889.        09.06.21 Stephanie gave talk at the IGEM Safety conference (virtually of course see Trotter had tried three times to get used to Hopin the software IGEM uses and had had help from Tip Top Computers who had never heard of Hopin but still found it very difficult. No questions were asked which was disappointing. The title of the talk was ‘Why testing for CO matters’. IGEM kindly allowed survivors to access free, but nobody seemed to have managed this although several told Stephanie they had tried.

888.        03.06.21 Stephanie had a zoom meeting with Matt Murphy, BBC journalist writing an article about the inquiry into All Party Groups. Frank Brehany also attended.

887.        26.05.21 Stephanie wrote a Face Book comment on Cassandra Free’s FB page asking her to contact us. Cassi tragically lost her nine year old son to CO on a boat – this was open air CO poisoning. Stephanie sent her email address and asked Cassi to write to the charity.

886.        26.05.21 Stephanie wrote to Baroness Finlay about the urgency of testing dead bodies and the gas appliances of survivors for CO. That without testing there is no data, and without data there is no change and improvement.

885.        26.05.21 Stephanie accelerated the complaint about the lack of a gas safety check and certificate for a Council tenant Trotter’s been trying to help for years to Pat Kelly of HSE.

884.        25.05.21 Stephanie tried to find an independent gas expert court witness for a survivor. All seem to have retired except for CORGI Technical. IGEM is kindly putting out a call for such experts.

883.        25.05.21 Stephanie having related with Linda Mee of IGEM sent out details of talk at IGEM on 09.06.21 to survivors. IGEM will allow them to attend free which is very helpful.

882.        25.05.21 Stephanie had a long session with techy Richard Banks of Tip Top Computer.

881.        25.05.21 Stephanie heard from IGEM that all survivors etc. could attend the talk about CO on the 9th June free so she sent out an email to many contacts.

880.        24.05.21 Stephanie had another meeting on zoom with another media company.

879.        24.05.21 Stephanie chased a Coroner for a test for CO of someone deceased and related with their family.

878.        20.05.21 Stephanie reported the lack of a Council tenant’s gas safety check and certificate to HSE.

877.        20.05.21 Stephanie heard about another media company. She also wrote the terms and conditions of the Off-Griders’ competition. She also gave a talk to some people about carbon monoxide arranged by Karen Lock of Bucks Fire & Rescue. They were a really great audience and asked some excellent questions.

876.        18.05.21 Stephanie found our submission about All Party Parliamentary Groups had been published on the House of Commons website. See

875.        18.05.21 Rohit Chakrobarty answered an email Stephanie had put out ages ago. Rohit had written some research on wood burners and pollution. Stephanie had inquired about research to prove well serviced gas appliances emitted less pollution or not as the case may be. Mentioned Dr James Heydon.

874.        18.05.21 Stephanie heard from Stuart Upton of BRE about the fragrance sticks setting off CO alarms. Very helpful couple of articles. Responded to him and sent to work group and Joanne Elsey.

873.        18.05.21 Stephanie had a very helpful chat with Adam Scorer of NEA (National Energy Action).

872.        14.05.21 Stephanie and Sue had a zoom meeting with another media company.

871.        11.05.21 Stephanie spoke to Nick Rosen of the Off-Gridders about a competition. Also, a media company.

870.        06.05.21 Email from Pat Kelly of HSE – it seems that mentioning the HSC/E’s recommendations is discouraged, despite the fact that testing of gas appliances for CO is needed.

869.        Stephanie caught up with some survivors – news not good.

868.        04.05.21 Stephanie had a meeting on zoom with another media firm.

867.        30.04.21 Stephanie sent the Hansard report of MP Stephanie Peacock’s adjournment debate around.

866.        29.04.21 Stephanie Peacock MP has kindly agreed to be CO-Gas Safety’s Labour party Parliamentary friend.

865.        27.04.21 Stephanie talked to Sadie Dainton of BSI and was promised a free version of some British Standards which is excellent. Stephanie had sent in a complaint because when she agreed to pay around £300 for a standard, she was told either she could choose the printed version or the virtual version but not both unless she paid again. This didn’t seem logical or reasonable.

864.        27.04.21 The work group agreed to ask Stephanie Peacock MP to be our Labour MP and Trotter wrote quite a bit about CO and how to prevent it to her researcher.

863.        26.04.21 Stephanie wrote to Steve Brown of Ofgem and copied to Peter Bottomley MP and the directors and Laura Fatah of APPCOG.

862.        25.04.21 Stephanie and Sue Westwood are undertaking a lot of work to find the right media company for our media campaign. Stephanie had a reasonably good idea for a Christmas warning but is hoping for better ones.

861.        23.04.21 Stephanie related with Margaret Jeffery about the competition in Jersey. Wrote some rules.

860.        21.04.21 Stephanie Peacock MP gave her adjournment debate in the House of Commons see Stephanie circulated this.

859.        21.04.21 Stephanie gave a talk at the cross departmental committee of civil servants about CO.

Gordon Samuel made a good point about a neighbour a medic who worked at St Georges saying maybe lots of elderly people rushed in with respiratory problems were really CO. So why isn’t this followed up with testing at the homes of such people? Are they being allowed to go home without being told to at least ring the gas emergency service?

858.        16.04.21 We heard that Stephanie Peacock MP has got her adjournment debate.

857.        15.04.21 Stephanie had a virtual meeting with Roland Johns to update the course he put together with help from the original PPP for schools and huge help from John O’Leary who very kindly made new drawings where needed. Stephanie sent updated charts and statistics to Roland.

856.       14.04.21 Stephanie had a Teams meeting with Andy Speake of AICO and also his marketing colleague Alex Garmston about the fact that the AICO CO alarm can have its data downloaded onto a smart phone. We discussed how to make sure this was easy for people to understand and will be making a film. Sadly, Sue Westwood wasn’t able to attend this meeting as she is unwell after a Covid-19 jab.

855.        13.04.21 Stephanie wrote to the Chief Coroner about a case concerning a man who could have died of CO in February. The deceased’s brother asked the Coroner to test for CO because the gas boiler for the building (8 rooms with a communal laundry room where the boiler was situated next door to the deceased’s room) had work done a few days before the death of the deceased. The pathologist refused to test for CO because he said the blood was ‘the wrong colour’. Stephanie managed to persuade the Coroner to ask for a test, but it will take weeks probably until the 21st May. The Coroner’s officer told Stephanie that if the police had asked for a test, it could take four months or longer if the police forgets to send the samples. Stephanie considered this wasn’t good enough, particularly where others could be at risk.

854.        01.04.21 Attended the APPCOG meeting chaired by Baroness Finlay which was all about data. Had sent her an email the night before about the need to test for CO if the data was to be collected accurately.

853.        26.03.21 Stephanie decided after a meeting with Jane Blackwell and Anthony Reid that the design specification for the funding application intentionally excluded testing for CO by the gas emergency service so wrote to say that we would have to withdraw and not make a presentation.

852.        25.03.21 Stephanie had a meeting with Stephanie Peacock MP over Teams. We had a very good meeting. Wrote to her and her researcher who is also very good and sent lots of documents. We discussed APPCOG.

851.        19.03.21 Stephanie sent an email to Neil Atkinson CEO of IGEM

‘I hope you are well.

I wondered how this was going? I’ve copied Roland in because I am sure you recall that he offered to help. I can’t think of anyone better to help you than Roland Johns, retired British Gas investigator and trainer but someone with very modern attitudes – more thoughtful and futuristic than many young people in gas. How he escaped being imbued with the same old ‘do it as it’s always been done’ and ‘sweep any problems under the carpet’ attitudes is beyond me, but he would be ideal. He’s heard nothing from you, and you might miss your opportunity if you don’t chase this up as soon as possible.

Please don’t ask him to do anything on March 31st in the afternoon as he’s kindly promised to help us on that afternoon.’

850.        18.03.21 Stephanie heard we’d got through the first round re the EIC and will be invited to make a presentation to EIC on 31.03.21.

849.        16.03.21 Round table on CO – putting safer heating at the heart of building renovations. Stephanie attended this meeting.

848.        09.03.21 Submitted first application to EIC.

847.        05.03.21 Stephanie Trotter wrote to Oona Muirhead with Laura Fatah, Baroness Finlay, Barry Sheerman MP and Peter Bottomley MP also copied in about the need for HSE to consult with Ofgem and vice versa as required under the Mou and for the need to implement the HSC/E recommendations made in 2000 to raise awareness and test gas appliances for CO and to clarify/change the landlord’s gas safety check to be a test for CO or a service. Various others were copied in.

846.        04.03.21 Stephanie Trotter attended the Stakeholder meeting of APPCOG. Baroness Finlay there at the start but otherwise no members of Parliament.

CO-Gas Safety’s update to the stakeholder group of APPCOG

We marked 26 years on 25th January 2021 – Lockdown hasn’t stopped our work.

We haven’t brought out an annual press pack but written a summary and a press release to announce some incredibly generous donations.

I’ll send the link to Laura and will just give a few headlines.

£100,000 anonymous donation in December 2020

£2,150 donation from the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps in March 2020

£22,134 donation from npower in December 2020

£20,000 pledge from Kane International for a 1 year CO awareness campaign

Filming isn’t easy in lockdown, but we know we can start soon.

We are now considering productive ways to use these donations. It’s a bit like waiting for a bus for 26 years and then four turn up at once.

We continue to press for implementation of recommendations made by HSC/E in 2000 because they are still essential – we are still surprised to find, even amongst the fire brigade & gas industry, awareness & knowledge of prevention is still low.

We are working well with the GDNs – particularly Cadent and NGN. Cadent has allowed access to the online Safety Seymour by the schools in Jersey for a competition to take place. However, Jersey is outside the UK so it looks as if CO-Gas Safety will have to supply the prizes which, now we have funds, we can now do.

We are very concerned symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus including Covid.

Like Covid, testing for CO is vital – Without testing appliances it is unlikely survivors will be found to be part of St George’s planned research.  We do have a couple who were poisoned in a barbecue hut who have proof of CO from a picture of a digital CO alarm, and they are happy to help provided they can keep anonymous as they will be taking legal action.

We also press for legislative changes such as the landlord’s gas safety check to include mandatory testing for CO and for CO alarms to be mandatory in all properties.

We’re disappointed our data was used as justification to exclude gas cookers from the Consultative Document on extending Smoke & CO alarms Regs. We are very glad Baroness Finlay and APPCOG are also taking up this issue.

We’ve always maintained, until there is automatic testing for CO, the number of deaths from CO is unknown – Testing survivors is even more complicated.

We continue to support survivors & families but what they really need is proof for their medics and families – This would also give rise to data which we know is missing.

Finding someone to test appliances for CO is even harder because many independent gas experts have retired.

Data was supposed to be collected from 75,000 homes from research announced as funded in 2015. This would have been incredibly useful, particularly when analysing CO risks from solid and other fuels.

If testing was performed by the gas emergency service this would produce similar data, although using dataloggers in randomly selected homes would be even more useful.

Ofgem recently said “If HSE asked Ofgem to find funding for GDNs to test appliances for CO, Ofgem would find the funding”.

Sadly, HSE has ignored our request to meet as has the office of Mims Davies, MP, Minister for HSE – If APPCOG asked for a meeting with her, they might have better luck. So please will APPCOG do this?

845.        16.02.21 4th anniversary of the death of Ken Jeffery. Very good article by the Jersey Evening Post with Margaret, Ken’s widow and Emma, Ken’s daughter on the front page. This was put on the website

844.        13.02.21 Stephanie had a very good zoom meeting with Margaret Jeffery, Rod McLoughlin from the Jersey Evening Post and Margaret’s stepdaughter, Emma. This was to discuss the fourth year anniversary of Ken Jeffery’s death and the efforts being made to bring awareness about CO to Jersey using the materials made available online by Cadent.

843.        07.02.21 Stephanie wrote to the Times about the sad death of Dave the Englishman in Austria in a mountain hut. She also wrote to three journalists on Twitter asking to be put in touch with the family and also the Austrian Embassy.

842.        06.02.21 Stephanie wrote letter to the Times about energy cap being raised and gas emergency service.

841.        05.02.21 Stephanie spoke to Roland Johns about his zoom meeting with CEO of IGEM Neil Atkinson – all seems promising.

840.        04.02.21 Stephanie received an email from Neil Atkinson, CEO of IGEM

‘ It appears to be a ‘CO’ day! 

2 opportunities: 

FYI – IGEM is  potentially interested in exploring how this project could be taken forward – it may present the opportunity to perhaps involving some of the thoughts you have been expressing. 

On a separate point IGEM is now firming plans for a virtual Gas Safety Conference – June 6, and CO will feature within the programme as a Stream. It would be good to get Roland’s offering announced as an e-course at that point in time.’

839.        02.02.21 Stephanie wrote to Bob Seely MP and copied to all the directors including Andrew Rosindell MP and also Peter Bottomley MP about the need to implement HSC/E’s recommendations and particularly to test for CO and need for action and asked for help to see the Ministers, particularly Mims Davies MP and Min for HSE. Peter kindly responded.

838.        28.01.21 Stephanie wrote again to Mims Davies MP Minister of the HSE

HSE and what Mims Davies could do to improve morale and give a quick win for the government and Conservative party

Dear Mims Davies MP, Minister for the HSE,

Please see attached increase in call outs for carbon monoxide (CO) incidents reported by the London Fire Brigade (increase of 10% see Please note that symptoms of CO are similar to any virus including Covid-19.

There are a few straightforward things that you could do that would help prevent deaths and injuries, are Covid-19 related, show the electorate that the government cares about them and which would also raise your profile.

  1. On behalf of HSE ask Ofgem to find the funding for the gas emergency service to use equipment to test the air and the emissions from gas appliances for carbon monoxide. Testing should be done ideally every time they call or at least when carbon monoxide is suspected.                                                                                                                                                                             
  2. Call for the recommendation made by HSE to impose a levy on the gas suppliers to raise awareness of the dangers of CO and for research in 2000 to be imposed at last. We’d prefer the whole carbon fuel industry, but the gas suppliers are easier to reach. We also suggest funding is needed for victim support. This would need Parliamentary time.                                                                                                            
  3. Lead on a call for a change/clarification of the law for:-                                                                    (a) The landlord’s gas safety check to be either a service or mandatory test of the flue gasses or ideally both. Please see this has industry support This might be done under secondary legislation. Why isn’t a test of the flue gasses for the deadly gas carbon monoxide (which can’t be sensed using human senses) already mandatory?                          (b) Landlord’s gas safety check and certificate – basically aim was for this to be done before tenant signed agreement or occupied the premises but other legislation governing notice to quit has resulted in a nightmare of contradictory legislation. Please could HSE clarify this. Please see and and

837.        27.01.21 Stephanie talked to Patricia Rouncefield for two hours see and and She’s waiting to hear if she’s got Legal Aid for an application to leave to the Supreme Court. It’s an issue of public importance – whether the lack of provision of a gas safety check can be cured after the tenant has taken occupation. Stephanie agrees with Moylan’s dissenting judgement in the Court of Appeal which seemed to boil down to – the difference between the law on gas safety and the laws on things like deposits is that gas safety is a health and safety issue. Reg. 36(7) of the 1998 Gas Safety Installation and Use) Regulations. Also Reg. 36 (6). Main point of discussion was what to do if LA refused. Various options discussed.

836.        22.01.21 Stephanie worked again on the press release, report and list of work done. Stephanie was contacted by the Independent about lots of gas explosions. Sue Westwood and Jim Lambeth gave Stephanie feedback on the press release and report etc. Learned about SF6.

835.        21.01.21 Great news from Phil Burrows about the CO awareness competition going online see Stephanie put a post on our website and congratulated Phil. She also wrote to Margaret Jeffery in Jersey.

834.        21.01.21 Stephanie had a conversation with Patricia Rouncefield who is waiting to hear if she has Legal Aid to go to the Supreme Court on her case. We agreed to talk on Wednesday 27th January.

833.        19.01.21 to 25.01.21 Stephanie worked on press release and report. She checked the charts and the sheet of statistics. This work was done towards publication for the charity’s 26th anniversary.

832.        18.01.21 Stephanie wrote also to Matthew Bateman, CEO of British Gas about the need for a test of gas appliances for CO from the gas emergency service and/or British Gas and also asked for British Gas to take a lead on safety as CO was a safety issue and relevant all over the world.

831.        18.01.21 Stephanie wrote to Mims Davies, Minister for the HSE, pointing out that she was responsible for the HSE and gas emergency service, which should test gas appliances for CO.

830.         29.01.21 Stephanie received the following from Neil Atkinson, CEO of IGEM

‘Stephanie – my apologies, but with year end etc this one slipped too far down the inbox.

Thank you for sending through your 2020 Report.

I have just confirmed a time with Roland for a connection but I don’t have Andy’s details immediately to hand (perhaps you could forward so I can pick up there?). I also plan to raise the question of research with GISG.

FYI we now have a Gas Safety event in mind for late Spring and this might well be of interest to the group.’

829.        26.01.21 Stephanie sent a follow up email to Neil Atkinson, CEO of IGEM

‘I do hope you are well. We would appreciate a response to our suggestion that there might be research by a university. Obviously, we are hoping that IGEM could call for this and possibly help fund it?

There are other issues in our email dated 06.01.21 (relating with Andy Gibbs, talking to those on the receiving end of the ACS course, training the trainers, mentoring inexperienced gas engineers etc.) and we’d greatly appreciate a response. We’d be more than happy to help in any way that we can.

I attach our press release and report of the year 2020.

We seem to be attracting a great deal of support which is brilliant, but we can’t do this alone. We need the gas industry to support what needs to be done and we need the leaders of the gas industry to at least call for change and improvement. I do so hope that this will happen.’

828.        06.01.21 Stephanie sent an email to Neil Atkinson, CEO of IGEM

 Many thanks Neil. It is much appreciated that you’ve taken the time and trouble to engage seriously with us. is quite a long document, so I haven’t had time yet to read all of it. Correct me if I’ve not read enough, but it seemed to me to just find that 2% were ‘ID’ (Immediately Dangerous) and 4% were ‘at risk’. Did you know that Katie Haine’s* boiler was declared ‘at risk’ and she and her husband didn’t realise this was dangerous and sadly she had a bath and died of drowning due to becoming unconscious from CO? *Katie Haines of the Katie Haines Memorial Trust – you may have heard about her parents, Gordon and Avril Samuel?

Instead of testing by a commercial company, I was thinking of a study by a university.  Namely research in randomly selected homes of heating and cooking appliances:-

  1. Before maintenance
  • A test for efficiency & fuel economy.
  • A test of the flue gasses for CO and ideally other products of combustion.
  • A test for these gasses in the living space and
  • A test for these emissions into the atmosphere.

Date of the installation and the last service and chimney/flue sweeping/testing, if any, and whether who did that was qualified/registered or not.

  1. After maintenance and correction of any installation problems
  • A test for efficiency & fuel economy.
  • A test of the flue gasses for CO and ideally other products of combustion.
  • A test for these gasses in the living space and
  • A test for these emissions into the atmosphere.

If this study hasn’t been done, perhaps it could be done now? If the findings are what we all hope they will be, then the results could be presented to the general public and Government as a wake-up call to get appliances properly installed and maintained. The reasons could be numerous, from saving fuel costs to saving the planet, the people inside the homes, their children and their health.

Gas, coal and wood could also be compared with, we suspect, gas coming out way on top.

If the findings are not what we hope them to be, at least we’d find the truth and perhaps hasten the hydrogen revolution and/or perhaps stimulate a filtering system for flue gasses in homes?

Data is constantly attacked for not being impartial – yet these days most universities seem desperate for funding. Therefore, in my opinion they are not necessarily impartial. But the assumption/illusion that they are still hangs on – just as there is an assumption/illusion that the Gas Board still exists…

Perhaps funding could be obtained from several sources and those with different interests consulted at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of this study. Also, an agreement at the start could ensure that although views are taken into account, there is no obligation to tune the results to the wishes of those who’ve funded the research. These safeguards could ensure such a study is as impartial as it’s possible to be.

Talking to those on the ground

You have already shown you are willing to do this by engaging with us and we are very grateful. Victims of CO, survivors of CO exposure and their families and those who represent them are the most affected. But RGEs are also hugely affected.

I had a very interesting chat with Andy Gibbs yesterday, a RGE for about 30 years. I’d be most grateful if you could reach out to him re the ACS course. If you would agree to this, he told me yesterday that he would be happy to talk to you. In my view some of the problems have been caused by those in high positions refusing to even speak or listen to those ‘on the ground’. If you are interested in improving training then in my opinion you could also speak to Ben Kuchta, who is one of the IGEM trustees. In your shoes I’d want to talk to everyone but perhaps starting particularly with those on the receiving end of the ACS course?

Training the trainers

Have you had time to get in touch with Roland Johns since Christmas? Roland would be ideal to train the trainers. There are others too such as Dave Bendle, who has just retired.

Mentoring inexperienced RGEs

As a young barrister I was always able to comfort myself with the fact that nobody was going to die as a direct result of my incompetence or lack of knowledge. However, inexperienced RGEs can’t comfort themselves with this and it can’t be easy for them. Perhaps, a formal mentoring scheme already exists?

If not, it would surely be such a help and an inducement to attract more decent RGEs to the industry if RGEs with a problem could have a formal way of reaching out to someone with years of experience? These days with iPhones and iPads it’s a lot easier to communicate by showing pictures of the boiler etc. to the mentor. Retired or semi-retired investigators and trainers could do this from home etc. IGEM could lead by setting this up.

Thank you again for your response. We really want to help you improve the system for the sake of all those involved.’

827.        05.01.21 Stephanie received an email from Neil Atkinson.

‘Ian has just reminded me that the SGN Oban report is a thorough study: which apparently concluded that appliance maintenance, servicing and replacement when required produces a 7-fold reduction in the absolute risk.

As poorly maintained gas appliances increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and gas leaks reminding the public of the importance of staying gas safe and having their gas appliances (heating, fires, cookers) serviced regularly by a Gas Safe Registered engineer is a key message.’

826.        14.12.20 Trotter and Sue Westwood had a zoom meeting with Neil Atkinson CEO of IGEM. We discussed the lack of testing for CO by the gas emergency service and asked for IGEM’s views and influence to change this.

On the 15.12.20 Trotter sent an aide memoire of this meeting:-

‘I started by drawing attention to your article in Gi Magazine and your first paragraph which greatly encouraged us, ‘WITH THE ENERGY transition upon us, our industry is at a fork in the road. Perform well and we have a bright, interesting future with high quality jobs ahead. Conversely, the industry faces a terminal decline if it does not respond with excellence.’  We agree wholeheartedly with this.

We started discussing gas being the cleaner fuel than coal or wood. I asked for some authority about this and explained that being a lawyer I always felt I had to have one. I have since found the attached ‘Natural gas really is better than coal’ 14.02.20.

We think natural gas does have a future but we are concerned that people might think wood is more ‘eco’ because it can be renewed. We are also concerned that wealthier people will turn to hydrogen leaving poorer people to gas with far fewer gas engineers, who may perhaps have falling standards of expertise. However, we consider that CO is a worldwide problem, and that safety could earn the gas industry huge profits abroad by educating the public and raising standards of the training of gas engineers as well as systems such as Gas Tag.

We discussed that the gas emergency service lacks equipment to test gas appliances for CO.

I suggested that testing the air and ideally the appliances for CO is necessary to:-

  1. Identify the source of the CO if any and
  2. To provide the survivor with some idea of how much CO he or she has been exposed to in parts per million, so medics give the correct medical treatment.

Sue then explained that after she collapsed at home several medics asked her if she had been taking cocaine; that her doctor didn’t test her for some days and by then the test result was negative for CO. She was poisoned for several years from 2003-2006. She had had a new house so didn’t think to have her boiler serviced for a few years. When the warranty for her boiler ran out in 2006, she wanted British Gas to take it on under a service agreement. The RGE (Registered Gas Engineer) from British Gas inspected the boiler for this purpose and found that the flue had not been attached. I attach the case study.

This is exactly what happened when Zoe Anderson, daughter of Chris Anderson of TED talks, died of CO. The RGE had not attached the flue. We agreed that these were basic failures. We discussed how perhaps check lists that are used by pilots, and now in operating theatres, might prevent these basic mistakes but perhaps even better so could testing using a flue gas analyser as a check at the end of an installation.

You asked me who my contact was in HSE and it is Jill Wakefield. I commented that HSE has not seemed very interested in gas, perhaps due to lack of funds.

I submitted that we thought the gas emergency service was the best body to test gas appliances for CO because they were on the spot and were somewhat apart from selling gas or installing and maintaining gas appliances, so likely to be more impartial.

I mentioned that Ofgem had recently told me that if HSE required the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO that Ofgem would find the funding for the GDNs to do this.

We then discussed how survivors could at the moment obtain an investigation and the PPM of CO they were probably exposed to. I explained that survivors could only do this with huge difficulty. The first problem for a survivor was knowing that they’d been poisoned by CO because many people don’t even know CO exists. Then, even if they suspect they’ve been poisoned by CO, obtaining a blood or breath test is difficult and due to time elapsing, usually produces a negative result which is often dangerously false. I also explained that when a survivor obtains a service of his or her gas appliances, (which is what survivors are encouraged to do by the gas emergency service), the service understandably destroys any evidence of CO.

Survivors can obtain the services of a RGE who is qualified under CMDDA1 but it is extremely difficult to find firstly a firm that offers ‘fumes investigation’ and secondly an individual RGE with the CMDDA1 qualification. Please visit Also most survivors don’t know this – why should they? Many people in the gas industry don’t even know this.

Usually the only thing a survivor can do, if they know it’s needed, is to pay at least £3,000 for an independent court expert witness to investigate and test for CO. Most people can’t afford to do this. Therefore the number of proved CO cases are very, very few. Doctors then think CO is rare. However, please see where we’ve tried to extrapolate from the small studies which are very worrying. We were delighted that a large study of 75,000 homes was apparently funded by the Gas Safety Trust in 2015 but that this never happened due apparently to cut backs suffered by the Fire Service.

I have attached our ‘comic’ strip, pages 1 & 2 to try to explain in simple terms how difficult it is for survivors. Please also see my article in the New Law Journal 2020 attached showing the ‘Catch 22’ (i.e. to prove CO; you have to prove CO’) nature of proving exposure to CO where a legal claim may be necessary, due for example, to severe injury caused by negligence.

We also discussed Dave Bendle’s article which I’ve attached and happened to be opposite to yours in the Dec/Jan Gi Magazine. His is about the Unsafe Procedures, Procedure and my point was that the lack of testing gas appliances for CO is not mentioned – indeed only the products of combustion are mentioned. When there are perfectly good flue gas analysers that can be used to test gas appliances for CO, this really does seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room. This is particularly relevant when symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid. We know Dave reasonably well and really like him but in our opinion, the system needs leadership from the professional body.

I also told you that if work has been done on a gas appliance within the last 6 months, the Gas Safe Register will send an inspector who will usually try to persuade the survivor to accept the RGE who may have done the poor work in the first place. However, the inspector will test the gas appliance for CO, but if the survivor is a tenant, the inspector will only do this with the permission of the landlord. Please see attached policy of the GSR 8.2 and 8.5.

This is the policy of the Gas Safe Register so we cannot see that it applies to individual RGEs. However, RGEs seem to assume that it does and we’ve had problems trying to obtain the services of RGEs with CMDDA1 to test the gas appliances of tenants, even though we have offered to pay before they even visit. In other words it’s not that the RGEs with CMDDA1 are concerned about payment from a tenant, it’s that they think they are bound by the policy of the GSR. This feels medieval. We have written to the GSR for many years about this and tried to persuade them to change this policy.

We discussed the training course for RGEs. I told you about Roland Johns, a retired British Gas investigator and trainer who put together a course for RGEs to inform them about the dangers of CO from fuels other than gas. I attach the latest version of his course. The easiest way for you to read about this is to visit our website at We would be grateful if you could read these pages. CO-Gas Safety and Roland Johns won the 2017 H & V News Safety award for this course (please see picture below this email). However, sadly this course was not incorporated into the ACS course, although colleges were told they could use the examples and case studies used in it. Roland is sadly and understandably disillusioned that all his hard work seems to have just faded away. I am copying him into this email and I am sure he would love his experience and expertise to help improve training for RGEs.

We went on to discuss the HSE and the success we had in 2000 in obtaining the recommendations made by HSC/E. We made a presentation in January 2000 to HSE officials and we considered this had quite an impact and resulted in these recommendations made in August 2000. However, they have not been implemented; I have heard that the HSE assumed that they would be adopted voluntarily. I attach the yellow booklet (but will send it separately as it’s 4 MB). This booklet contains accounts by survivors and others made in January 2000 and in our opinion it was the survivors who engaged the emotions of the officials to make these recommendations. I suggest it’s too long to print out but please read it particularly from Section 5. However the earlier parts are about Molly Maher’s tragedy and this is the inspiration for all our work.

We moved on to discuss the landlord’s gas safety check. Please could possibly you read my article in the New Law Journal 2018 about this? Everyone seems to agree that it would be far better for the landlord’s gas safety check to require either a test of the emissions from the gas appliance for CO or a service or ideally both. However this requires a legislative tidy up.

The last thing I raised was the issue of Public Liability Insurance. I explained that when CORGI registered gas engineers, CORGI was in effect, just a club and therefore could make PLI a condition of membership. However, the GSR can’t require PLI as it has by law to register gas engineers who have the relevant qualifications and pay the fee. Therefore, although most RGEs thankfully have PLI there may be a few one man bands who don’t have PLI. If one of these RGEs negligently exposed someone to CO which resulted in the survivor needing, for example, 24 hour care, then this would be bad for both sides. Therefore again, this is an issue needing a legislative tidy up.

Lastly you discussed the CO conference next year and I did make the point that we’d never been allowed to speak at an IGEM CO conference although I am an IGEM member. You very kindly said that ‘that was the past, we’ll look to the future’ or words to that effect. I attach a brief CV. If I did speak I would like some survivors to tell their stories as they have informed us of all the issues we raise.

Thank you so much for saying that the aim is gas safety. We really do appreciate that very much indeed.’

825.        13.01.21 Stephanie asked Jill Wakefield of HSE if Stephanie could give a presentation at the next cross-party meeting and also attend. The response was that the group was only for department heads so she could not. Stephanie responded with the fact that she had given a PPP on 2009 at this group. Stephanie found the PPP and sent it.

824.        Stephanie received an email from Jennifer Plews head of PR at British Gas. Although this was a pleasant email Stephanie did not think this was a proper response to her email to Matthew Bateman CEO and did not think Mr Bateman was taking the charity’s concerns seriously. We think that Mr Bateman should be dealing with this serious issue about safety and policy himself rather than delegating it to PR, however capable his head of PR is.

823.        13.01.21 Contacted by a couple who had bought a BBQ hut and were poisoned by it – over 250 PPM of CO according to a digital CO alarm. First case of 2021. Wrote and then talked to them and recommended Slater Gordon and an investigator.

822.        Related with a film maker re Molly Maher over the possibility of a film about her.

821.        Worked on updating ‘List of work done’ – ‘what we’ve done so far’. Also helped a friend who is having problems with having her gas maintenance contract fulfilled adequately.

820.        18.12.20 Stephanie signed the accounts and sent them to the accountant who filed them.

819.        14.12.20 Stephanie and Sue Westwood had a zoom meeting with Neil Atkinson, the CEO of IGEM. The main purpose of this was to discuss the fact that the gas emergency service did not test gas appliances for CO, and it was almost impossible for an ordinary survivor to obtain such a test of gas appliances. We also discussed the training of Registered Gas Engineers. Stephanie asked Roland Johns to contact Neil about our course on CO for RGEs and he did so.

818.        08.12.20 & 09.12.20 Stephanie attended some of the GDN (Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service) conference.

817.        07.12.20 Stephanie had a telephone conversation with Adrian McConnell of the Gas Safety Trust to talk about the fact that the research into 75,000 homes promised as funded in 2015 has not been completed and to discuss if CO-Gas Safety has any survivors who’ve got proved CO within the last two years who would be willing to help with research. Stephanie said she would think about this but couldn’t be sure. In any case there needed to be proof of CO exposure to be eligible which is the problem of course!

816.        07.12.20 Trotter followed up with an email to Nigel Winnan of Wales & West Utilities about funding and support for changing the landlord’s gas safety check see 18.03.20 below.

815.        03.12.20 Rebecca Scarlett had a zoom call with Robert McLaren of Policy Connect about Ofgem.

814.        01.12.20 Zoom call with Rob Lyon of Playfair marketing about a CO-Gas Safety awareness campaign.

813.        25.11.20 Stephanie had a Zoom call with Chris Anderson of TED Talks – Ideas worth spreading. It was so good to meet him at last albeit virtually. Stephanie would have travelled to London to see him and met him in a park as he suggested but it was too soon after her husband John had his burst appendix with gangrene removed on the 18th November so it had to be virtual.

812.        23.11.20 Sue Westwood gave a BBC Radio Manchester interview.

811.        21.10.20 ITV interview by Sue Westwood, trustee & director countrywide about her experience of CO.

810.        20.11.20 Deadline for submission to the inquiry into the All Party Groups but this is extended until 04.12.20.

809.        17.11.20 Stephanie attended IGEM’s virtual conference. It seems that gas will be around in homes for many years and possibly decades to come. However, the outlook for hydrogen is very hopeful.

808.        17.11.20 Stephanie received an email from Jill Wakefield of HSE that the next meeting of the cross departmental committee would be in April 2021.

807.        14.11.20 Stephanie chased the HSE for the date of the next cross departmental committee meeting. Made the point that due to CO having similar symptoms to those of Covid-19 this was a vital topic.

806.        14.11.20 Stephanie puts interesting blog on news part of website.

‘Fail! Survey finds shocking number of unsafe gas boilers in the UK including the private rented sector.’

On fifth of those questioned didn’t know that an annual service was recommended.

805.        10.11.20 Stephanie attended an NGN (Northern Gas Networks) stakeholder event and as a result sent an email to Richard Hynes-Cooper of NGN, Eileen Brown and David Turner-Bennett of UK EIC. Amongst other things Stephanie asked if NGN, and ideally all the GDNs, could ask to see HSE and ideally the Minister for HSE, Mims Davies MP, to ask for the recommendations made by HSC/E in 2000 to be implemented. Also Stephanie asked if she could give a talk about CO if that is possible. Someone mentioned today that most people at the meeting knew about CO and it was members of the public that need to be made aware. This is very true. However, we also find that even those within the fuel industry who know about CO, do not fully understand the picture from the survivors’ point of view. Therefore, they do not fully appreciate how to prevent poisoning in the first place. For example, raising awareness of servicing was mentioned but not everyone, especially at the moment, can afford to have their gas appliances serviced which I think was discussed.  In our experience, survivors or family members nearly all want others to avoid what happened to them. We talked to them and they all came up with very good ideas and that’s how we came up with the ideas behind the recommendations made by HSE.

804.        05.11.20 Stephanie had a chat with Paul Hewson (who has helped us before through the Royal Statistical Society) about our data and numbers affected and whether he could get hold of the John Moore’s research done 2011-12.

803.        04.11.20 Stephanie talked to Jonathan Kane about an awareness campaign.

802.        02.11.20 SGN zoom call.

Attended by Jonathan Kane, Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter (PO and ST attended late as couldn’t get onto zoom).

Grant Taylor updated the group:

230,000 calls & 50,000 repairs per year

20,000 connections a year – 5,000 fuel poor

1,000km mains gas replaced per year

2,000 contractors & 3,500 staff

11% call outs CO / fume related – 18,879 of 176,843 – Sept – Mar peaks

Ryan Smith presented upgrade to their gasco-seeker, funded by Ofgem’s development fund

SNG plan to use CO test equipment from March 21 .. FCOs roll out within 3 years ..

SGN will consider using BS7967 as part of the training update.

However, need to determine if /when SGN will re-light appliances for a sweep test

Query – will survivors get access to PPM readings?

Problem is that readings only taken after appliances turned off and windows open and First Call Operator from the gas emergency service actually arrives.

801.        02.11.20. Stephanie received cross-departmental committee report 2018-19 after asking for this. Asked Jill Wakefield of the HSE when the next meeting would be.

800.        22.10.20 Stephanie had a virtual meeting with Mathew Willis, Nat’s replacement and discussed ideas for CO Awareness week. Rebecca attended and was very helpful.

799.        16.10.20 Stephanie attended a virtual NGN (Northern Gas Networks) meeting organised by Ofgem.

798.        14.10.20 Stephanie wrote to Matthew Bateman in response to his letter dated 20.08.20.

797.        13.10.20 Stephanie attended a virtual Grid meeting and also a Cadent meeting organised by Ofgem.

796.        13.10.20 Stephanie had a conversation with Amaka of the Royal Statistical Society about Paul Hewson reviewing our data again and other issues.

795.        08.10.20 Stephanie had a zoom meeting with Phil Cleaver and Lawson Wight of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps.

794.        06.10.20 Stephanie wrote to Ian McCluskey head of policy at IGEM about the fact that at the stakeholder zoom meeting, on 01.10.20, he referred to a meeting about RIDDOR, what is and what is not RIDDOR reportable, that he was going to attend on the following day.

793.        03.10.20 Stephanie wrote again to Sani of PHE about the algorithm and need for a test of gas appliances due to Covid-19 and sent the Ms Reid case.

792.        01.10.20 Stephanie had a chat with Kerry Potter of SGN and sent her the summary of her submission to Ofgem.

791.        01.10.20 APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) meeting on zoom.

Stephanie’s item was last on the agenda again although this mattered less for the stakeholder group.

‘What I said at the meeting about testing gas appliances for CO by the gas emergency service.

I hope all of you know that CO-Gas Safety is an independent, registered charity representing survivors/victims of CO and their families.

We seem to be the only body that provides specific help & advice to survivors/victims – done since 1995.

We are advocating for testing for CO by the gas emergency service particularly with regard to Ofgem’s funding under RIO 2 & 20 years since the HSC/E’s recommendations.

I remind you:-

CO is a deadly gas that can be emitted from any faulty appliance powered by any carbon based fuel etc.

CO cannot be sensed using human senses.

Less than 2% of CO in the air can kill or maim in one to three minutes.

Testing a person exposed is unreliable because by the time blood or breath is tested, the CO will usually have disappeared.

When someone calls the gas emergency service, they are sensibly told to turn everything off, open the windows and get out. By the time, the FCO arrives with a PAM for CO, the CO will usually have disappeared.

Symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including ‘flu or Covid-19.

So, testing the gas appliance after it’s relit is surely the only reliable way to ensure that a person receives the correct medical treatment – correct diagnosis also helps NHS.

Doctors think CO is rare but do react to PPM of CO in writing or could be supplied digitally.

In 2000 HSC/E recommended levy for publicity & research and that gas emergency service carry equipment & test gas appliances for CO.

It was hoped these would be implemented voluntarily.

Symptoms of CO similar to those of any virus including ‘flu & Covid-19.

How can GDNs morally justify not testing for CO?

You will have seen our one minute film of Sue Westwood, whose medics thought she had taken cocaine rather than been poisoned by CO. Is Rebecca here? She found the doctors unsympathetic and her FCO’s PAM had alarmed but she had nothing in writing.

What do the other stakeholders think?’

GDNs are the Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service.

There seemed little reaction to the fact that survivors are not able to even tell their medics the amount of CO they have been exposed to.

Rebecca Scarlett also joined and made a very valuable contribution by telling the group about her experience of being exposed to CO and how the medics had reacted. She followed this up with a letter to Nat and asked him to send this to all members of the stakeholder group.

790.        25.09.20 Nathaniel Shaughnessy sent Stephanie an email and a briefing note we had agreed plus an email to Barry Sheerman and Baroness Finlay. Sadly Nat left shortly after this.

‘Dear Barry and Ilora,

Please see attached a briefing note for the recommendations presented by CO-Gas Safety at the 10th September 2020 APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) Advisory Board meeting.

CO-Gas Safety had intended for these proposals to be presented verbally to the board, but due to other commitments all Parliamentary officers had dropped off the Zoom before Stephanie was called on to present, so it was agreed that we would condense the proposals into a one-page document for your consideration. Also attached (for reference) is the HSC recommendations referred to in the briefing note.

Please let me know if you are happy to take these recommendations forward, and if you would like any support from me in drafting any of the correspondence.


This Briefing Note was written by Nathaniel Shaughnessy, manager of Policy Connect with regard to the attempt by Stephanie Trotter, OBE to make a presentation to the board of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG) on the 10th September 2020. This presentation was unsatisfactory due to the fact that by the time Stephanie was called to make her presentation which had been put at the end of everything else, not a single member of the board was present. Stephanie wrote to the CEO of Policy Connect and after some correspondence this briefing note was agreed and sent on the 25.09.20.

Briefing note

Briefing Note: CO-Gas Safety Presentation at 10-09 APPCOG Advisory Board

About CO-Gas Safety

CO-Gas Safety is an independent, registered charity working to achieve changes to reduce deaths and injuries from unintentional CO poisoning and other gas dangers. It provides support to those who suspect CO poisoning, victims and their families. Since 1995, it has also collected, collated & published data on deaths and injuries from unintentional CO. It is run almost entirely by volunteers and receives no guaranteed funding.

HSC/E Fundamental Review of Gas Safety

In 2000, following the ‘Fundamental Review of Gas Safety’, the Health and Safety Commission (now Executive) put forwarded a series of recommendations in its ‘Proposals for Change’ (also attached to this email) to improve Gas Safety management in the UK, including:

1.            A levy on the gas suppliers to pay for raising awareness of the dangers and for (recommendation 7)

2.            That the gas emergency service carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for emissions of carbon monoxide (CO). (recommendation 12)

20 years on, neither of these recommendations has been meaningfully implemented. CO-Gas Safety argues this is causing significant and avoidable hardship for survivors of CO poisoning and their families. With regard to (2) in particular, there remains no official free or straightforward procedure to obtain proof of the concentration of CO that was present in the air or emitting from live gas appliances. Whilst a survivor may be able to get a blood or breath test for CO, and the First Call Operators carry Personal Alarm Monitors, by the time either test is done, the appliances have long- since been switched off and the victim instructed to ventilate the room(s) and vacate the property. This has led to reports of survivors being disbelieved by friends, family and medical professionals, so preventing correct/sympathetic medical treatment and thereby wasting NHS funds. Due to its work, CO-Gas Safety is uniquely placed to understand the devastating impact this has, and this is further supported by research from Liverpool John Moore’s University into the experience of survivors.

CO-Gas Safety argues the implementation of these recommendations has always been needed. However, this is now acute as symptoms of CO poisoning could easily be misdiagnosed as COVID-19. Furthermore, OfGEM is providing expanded funding provided by the new £30m ‘use it or lose it’ allowance vulnerable consumers, and more under the innovation initiatives contained within RIIO-2. As such, this is both an essential and opportune moment to finally see these recommendations implemented.

CO-Gas Safety Recommendations

CO-Gas Safety asks the APPCOG board to:

  1. Meet relevant Ministers to call on industry & wealthy charities to take action before winter
  2. Table an immediate EDM to call on industry & wealthy charities to do the same
  3. Meet OfGEM & HSE to ask Gas Emergency Services to test appliances for CO
  4. Request immediate help from DoH for a coordinated educational programme for medics
  5. Facilitate funding for films for prime-time TV & other

789.        22.09.20 Conversation with Kerry Potter of SGN – good conversation and felt Kerry understood what consumers who have been exposed to CO need.

788.        21.09.20 Stephanie responded to Nathaniel Shaughnessy’s correspondence, received the same day.

‘Thank you Nat. Your swift answer is most helpful.

It had never crossed my mind that the UIOLI (Use It Or Lose It) allowance could be to supersede base consumer vulnerability allowances and innovation funding. Therefore we are thankful that the GDNs raised this and that APPCOG is seeking clarification. However, I think (and fervently hope) this is extremely unlikely from what Jonathan Brearley said at the APPCOG meeting at which he spoke last year.

So unless you inform us otherwise, we assume that APPCOG did not submit anything to Ofgem with regard to treating the £30 million for vulnerable consumers plus millions more for innovation, as being a golden opportunity for:-

1.            Prevention with regard to paying for raising public and medical awareness of the dangers of CO, particularly because the symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19 and

2.            Paying for the training of the First Call Operators and supplying them with equipment to test gas appliances for CO and where CO found, to provide those exposed with PPM of CO, either in writing/digitally for them and for their medics.

I attach the nutshell of the recommendations made by HSC/E in 2000 as a reminder but I’ve already sent you these plus copies of the originals and a copy of the first page of the HSC’s proposals. Please do let me know if you need them again.

I attach, I think again, our ‘Comic’ Strip showing the heart breaking consequences of this lack of proof for survivors. I also attach our article published in the New Law Journal showing the ‘Catch 22’ nature of this lack of proof.

You said that APPCOG activity is not complete. Therefore, would APPCOG please discuss these issues now?

These huge difficulties for survivors, victims and their families, the fact that symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus including Covid-19 and this opportunity presented by Ofgem, was why we needed to make a presentation to the Board of APPCOG. However, we are delighted to hear that  it’s not too late for APPCOG to take this up with Ofgem on behalf of survivors/victims and consumers as well as the UK taxpayer, who at the moment, bears the brunt of the cost of poisonings, (£178 million for the known deaths and injuries  second only to the survivors and victims.

How about a zoom meeting with members of the board, as soon as possible, to discuss these issues and opportunities?

Thank you again.’

787.        21.09.20 Response from Nathaniel Shaughnessy, manager of Policy Connect, for APPCOG (the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group).


This was sent from Barry to OfGEM on the 3rd September and was mentioned in the most recent newsletter sent on the 9th September.

This was developed in consultation with our GDN members exclusively, as they were those affected by the RIIO-2 draft determinations, and so had approached us previously to discuss concerns around the removal of base funding.

I’m not sure that I can share this, as this contains some sensitive information shared with us by GDNs around their business plans, so I’d have to gain their permission.

However, I can let you know that the key points we asked OfGEM for were:

  • Clarity on how the UIOLI allowance would be governed, and if we could request a meeting with OfGEM, the GDNs and our co-chairs to discuss this in further detail.
  • Reassurance that the UIOLI allowance would be used to complement, rather than supersede innovation funding and base consumer vulnerability allowances, given this was creating uncertainty around the viability of current consumer vulnerability projects going into 2021.

GDNs are Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service

As I mentioned, we have requested to speak with OfGEM in greater detail around these proposals, so our activity around this is not yet complete, and will be sharing any outcomes and responses received as appropriate in future comms to all stakeholders.’

786.        21.09.20 Sent an email to Nathaniel Shaughnessy, manager of Policy Connect, for APPCOG (the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group).

‘Hi Nat

Thank you very much for your email informing us that APPCOG did make a submission to Ofgem.

I didn’t notice anything about this in the newsletters etc. but I must have missed this so could you please tell us in what newsletter or other communication this was mentioned and when?

Could you also please tell us when this submission was made?

Were all the stakeholders asked to contribute?

Could we please see this submission?

Thank you very much.’ As far as we know we haven’t received a response.

785.        22.09.20 Stephanie wrote to Adrian McConnell of the GST re their meeting by zoom on 16th September – an extract is as follows:-

‘I am glad to hear you are trying to persuade the GDNs to get together and release anonymised data.

We’d be really pleased just to know:-

  1. How many call outs for the gas emergency service in the UK altogether.
  2. What proportion are to homes, to workplaces and ‘other’, such as leaks of unburned gas in the road.
  3. What proportion involve escapes of unburned gas only.
  4. What proportion involve suspected CO.
  5. What proportion involve call outs as a result of CO alarms.
  6. What proportion involve CO picked up by the FCO’s equipment.
  7. What proportion involve more than one visit to the same property within 24 hours.

I agree that there should be an independent body to receive data. Certainly, when the GST launched its portal at the Science museum in January 2015, it seemed to have been assumed by the GST that it would be the recipient. At the time I didn’t really consider the GST would be suitable but I’m glad to hear that some trustees are now being appointed from outside the gas industry.

A useful model would be the Advertising Standards Authority which could at least make the funding more straightforward and less directly influenced by business.

I appreciate that you are right about the HSE’s incidents and data lacking segmentation.

I’m glad that the Fire and Rescue Service is being helpful.

I’m also glad that Baroness Finlay is still interested and feel for her that she is frustrated although so are we! We would really appreciate having her ‘case study’ as we are now putting our case studies under a new heading on our website. Please see

It was good to hear that Roland Wessling has got married and moved on, for his sake, although sad for the CO cause.

I’m glad that the GST is looking to fund research and would consider an application for funding. I appreciate that any application by the GDNs would not be looked on favourably as they are commercial entities but wondered if an application by CO-Gas Safety to undertake trials might be more favourably viewed or perhaps at least a part of a trial; perhaps the part about helping survivors of a possible exposure to CO?

We are very grateful for the letter of support from the GST with regard to Ofgem. I asked you whether the GST would be writing to Ofgem itself to urge Ofgem to persuade the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO. You suggested I write to Chris Bielby and copy you in. Thank you for this suggestion and I will do so.

We discussed Hilary Wareing and the issue of pregnant women whose blood/breath was checked for CO but is no longer, due to Covid-19. We ask how these cases were dealt with? I was at a presentation when Hilary spoke about one case and she had found an investigator to find where the CO was coming from and how much CO, which is brilliant. However, we still find this virtually impossible for normal people. You kindly said you would pass on our details to Hilary and ask her to contact us.’ Etc.

GDNs are Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service

784.        18.09.20 Stephanie was contacted by Maureen McIntosh and Kerry Potter of SGN to arrange a date and time for a chat. Stephanie sent various documents and materials including the ‘Comic’ Strip showing the consequence to a survivor who is exposed to CO being unable to prove this even to their medics and family. In the end the conversation took place on the 22.09.20 with a zoom meeting with SGN on the 2nd November.

783.        18.09.20 Stephanie wrote to Baroness Finlay, Barry Sheerman and all members and officers of APPCOG, (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group),

‘Dear Ilora and Barry and all members and officers of APPCOG,

I am writing because we wish to draw your attention to matters we think extremely important to survivors and victims of carbon monoxide exposure.

I am copying Jonathan Shaw and Nat to ensure all APPCOG members receive this email and its attachments.

As Barry knows, we arranged to make a presentation to the APPCOG board on 10th September but, when our turn came, no board member was present.

I attach our PPP but you will appreciate this is not the same as hearing it directly from us; I had also hoped for questions and exchanges, (indeed about 20 minutes was allocated to questions and discussion) and the lack of both was very disappointing.

We sent our written concerns to Jonathan Shaw, Policy Connect CEO, who helpfully assured us our views will be heard by you.

However, we need to show survivors and victims of carbon monoxide exposure and other gas dangers that we are being heard directly by you and your members.

If asked, we will gladly share with APPCOG members our submission to Ofgem with its powerful supporting documents.  We request support from APPCOG and action for raised awareness for prevention and testing for CO.

We have always maintained the recommendations made by HSC/E in 2000 should be implemented. I attach a nutshell and have sent Nat Shaughnessy, Policy Connect manager, extracts from the original document.

In particular, we support and ask you to support two specific recommendations:

  • A levy on the gas suppliers (but we would prefer the fuel industry) to fund research and awareness.
  • Automatic appliance testing by the gas emergency service.

Whilst we are not concerned about the source of funding for testing and awareness, we are concerned to ensure testing is free to the person who needs it.

CO-Gas Safety seems to be the only body offering specific help to people who suspect exposure to CO. Our independent, registered charity has done this since 1995 and is run almost entirely by volunteers.

We maintain it is a basic requirement for all conditions and poisons such as HIV, pesticides, cabin air quality, etc, that there be public awareness of their dangers, so they can be avoided by consumers and, where exposure is suspected, testing to ensure survivors identify the source of the poisoning, how badly they have been affected and their medics and families know how to treat them.

Those suffering from life changing injuries tell us not being believed by medics or families, due to lack of proof, is far worse than their injuries.

I attach our ‘comic’ strip pages 1 and 2 to illustrate the huge problems survivors have after poisoning when they lack this proof which is almost invariably the case.

I also attach our recent article in the New Law Journal explaining the ‘Catch 22’ situation of having to prove CO, supported by a solicitor practising in this area.

Testing also raises awareness for media stories, which can report high levels of CO in parts per million a family was exposed to, making the story more powerful and thereby encourage people to prevent their own exposure.

We further ask if CO is found, parts per million of CO found is given in writing or digitally to the exposed person to help them decide their next steps. From our experience helping survivors and victims since 1995, most only want the right medical treatment, sympathy and understanding from employers, friends and family and action to prevent it happening to anyone else.

One reason we insist you receive our views on behalf of survivors and victims is because CO symptoms are similar to any virus including Covid-19. We believe this pandemic re-emphasises why air and individual gas appliances in homes should be tested for CO.

Ofgem is making £30 million available to GDNs who run the gas emergency service and further funds for innovative projects. We understand APPCOG has not yet made submission to Ofgem about how they plan to allocate their discretionary funds.

Testing gas appliances for CO should not be considered innovative but, since it’s not done by the GDNs, it is. We request APPCOG raise this issue with Ofgem.

On this issue, neither HSE nor Ofgem have communicated as they should under their Memorandum of Understanding (Mou attached). We ask APPCOG to raise with HSE and Ofgem how they will address this.

We believe Ofgem’s funding opportunity makes it easier for APPCOG to press these points home and ensure action is taken.

We would be happy to help in any way and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely


1.            Directors and other interested parties.’

GDNs are the Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service

782.        18.09.20 Stephanie wrote in response to a letter from Jonathan Shaw, re APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group)

‘Dear Jonathan

Thank you very much indeed for your swift response to my letter dated the 14th September.

It was disappointing no MP heard our presentation to the APPCOG board and thank you for your apology. We realise their presence is not under your control.

We are glad you are prioritising requests for meetings with Ofgem and HSE and writing to DoH regarding communications to the public and medical professionals before winter. Thank you for putting forward our suggestions.

We are glad you accept there may be a case for an additional levy on gas suppliers to raise awareness. CO-Gas Safety’s issue is not where funding comes from but that there is funding available to raise awareness of the dangers of CO and reduce avoidable future exposure, injury and death.

For us, the vital matter today is the Ofgem £30 million “use it or lose it” fund for the GDNs together with further millions available in the innovation fund. We are surprised APPCOG has not already lobbied Ofgem but could do so now. Our view is that CO-Gas Safety’s submission to Ofgem with powerful supporting documentation would help APPCOG’s ability to achieve progressive dialogue with Ofgem.

You say APPCOG is trying to get CO poisoning messages into Covid-19 messaging because symptoms are similar. Doesn’t this emphasise the urgent need to test air or emissions from gas appliances for CO in homes?

We were surprised to find after FOI requests Ofgem & HSE have not communicated as they are supposed to do under their Mou (Memorandum of Understanding). I attach relevant correspondence and Mou.

We note the stated limitations on what APPCOG can achieve without significant political will within Government to deliver recommendations but we thought an APPG’s point was to take action to create political will?

Thank you again for your help. We will also ask APPCOG Board members directly because, as I am sure you’ll understand, we must show our members, survivors and victims we represent we have done everything possible to use what opportunities do exist for a charity such as CO-Gas Safety.

We will copy you and Nat into this email to the APPCOG Board and ask you if you would be kind enough to ensure all the APPCOG members receive our email and any attachments. Thank you.’

GDNs are the Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service.

781.        17.09.20 Stephanie received an answer to her letter to Jonathan Shaw sent 14.09.20 with regard to the APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group).

Dear Stephanie,

Thank you for your letter dated 14 September regarding the 10th September APPCOG board meeting and the recommendations made by HSC in August 2000.

First, I am sorry that it turned out on the day that the Parliamentary members of the board all needed to drop off the Zoom meeting by the time it came to CO-Gas Safety’s agenda item. As you note in your letter, our MPs and peers are extremely time-pressured, and we encourage them to join meetings in-part when they cannot attend the full session. I understand this must have been incredibly frustrating, but I hope you appreciate that this is not something Policy Connect has control over, and that you will agree with the alternative steps suggested below in order to get the message in front of our Parliamentary members.

As I understand it, CO-Gas Safety seek to understand why two of the measures recommended by HSE in 2000 in the ‘Proposals for Change’ following the ‘Fundamental Review of Gas Safety’ were not implemented. These measures were:

  1. A levy on the gas suppliers to pay for raising awareness of the dangers of CO and for research
  2. That the gas emergency service carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

On (1) it is worth noting that OfGEM provides a certain amount of base funding to the Gas Distribution Networks in order to fund consumer vulnerability initiatives, including CO Safety. This has funded many fantastic initiatives supported by the APPCOG over the last decade, such as the ‘Safety Seymour’ educational programme and the provision of free CO alarms and gas safety checks to vulnerable customers. For the new price control period (2021-26), the current Draft Determinations cite the creation of a new £30m ‘Use It or Lose It’ allowance to fund consumer vulnerability, split between the GDNs. However, I understand that this only applies to the distribution networks, and not the energy suppliers, and there may be a case for an additional, separate levy. Additionally, APPCOG has also made recommendations in the past to the DoH that there should be an annual CO Awareness campaign, but this suggestion has not been taken up by the government. As you may have realised from the board meeting, APPCOG are trying to get messages about CO poisoning into Covid-19 messaging, as the government will undoubtedly want to keep the focus of public attention on Covid-19 and winter flu.

In your presentation you put forward the following suggestions:

  1. Meet relevant Ministers to call on industry & wealthy charities to take action before winter
  2. Table an immediate EDM to call on industry & wealthy charities to do the same
  3. Meet Ofgem & HSE to ask Gas Emergency Services to test appliances for CO
  4. Request immediate help from DoH for a coordinated educational programme for medics
  5. Facilitate films for prime time TV & other media. Our 1 minute film might help as might Stacey’s good film – needs funding.

We are happy to put all of these suggestions forward. I would recommend at the outset we prioritise requesting meetings with OfGEM and HSE regarding gas emergency service testing, and writing to the Department of Health regarding communications to the public and medical professionals in advance of Winter (something we are already in the process of doing), as this is most likely to yield a positive response and will permit discussion of other suggestions during these meetings.

Our Policy Manager for CO Safety, Nathaniel Shaughnessy, is currently drafting a short summary of CO Gas Safety’s recommendations to be distributed to our Parliamentary officers. With their agreement and approval, we will then happily follow-up as above. We will discuss internally the most appropriate channels for doing so that are likely to secure a positive response, and keep you updated on any action taken and the responses we receive.

I hope you will be satisfied with this course of action, and appreciate the limitations on what the APPCOG is able to achieve without significant political will within the government itself to drive forward any recommendations we make.

Kind regards,


Jonathan Shaw  |  Chief Executive
Policy Connect
7-14 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YR          

780.        16.09.20 Stephanie and Jonathan Kane had a zoom meeting with Adrian McConnell of the Gas Safety Trust.

779.        16.09.20 Stephanie contacted Rebecca Close, (who used to and perhaps still works for PHE) one of the attendees to the stakeholder group, to discuss the algorithm for GPs that leaves them without anyone to test gas appliances for CO.

778.        16.09.20 Stephanie tried to contact Farrah Lorrel who had gone to sleep with a perfumed candle alight in her bedroom and had woken up poisoned by CO and with soot in her nose.

777.        16.09.20 Stephanie concerned about high levels of CO2 rather than CO in one survivor’s datalogger and another survivor’s expert report.

776.        16.09.20 Stephanie was contacted by someone concerned that their CO alarm alarmed after the use of some perfume sticks, which are and were not lit.

775.        15.09.20 Stephanie contacted a gas expert court witness to ask him to visit another survivor and has done several times over the past months.

774.        15.09.20 Stephanie sent a response to Nat Shaughnessy, manager of Policy Connect for APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group).

‘Thank you very much for your email.

Any action would be good news from our point of view.

I have noted your suggestion to mitigate our submission on this important topic.

You have highlighted two factors which could be said are appropriate to begin with.

However, what we ask for is surely up to us?

Equally, what the board of APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group), decides to do, if anything, is surely for them? In fact, I suggest that if there is any dilution of our proposals, then the board of the APPCOG should decide and provide justifications for their decisions.

On other points, I think you’ll find the Minister for the HSE is Mims Davies Do please tell me if I’ve got this wrong as it never seems very easy finding the Minister responsible for health and safety.

In the past, the various officials have maintained that it’s no longer necessary to implement the two recommendations due to the reduced deaths (which I do hope are true) and the creation of the Gas Safe Register (GSR).

However, nobody knows how many people die from CO because as Baroness Finlay well knows, dead bodies are not tested automatically for CO.

Also nobody knows how many people are exposed to high levels of CO, due to the late medical testing and lack of testing air in homes etc. and emissions from appliances which surely everyone including APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) accepts?

Therefore we simply don’t understand why APPCOG would not be doing everything it can to increase awareness of the dangers of CO, bring in the testing dead bodies for CO, testing survivors and the air in homes etc. and emissions of appliances for CO.

These are basics recognised in many different scientific & industrial fields, for example Covid-19, HIV, water supply, farming with chemicals, cabin air quality etc.

Then there is the issue of the Precautionary Principle, which I would suggest is highly relevant to the issues surrounding CO. The Precautionary Principle is vital in the considerations of those who advocate for change, along with scientific, industry and political stakeholders. In my opinion, the debate on CO lacks a coherent strategy on CO and the Precautionary Principle.

The GSR is a lot more efficient with regard to keeping the register and it’s now clearer that this is their main function, whereas CORGI had too many functions and conflicts of interest.

GSR does do some good work on raising awareness of CO, but it seems to us that this is largely about awareness of the need to use a RGE and other dangers such as BBQs.

Otherwise, it seems to us that the GSR makes little or no difference.

Please study the attached Gas Safe Register policy, so discriminatory to survivors and particularly tenants and also my article published in the New Law Journal, showing that the system ensures that it’s Catch 22 – to prove CO, you have to prove CO – also backed up by a solicitor practising in this area, which adds evidence to my observations and CO-Gas Safety’s concerns.

Of course, as the members of APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) largely hear from people like the GSR and from business, they are bound to assume everything is fine.

Many survivors agreed with CO-Gas Safety about what should be done (e.g. CO+SAVi), but unlike CO-Gas Safety, APPCOG appears to have given up hope of succeeding in promoting the fundamentals and recommendations required to improve safety.

There is a distinct sense amongst members of CO-Gas Safety and from members of the public who support us, that our message is not even heard, let alone have our reasons/ideas discussed seriously by political influencers or members of government.

It is important to remember that symptoms of CO, are similar to those of any virus including Covid-19, so although we think this lack of testing by the gas emergency service for a gas, deadly/maiming in tiny amounts that cannot be sensed by human senses, has always been wrong, we find the lack of testing at the moment to be acutely wrong.

With Ofgem making money available from April 2021, it seems inexplicable to us that APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) is apparently not publicly calling for these millions to be spent to improve safety in the way HSC/E recommended in 2000, after an exhaustive gas safety review and with the support of the majority of the stakeholders, who were mainly industry.

2020 should not go down as the year when CO Safety was simply mitigated.

In this new political environment, we have the opportunity to create something that is truly world-beating, whilst providing real benefit to domestic properties. The question is this: ‘Will APPCOG redefine itself for this new era and have the vision to proactively drive political change, or will it simply be defined by continued small-scale initiatives?’

I look forward to hearing your views or that of the Board on how we can best resolve these important issues for consumers/survivors of poisoning by CO+.

As far as the document containing the recommendations that you needed, I attach a photocopy of the title page. This was a paper era.’

773.        14.09.20 Stephanie received an email from Nat Shaughnessy, who is the manager for Policy Connect for APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group), stating:-

‘I have passed this on and will get a response from Jonathan in due course. In the meantime, I’ll draft something to go to Barry and Ilora on your recommendations.

I’m wary that we’re more likely to be successful if there are just one or two, refined asks, so reviewing your presentation now and I would perhaps suggest the following:

  • A letter to the Minister with oversight of HSE (they sit within DWP but can’t remember who it is at the moment) asking why the recommendations were never implemented
  • Requesting a meeting with OfGEM and HSE to discuss the recommendations in advance of Winter’

772.        14.09.20 Stephanie sent a letter, headed ‘Stakeholder observations so APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) board hear an important presentation’ to Jonathan Shaw, the CEO of Policy Connect which provides the admin for APPCOG. This was to express disappointment at the fact that not one member of the board was present for our presentation.

She made the point that CO-Gas Safety is the only body that provides specific help to survivors therefore hears more real experiences than any other body in the stakeholder group.

The letter further pointed out that ‘it was the presentation by victims in January 2000 to HSE officials which, in our opinion, visibly moved those officials leading to recommendations made by HSC/E in August 2000:

  1. Levy on the gas suppliers to pay for raising awareness of the dangers and for research (we would prefer the whole industry, but the gas suppliers are easier to reach) and
  2. That the gas emergency service carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for emissions of carbon monoxide (CO). This second recommendation is particularly vital now during the Covid-19 pandemic.

That these recommendations came after an exhaustive gas safety review, supported by most stakeholders, mostly industry.

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath (CO-Gas Safety’s patron) described the gas emergency service having & using equipment to test gas appliances for CO as a ‘no brainer’.

Sadly, neither recommendation has been implemented but are still very needed.

We have tried to support industry moves to implement these recommendations voluntarily and note awareness of the dangers of CO has improved, although not to the extent we wish especially regarding other fuels than gas.

CO and Covid-19

Symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19. We help many consumers who, due to illness, suspect exposure by carbon monoxide.

How can such people, particularly those exposed to CO for months or years, obtain proof of exposure without an automatic test of gas appliances by the gas emergency service?

We tried to highlight these issues at APPCOG’s stakeholder meeting on 9th June yet were put off to the next meeting.

We were then given permission to present to the APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) board meeting on 10th September, yet not one member was present.

We seek a resolution of this need to inform board members of the opinions of stakeholders most affected by CO, namely those exposed to CO and often left with life changing injuries.

Such survivors often tell us the fact neither their medics nor families believe they were poisoned, because of lack of proof testing air and appliances, is worse than the life changing injuries they continue to suffer.

I seek your help in resolving this lack of communication.’

771.        11.09.20 Stephanie sent an agenda item for discussion at the next APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) stakeholder meeting to Chris Bielby who chairs this.

‘CO-Gas Safety – AOB Item at the last stakeholder meeting – brought up but not discussed last time.

  • Need for testing of the air in homes and/or gas appliances for CO.
  • This would usually be after gas cut off but could also just be when CO is suspected e.g. after a CO alarm has sounded.
  • If gas is initially cut off there will be a need for relighting and then testing for CO.
  • This is now particularly urgent due to the fact that symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19.
  • CO-Gas Safety is asking that CO levels in homes be measured and recorded by First Call Operators on emergency call-outs and provided to survivors in writing or digitally.
  • Please see illustrative case studies attached, one of Ms Reid. who was denied a Gas Engineer to repair her boiler due to fears she had COVID (after having had her gas cut off), and one of Ms Wing, who was not offered proper treatment upon arriving in A&E due to having no record of her level of exposure in the house.
  • CO-Gas Safety maintains:
  • This would be of huge value with future medical referrals and treatment.
  • Further, this could help establish if there was CO and if so, ideally find out the source of the CO as well as how much CO, if any was being emitted by each appliance. This could also prevent possible continuous exposure to levels of CO that cause long-term injury by leaving a possibly brain damaged survivor, to sort out a service.
  •  This was recommended by HSC/E in 2000 after an extensive gas safety review and with the support of the majority of the stakeholders who were mainly industry.
  • Funding by Ofgem could make this easy and profitable for GDNs.
  • CO-Gas Safety asks if trials on this could begin as soon as possible and has suggested that from April onwards this could be funded through the RIIO-2 innovation allowance to support vulnerable consumers and/or the innovation projects.
  • CO-Gas Safety welcomes input from stakeholders on this suggestion, and if/if not such an initiative is viable. Reasons for and against would be appreciated.

Thank you.’

GDNs are the Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service.

770.        10.09.20 Stephanie attended the board meeting of APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group which was in fact only Barry Sheerman MP with the occasional presence of one other MP) and at the end was allowed to give her presentation.

But by then no member of the board was present so initially she said there wasn’t much point, but the stakeholders suggested she continued so she did.

However, this was a presentation to the stakeholder group not the board of APPCOG.

769.        10.09.20 Stephanie spent time getting ready for the presentation to the board of APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) and composing a PPP.

768.        09.09.20 Stephanie had an inquiry from Neuro Rehab Times about the difficulties suspected victims can face when obtaining proof of CO poisoning, and if anything is being done to improve this. She responded with a suggested date of 14.09.20 and our article in the NLJ and the ‘Comic’ Strip.

767.        09.09.20 Stephanie wrote to Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) about the innovation committee.

766.        08.09.20 Stephanie talked to Matt Cole of npower about some funding npower might be providing for us.

765.        07.09.20 Having got a dispensation from Ofgem, Stephanie sent the response to Ofgem before 9.00 a.m. We stated that the £30 million UIOLI allowance isn’t nearly enough and that any consumer exposed to CO is vulnerable. We also submitted a response to Ofgem’s reply that there was no justification for imposing testing on the gas emergency service.

We had over 8** letters of support including a really helpful piece by Dr Julie Connolly which we included in the submission*, plus other documents including survivors’ case studies showing how their medical treatment was affected by the lack of proof of CO.

We also submitted a ‘comic’ strip showing the consequences of lack of proof as well as a legal article published in the New Law Journal in January 2020 showing that CO was Catch 22; to prove CO you had to prove CO.

Therefore, due to the lack of proof there was little data, which perpetuated the vicious circle of lack of awareness, so lack of testing and lack of knowledge to prevent poisoning.

*most vital extract from the piece Dr Julie Connolly wrote was, ‘‘In interviewing the 11 participants I observed the added distress caused to the participants by the lack of proof of their situation, which could be provided in the form of ambient air testing, or testing suspected appliances for CO. I find the lack of testing for CO, to which so many people may be exposed while cooking meals and heating their homes is something which should be addressed as a matter of urgency. The lack of proof leads to an assumption that CO is rare, and this contributes to a lack of awareness, knowledge and understanding of this preventable danger.’

**List of letters of support etc.

  1. Dr Julie Connolly included in the body of our response.
  2.  Gas Safety Trust, Chris Bielby.
  3. Matt Cole who has worked extensively in the gas industry. He has already sent his letter to Ofgem but we also include it.
  4. Jason Perrins of Fireblitz, manufacturer of CO alarms.
  5. Madelene Holdsworth, Senior Practice Director Industrial Disease, Military Law and Medical Negligence, Slater Gordon, solicitors.
  6. Emma-Jackson Phillips – daughter of a man who died of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  7. Frank Brehany – please note that he does not wish his contact details to be made public because he lacks the resources to deal with contacts from members of the public.
  8. Jim Kinnibrugh, chimney expert. He sent his letter direct.
  9. Jonathan Kane of Kane International – had sent this direct.

764.        03.09.20 Stephanie contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau re response to Ofgem’s RIIO-2 by email.

763.        03.09.20 Stephanie followed up an earlier email sent 24.05.20 to BBC’s Radio 4 ‘More or Less’ radio programme about symptoms of CO being similar to those of any virus including Covid-19.

762.        Stephanie continued to work on the Ofgem response re RIIO-2 and letters of support justifying why it’s necessary for the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO.

761.        31.08.20 Stephanie wrote to the Alzheimer’s Association International thanking the Association for the toolkit and saying how pleased we were about the part on prevention. But that we are disappointed that indoor pollution was not mentioned – indoor pollution is much easier to control and is more concentrated so it’s vital to raise awareness of this. Brits spend over 90% of their time indoors, so it could really make a huge difference to prevention.

760.        24.08.20 Stephanie received a response from MD Matthew Bateman of British Gas to her questions at the shareholders’ meeting on the 12.08.20. Stephanie sent this on to Stacey Rodgers of the Dominic Rodgers Trust as it mentioned her and the trust. Stephanie was too busy at the time to write a full response but did so on 14.10.20, as she was not very happy with the response.

759.        Stephanie continued to write to many people and organisations asking for letters of support for the submission to Ofgem including from Giovanni Leonardi of PHE. She particularly pointed out that symptoms of CO are similar to those of Covid-19, therefore to test air/gas appliances for CO would be very sensible.

758.        24.08.20 Stephanie wrote to Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) as chair of the GDN CO group asking for news about Jersey and Safety Seymour. Later Stephanie heard from Phil Burrows, who later took over Tom’s chairmanship of the GDNs’ (Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service) CO group, that it is planned that Jersey will be included. Stephanie wrote to Margaret Jeffrey, who lost her husband Ken to CO, to give her the good news.

757.        16.08.20 Stephanie wrote to Matt Cole of npower to seek some support re the Ofgem response. This was ultimately successful.

756.        15.08.20 Stephanie found someone to update and edit Sue Westwood’s film slightly to include the fact that symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus including Covid-19.

755.        14.08.20 Ofgem webinar attended by Stephanie.

Ofgem webinar 14.08.20

Stephanie Trotter, OBE [Aug 14 – 3:26PM]

Could Ofgem please consider the plight of consumers exposed to carbon monoxide (CO) who have no realistic access to a test of the air or the emissions from lit, working gas appliances? Tests of breath or blood are usually done too late so there is a huge danger of a false negative. Survivors need parts per million of CO in writing/text to take to medics to obtain correct medical treatment. All those exposed to CO are vulnerable. If CO is found this might encourage the public to move to new green energy. Stephanie CO-Gas Safety

Not answered.

Stephanie Trotter, OBE [Aug 14 – 3:29PM]

I am not an engineer or a scientist, so please excuse my ignorance. However, as a consumer and safety campaigner I want Ofgem’s assurance that research has been undertaken to make sure that plastic pipes are safe for hydrogen?

Answered – think it was said that HSE will approve or not.

Stephanie Trotter, OBE [Aug 14 – 3:42PM]

Previous question that has disappeared. Could Ofgem please consider the plight of consumers exposed to carbon monoxide (CO ) who have no realistic access to testing air in the house or emissions from it and working gas appliances. CO leaves blood and breath quickly and usually tests come back negative and are often false. If CO is found survivors need parts per million in writing/text for medics.

Forgot to mention that all consumers exposed to CO are vulnerable.

After I wrote this previous question appeared again.

Not answered.

Is Ofgem considering the fact that symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19 yet the First Call Operators do not use equipment to test gas appliances for CO. FCOs do have Personal Alarm Monitors for CO but customer phoning 088 111999 are told to turn off and open windows so by the time the FCO arrives usually any CO will have disappeared.

Not answered.

754.        13.08.20 Stephanie sent the yellow booklet, comic strip and one minute film to APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) in the hope that the board will read and watch before the presentation on the 10th September.

753.        Stephanie dealt with Newspaper Licence renewal.

752.        12.08.20 Stephanie submitted some questions to Centrica’s shareholder meetings.

753.        Will Centrica/British Gas please pay for and raise more awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning? For example, by prime time TV warnings, featuring people who have suffered poisoning or loss of a loved one, also social media, famous people etc.

This is particularly relevant now as the symptoms of CO poisoning are similar to any virus, including Covid-19. We hope other fuel suppliers, manufacturers of appliances etc. would also contribute.

2.            Can Centrica/BG please lobby Government and Ofgem for the gas emergency service to undertake tests of gas appliances for CO and where found, provide parts per million of CO in writing/digitally to those exposed? Please note that both 1. & 2. above were recommended by the Health & Safety Commission/Executive in 2000 but were not implemented by Government.

3.            Can Centrica/BG please provide funding for some independent, funded victim support? A possibly brain damaged survivor is left to source a Registered Gas Engineer or do this through their landlord. Any RGE will inevitably destroy the evidence through servicing – Catch 22 see BG did provide some funding for CO-Gas Safety many years ago, for which we are grateful, but understandably not nearly enough to pay for warnings and tests.

This is a very serious issue. Please see  According to respected university research, millions of people could be being exposed to levels of CO way above the WHO guidelines in the UK alone.

Ideally this should be a free service, but even a reasonably priced paid for service, could be helpful. Now an expert investigation costs at least £3,000 to £10,000 or more.

If done, CO-Gas Safety happy to publicly support with PR.

Our data of deaths since 1995 shows, per user, gas safer re CO than other carbon fuels.

For more information contact Stephanie Trotter, OBE

751.        12.08.20 Attended a virtual gas safe charity workshop by Bath and Main. It was very good and informative.

750.        10.08.20 Stephanie wrote to Richard Hynes-Cooper of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) with a proposal for the innovation project, namely:-

 The proposal is to obtain the services of independent gas expert court witnesses/investigators and ask them to go in ideally immediately with the FCO or as soon as possible after the FCO has cut off the gas, turn the gas back on, relight and test the emissions from all/each of the gas appliances and the air in the dwelling space. In the pilot, this action would only be after the CO alarm alarmed fully and CO is suspected. Ideally, as a control group, the experts could also test appliances in homes where there was no CO alarm, alarming.

749.        06.08.20 Stephanie wrote to Peter Bottomley MP about the millions being provided by Ofgem to the Gas Distribution Networks. Wrote again on the 8th about flues because he had a query about these. Peter is on APPCOG.

748.        Corresponded with various people to obtain support letters for submission to Ofgem.

747.        During August Stephanie corresponded and talked to some survivors and lawyers on their behalf.

746.        03.08.20 Stephanie wrote to journalist Ben Stockton about his investigation into Covid-19 in Europe and asked if he’d be interested in CO since the symptoms were similar.

745.        02.08.20 Stephanie wrote to Judy at Real Sustainability (see about the so-called eco gas suppliers. REAL Sustainability is founded by Safia Minney – a CIC that aims to support citizens and organisational leaders to transition to carbon zero and sustainability.

744.        31.07.20 Stephanie also wrote to the members of the Climate Change Committee:-

‘Dear Members of the Committee on Climate Change,

An article in Gas International Magazine states that your recommendation that, ‘UK households could soon see a total phase out of fossil-fuelled boilers by 2035’.

As an independent, registered charity that has worked since 1995 to prevent deaths and injuries from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning, CO-Gas Safety would be delighted by such a phase out.

Please see attached our letter just sent to Gi magazine (see below at 744).

If any nudging is needed to persuade the public to abandon gas and solid fuel appliances, we urge you to support our campaign. This is to persuade Ofgem to use some of the £30 million it’s allowing the gas distribution networks (who operate the gas emergency service), to test air and ideally the emissions from gas powered appliances for carbon monoxide.

Based on respected university research, carbon monoxide levels well above the WHO guidelines are widespread in the UK indoors from appliances powered by fossil fuels and also wood. Brits spend over 90% of their time indoors.

If you think we could assist the committee, do please contact us.

Thank you.’

743.        31.07.20 Stephanie wrote to the editor of Gi Magazine.

‘UK households could soon see a total phase-out of fossil-fuelled boilers by 2035’ is the headline from the Committee on Climate Change reported in August’s Gi magazine page 9.

As a charity which aims to prevent deaths and injuries from unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and other gas dangers, CO-Gas Safety’s view is that green energy can’t come soon enough. The following ideas may accelerate that change.

There is confusion between CO and any virus including Covid-19. A recent example* occurred in March this year. Ms Reid, a Council tenant, apparently suffering pneumonia with a 5 year old child at home in freezing Dundee, was warned by her CO alarm that her boiler was faulty. Her gas was cut off but she had problems obtaining a Registered Gas Engineer to fix her central heating boiler, allegedly from fear of Covid-19. Her local newspaper stepped in to help and the Council then sent a RGE. A test for Covid-19 still isn’t very easy to obtain and takes time. All RGEs, including First Call Operators (FCOs) for the gas emergency service, must learn how to use an EN50379 approved Flue Gas Analyser. Therefore, why doesn’t the gas emergency service use these FGAs to perform the 2 minute sweep test in BS7967 used by RGEs testing for unsafe emissions of CO from appliances?

Although FCOs have Personal Alarm Monitors for CO, the person phoning the gas emergency number is told to turn everything off and open windows so any CO has usually disappeared by the time of the FCO’s arrival; but how can anyone be safe unless and until the source of any CO is found or ruled out?

Please note the HSE recommended all FCOs carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for CO in 2000, but this was never implemented.

Ofgem is offering £30 million funding to the Gas Distribution Networks (which run the gas emergency service) for such initiatives on a “use or lose” basis and the deadline for the consultation is the 4th September.

So surely this is the perfect moment for the GDNs (Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service) to agree to test for CO and for this to be funded by Ofgem? Then people and their medics would know if they are being exposed to CO and if so, how many parts per million they were exposed to thereby ensuring the correct medical treatment.

The number of cases where CO is found above the WHO guidelines of about 6 parts per million for 24 hours, would then surely speed the changeover to green energy?


Sadly, this letter was not published.

742.        31.07.20 Stephanie wrote again to the Listening Project (BBC Radio 4) about Colin the dog’s CO experience.

741.        31.07.20 Stephanie sent a draft to Dr Julie Connolly.

740.        28.07.20 Stephanie wrote a similar email to all the directors and Lord Hunt of Kings Heath.

739.        28.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Avril Samuel with a summary of what was going to be sent by CO-Gas Safety to Ofgem. Among other issues Stephanie mentioned that the need for testing gas appliances for CO seems obvious.

738.        25.07.20 Stephanie wrote again to Gemma Bailey of IGEM, asking to be a speaker in the forthcoming CO conference, whenever and however that was going to be held.

737.        25.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Tom Bell of Northern Gas Networks about the access to NGN’s business plan and asking if there was any news.

736.        22.07.20 Stephanie wrote to HSE under the FOI Act about whether HSE had consulted Ofgem about various things as it should under the MOU.

735.        22.07.20 Stephanie wrote to all the old members of CO+SAVI asking for contributions to Ofgem’s call for a response.

734.        20.07.20 Stephanie wrote again to Karen Dalziel of the BBC about CO and Covid-19 as an item for Woman’s Hour on Radio 4. She did kindly respond and said our idea would be considered.

733.        15.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Sani Dimitroulopoulou of PHE telling her about Ms Reid and the confusion between symptoms of CO and Covid-19, and asking her to write something to assist with our submission to Ofgem. Sadly, Stephanie didn’t receive a response.

732.        15.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Baroness Cumberlege, who had just published a report about women often not being believed by the medical profession. Stephanie pointed out that in the charity’s experience this seemed to happen a great deal re CO.

731.        14.07.20 Stephanie wrote to one of the survivors who had written a case study for us asking for more details.

730.        14.07.20 Stephanie wrote a letter to the Times, in response to an assertion that outdoor air pollution increases Covid-19 death risk and asking if there has been any research looking at increased risk from pollution indoors? Sadly, it wasn’t published.

729.        13.07.20 Stephanie started to prepare documents for Ofgem and to argue that there is justification for testing gas appliances for CO despite Ofgem’s response that there isn’t.

728.        12.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Dr Julie Connolly to ask her to write something in support of testing for CO survivors for Stephanie to submit to Ofgem. This did result in success and Stephanie included this in the CO-Gas Safety submission to Ofgem re RIO-2. Stephanie is very grateful.

727.        10.07.20 Stephanie sent a further email to Tom Vella, IGEM Section Chair, about an offer she’d made on the 18th March to be a speaker about CO at a regional IGEM event.

726.        10.07.20 Stephanie continued to try to contact the students she’d met in Lille and sent another email.

725.        08.07.20 Stephanie corresponded with Emma, a victim, and asked Nathaniel Shaughnessy to add her to the APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) list.

724.        08.07.20 Stephanie sent an email to Sarah Finley, the lady who seemed to suffer from carbon monoxide from going to sleep with a scented candle alight in her bedroom. Stephanie is very keen to speak to Sarah Finley, who seemed happy to publicise this event in the newspapers at the time.

723.        08.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Pamela Goee of SGN, mainly to ask if SGN were still interested in organising trials of either the sweep test or testing of gas appliances for CO?

722.        08.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Woman’s Hour, which she has been doing regularly since at least January 2019, to try to persuade Woman’s Hour to do a feature on CO.

721.        08.07.20 Stephanie chased Steven King and Darren Slater for an answer to the charity’s suggestion that British Gas provide a test (ideally free but, if necessary, paid) of gas appliances for CO and providing PPM of CO, where found, to the consumer/survivor.

720.        06.07.20 Nathaniel Shaughnessy asked Stephanie for any memories of Baroness Maddock. Stephanie wrote to say that she thought Diana was our patron for about ten years. One of her memories about Baroness Maddock is that she had a meeting with almost certainly the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and Stephanie was there too. Someone from CIEH, whose name I’ve forgotten, promised she’d write up something for her about landlords’ gas safety checks/certificates. Stephanie also offered to help the CIEH. She heard nothing and just assumed the CIEH hadn’t bothered to run their suggestions past us.

After some weeks, Stephanie was shocked to receive a desperate call from Diana who was just about to go into Parliament to speak about the landlord’s gas safety checks (or it could have been just how the certificate was given to the tenant – the subject of a recent case) without having received anything from the CIEH. Stephanie then helped Diana as much as possible over the phone so she could give a speech about the need for this. Luckily, Diana was very clued up on the need for tenants not to be taken advantage of by nasty landlords and was passionate that tenants should have the gas safety certificate before they started the tenancy. Stephanie knew the HSE/Parliament would use professional draftsmen/women so assumed they’d get it right. However, that regulation (the regulation can be read at has always been difficult. The lack of a mandatory service/test of the emissions for CO is the most obvious omission (see my article about this in the New Law Journal 2018 –  despite overwhelming support for a change, including from APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group), nothing has been done about this. This would help tenants, and most decent RGEs do this anyway now, so it’s just really a question of a tidy up but would protect tenants whose landlords send in the worst RGEs who don’t use flue gas analysers.).

Re Diana – she did host at least one of our House of Lords prize giving events and generously helped Stephanie with the order of the events in a meeting some days beforehand. Stephanie found that extremely helpful.

Diana, did also chase up British Gas for the charity. The charity had had a meeting with Phil Bentley, MD of British Gas, in June 2011. During this meeting Stephanie told Mr Bentley that the gas emergency service did not use equipment to test gas appliances for CO. He cut across her to say to Bob Kerr (who was an employee under PB), ‘that isn’t right is it?’ Bob Kerr was forced to tell his boss that this is correct. At the end of the meeting, although Mr Bentley refused the charity’s request for funding, he did offer to send some letters to HSE, ERA and Ofgem, if drafted. However, having drafted these letters, he then did nothing and later even seemed to forget the meeting had occurred at all.

719.        06.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Barry Sheerman MP and Baroness Finlay to express sadness at the death of Baroness Maddock. Stephanie also asked to be invited to an APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) board meeting to make a presentation to the board. She stated that CO-Gas Safety would also like to take this opportunity to urge the board to communicate with Ofgem and HSE because of the £30 million Ofgem has offered the GDNs (Gas Distribution Networks, who run the gas emergency service) for their initiatives with regard to safety. She continued:-

‘Baroness Finlay in her recommendations in 2011, supported testing of gas appliances for CO, please see attached recommendation 8.  Not being able to prove poisoning by CO has always been distressing for survivors. Survivors have told us that their medics and families not believing that they’ve been poisoned by CO is even worse than the injuries they have been left with for the rest of their lives. However, this lack of proof is surely now even more important due to Covid-19?’

718.        05.07.20 Phil Cleaver pointed out that a question in Northern Gas Networks CO Awareness Quiz and answers was incorrect. This is because although the work carried out by HETAS is commendable, to suggest any work undertaken to a ‘solid fuel’ appliance, open fire or other related work such as the servicing, maintenance, and sweeping must be done by a registered HETAS installer or Chimney Sweep is just not correct and woefully misleading, and needs correcting fore with.

719.        04.07.20 Stephanie asked Steven Critchlow of the HSE to pass on our details to those affected by the explosion at Seven Sisters.

‘Can you please pass our details onto the family as we do offer some limited victim support.

There doesn’t seem to be any other specific victim support.’

716.        04.07.20 Stephanie asked Dr Craggs, a statistician who has checked our data three times, to check our numbers affected by CO+ page

715.        Stephanie received the published version of an article by the National Physical Laboratory about graphene being used as a sensor for CO that referred to the data collected by CO-Gas Safety, with CO-Gas Safety’s permission sought and given before publication. Cooperating with the NPL has been very rewarding and a complete pleasure.

714.        03.07.20 Stephanie sent yet another email to Stacey Rodgers to try to see if she is OK. Stephanie has been trying to contact Stacey for around a year.

713.        26.06.20 The death of Baroness Maddock was noted by Stephanie with great sadness. Baroness Diana Maddock had been CO-Gas Safety’s patron for some years. As an MP she had insisted that the tenant be served with a gas safety certificate before signing any agreement or entering premises and every 12 months thereafter, which CO-Gas Safety completely supported. This was partly the subject of judicial proceedings and the issue described just may go to the Supreme Court because this issue was not fully dealt with in the case of Gas Safety Records and Possession Proceedings: Trecarrell House Limited V Rouncefield [2020] EWCA Civ 760

712.        03.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Nathanial Shaughnessy to tell him that it was Lord Ferrers who told her that tour operators couldn’t possibly make sure that the accommodation for every holidaymaker was safe. Lord Ferrers had implied that far too much detailed work was involved. Stephanie had reposted by pointing out that holiday bookings brochures specified whether or not a room had a sea view, so surely basic life and death safety did not require any more detailed investigation than that?

711.        02.07.20 Stephanie wrote to Avril Samuel of the Katie Haines Memorial Trust about the difficulties CO-Gas Safety was having in raising the difficulties suffered by survivors of CO in obtaining proof of exposure to parts per million of CO or even some idea of how severe their poisoning could be, even for their medics. Also, that raising such issues were not being treated in the way CO-Gas Safety thought was right and that the whole process felt undemocratic and industry led.

710.        Stephanie wrote to Nathanial Shaughnessy thanking him for the Canary (the newsletter from APPCOG – (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) with its report on the stakeholder forum’s meeting on the 9th June (first ever virtual meeting):- ‘Finally, there was an item for discussion provided by Stephanie Trotter on a proposal that would allow survivors to receive an accurate measure of the level of CO they had been exposed to for medical referrals.’

Stephanie wrote to Nat to emphasise that this proposal came from CO-Gas Safety not just from her. All others had the organisation specified, e.g. Issie Myers of CO-Med.

Re the carers’ inquiry, Stephanie pointed out that CO-Gas Safety’s proposal – namely that the gas emergency service test gas appliances as much as possible, would surely greatly assist carers?

She also asked for a list of the members of the stakeholders’ forum.

709.        Further correspondence in June with Nathanial Shaughnessy, manager of Policy Connect which does the administration for APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group), and Avril Samuel. Stephanie asked in an email dated 30.06.20 to Nathanial Shaughnessy to be allowed to make a presentation to the board of APPCOG.

708.        Further correspondence between Mark Wiltshire of Ofgem and Stephanie Trotter in late June.

707.        23.06.20 Zoom meeting with Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) – very positive and cheering. Extract from email sent by Stephanie Trotter after this meeting on 24.06.20:-

‘We would be more than happy to work with you and could have a chat with Richard anytime if that might help. There are other things we think would help and I’ve attached a list of ’what we wanted’ for your interest. However, we’ve always put awareness first to avoid poisoning and testing for CO second, so the victim at least knows how badly they’ve been exposed. Some victims/survivors have said that not being able to convince their medics or family that they’ve been poisoned has been even worse than the debilitating state they are left in; this is heart breaking and, along with prevention, is the main reason I’ve stayed on for over 25 years.’

706.        19.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Steven King and Darren Slater to point out that time was marching on and that CO-Gas Safety’s concerns about the symptoms of CO being similar to those of Covid-19, and therefore the need for a test of gas appliances for CO, was very urgent and needed to be handed up to those above King and Slater.

705.        19.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Mark Wilshire of Ofgem, copied to Jonathan Brearley, to point out that she could no long access . She explained:-

‘The reason we need to revisit this is because we are having a virtual meeting with Northern Gas Networks on Tuesday afternoon next week (23rd) and from my understanding this conflict has arisen:-

  1. From the attached it seemed to us that it was up to the GDNs (Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service) to put forward their plans and ideas for the use it or lose it allowance/funding.
  2. The GDNs (or at any rate NGN (Northern Gas Networks)) seem to be saying that they can’t do anything until Ofgem has finalised the details and given them this, which at the earliest seems to be around the end of July.’

Stephanie made the point ‘that the existing system has always made it almost impossible for survivors of exposure to CO to receive proper medical treatment for CO, due to lack of proof of CO exposure. This despite the fact that the HSC/E recognised this in 2000 and made two excellent recommendations to combat this by a levy on gas suppliers to raise awareness of the dangers of CO and for research and for the gas emergency service to use equipment to test gas appliances for CO.

Stephanie pointed out that extrapolating from the small respected university research studies show that over 12 million people are being exposed to CO above 50 parts per million (way above WHO guidelines – please read This is extremely worrying. Stephanie asked Ofgem to contact the charity if it disagreed with our reasoning or mathematics.’

Stephanie further stated, ‘Because CO has symptoms similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19, this is of huge importance with regard to getting some testing of gas appliances up and running ideally by autumn and winter 2020-21.’

Stephanie attached a case where it was obvious that testing for CO would have been helpful to the Council tenant who, due to fear of Covid-19, had problems finding a Registered Gas Engineer (RGE) to service her appliances after being cut off (presumably by the gas emergency service who are under a legal duty to enter if necessary). The Council tenant, Ms Reid, had pneumonia and a five-year-old child at home and her CO alarm had sounded. Her local paper finally managed to help her find a RGE to fix her boiler.

Stephanie also informed Ofgem that CO-Gas Safety ‘had also written to British Gas to ask them to set up a testing service, ideally free but even a reasonably priced test of gas appliances for CO would be very helpful. What consumers need is a test of the emissions or the air in the household after the gas appliances have been reconnected, but just before the gas appliances have been serviced, so that medics can be informed about the CO levels (if found) that survivors have been exposed to. At this time, the system makes sure the evidence of any exposure is destroyed. This was the problem that the HSC/E identified in 2000 and is why the recommendations were made. Sadly, in our view due to lobbying by industry, these excellent recommendations were dropped. Even more sadly, this doesn’t mean the HSE was wrong.’

Stephanie further pointed out that ‘Many other problems flow from a lack of testing for CO. Our one minute film (see (about Sue Westwood, now a trustee of CO-Gas Safety), shows that Sue was suspected by doctors of taking cocaine when in fact she was being exposed to CO. Gill Wing was poorly treated due to the lack of knowledge by medics about CO. Indeed there is a widespread belief amongst doctors that CO poisoning is rare, when it certainly is not.’

704.        18.06.20 Stephanie received an email from Avril Samuel who kindly supported the need for testing of gas appliances for CO by the gas emergency service and didn’t think it had been properly dealt with at the stakeholder group in March.

703.        16.06.20 Stephanie corresponded with Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) to discuss innovation. Meeting fixed for 23.06.20 to discuss Ofgem and Use It Or Lose It (UIOLI) allowance.

702.        Stephanie corresponded with Jim Kinnibrugh, a chimney expert who now lives in Italy but is doing what he can to help a CO survivor renting from a Local Authority who is continuing to be concerned about fumes from her neighbour through a joint chimney. Her neighbour owns the house next door, having bought it from the Council many years earlier. Stephanie has been trying to help this person for some time.

701.        14.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Steven King and Darren Slater of British Gas asking for three things from BG.

‘We are asking for three things:-

  1. Leadership by BG.
  2. Practical help for survivors of CO.
  3. Funding to provide support for survivors of CO and their families.

1.            Leadership

We would like BG to support the recommendations made by HSC/E in 2000 but not implemented. Please see attached. We’d like BG to call for their implementation, especially due to the fact that CO has symptoms similar to any virus including Covid-19. Please see attached case about Ms Reid, a Council tenant. Of course, it might be possible to implement the spirit of these recommendations in other ways.

2.            Practical help for survivors by testing the air and ideally gas appliances for CO

We would like BG to be able to offer ideally a free (or reasonably priced) service testing gas appliances for CO ASAP without changing the appliances first (i.e. under CMDDA1) and providing CO survivors with parts per million in writing of CO (if any) for their use and for the use of their medics. Please see the experience Gill Wing endured from the medics she saw. This is typical. This service is surely vital, particularly in view of Covid-19.

BG is surely in a unique position to step up to the plate to provide this service into action this autumn?

I recently learned from Andy Speake of AICO that all CO alarms manufactured after 2014 can have a record of the peak level of CO, if any, downloaded by an app. This would be a great step forward and I’m going to talk to Andy today. However, I think a test for CO by British Gas would be even better. Perhaps both could be done?

3.            Funding for victim support

There are two well funded gas safety charities, the Gas Safety Trust and the Gas Safe Charity, yet neither do what this tiny charity tries to do which is to provide some victim support in order to support and help desperate people and their families. We also learn from where things went wrong and suggest ways to improve safety for future prevention. We also collect, collate and publish unintentional deaths and injuries from CO from all fuels and have done since 1995. Our data shows that, per user, gas is safer than other fuels. We think the reputation of British Gas would be greatly enhanced by funding CO-Gas Safety, given for obvious reasons, on an unconditional basis.

We have found after over 25 years of doing what we can, that evidence of poisoning, where it exists, is the most vital thing for victims/survivors. Victims/survivors and families also greatly appreciate talking to someone who understands what they are going through and can point them to helpful medics etc.

There are obviously many other things that victim support can and should offer. However, the consequence of being severely poisoned so that you can’t even get out of bed without being able to find a cause and therefore everyone, including your loved ones and medics, assume you are suffering purely from some sort of mental breakdown, is as you can imagine horrendous, and a waste of NHS funds.’

700.        Stephanie had written to Neil Atkinson CEO of IGEM on the 02.06.20 but wrote again on the 11.06.20 having found his direct email. She did receive a formal response on the 12th June but only that the conference on CO had to be deferred until 2021.

699.        10.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) giving him feedback on the NGN’s quiz and also our quiz. Pointed out that downloading from CO alarms would assist survivors.

698.        09.06.20 APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) virtual stakeholder meeting. Stephanie attended. Excellent presentation by Andy Speake of AICO which stated that all EN 50291 CO alarms had downloadable data using an iPhone so that amounts of CO a survivor was exposed to could be ascertained. Stephanie praised this and pointed out how helpful that would be. Reported on CO-Gas Safety’s continuing work and the poisoning of a nine-year-old in a Scottish school.

Under AOB Stephanie raised concerns about the coming autumn and winter and the fact that unless survivors had PPM (Parts Per Million) of CO doctors didn’t believe them so why didn’t the gas emergency service test gas appliances for CO?  Also, the confusion between symptoms of CO and Covid-19. Asked for trials. Tom Bell asked for written proposals but wouldn’t be able to answer until Ofgem confirmed what it was allowing. Stephanie and Sue Westwood (also attended) considered this was a fob off.

Stephanie queried the sounds of CO alarms and was told these were now on a website Having checked these it seems that they are but you have to find the make of alarm. Stephanie listened to Honeywell XC100D and it seems in the one Stephanie listened to that continuous 4 chirps for 60 minutes indicates dangerous levels and the emergency procedure should be followed. This seems confusing and not loud enough.

697.        09.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Avril of the Katies Haines Memorial Trust and sent the yellow booklet which contained the accounts from survivors and victims, which we think persuaded HSE to make its recommendations in 2000.

696.        08.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Nat, APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) manager, about CO-Gas Safety’s concerns for this autumn and winter as symptoms of CO are similar to any virus, including Covid-19.

Described the report of Ms Reid. Drew attention to the small university studies, around 12 million people in UK could be being exposed to CO of 50 PPM and above

These reasons make testing for CO all the more important, especially if the previously planned study of 75,000 homes won’t happen. In 2015 the large study was announced and was said to be funded, yet five years have elapsed already. Therefore, even if the large study is started, action should surely be taken now on the results of the findings of the small studies.

Drew attention to the £30 million being provided by Ofgem and couldn’t the GDNs (Gas Distribution Networks who run the gas emergency service) use this and their own funds to test gas appliances for CO.

Drew his attention to case studies and Sue’s film and how the medics thought Sue was taking cocaine, which she certainly wasn’t, rather than being poisoned by CO.

Asked APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) to please at least call for trials to be run before this year’s heating season restarts to understand the issues surrounding such a process, particularly in view of Covid-19?

Asked for APPCOG to please draw attention to the need for testing for CO by the gas emergency service in Parliament, ASAP?

Asked to be put in touch with the innovation teams ASAP.

695.        06.06.20 Stephanie wrote to a Councillor about Ms Reid.

694.        06.06.20 Stephanie wrote again to Jon Brady about Ms Reid and the general issue of testing gas appliances for CO.

693.        05.06.20 Stephanie received an acknowledgement from Ofgem of FOI request.

692.        05.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Jill Wakefield of HSE to ask for the minutes of the departmental committee on CO after 2017-18.

691.        04.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Tom Bell of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) about the advice given to someone ringing the gas emergency service.

690.        04.06.20 Wrote to Jonathan Brearley of Ofgem and under the FOI Act – similar questions to those asked of HSE. Basically, about the MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) and need each organisation had to consult each other.

689.        02.06.20 Stephanie liaised with Jim Kinnibrugh, chimney expert, with regard to a particular survivor who is in a Council house and possibly being poisoned by fumes from next door’s private house through joint chimney leakage.

688.        02.06.20 Stephanie wrote to Chair of HSE under FOI.

We ask the following questions under the FOI Act:-

  1. Has the HSE recently considered whether or not the gas emergency services could or should test gas appliances for CO?
  2. If so, who was involved in these discussions and what conclusions did HSE reach?
  3. If no, why hasn’t HSE considered whether or not the gas emergency services could or should test gas appliances for CO?
  4. Has the HSE discussed with Ofgem using GD2 funding to help the gas emergency services test gas appliances for CO?
  5. If no, what plans are there if any, to have such a discussion?
  6. If there are no plans for such a discussion, why is this?
  7. If yes, what discussions have taken place?
  8. Finally, would HSE consider or support a project or trial of the gas emergency service testing gas appliances for CO or undertaking a sweep test after relighting the gas appliances?

687.        01.06.20 Wrote to Nat, manager of Policy Connect.

‘We find it incomprehensible that these horrendous figures (in the research referred to) seem to be just ignored particularly by HSE. However, I’ve heard recently that HSE has lost all morale and it never had much enthusiasm for gas safety.

We also find it incomprehensible that this promised further study into 75,000 homes has not been carried out, whatever the reason. Surely if funds had been cut for the fire service, the wealthy fuel industry could and should have been asked to contribute? We didn’t even hear that cuts to the fire service had affected this study until very recently. If we had, we would have lobbied for this. Since this study hasn’t happened, surely the numbers found small studies should be acted on by the gas emergency service carrying and using equipment to test gas appliances for CO, at least in some trials, while the further large study is undertaken?

Just ignoring this issue when so many people (over 12 million people in the UK appear to be exposed to high levels of CO) and symptoms of CO can be confused with those of any virus, including Covid-19, is wrong? and attached (because it is hard to download fully) is illustrative of the problem.

Surely APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) could and should approach the HSE, the gas suppliers and Ofgem and if necessary, express its opinion publicly? Could you please put this to APPCOG and get back to us? If you can’t do this, please let us know that you can’t. Thank you.’

686.        01.06.20 Stephanie wrote to The Times – sadly not published. Asked for letter to be passed on to Kevin Mather.

‘Congratulations to Kevin Mather for having a go at Boris for encouraging barbecuing. Thank you Kevin for raising awareness that ‘Barbecuing meat produces carcinogenic chemicals’ and for informing us that ‘It’s scientific fact, not a rumour.’

If people must barbecue, we ask them to use the gas powered ones with a cover.

Boris is probably also unaware, or doesn’t care, that the gas emergency service does not use equipment to test gas appliances for the silent but deadly gas carbon monoxide. Yet the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can mimic those of any virus, including Covid-19, (see attached article about Council tenant, Ms Katie Reid).

Obviously Boris either doesn’t know or doesn’t care, (see attached about Boris and child of courage, Jaydee-Lee). I and the charity have spent over 25 years lobbying about these issues.’

685.        01.06.20 Stephanie wrote to ‘Symptoms of any virus, including Covid-19, are similar to carbon monoxide poisoning yet the gas emergency service has no equipment to test gas appliances for carbon monoxide (CO). Why is this?’

684.        29.05.20 Trotter wrote to Phil Burrows of Cadent to congratulate him and Cadent on the following

683.        Stephanie followed up on NICE and sent an email proving that CO-Gas Safety had sent a response on the 22.07.19 as follows:-

From: Stephanie Trotter

Sent: 22 July 2019 13:08

To: NICE ( <>

Cc: Giovanni Leonardi  Sani Dimitroulopoulou; Lyndsey Baldwin; Jim Lambeth; Overton Paul; copy to  Stephanie Trotter <>

Subject: Indoor air quality Guidance

‘There is no mention that I can find of carbon monoxide and only one mention that I found on combustion and that concentrates only on particulates. Namely:- DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION Indoor air quality: NICE guideline DRAFT (June 2019) 15 of 36Particulate matter1Particulate matter (also referred to as PM or particle pollution) is a complex mixture 2 of solid or liquid particles suspended in air. These particles can vary in size, shape 3and composition. Indoor particulate matter can be generated through cooking, 4 combustion (including candles, open solid-fuel fires, unvented space heaters or 5paraffinheatersandsmoking).

There is another document brought out in 2018 re carbon monoxide and CO and as well as the medical side there is the following:- Checking home for carbon monoxide leaks

Acute exposure to low concentrations of carbon monoxide are unlikely to result in harm, however, they indicate a risk of future exposure to higher concentrations and of harm from chronic low-level exposure, and therefore the home environment should be checked for carbon monoxide leaks [Toxbase, 2013<>]

This is great advice but how does the patient do this? Firstly, the patient’s higher intellectual functions may well be affected. Secondly checking the home environment is virtually impossible for many reasons.

  1. Despite a recommendation made by HSC/E in 2000 that the gas emergency service carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for CO this has not been implemented.
  2. Anyone who has had work done by a Registered Gas Engineer in the previous 6 months can ask the Gas Safe Register to send an inspector who will test the gas appliance for CO but if the person is a tenant then the GSR requires the permission of the landlord first so the boiler and evidence will in our experience either disappear or be changed.
  3. There is a qualification called CMDDA1 which enables a RGE to test an appliance for CO for around £100 to £500 but we have found that almost every RGE assumes he is bound by the policy 8.2 of the GSR. We are sure the ordinary RGE is not so bound but even though we offered to pay in advance we couldn’t find any RGE with CMDDA1 to test for CO.
  4. The algorithm* for CO has a ‘black hole’ at box 4 on page 1. What the patient needs is an independent gas expert to test for CO. This is almost never arranged by NPIS or by PHE because they seem to lack the resources to do so. We have been pointing this out for years.’ *

682.        Stephanie wrote to on 25.05.20 and received a very polite response on the 27.05.20 but responded with:

‘Thank you very much indeed for your response.

How can the symptoms of CO be tested for immediately without tests of gas appliances and their emissions and/or at least the air in the household for CO?

Please do let me know because we don’t understand how that could be done by educational packs only. Of course, knowing the symptoms and asking the right questions might lead the experienced questioner to come to a provisional conclusion.

However, to be certain whether or not someone has been exposed to dangerous levels of CO (possibly some time earlier) then surely the only way is to test the emissions of the appliances when relight and/or the air in the house etc. for CO?’

681.        18.05.20 Stephanie sent an email about the confusion between CO and Covid-19 and the need to revisit the HSC/E’s recommendation for the gas emergency service to test appliances for CO to the Minister responsible for the HSE, Mims Davies MP.

680.        18.05.20 Stephanie wrote to Lord McKenzie of Luton; Baroness Finlay; Baroness Maddock; Barry Sheerman; Philip Hunt Lord; copies to Chair of HSE Martin Temple; Jonathan Brearley; Chris Bielby to raise the problem about symptoms of CO being similar to those of any virus including Covid-19 and therefore the need for the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO.

679.        14.05.20 Stephanie inquired of SGN, Pamela Goee, if any trials were taking place using Flue Gas Analysers. Pamela Goee did respond on 22.05.20 but it doesn’t seem that trials of testing for CO are taking place which is very disappointing.

678.        08.05.20 Thanks to a survivor put the following on our website.

‘Help for Functional Neurological Disorder Recommended by a survivor of carbon monoxide poisoning. Our thanks to this person and his wife. Please let us know how you get on by emailing us  so we can pass on your recommendations.’

677.        Trotter dealt with various queries from survivors in May.

676.        06.05.20 Trotter corresponded with Phil Burrows of Cadent about the need for survivors to know the parts per million of CO they’ve been exposed to.

675.        06.05.20 Stephanie was contacted by someone whose son Tom had died of CO while on holiday with this girlfriend’s family in Scotland. Ultimately Stephanie was able to recommend a Scottish solicitor who Stephanie had met many years ago and who also connected to Parlex, the group of European lawyers founded by BWB, the firm Stephanie’s husband works for.

674.        05.05.20 Stephanie received answers about Dr Shaw’s presentation (PPP) but it seems that the research into 75,000 homes didn’t go ahead apparently due to lack of funds by the fire service.

Dr Shaw stated, ‘The 75000 homes was the target for HFSC for the fire service within the period but not the main thrust of the study which was the data logger placement. The fire service handed CO safety leaflets to each of the houses they conducted a HFSC in.  GST funded the research element – the delivery of the programme on the ground was to be carried out by the FRS as part of their community work. Once the cuts bit this was cut back as they were only allowed to do their basic duties.’

However, the original press release in 2015 stated that funding had been found.

‘The Gas Safety Trust (GST) also awarded a grant to LJMU to expand the study from two city centres to five counties by partnering with five Fire and Rescue Services, Merseyside, Cornwall, Bedfordshire, West Midlands and Oxfordshire. The funding is also supported by an in-kind contribution from the Council for Gas Detection and Environmental Monitoring (CoGDEM) whose members have supplied CO alarms and data loggers to undertake a comprehensive CO investigation covering 75,000 households.

Dr Andy Shaw, CO project Manager said: “The concept of this work is to get a national perspective on the number of people who maybe suffering either acute or chronic poisoning from Carbon Monoxide without being aware and determine the risk factors that may exist both in terms of health impact and in prevention.

“After the initial study was complete I was asked to take part in several CO working groups in Westminster and I’m now a member of the CO+ Science and technology group. This has led to the team collating the body of evidence for the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group which allowed me to submit LJMU’s research findings on the CO study.”

673.        Stephanie tried to find an engineer qualified under CMDDA1 to test gas appliances for CO for a survivor.

672.        04.05.20 Stephanie corresponded with Steven King of British Gas about CO, Ben Kuchta’s cut-off device and the need for testing gas appliances for CO and giving survivors the amount for their medics.

671. Followed this up with an email to John Moore’s asking for any further information about the research into 75,000 houses.

670. 29.04.20 Stephanie had corresponded with Chris Bielby over the PPP he’d sent us that was given by Dr Shaw in 2018 but which still doesn’t deal with the research into 75,000 houses.

669. 29.024.20 Stephanie wrote to Avril Samuel congratulating her and the trust on persuading Amazon to stop stocking the black spot detectors.

668. 27.04.20 Stephanie compiled a case study about her friends whose dog Colin alerted them to CO. Stephanie sent this to the Listening Project.

667. 25.04.20 Stephanie wrote to Saga magazine about CO and Covid-19.

666. 25.04.20 Stephanie wrote to Dr Mark Porter chasing up an email sent in January and making a point about CO and Covid-19.

665. 24.04.20 Stephanie wrote again to Jill Walker of NGN (Northern Gas Networks) offering help with a PPP about CO.

664. 23.04.20 Chris Bielby notified Stephanie of the sad death of Molly Maher. Stephanie spent time writing an obituary for our website.

663. 21.04.20 Stephanie wrote to Chris Bielby of SGN (Scotia Gas Networks) asking what happened to the research of 75,000 houses. This was to chase up same sent on 31.03.20. Eventually Chris sent her a presentation by Dr Andy Shaw in 2018 on about 500 homes. Hardly the 75,000 homes though.

662. Stephanie heard from Jill Walker of Northern Gas Networks about the computer based training about CO.

661. 21.04.20 Stephanie Trotter tried to contact Stacey Rodgers again.

660. 21.04.20 Stephanie Trotter got in touch with Paul Hull, a RGE. Very good conversation on the telephone.

659.        Stephanie wrote to Mark Horsley CEO, of Northern Gas Networks about RIO-2 suggesting equipping the FCOs with equipment to test gas appliances for CO.

658.        20.04.20 Response from Dianne Dodds’ office received. This stated that although the First Call Operators have equipment to test for CO after relighting, they lack the training to test individual appliances for CO. Stephanie wrote back suggesting what is really needed is a flue gas analyser which can at least test the air (sweep test) after the gas appliances have been relit and ideally, test the emissions from each appliance in order that the appliance emitting the CO can be identified and turned off.

657.        15.04.20 Wrote to Sharon Baker of Gi magazine, the following:-

CO and Covid-19

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning has similar symptoms to any virus including Covid-19. As far as we know CO doesn’t give people a fever, but we’ve heard Covid-19 doesn’t necessarily give everyone with it a fever either. Therefore, there is obviously a danger of confusion between any old virus, CO and Covid-19. A recent example can be found at

Ms Reid, a tenant, apparently suffering pneumonia and with a five year old at home in freezing Dundee, had problems obtaining the services of a Registered Gas Engineer to fix her central heating boiler allegedly because of fear of Covid-19. The local newspaper apparently helped her.

There are two issues here:-

1.            The testing issue.

There is a shortage of tests for Covid-19. All RGEs, including First Call Operators for the emergency service, have to do CPA1 i.e. learn to use a flue gas analyser.

So why doesn’t the gas emergency service carry & use equipment to test gas appliances and/at least the air indoors for CO? FCOs do wear Personal Alarm Monitors for CO but because the person phoning the gas emergency number 0800111999 is told to turn everything off and open the windows, by the time the FCO arrives usually any CO will have disappeared. Yet how can anyone be safe unless and until the source of any CO is found or CO is ruled out? Please note that HSE recommended that all FCOs carry and use equipment to test gas appliances for CO in 2000, but this was never implemented.

2.            Personal protective equipment

RGEs tell me that all RGEs, including FCOs are equipped with protective clothing with regard to asbestos, which would also protect against Covid-19. Obviously this needs to be checked but the PPE look similar to me. Why isn’t the GSR urging RGEs to wear their PPE? I couldn’t find anything about PPE on on 15th April. Why isn’t APPCOG(The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) and IGEM issuing advice?’

This was not published by Gi Magazine.

656.        Stephanie wrote to Chris Geeves of Chimney Skills Training about him joining the meetings re APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group).

655. 06.04.20 Stephanie wrote to Diane Dodds, Economy Minister for N. Ireland about CO and Covid-19.

654. 06.04.20 Stephanie wrote to Ian McCluskey Head of Technical and Policy of IGEM about Ms Katie Reid and Covid-19 and protective clothing (i.e. PPE) for RGEs.

653. Servicing has been suspended in N. Ireland due to Covid-19. Understandable but worrying.

652. 03.04.20 Trotter contacted the MP for Katie Reid, namely Dave Doogan MP, and did speak to him and sent him an email. However, there has been no written response other than an automatic one.

651.        02.04.20 Trotter wrote to IGEM putting forward that Trotter should be a speaker at the IGEM conference. Part of the letter is as follows:-

‘Do you have any reasons why I wouldn’t be suitable? If so, I would like to know what they are because I find it very strange that it seems so hard to obtain an invitation to speak about what we’ve been doing for the last 25 years. I attach my one page CV.

You might be reassured to know that I was asked by the Chief Coroner to give a talk to Local Authority officials, whose job it is to deal with Coroners and their officers (in 2016) and this seemed to go very well.

Surely the leading professional organisation in gas should be interested in hearing a talk from such a hardworking and long-standing victim group?’

650. 01.04.20 Trotter wrote to John Brady of the Tele to thank the Tele for helping Katie Reid, who was a Council tenant in Arbroath in Angus Council and had been at home with pneumonia and a five-year-old when her CO alarm sounded. The gas was cut off, but Ms Reid had problems finding a RGE to service her boiler because the RGEs thought she had Covid-19.

649. 26.03.20 Trotter helped a tenant who suspected poisoning by CO by writing to his landlord, Cross Key Homes.

648.        26.03.20 Trotter wrote to Ian McCluskey of IGEM about the fact that APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) had a virtual meeting with IGEM on the 25th but that there was hardly any information about this.

647.        23.03.20 Trotter wrote to APPCOG (The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group) asking that a test for carbon monoxide be undertaken on every suspected coronavirus death and the result recorded in writing and published.

646.        23.03.20 Trotter wrote to the Chief Coroner about the difficulties posed by symptoms of CO being like any virus including Covid-19, yet there being no available free testing of appliances for CO and even paid-for testing is almost impossible for an ordinary consumer to obtain.

645.        20.03.20 Trotter wrote again to Public Health England about the algorithm. She wrote to Sani Dimitroulopoulou about ‘the hole’ for GPs in the algorithm which refers GPs to PHE or NPIS yet these organisations do not provide testing of homes or the gas appliances for CO.

The PHE algorithm used by GPs* to decide if their patient is suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning advises,

‘If the patient does not improve:

  • contact the NPIS (National Poisons Information Service) for advice
  • contact your local PHE centre for advice
  • reconsider diagnosis’

However, there is no provision for an investigation by an expert who can test the gas appliances for Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Surely there should be an investigator who will test appliances for CO and, if CO is found, provide parts per million of CO to GPs, so that that accurate medical diagnoses can be made?


644.        19.03.20 Trotter tried and later failed to get an article published in Gi magazine about the lack of testing and GD2.

‘I am writing regarding this article, ‘Ofgem RIIO 2- challenge group disappointed with the lack of proactivity from network companies’.

 CO-Gas Safety is also disappointed; not just with two of the Gas Distribution Network providers but also with lack of action by Ofgem and particularly the HSE.

 Pollution indoors is about 30 times what it is outdoors, mainly from heating and cooking, and does obviously contribute to outdoor pollution.

 Meanwhile the fuel industry has still failed to provide concerned consumers with a free test of emissions from a boiler, fire or cooker for carbon monoxide (CO), a deadly gas of which less than 2% in the air can kill in between one and three minutes* yet cannot be sensed using human senses. 

*  see Para 74 table 23 page 26

12,800 ppm Immediate effect, unconscious after 2 to 3 breaths, danger of death in 1 to 3 minutes

 SGN may undertake trials of a free test which would be brilliant but only they and Cadent asked CO-Gas Safety to a stakeholder meeting and/or a consultation before submitting their plans.

However, although we’re disappointed with the other GDNs & Ofgem, Health and Safety is surely more the duty of the HSE than Ofgem? So why does HSE ignore our plea for Gas Emergency Service First Call Operators to carry and use equipment to test appliances for CO?

What’s so annoying is HSE (or HSC as then) recommended gas emergency services carry and use this equipment 20 years ago, after a fundamental gas safety review. This was made with the support of the majority of the stakeholders.

 HSE/C also recommended a levy be imposed on gas suppliers to pay for publicity to raise awareness of CO. In our opinion, these suppliers may have lobbied to have these excellent recommendations dropped but we have worked hard to raise these vital issues for over 25 years, despite being ignored and dismissed.

 The consequence is most people are still unaware of the dangers of CO and victims of exposure to CO can’t prove to their loved ones or medics why they are so ill. As a result victims of CO are often belittled, disbelieved and given the wrong medical treatment.

 CO-Gas Safety is extremely grateful to Julie Connolly of John Moore’s Liverpool University for her PhD in which she interviewed 11 victims of CO to hear their stories from their point of view. See – It’s over 300 pages and I hope to write an article about it soon.

 This Gi article ends with the Energy Networks Association asking for engagement with customers and stakeholders. We publicly offer to engage, just as we have for 25 years tried to engage industry on behalf of CO victims. In case of doubt, our contact details are:;  email: or text / call 07803 088688.

As of today this underfunded, small charity appears to be the only free source of support for victims of CO – surely this can’t be right?’

However, Stephanie was encouraged to write a letter re the difficulty landlords experience of gas safety certificates running out in lockdown and suggested a solution – providing CO alarms. This was published.

643.        18.03.20 Trotter asked Nigel Winnan of Wales & West Utilities about fundin,g as at the recent stakeholder meeting he had said there was some funding available. Received a response and wrote further. Asked to a meeting which was subsequently cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdown.

642.        18.03.20 Trotter asked to be a speaker at a virtual IGEM section meeting in the future.

641. 16.03.20 Trotter came across article in 2011 about increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) due to CO. S 165. Please note that SIDS in itself is an admission that no known cause of death has been found. Adults can also suffer unexplained deaths but sometimes a cause can be found see Causes are important because then family members can be examined and treated.

640. 16.03.20 Trotter received full response from Pamela Goee of SGN about our questions. However, we are still convinced that the gas emergency service should test the air and ideally use a Flue Gas Analyser to test the emissions from gas appliances for CO? The reason for this is surely for safety the source of CO should be found and for correct medical treatment the amount of CO the survivor has been exposed to should at least be estimated?

639. 16.03.20. Trotter wrote to Maureen Nolan of the Gas Safe Charity to point out the lack of victim support and difficulties survivors face over the lack of proof of CO.

638. 16.03.20 Trotter conferred with the fire and rescue service over the creation of a protocol re CO, similar to the one used by the Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and also the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps. She put Adrian Hutt in touch with Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.

637. 15.03.20 Trotter received lovely compliments about our 25th anniversary press pack from a member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps.

636. 14.03.20 Trotter looked into the Emiliano Sala crash support re CO to the Coroner by email.

635.        13.03.20 Trotter helped someone setting up a business of wood burning saunas on boats.

634.        13.03.20 Trotter helped someone whose child aged 9 was exposed to CO at school in Scotland. Levels of at least 70 PPM according to fire officers apparently.

Thought of making CO part of the Duke of Edinburgh award.

633.        10.03.20 The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG0 stakeholder meeting was attended by Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton.

Stephanie sent Nathanial Shaughnessy some notes she’d made about what she’d said at the meeting to help him compile the minutes as follows:-

‘Notes made of what Stephanie Trotter of CO-Gas Safety said at the meeting 10.03.20

Please note that information in italics is for your information or material I would like added as notes at the bottom of the minutes at your discretion.

ST made the initial point that in November 2019 (the last meeting) there were 30 attendees and 39 apologies but neither Avril, Lynn, Stacey, Molly nor Frank were asked to this meeting. Appreciated that possibly Stacey is ill and Lynn and Molly refused to be part of CO+SAVi. However, CO-Gas Safety did not give up on providing victim input. However, after we failed to persuade the AFAF to even put forward our ideas for the Energy Bill 2013, most of the members of CO+ SAVi lost heart.

(Notes added for explanation purely for you. CO+SAVi a sub group of victims and victim groups were given no real support in the form of admin support and most of the members had to attend paying their own expenses. We thought the meetings of the stakeholder groups had stopped but eventually found out they were continuing and asked to attend in November 2019.)

25th January 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of the founding of the CO-Gas Safety charity, with a special press pack launched. The charity has been collecting data for 24 of these 25 years and ongoing with 95% of the unintentional deaths (we only record these) from CO in this database verified by some official report usually from coroners, and recently received recognition from the National Physical Laboratory, specialising in measurement technologies. They were impressed by our data and how it was collected. (I am hoping to be able to send you the two emails she sent to me just before the meeting or even better their article when it is published which it is due to be, any minute.)

Annual CO awareness competition, run through ‘Safety Seymour’ initiative in primary schools continuing in 2020 – going to Jersey for the first time this year thanks to Cadent and to Margaret Jeffery, who lost her husband to CO on a boat (see page 10). The GDNs are to be greatly commended for the continued success of this competition and for the continued improvement to this initiative.

Please read article written by ST in the New Law Journal about how difficult it is for those suffering from carbon monoxide to prove CO even to obtain diagnosis of CO for the correct medical help, let alone make legal claims

Lille CO Conference on the 4th March– very good

Hilary Wareing from COMed was very interesting and made the point that CO was found from appliances in pregnant women but only because they were looking at preventing pregnant women smoking. She appeared to be unhappy that this whole initiative had only been started as a stop smoking intervention, rather than looking at CO for its own sake.

The research at Lille was interesting. Dr. Mari Heristad of Sheffield Hallam university told us about her research on very low levels of CO (1-6 PPM) and the effect on the brains of healthy students aged under 25. This was worrying.

Dr Julie Connolly gave a very good presentation about her PhD work of using IPA, which seemed to me to mean listening to 11 CO victims. The GST is to be commended for funding her. However, there still seems to be virtually no victim support other than what CO-Gas Safety or the Katie Haines Memorial Trust (i.e. me and Avril) provides. (CO-Gas Safety has no guaranteed funding and whenever funding is mentioned we never seem to be eligible. Someone from Wales & West, I think he was called Nigel told me there is some funding available – could you possibly ask him? Thank you.)

CO-Gas Safety recently engaged with HSE on improving regulations, especially those made in 2000 as a result of a massive gas safety review (levy on gas suppliers to raise awareness and for the gas emergency service to carry and use gas appliances to test for CO – not implemented due we think to lobbying by the gas suppliers) and with the support of the majority of the stakeholders. However, we were met with an extremely negative response – IM said recently in the CO conference Lille that she would go with us to see the HSE to ask for help (but later in this meeting said she had not said this but would put this (to a vote?) of the COMed committee – could you please ask Isabella to clarify? Thank you. Could you also ask her why wouldn’t COMed seek help from all government departments especially the HSE?).

Two students recounted the death of a flatmate and his girlfriend to CO in the shower in 2017 in Lille which was very moving. In my opinion this presentation stole the show. I publicly asked the students (whom I had not met before), for their suggestions to prevent future deaths and they spoke about increased awareness and the use of TV warnings as well as other methods such as social media.

Jonathan Kane finished with prevention and protection.

ST then highlighted the continuing problem of referrals, with the ‘algorithm’ (see page 1 box four) for GPs with regard to diagnosing CO poisoning issued by PHE. The problem with this is that GPs are advised to consult with NPIS or PHE (or reconsider diagnosis of CO) but currently neither NPIS nor PHE have the resources to test the appliances in a suspected victim’s house.

Note after meeting. We have been trying to get this changed for many years because we consider this is wrong for the GP and the patient.

In the past Hilary Wareing of COMed obtained a test from the Gas Safe Register of a victim’s appliances but we have not heard of GPs or normal victims, especially tenants, being able to do this.

GPs could be advised to seek this help and GSR will test gas appliances only for CO but only if work done by a Registered Gas Engineer within the last 6 months and even then, will not do this if a tenant is the patient without the landlord’s permission. Please see 

‘If you are a tenant, we will seek permission from your landlord before undertaking our

investigation. However, if you do not wish to engage your landlord, we will only be able

to conduct a visual inspection of the installation. Whilst we accept your request this will

limit the extent and effectiveness of our investigation into your complaint.

Note: Where we identify gas related safety defects we may be obliged to inform your

landlord or their agent, where known.’

ST Most tenants are too frightened to even ask. Had put that this should be changed to the GSR and HSE but they did not support a change. ST could not understand why not as testing would not damage the appliance and surely the tenant’s life and/or health was at risk?

At some stage ST said that we were in favour of research but surely meanwhile, awareness and proof are surely vital.

ST finished update by talking about the numbers affected by CO and that we had looked again at this entry on our website see . Millions could be being affected by CO above 50 PPM even in the UK.

ST asked about the research on 75,000 homes and asked what had happened to this research which was to be funded by the Gas Safety Trust in an announcement in 2015. CB made various comments. [However, I am still not sure what the true position is and ask him to let us all know whether the research is stuck over the ethics (which I think is unlikely as this study seemed to be exactly the same as the previous studies, just a lot larger) or has been done and the report is stuck somewhere. Is there another study by EDCO whatever that is? Found a note since the meeting and while filing from Olivier Buckley-Mellor about some EDCO study and it means nothing to me nor does EDCO.]

PO said that his daughter, Sian has made a new video released on CO-Gas Safety website, offering the perspective of both a survivor and family member about the death of her older half sister Katie Overton. Katie, aged eleven and a half, tragically died of CO in 2003. This video covers the ongoing impact of the death on the whole family. This family was also poisoned by CO over many months, before and at Katie’s death, and then continuing for about 10 days after Katie’s death. Then one morning Paul woke up feeling terrible and there was a horrific smell so he realised that the boiler wasn’t right, and they all felt really ill so he turned off the boiler (or it cut off itself – he’s not sure). He was a private tenant, so he called the agent who then sent a CORGI engineer (as the registering body then was). The CORGI engineer realised from the boiler’s state that it was probably emitting CO, left some sampling equipment in the house when he reconnected the boiler. The CORGI engineer then left the equipment in the house for a while, (about half an hour) and then ran in and out (holding his breath) to obtain the readings. When he saw the readings, he was surprised nobody else had died. Paul then reported this and although Katie had been cremated some blood samples had been kept and were tested and CO found as the cause of death.

Please note that I forgot to mention this important finding announced at the Lille conference:-

Beth Cheshire (Lancaster University) found that a rise of 3% COHb affected driving skills. We find this extremely worrying.’ End of these notes.

  1. 03.03.20 Stephanie Trotter left for a conference about CO in Lille organised by CoGDEM, APRIM, the ‘Association Francaise Professionnelle contre les Risques d’Intoxication au Monoxyde de carbonne’ ICORN (the International CO Research Network, the Gas Safety Trust and CHRU Lille (Lille University Hospital). This was an excellent conference and many gave talks including many English people such as Jonathan Kane, Isabella Myers and Hilary Wareing, as well as some survivors of CO in France. A flat mate and the flat mate’s girlfriend had tragically died in the shower from CO. Stephanie Trotter made herself known to these students and exchanged contact details. Sue Westwood would have loved to have attended too but sadly she was too unwell to do so.

Stephanie Trotter later wrote to Isabella Myers about asking her group to consider approaching the HSE about the two recommendations HSC/E made in 2000 (levy on the gas suppliers for raising awareness & research and for the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO). Stephanie thought Isabella Myers had said she would consider this at the conference.

631.        11.02.20 Stephanie Trotter, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane had a meeting with Chris Bielby of SGN.

630.        16.01.20 Paid Webster Mugavazi £363 for filming work re Sian Overton.

629.        Sue Westwood, trustee & director, gave a radio interview to the Becky Want Show BBC Manchester.

628.        1.01.20 Stephanie Trotter, attended two SGN webinars. Followed this up on the same day with an email sent to Richard King of SGN and also with some detailed questions asking how many people took part other than SGN people and when did SGN involve bodies interested in preventing unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning, such as CO-Gas Safety?

Stephanie also asked how can SGN tell whether or not someone is vulnerable to carbon monoxide without testing appliances for carbon monoxide (CO)? She also stated, please bear in mind that although visual signs can be helpful surely the only way to be sure is to use testing equipment.

627. Stephanie spent a great deal of time preparing the Press Pack 2020 marking the charity’s 25th Anniversary. We had hoped we’d only be needed for a few years!

As part of this work Stephanie has compiled a list of all the organisations that spent time working to reduce deaths and injuries from unintentional carbon monoxid poisoning, other products of combustion and other gas dangers. Deaths do seem to have reduced but until every dead person is tested for carbon monoxide, nobody can be sure how many deaths are caused by CO.

It is shocking how many bodies were set up and had meetings, yet how little action has been taken. The organisations and people are listed but if anyone knows of another body please email us at to let us know.

Efforts made and groups set up to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning over the years

In chronological order:-

VIGIL Set up by Sue Slipman then chair of the Gas Consumers Council before 2000.

The All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group

In 1999 Fraser Kemp MP tabled a ten minute Fuel Safety Bill

HSE – Recommendations made in 2000 after a fundamental review of gas safety which started in 1997.

Work groups set up by HSE to discuss the implementation of the recommendations. The problem was the lack of funds to put the recommendations into action.

Evidence was taken by Barry Sheerman MP in July 2006 in a select committee style procedure. He described safety in the gas industry as in ‘the ice age and Neandertha’l compared to cars.

Review for HSE undertaken by Frontline in 2007.

COCAA – The carbon monoxide Consumer Awareness Alliance About 2007-2010

In our opinion this failed because it was not a legal person and had no funds.

All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group until it renamed itself the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group in about 2012 Mission Statement ‘The All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG) is the leading forum for Parliamentarians to discover, discuss and promote ways of tackling carbon monoxide poisoning in the UK.’

The All Fuels Action Forum – industry led launched in 2012 with the two wealthy charities, the Gas Safety Trust and Gas Safe Charity as members of the steering group. see

The best result of all these meetings in our opinion were the recommendations made by Baroness Finlay in 2011 ‘Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning’ please see followed up by further recommendations in 2015, called ‘From Awareness to Action’ see

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015, require that smoke alarms be installed on every storey of a rented property and that carbon monoxide detectors be installed in any room housing a solid fuel combustion appliance. But most rental property and all owner occupied property were excluded.

September 2017 Eddie Hughes MP tabled a ten minute rule bill with regard to making CO alarms mandatory in all rented properties whatever the fuel. But he later withdrew his bill on the promise of a review. We are not aware that anything is planned.

Debate in the House of Lords December 2018

Ofgem’s GD2.

626. 18.12.19 Stephanie received the SGN Roundtable report and took a great deal of time writing a response to SGN which was finally sent 05.01.20.

625. 11.12.19 We heard Cadent will fund an initial trip to Jersey to launch the CO awareness competition and will pay for Emmi Isham to train people over in Jersey to give the talks to the schools so they can take over in subsequent years, Stephanie and Margaret Jeffery are delighted.

624. 02.12.19 Stephanie after spending a great deal of time consulting with the work group sent CO-Gas Safety’s submission about RIIO-2 to Phil Burrows of Cadent.

623. 27.11.19 Stephanie Trotter and Roland Johns, CO-Gas Safety’s expert in gas had a phone conference with Matthew Pearson, Jonathan Brearley’s assistant. Jonathan Brearley is the CEO of Ofgem.  Stephanie and Roland wanted to explain the difficulties survivors have who mostly can’t prove exposure to CO. We wanted to talk about RIIO-2. Before the meeting I had sent an agenda of topics and also the following:-

Last Friday we were kindly invited to a GDN stakeholder group on RIIO 2 which was interesting particularly when the presenter stated that their job on the gas emergency service was to ‘make safe’. Almost everyone present were gas people who we knew had been in the industry for decades. I felt the presence of the ‘elephant in the room’ of no testing. I felt that everyone there seemed to me to understand, (after Muggins had pointed this out), how in reality it is almost impossible to make safe when no testing of gas appliances has been undertaken, no CO alarms or monitors are left and after the gas is cut off, someone is left in a house to deal with organising and paying for the appliances to be serviced and put back on, let alone having the gas appliances tested to find out how many parts per million the person concerned has been exposed to. This is especially the case when the person concerned has been severely poisoned but is still conscious and seems superficially fine, and/or a tenant, and/or very poor or has other issues.

Today I’ve just received a case study from the wife of a person who sells data loggers for various things including CO. She was poisoned for weeks by a boiler in a doctor’s surgery/office where she worked. She was subsequently tested for every possibly affliction known to the medical profession but had not been tested for CO. The thought of the cost of these many investigations falling so unnecessarily on the NHS, hit me with fresh frustration. I do understand that Ofgem is not the NHS but sadly such divisions don’t help to deal with a problem in everyone’s best interests.’

622. 22.11.19 Meeting at an SGN stakeholder meeting. Stephanie, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane attended. A good meeting and the facilitator was excellent. However, there still seems to be a reluctance to take action over what victims need most, which is testing of gas appliances for CO. Indeed, the testing of appliances and the providing of parts per million of CO when found, seemed to Stephanie and Paul to be the elephant in the room which most ignored. Without testing the gas appliance victims can’t know they are safe and can’t know how many parts per million of CO they could have been exposed to. However, the excellent news is that trials are going ahead in Oxford using flue gas analysers to test for CO. We are delighted if this really occurs and if appliances are reconnected ideally where safe, before any work has been done on them to change the evidence.

With regard to the document, we were given two days to respond to quite a long document (29 pages) sent by Louise Lee on the 18th December with regard to this meeting. This document had page numbers but there were no numbered paragraphs (as the civil service used to do) so I had to copy quite a bit of text before I could respond. This was horribly near Christmas to work on such a document but having obtained a few days grace, we were able to do this. We do hope we receive a response. We have also asked about a document published in January 2018 but which we only heard about in Autumn 2019.


This document was about the data from visits by the gas emergency service. We think this document shows how vital it is to use equipment to test gas appliances for CO and provide parts per million of CO when found in writing.

621. 05.11.19 Stephanie and Paul Overton went to Coventry for an APPCOG stakeholder meeting.

620. 29.10.19 Richard Banks visited Stephanie in Guildford to do various things on the website and on the computer.

619.17.10.19 Jennifer Wood visited Stephanie on the Isle of Wight to discuss the database and also the press pack.

618. 09.10.19 Stephanie met Frank for lunch to discuss issues of mutual interest including the Gbangbola case. I owe him lunch next time.

617. 07.10.19 Stephanie met Linda, Margaret Jeffery’s cousin who lives in the Isle of Wight. We discussed how to raise awareness in Jersey and the Isle of Wight. Stephanie hoped Wales & West would consult CO-Gas Safety about their application to Ofgem.

616. 25.09.19 Stephanie met with Phil Burrows and Hayley Tranter of Cadent to discuss their Ofgem application. Jonathan Kane also attended. A very good discussion was had. Stephanie then met Belinda Goldsmid and we travelled to the Danubius hotel to meet Edan Adan Ismail to discuss FGM and CO education in Somaliland. We met her delightful friend Farah Adan and we all discussed how we could help each other.

615. Stephanie wrote an article for Air Quality News published 16.09.19

614. 11.09.19 Launch of Gas Safety Week. Jonathan Kane and Stephanie Trotter attended an event at the Houses of Parliament to launch this event. It was well attended and a success although in Stephanie’s opinion it was a shame there wasn’t more education and awareness raised of those who do not know about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

613.11.07.19 GDN prize giving event at the House of Commons.

612. 28.06.19 Stephanie attended a meeting at House of Commons of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group with Ofgem’s Jonathan Brearley before he was appointed CEO. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the £30 million that Ofgem proposed giving in a ‘use it or lose it’ grant to the GDNs for various purposes such as vulnerable consumers, fuel poverty and CO. Jonathan was extremely kind and listened to Stephanie’s concerns about lack of awareness and the lack of ability of First Call Operators from the gas emergency service to test gas appliances for CO. Stephanie was supported by Avril Samuel of the Katies Haines Memorial Trust. Jonathan kindly dropped Stephanie a line by email after the meeting and Stephanie sent Jonathan an email in return outlining CO-Gas Safety’s concerns that around 4 million people were being exposed to dangerous levels of CO in the UK yet little was being done. I also informed Jonathan that on the way out of this meeting I talked with his colleague Mary Starks, who kindly walked over the bridge with me. I told her that the gas emergency service (GDNs) don’t carry or use equipment to test appliances for CO and she seemed shocked. Mary said it seemed to her, as she put it, ‘counter intuitive’. I agreed.

611. Stephanie continued to try to help a Council tenant in Enfield who really needs a lawyer. She also worked to help other victims as well as the Gbangbola family. She also looked into applying for funding for CO-Gas Safety but all the bodies offering funding seemed to exclude data collection, collation and publication and victim support.

610. 11.07.19 Stephanie attended the GDN prizegiving event with Olivia Murray, another CO-Gas Safety trustee. Hugely successful event which was very well organised. Everyone seemed to greatly enjoy the event.

609. 21.06.19 Webinar chaired by Wendy Weidner, Research and Policy Project Lead of Alzheimer’s Disease International.

 Stephanie took part in this webinar

Please see

Stephanie had sent in a question about whether pollution caused/contributed to Alzheimer’s. This was answered by Neerja Chowdhary, who said there were insufficient studies.

Speakers were:-

Kate Swaffer, Chair, CEO & Co-founder, Dementia Alliance International (DAI)

Professor Miia Kivipelto, Professor in Clinical Geriatrics at the Karolinska Institute and senior geriatrician at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm.

Neerja Chowdhary, Technical Officer in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization (WHO)

Professor Kaarin Ansteym, Senior Principal Research Scientist at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and member of the World Health Organisation Guideline Development Group cognitive decline and dementia

Paola Barbarino, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)

Stephanie then sent some studies in to Wendy, and which found that the dementia incidence was 1.6-fold higher in the CO exposed cohort than in the non-exposed cohort. Stephanie also tried to send these to Neerja Chowdhary and asked Wendy to send them on to Neerja.

Stephanie also tried to persuade Wendy to ask Dr Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas to speak at the upcoming conference by ADI. She has written another interesting article Evidence Mounts for Alzheimer’s, Suicide Risks Among Children, Young Adults in Polluted Cities April 3, 2018.

608. 17.06.19 Stephanie met with Jennifer Wood our part time data officer in Portsmouth.

607. 04.06.19 Stephanie had a meeting with Frank Brehany to discuss issues of common interest.

606. 23.05.19 Stephanie had a meeting with Ian McCluskey BEng CEng MIGEM MIMechE, Head of Technical and Policy at IGEM with Roland Johns and Paul Overton. Very pleasant meeting but, in Stephanie’s opinion, no real progress or understanding by Ian of the issues we find so difficult, which is the lack of proof of CO partly at least due to the system making this nearly impossible. Perhaps Ian does understand but either can’t, or won’t take action.

605.15.05.19 Stephanie attended an IGEM awards lunch because Ben Kuchta was likely to win and did win an award. Ben couldn’t attend as he was on his honeymoon. Stephanie was glad she had attended as when the audience realised Ben wasn’t going to be there to pick up the award, they booed. However, Stephanie was able to tell the announcer that he was on his honeymoon and the boos turned into cheers. Stephanie was kindly sponsored for this awards ceremony by Flueshoe.  Stephanie took every opportunity to tell everyone about Flueshoe – such a simple idea and gadget to make sure that the flue with an inner flue as well as an outer flue is correctly cut and left are the correct length. If the inner flue is not long enough the air intake will be polluted by the products of combustion.

Stephanie took the opportunity to have a catch up meeting with Jonathan Kane who very kindly took her out to tea.

604. 25.04.19 CO-Gas Safety finally had a meeting with HSE at 2.30 p.m.

HSE offices at 151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SZ

Notes of the meeting were sent on 03.05.19 and we have received a response finally on 23.09.19.

We did not find the response helpful.

Attendees from HSE were John Rowe, Head of manufacturing and utilities, policy and operations.

Lyndsey Baldwin, Policy Advisor | Manufacturing and Utilities Unit, works for John. Lyndsey is also the HSE liaison for the cross departmental committee.

David Lefever (by phone), Lead on smart meters.

Attendees from CO-Gas Safety were

Stephanie Trotter – Director/Trustee

Paul Overton – Director/Trustee

Ben Kuchta – Gas engineer (by phone) – registered for 10 years. Quantic

Sue Westwood – Director/trustee couldn’t attend as she was having an X ray due to ongoing CO medical issues.

Honesty and openness and what we hoped to gain from the meeting.

Everyone expressed a wish for an honest discussion.

Paul wanted change, more lives saved, less illness and poisoning, more prevention and victim support.

Ben said he was in the middle of it and bringing up things all the time that needed to be changed.

Topics discussed:-

Measuring the output/success of the charity

We thought this topic somewhat unfair since most of the changes we have been lobbying for since 1995 are not within the charity’s gift or it seems, influence.

In our notes we pointed out the data we collect, collate and publish and the victim support from 1995 and ongoing. We also pointed out the course we’ve provided for RGEs to understand CO from all fuels after three unintentional CO deaths from petrol generators by RGEs one of the deaths being a RGE. We also informed the HSE officials that CO-Gas Safety had won ‘Safety Initiative of the Year 2017’ for this course.

Recommendations made by HCC/E in 2000

A levy on the gas suppliers to raise awareness of the dangers of CO and for research and

That the gas emergency service carry & use equipment to test gas appliances for CO.

Neither has been implemented.

8.2 and 8.5 policies of the Gas Safe Register

8.2 In the case of a tenant 8.2 prevents the GSR inspector testing a gas appliance for CO without a landlord’s permission.


8.2 which states the following:-

‘If you are a tenant, we will seek permission from your landlord before undertaking our

investigation. However, if you do not wish to engage your landlord, we will only be able

to conduct a visual inspection of the installation. Whilst we accept your request this will

limit the extent and effectiveness of our investigation into your complaint.

Note: Where we identify gas related safety defects we may be obliged to inform your

landlord or their agent, where known.’

In the House of Lords debate in December 2018

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath had stated that this was discriminatory to tenants and we could agree.


HSE admitted this was not fit for purpose


There are two issues:-

1.The need to make sure landlords comply with the law with regard to keeping appliances and their flues etc. in a safe condition and the need to ensure the landlords obtain a landlord’s gas safety certificate and

2.The mandatory requirements in law for a gas safety check to be carried out and the few prosecutions.

CO-Gas suggested that Gas Tag could help with both RIDDOR and making sure landlords fulfilled their duties and could be prosecuted more easily if they had not.

We further pointed out the lack of a legal requirement to use analysing equipment for CO when undertaking a landlords’ gas safety check.

Smart meters

Need to protect smart meter providers from CO exposure and the near death of a First Call Operator from the emergency services who are now all provided with Personal Alarm Monitors for CO. Yet the risk for smart meter changers is far higher because at least if a customer calls the gas emergency service s/he is told to turn off the appliances and open the windows. This is not the case with meter changers.

Algorithm used by GPs where patient is suspected to be suffering from exposure to CO – please see

page 1 Box 4

If the patient does not improve:

•             contact the NPIS for advice

•             contact your local PHE centre for advice

•             reconsider diagnosis

There is basically no provision for an investigation of whether or not there is CO in the home.

Testing the person is very unreliable because CO quickly leaves the body of a survivor.

Cross departmental committee.

Could Stephanie address this committee? Could Lyndsey please raise the algorithm with this committee?

603. 19.02.19 Stephanie had a meeting with Chris Bielby and Roland Johns to discuss GETSI and the fact that the ACS course doesn’t cover CO with regard to fuels other than gas due to the three deaths our data had found please see It has taken about a year to achieve this meeting.

602. Stephanie arranged for Paul Overton to attend the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps conference and dinner on the 02.03.19. Stephanie could not attend as she was going on holiday the following day. The Guild raised an amazing £1,905 for CO-Gas Safety. The charity is very grateful.

601. 13.02.19 Stephanie had a meeting with Kye Gbangbola and Frank Brehany.

600. 19.02.19 Stephanie had a meeting with Chris Bielby, Paul Overton and Roland Johns to discuss GETSI. This seemed a successful meeting.

599. 22.01.19 Stephanie met Jonathan Kane to discuss the charity.

598. 15.01.2019 Stephanie met Alina Congreve to discuss whether the database could be subject to a PhD undertaken by Stephanie.

597. 12.01.19 Stephanie met with Emmi Isham to watch a ‘Safety Seymour’ talk being given at High Wych primary school. Stephanie was very impressed by Emmi and the class teacher who had a very lively class!

596. Stephanie prepared the Press Pack 2019. Gathered case studies and data which had been prepared by Jennifer Wood. Wrote report etc. A great deal of time was spent with the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps developping their protocol. This basically involves not sweeping the chimney if this means the evidence is destroyed.

595. Stephanie prepared the Press Pack 2019. Gathered case studies and data which had been prepared by Jennifer Wood. Wrote report etc. Sue Westwood, Director & Trustee contributed to a British Medical Journal article about hidden illnesses published in 2019 with Dr James Ashcroft.

594. Stephanie prepared the review of the year 2017-18 – our year for our accountant is from 01.08. to 31.07. While preparing this review Stephanie asked our database officer to provide a report on the database.

CO-Gas Safety Database of Incidents – improvements in 2017-2018

During this period the database has continued to be improved.  We have continued to monitor the press and other sources to ensure that we are informed of as many accidental carbon monoxide-related deaths as possible, both recent and historical cases.

This year we have contacted every Coronial Office in England and Wales to enquire about any relevant recent fatalities, in case there have been any not brought to our attention by the media.  We are also confident that we now have documentation for all possible cases in Scotland and Northern Ireland that the authorities still hold records for.

We currently have some form of official confirmation (Coronial documents, appliance or incident inspection reports, death certificate etc) of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning for over 90% of the fatalities that we hold on our database.  This includes deaths of UK citizens overseas and so is a figure of which we are proud.  The remaining cases have sufficient press coverage of the incident or inquest, to give us no doubt that they fall within our remit.

There has been significant work done this year to more thoroughly document the cases of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning of UK citizens whilst overseas.  This has resulted in the removal of four victims from the database (2 whose UK inquest could not ascertain CO poisoning beyond doubt and 2 who we suspect were never repatriated to the UK and thus we cannot locate relevant documentation.  Since their deaths date back to the early stages of CO-Gas Safety’s existence, little hope remains of being able to confirm such cases abroad and we therefore prefer to remove them than jeopardise the integrity of our data.)

Our research methods and documentation have improved to the extent that we now hold blood test results showing the level of carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb, an indicator of CO poisoning) for over 45% of all the victims we include in our database.  This rises to 79% of all the accidental carbon monoxide fatalities we are aware of that took place over the last ten years (01/09/2008 – 31/08/2018).

Details such as this, alongside greater information regarding CO alarms, appliance details and servicing/installation information will continue to be sought in the coming year for more recent cases, so that we may learn as much as we can from each tragedy.

593. Stephanie and Frank Brehany had a meeting with Thomas Cook on the 13th November to discuss how they now help victims for example, Kelly Ormerod (after her parents died suddenly in Egypt of an unknown cause while on a TC holiday). The charity had hoped that Thomas Cook would be keen to show that it now had policies and protocols that allowed independent people or charities to assist victims such as Kelly. However, it seemed that more that needs to be done. The difficulty is in obtaining lists of such independent people, experts, charities and/or lawyers to be provided to distressed families at the earliest possible point, in particular to ensure that evidence can be preserved. The charity is indebted to Harry Rogers, expert gas engineer and independent court witness who at the family’s expense, went to Corfu in 2006 to investigate the circumstances surrounding the tragic deaths of Christi and Bobby Shepherd. In the charity’s opinion, without Harry’s action, as well as the courage, determination and resources of the parents, the facts of the case would never have emerged.

592. On the 12th November, Stephanie had a telephone conference with HSE. Paul Overton and Ben Kuchta were also kindly on the line and joined in the conversation. The HSE was represented by Lyndsey Baldwin, Policy Advisor, Manufacturing and Utilities and John Rowe, Head of Manufacturing and Utilities Unit and one other Oonagh Newcomen . The main purpose seemed to be to persuade CO-Gas Safety to stop from making Freedom of Information requests as we were told we had made nine in one year. However, the HSE kindly stated it will provide much of the information requested proactively in future, which is good and to everyone’s benefit.

Meanwhile the charity expressed its concern about the Gas Safe Register’s policy with regard to landlords and tenants see 578 above.

Stephanie also asked if the charity could have a meeting with someone at HSE responsible for smart meters. Ben Kuchta supported Stephanie’s concerns about smart meter changes and said that too many appliances are being marked ‘At Risk’ or ‘Immediately Dangerous’ because the operatives don’t have the experience or equipment to test them.  Paul Overton asked the HSE to contact the Registered Gas Engineer magazine and suggest that meter changers buy their own Personal Alarm Monitor for CO if their employers would not do this.

Stephanie asked what happened to the RIDDOR notices and whether these could be made available for research purposes? John Rowe of HSE seemed to offer them to CO-Gas Safety on an ongoing basis. Stephanie said CO-Gas Safety would be delighted to have RIDDOR notices in future, provided the charity had the funding to process them.

591. Stephanie had a good telephone conversation with Dr. Ray Perrin on 25th October.

590. Stephanie was invited to give evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Deaths Abroad and Consular Services on the 16th October. Stephanie alerted Frank Brehany, who used to run Holiday Travel Watch for many years and both attended. Sadly the MP Hannah Bardell was held up in Scotland but both Frank and Stephanie spent two hours talking to Hannah’s researchers. This was published November 2019 see

589. On 12th October Stephanie agreed to the charity and its data being mentioned by Fred Piel of Imperial in an application to the Gas Safety Trust for a collaboration between Imperial College London (SAHSU), Public Health England and CO Gas Safety (Stephanie Trotter).

588. Stephanie wrote an update for the Registered Gas Engineer. This is intended to be published in December.

587. During September and October Stephanie helped a number of CO victims and wrote to the COmed group about their predicament which is that they can’t seem to find any medical help. Stephanie wrote to Isabella Myers of COmed asking for help for these victims. A response was received and sent out on 20.11.18.

586. 20.09.18 Stephanie met Beverley Squires and Jennifer Wood CO-Gas Safety’s database officers in Portsmouth. We discussed various issues and particularly an initiative to further inspect our database.

585. Stephanie’s article about the silent killer and how to prevent it was published in Gi magazine in September.

584. 09.10.18 Jennifer Wood attended a meeting at Western Power and distributed quite a number of our press packs.

583. Sue Westwood, CO victim and CO-Gas Safety trustee kindly attended the launch of Gas Safety week on behalf of the charity on the 12th September. Stephanie was unable to attend.

582. After the meeting Roland Johns sent his course (for registered gas engineers on carbon monoxide from all fuels) to Georgina Bailey and Oona Muirhead. CO-Gas Safety was not invited to provide input but followed up the meeting on the 2nd August by sending some input, by sending several emails to Oona and Georgina. The charity also forwarded correspondence sent to the CEO of the Gas Safe Register dated 22.05.18.

581. 02.08.18 Meeting with Oona Muirhead and Georgina Bailey of Policy Connect on the 2nd August with Stephanie Trotter and Roland Johns about several issues but mainly our difficulty with regard to obtaining any input into GETSI. Oona welcomed the input of Roland Johns. Stephanie also put forward that the panel was very unrepresentative being only men of a certain age and no representatives from ordinary gas engineers, CO victims, women or LBGT. We queried why Roland Johns was not on the panel but in our opinion, didn’t seem to receive a satisfactory response or explanation.

Also discussed was the policy of the Gas Safe Register for consumers with regard to tenants namely 8.2. Please see and for tenants see 8.2 which says the following:-

‘If you are a tenant, we will seek permission from your landlord before undertaking our investigation. However, if you do not wish to engage your landlord, we will only be ableto conduct a visual inspection of the installation. Whilst we accept your request this will limit the extent and effectiveness of our investigation into your complaint.                             

Note: Where we identify gas related safety defects we may be obliged to inform your landlord or their agent, where known.’                                                                                                   

This policy alerts landlords to the fact that tenants may be being poisoned by CO and the result is that the appliance is (in the experience of CO-Gas Safety) often either repaired or taken to the dump which means that the tenant has no proof of CO. What is more many registered gas installers seem to interpret the Gas Safe Register’s policy as applying to them as well. The problem with this is that less proof of CO means that there appears to be less cases of CO than there actually might be and therefore Government and industry are led to assume that CO is a small issue whereas the charity considers CO to be an issue and health problem that affects a very large number of people.

580. Throughout the year (from last August) Stephanie has been working to help a Council tenant. This tenant has been paying rent but is without central heating and hot water for around a year. This is the first such case that has dragged on – usually it is enough to write to the MP concerned and perhaps have a chat with the Council and things are resolved at least on the gas safety front. This has taken up a lot of time and Stephanie has persisted because there may still be outstanding safety issues with the meter and the gas pipes although the meter has been capped. Stephanie has received real support from one gas installer who is qualified under CMDDA 1 and is very grateful.

579. After numerous emails starting in January 2018 we finally managed to obtain a meeting with Georgina Bailey of APPCOG about GETSI and also about Eddie Hughes’ bill and landlords’ duties and CO generally. This has been fixed for the 2nd August. Roland Johns and Paul Overton are planning to attend with Stephanie. Stephanie has been working on an Agenda.

578. 28.06.18 Stephanie attended the prize giving event at Portcullis House in the Attlee suite. Very happy, successful and well organised event. Tom Bell told Stephanie that he’d given the CO-Gas Safety course on CO to some refugees and many had lost people they knew to CO. Stephanie also chatted to Emmi Isham the PR for Cadent who has invented ‘Safety Seymour’ a teddy bear to teach primary school children about CO. Stephanie raised the issue of getting in touch with the United Nations and the need to raise awareness of CO in refugee camps. She then tried all possible contacts such as our patron Lord Hunt. Barry Sheerman MP suggested Stephanie would like to send more PQs which Stephanie did after the prize giving. Stephanie contacted Phil Burrows and Tom Bell about the United Nations and also asked Tom to write up the talk he gave. Phil Burrows agreed to see whether he could interest his PR people in such a project. Stephanie was delighted.

577. 25.05.18 In the afternoon Stephanie attended a meeting with Matt Cole of npower, Ben Kuchta representing Registered Gas Engineers and Amy Archer our PR person. Meeting was attended by Audrey Gallacher of Energy UK and Laura Parkes PR of npower. This seemed to be a very helpful and productive meeting.

576.25.05.18 Attended the judging of the CO-Awareness awards with John O’Leary.

575. 24.05.18 Stephanie had a meeting with Frank Brehany and then visited a Council tenant.

574. 02.05.18 Meeting with Dr Ben Croxford, Stpehanie, Jos Bell, Albert Donnay with Paul Overton.

573. 25.04.18 Meeting with the Chief Coroner, His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft, with Stephanie, Jenny Wood, Beverley Squire and Olivia Murray. Very helpful meeting and need to collect more data discussed. Stephanie thanked the Chief Coroner for his help and his time. A great deal more further work and thought has been undertaken on the data.

572. 26.03.18 Meeting with Eddie Hughes MP with Irma O’Leary and housing civil servants & pick up of New Law Journal with Stephanie’s article in it on the way there.

571. 14.03.18 Stephanie attended an IGEM lecture 568. 20.03.18 Meeting with Jenny Wood to discuss the database in Portsmouth.

570. Press pack 2018 completed and published. Most were sent to the Guild of Master Sweeps to hand out at their conference.

569. Work undertaken on the press pack 2018. 565. 24.01.18 BEIS meeting re smart meters meeting Stephanie with Paul Overton and John Courtney with Ian McKenzie. Officials seemed to refuse to consider risks of CO poisoning to meter changers despite the provision of PAMs to First Call Operators.

568. 17.01.18 Meeting with Ian McCluskey of IGEM and Barry Matthews of OPGO with Stephanie and Paul Overton to discuss GETSI.

567. 11.01.18 Meeting with Wates the builders between Stephanie, Olivia Murray and Jim Lambeth.

566. 13.12.17 Stephanie organised and attended a meeting between Ofgem and the GDNs with Paul Overton and Frank Brehany present. The cost of a PR campaign to raise awareness was discussed but was not met with approval. Sadly the person responsible for consumer issues at Ofgem Anthony Pygram did not attend. CO-Gas Safety argued that cost of prime time TV warnings in N. Ireland was less than £500,000 and that although this might be some millions if upscaled to England, Scotland and Wales this would still save lives and preserve health and be well worth doing. Sadly CO-Gas Safety’s arguments did not seem to prevail. Incredible when smart meters cost billions!

565. 11.12.17 Stephanie attended the Utility Awards with her husband having been invited by the GDNs.

564. 28.11.17 Stephanie attended the National Energy Action report launch.

563. 21.11.17 Stephanie attended the IGEM CO conference.

562. 14.11.17 Stephanie Trotter had a meeting with Bob Seely MP with Paul Overton in order to request Bob’s help for MP Eddie Hughes’ bill. Bob later assured Stephanie of his support.

561. 07.11.17 Stephanie Trotter attended an APPCOG meeting.

560. 30.10.17 Meeting of Stephanie Trotter and Roland Johns with Mike Flower and Laura Ayres re Eddie Hughes’s bill.

559. 24.10.17 Meeting of Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane with Lord Hunt. Lord Hunt kindly agreed to send letters drafted by Stephanie.

558. 20.10.17 Meeting at Imperial with Stephanie Trotter, Jenny Wood and Beverley Squire with Fred Piel to inspect and discuss database.

557. 16.10.17 Meeting of Stephanie Trotter and Irma O’Leary with Eddie Hughes MP.

556. 11.10.17 Stephanie Trotter attended an APPCOG meeting of the medical committee.

554. 10.10.17 Meeting of Stephanie Trotter with database officers in Portsmouth.

553. 09.10.17 Meeting of Stephanie Trotter with Richard Bruce and Frank Brehany

552. 09.10.17 Sue Westwood, Director & Trustee of CO-Gas Safety made a video for the Project Shout website.

551. 15.09.17 Stephanie received a letter from Adrian McConnell dated 13.09.16 in which both funding applications to the GDNs for £2,000 were refused. 13.09.17 Stephanie Trotter attended launch of Gas Safety Week.

550. 13.09.17 Stephanie attended the launch of Gas Safety Week at the House of Commons where she met Eddie Hughes MP.  Eddie Hughes MP gave a speech in support of his ten minute rule bill and thanked CO-Gas Safety and Stephanie and mentioned CO-Gas Safety’s one minute film about Sue Westwood’s experience of being poisoned by CO. The bill passed the first reading. Second reading is to be on the 19th January 2018. Hansard can be read at

549. 09.09.17 Stephanie had a meeting with the two database officers in Portsmouth to discuss the database and press pack 2018.

548. 02.09.17 Sue Westwood, director & trustee of CO-Gas Safety did a radio interview with Key 103, one of the main Machenster radio stations and other media including That’s Manchester TV.

547. 01.09.17 Stephanie read that Eddie Hughes MP was putting a ten minute rule bill about carbon monoxide and CO alarms and she wrote to him offering help and background documents. This involved quite a lot of communication and work with Eddie’s researcher.

546. 24.08.17 Stephanie had a meeting with Paul Hellier of UCL, Adrian McConnell and Sophie Duggan to discuss possible research and funding applications. Stephanie prepared two funding applications.

545. 29.06.17 Stephanie attended the prize giving at Portcullis House of the primary schools awareness competition now run by the GDNs. This was enjoyed by all.

544. 20.06.17 Stephanie had a meeting with Adrian McConnell and Jonathan Kane to discuss funding applications.

543. 15.06.17 Sue Westwood attended the women’s networking group Creative Connecting in Cheshire. She also gave an interview on Redshift Radio.

542. 13.06.17 Stephanie finally obtained a meeting with Ofgem after asking for this since June 2016. She had wanted to see the CEO but  Attendees were to be:-

Kersti Berge, Partner, RIIO Networks and Head of Ofgem in Scotland

Anthony Pygram, Partner for Consumers and this includes responsibility for domestic suppliers,

Pete Wightman, who works with Kirsti on the gas networks side

Jonathan Kane of Kane International, director/trustee CO-Gas Safety

Stephanie Trotter, OBE, president & director/trustee CO-Gas Safety

Sue Westwood, director/trustee CO-Gas Safety

Frank Brehany, CEO of Holiday Travel Watch interested organisation which has worked with CO-Gas Safety on CO holiday issues for about 20 years.

However, neither Sue nor Frank could make it. Interesting discussions but it seemed to boil down to Ofgem having no power over the suppliers and re the GDNs, Ofgem had decided on RIIO and the discretionary fund and nothing was going to change their views.

Stephanie spent a good deal of time preparing notes and sending documents promised at the meeting and sent these on the 19th June.

541. 08.06.17 Stephanie had a meeting with Jonathan and Sophie Duggan to discuss research and funding proposal.

540. 06.06.17 Stephanie attended the judging event for the GDNs with John O’Leary and then had lunch and a catch up with Frank Brehany.

539. 23.05.17 Kamal Trivedi travelled to the Isle of Wight to see Stephanie to explain his new product for preventing carbon monoxide poisoning particularly in rented properties.

538.05.05.17 Stephanie organised a meeting with Beverley Squire and Jenny Wood in Portsmouth about the database. Very helpful and informative for all concerned.

537. 04.05.17 Stephanie had a meeting with npower with Matthew Cole and Amy Archer and their head of PR Zoe Melarkey and Ridaa Husain. We felt this was a very positive meeting with Zoe obviously moved by Sue Westwood’s film.

536. 24.04.17 Stephanie had a meeting with Sophie Duggan.

535. 20.04.17 Stephanie attended the H & V Awards dinner with Adrian McConnell and Roland Johns. CO-Gas Safety won Safety Initiative of the Year 2017!

534. Sue Westwood attended a party to mark what would have been Kelly Webster’s 40th birthday. Sadly Stephanie could not attend.

533. 10.03.17 Stephanie made an H & V News Awards presentation with Tom Bell of Northern Gas Networks (re the course Roland Johns created to teach registered gas installers about CO from all fuels).

532. 08.03.17 Stephanie attended the H & V Awards party with Olivia Murray (victim).

531. 06.03.17 Stephanie made a presentation to the H and V Awards with John O’Leary (re our poster competition) and Tom Bell of Northern Gas Networks (re the course Roland Johns created to teach registered gas installers about CO from all fuels) for the safety initiative award.

530. 23.02.17  Stephanie made a trip to Bedfont with Olivia Murray (victim) to try to persuade Bedfont to test people especially those in the street to compare with the 8% carbooxyhaemoglobin which Zane had when he died.

529. 22.02.17 Stephanie attended a meeting with Margot James MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy along with Gordon Lishman of the Gas Safe Charity and John McNally MP.

528. 15.02.17 Stephanie attended the Healthy Homes Conference with Belinda Goldsmith (victim).

527. 10.02.17 Stephanie attended a meeting with Kathy Atkinson of the Safer Tourism Foundation and Sophie Duggan and lunch with Sophie afterwards.

526. 01.02.17 Stephanie and Frank Brehany attended a meeting with Michael Tomlinson discuss his private members’ bill about safer tourism.

525. 26.01.17 Stephanie attended a Sickel Cell event for the Gbangbola family.

524. 18.01.17 Stephanie attended a meeting with npower’s Matthew Cole with Jonathan Kane and Frank Brehany.

523. 17.01.17 Stephanie attended a meeting with Adrian McConnell and  Jonathan Kane.

522. During December and January Stephanie prepared Press Pack 2017 and arranged for it to be printed. The Guild of Master Sweeps will hand out copies at their AGM later in the year.

521. 09.01.17 Stephanie sent the submission from CO-Gas Safety to HSE re Gas Safe Register and gas safety generally.

520. During December Stephanie continued to prepare a submission to HSE as well as the press pack 2017.

519. 23.12.16 We heard very good news from Holland regarding mandatory registration of installers.

518. 28.11.16 Stephanie Trotter attended a meeting organised by APPCOG with HSE to discuss the review of Capita and the Gas Safe Register. Stephanie starts to prepare a submission to HSE.

517. 25.11.16 Submitted entries to the H & V Awards.

516. 04.11.16 Stephanie Trotter attended the opening of Kane’s new factory in Welwyn Garden City. Met many interesting people. Was introduced to the Secretary of State for  Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Greg Clark. Jonathan Kane made the point that smart meter installers should wear Personal Alarm Monitors for CO and Stephanie made the point that there were no prime time TV warnings about CO.

515.03.11.16 Roland Johns and Stephanie Trotter met Paul Hellier and Midhat Talibu at UCL and were given a tour of the laboratories. We discussed research.

514. 24.10.16 Stephanie Trotter, Jonathan Kane, Ben Kuchta and Roland Johns met Barry Sheerman at his office at the Houses of Parliament.

1.Introductions and reminder of what CO-Gas Safety does.

2.Awareness – Energy UK and Ofgem

3.Victim support – the need for it and the lack of it.

Stephanie Trotter sent some notes to Richard Denham of Policy Connect and Barry Sheerman MP and is hoping that some action will result.

513. 13.10.17 Stephanie Trotter met another survivor Olivia Murray.

512. 12.10.16 Stephanie Trotter attended an APPCOG meeting at the House of Commons at which our one minute film of Sue Westwood was shown. Sadly the screen was tiny and dark and could hardly be seen. Other survivors attended including Belinda Goldsmid, Dina Gkitziou and Yvonne Yanney. They all spoke well.

511.07.10.16 Stephanie Trotter met Beverley Squires and Jennifer Wood in Portsmouth to discuss the database.

510. 22.09.16 Stephanie Trotter and Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch met with Ben Kuchta to discuss his cut off system and gas safety in general.

509. 22.09.16 Stephanie Trotter and Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch met Belinda Phipps to discuss the Safer Tourism Foundation.

508. 19.09.16 Stephanie Trotter went to Amsterdam with Jonathan Kane and met Albert de Vries MP of the Dutch Labour party and also Peter van Veen, a civil servant of the Building Minister to urge the Dutch government to register gas engineers in the Netherlands.

507.13.09.16 Stephanie Trotter attended the launch of gas safety week at the House of Commons. Before this event there was a prize giving for the winners of the CO awareness competition.  The Gas Distribution Networks which have taken over CO-Gas Safety’s schools poster competition (run by the charity from 2006-16) which they have now changed to a CO Awareness competition so that not only posters but also poems, songs, performances and virtually anything can be entered. Initially there was only room for one representative of CO-Gas Safety so Stephanie gave her place to John O’Leary, without which the competition would not have happened as John did all the illustrations for the power point presentation which went to the teachers to inform the pupils about CO.

At the launch a new film by the Katie Haines Memorial Trust was shown. Gordon Samuel gave an excellent and moving speech. He also asked for prime time TV warnings about CO.

Barry Sheerman MP thanked the Katie Haines Memorial Trust and agreed that prime time TV warnings were needed.

Barry Sheerman MP did kindly recognise the work done by CO-Gas Safety.

506. Stephanie Trotter attended the Coroner’s judgement and conclusions of the Zane Gbangbola inquest which were read out in courtThe Coroner found that Zane a healthy seven year old had died of carbon monoxide poisoning although only 8% of carboxyhaemoglobin was found in his blood and this stays stable on death. During the following days Stephanie worked on a submission to the Coroner to assist him with his Rule 28 duty with regard to actions to prevent future deaths. Stephanie gave some background about the charity and its work since 1995 and a request for prime time TV warnings about CO to cover all fuels, all appliances and all types of accommodation. Stephanie also made some suggestions with regard to the hire of petrol pumps and warnings etc.

With regard to the 8% CO Stephanie commented:-

‘In over 21 years of work this is highly unusual. The only case that comes near it was 9% resulting in a plane crash. I am trying to get hold of the air accident report. Your finding of 8% causing death is horrific in that if you look up heavy smokers apparently have 10-15% in their blood (and the relevant document was enclosed). However, if 8% in the blood can kill then CO is much more lethal than even we realised.’

505. 05.09.16 Stephanie Trotter attended the last day of the Zane Gbangbola inquest.

504. Stephanie appointed some new trustees of CO-Gas Safety. These are Irma O’Leary, artist and CO survivor, Jim Lambeth, solid fuel and Sue Westwood, franchisor and CO survivor. Stephanie is delighted to have been joined by such dedicated and helpful people.

503. 09.08.16 Stephanie attended a judging session with John O’Leary for the finalist for the competition.

502. 02.08.16 Stephanie met John McNally MP who thought he had been poisoned by CO but probably was poisoned by exposure to a leak of natural gas. Belinda attended too. Very interesting meeting particularly that John’s wife attended and was a health visitor. She said that she recalled families who had been ill just as Belinda’s families had been and perhaps CO was an explanation.

501. 18.07.16 Stephanie attended the official last day of evidence given at the Zane Gbangbola inquest. There was a further day due to more evidence being called.

500. 14.07.16 Stephanie gave a talk about CO to the Local Authority managers of Coroners introduced by His Honour Judge Peter Thornton, the Chief Coroner.

499. Stephanie sent a further letter by special delivery to Mamcop about smart meters and the need for Personal Alarm Monitors for CO for meter changers.

498. 27.06.16 Stephanie attended the judging of the competition with John O’Leary and again on 11.07.16.

497. 14.06.16 Stephanie with her husband John attended the Faculty of Public Health conference for two days in Brighton. Many good contacts were made. Stephanie was interviewed for local radio.

496. 13.06.16 Attended the first day of the Zane Gbangbola inquest.

495. 01.06.16 Stephanie attended a CO roundtable event at Brussels organised by CoGDEM and co-hosted by Linda McAvan MEP and Marian Harkin MEP (from Ireland). At this she saw an excellent film warning about carbon monoxide made with funding from the Regulator in N. Ireland. On the 4th June she wrote to Ofgem asking for a meeting to do the same in England and Wale

494.07.06.16  Stephanie was interviewed by Russian TV about the Gbangbola inquest and said that she was ashamed that the family was not given Legal Aid for the inquest as LA can be granted if the inquest is in the public interest, which it clearly is.

493. 07.06.16 Stephanie gave a short talk about CO at Vision an architects’ conference.

492. Stephanie Trotter met Roland Johns to discuss the training course and courses Roland provides.

The courses Roland has given in 2015-16 are:-

18 Aug 2015 for SGN at Portchester. FCO (First Call Operative) apprentices

19 Aug 2015 for SGN at Burgess Hill. FCO apprentices

25 Jan 2016 for NGN at Leeds. Employees and Community Groups

01 April 2016 for NGN at Leeds. Employees and Community Groups

05 May 2016 for NGN at Newcastle. Employees and Community Groups

06 July 2016 for SGN at East Croydon. FCO apprentices

27 July 2016 for SGN at Linlithgow. FCO apprentices

17 August 2016 for SGN at Linlithgow. FCO apprentices

14 October 2016 for SGN at East Croydon. FCO apprentices

491. 11.05.16 Stephanie Trotter attended an APPCOG meeting concentrating on CO dangers abroad. Mark Dingley who had sadly lost his daughter Francesca to CO in China while she was teaching EFL gave a very moving speech and advocated prime time TV warnings about CO. This was echoed by other survivors. Stephanie had a further meeting with Frank Brehany and Mark Dingley afterwards.

490. 25.04.16 Stephanie Trotter attended a two hour APPCOG event ‘CO in the domestic environment’. Had asked that our one minute film could be shown but this was declined due to lack of time.

489. 20.03.16 Drafted petition asking for prime time TV warnings about carbon monoxide.

488. 06.03.16 Sue Westwood attended the Guild of Master Sweeps dinner and event and gave a speech thanking the Guild for their incredible generosity in providing a cheque for CO-Gas Safety of £1,225.

487. 22.02.16 Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane had a meeting with the Chief Coroner, His Honour Judge Peter Thornton attended by Trotter, Frank Brehany, Jonathan Kane and Beverley Squire, database officer.

486. 16.02.16 Meeting with Dr Jayne Donegan.

485. 09.02.16 Meeting with Margaret Ritchie MP who has kindly agreed to be our SDLP MP and perhaps find us a Lib Dem and Labour MP now Rosie Cooper MP has resigned.

484. 08.02.16 Attended a memorial event for Zane Gbangbola.

483. 02.02.16 Appointment with USA lawyers Vititoe Law Group to have a telephone conference at their expense due to a leak of natural gas in California. Interesting conversation.

481. 26.01.16 Collected new 2016 press packs from Prontaprint.

480. 21.01.16 Met Tom Woolley in London. Tom is an Irish architect and someone in Ireland recommended me to him and he is keen to help. He has kindly introduced Margaret Ritchie MP to us.

479. 18.01.16 Stephanie Trotter, Jonathan Kane and Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch met Peter Fankhauser and Alice Macandrew of Thomas Cook.<

478. 19.01.16 Attended a select committee at the House of Commons.

477. Stephanie worked on the press pack 2016. During January Stephanie asked Sue Westwood if she would agree to a film being made about her and she kindly did so. This was finished in February 2016.

476. Stephanie Trotter and Frank Brehany attended a meeting on 18.12.15 with Energy UK. Sue Westwood-Ruttledge was going to attend but had had an accident the day before so could not attend. Stephanie gave a 15 minute presentation and asked for funding to pay for for prime time TV warnings and funding for CO-Gas Safety to be set up professionally with paid people to continue its valuable work of data collection, collation and publication and victim support and lobbying for safety improvements.

475. Stephanie Trotter and John O’Leary attended the Gas Distribution Networks meeting on the 15.12.15. The competition was discussed and the need for publicity and for summer prize giving events.

474. Stephanie Trotter attended a select committee in order to lobby on 01.12.15. 474. Stephanie Trotter attended a PIR (Pre Inquest Review) to support the Gbangbola family on 07.12.15.

473. Stephanie Trotter attended an ABTA meeting held by Linda MacAvan MEP in Brussels.

472. Stephanie Trotter and Belinda Goldsmid attended a meeting about smart meters 17.11.15.

471. Stephanie Trotter, Gavin Evans from Colemans and Belinda Goldsmid attended the launch of the Safer Tourism Foundation at the House of Commons on the 16th November 2015.

470. Stephanie Trotter and Belinda Goldsmid met some researchers with a view to undertaking research into fumes from barbecue fuel and lighters.

469. On the 28th October 2015 met Frank Brehany and we went to the Cabinet office to deliver another letter based on the letter that Frank had sent in 2012 asking for Public Information Films about CO. We eventually managed to leave the letter with someone from the office and were promised a proper response. As of February 2016 we are still waiting.

468. On the 14th October drove to Derby and stayed overnight to attend the event and presentation at BPEC which was extremely enjoyable and inspiring and concerned awards to people who had improved lives hugely for example in Africa by providing clean water.

467. 14.10.15 Received invitation from Mary Creagh MP to attend an event at the House of Commons on the 16th November 2015.

466. 06.10.15 Received an invitation from John Noble of Thomas Cook to work with the company on prevention. Responded that we would be glad to do so.

465. 05.10.15 Interviewed by BBC Look North about the Coroner’s recommendations in the Corfu inquest. Also had a conversation with David Hinchliff the Coroner about the tragedy and how a similar tragedy could be prevented.

464. Worked on some new research ideas.

463. Worked on the new data.

462. Worked on a protocol for solicitors and sent this to Colemans. This protocol would also help victims.

461. 21.09.15 Received the recommendations from the Coroner in the Corfu case.

460. Worked on the Flyer and the Rules again and corresponded with Danielle Royce to refine them both.

459. Arranged an advert with the Registered Gas Installer Magazine for September, October and November and December.

458.08.09.15 With Belinda we attended the House of Commons to meet Michael Tomlinson MP but he could not make it. However, his researcher Vivian Alle-Dean met us and we put our views across to her.

457. 07.09.15 Attended debate to support Lord Hunt. This was well attended by victims including Sue Westwood-Ruttledge and Belinda Goldsmid. We met Mark Cashin of CFOE there and exchanged contact details. Regulations were not approved so were referred to the whole house where a week later they were approved.

456. 01.09.15 GDN meeting in London. John O’Leary kindly attended with me.

455. 06.08.15 Met Sue Westwood-Ruttledge, a CO victi

454. Worked on a brief for Lord Hunt for the new Regulations on smoke and CO alarms. Also arranged for people to attend the debate and support Lord Hunt and Baroness Finlay.

453. Worked on a new website which is now more iPad friendly.

452.Worked on a new leaflet about CO with John O’Leary.

451 30.07.15 Stephanie sent the final version of the submission to the Coroner in the Corfu case to HM Coroner Mr. David Hinchliff and receipt was acknowledged

450. 30.07.15 Stephanie sent the final version of the submission to the Coroner in the Corfu case to HM Coroner Mr. David Hinchliff and receipt was acknowledged.

449. 21.07.15 Attended a meeting with Mary Creagh MP to talk about CO particularly with regard to tourists.

448. 17.07.15 Attended the AGM of the Guild of Master Sweeps which was a great occasion. Chimney sweeping is often overlooked but is a vital safety precaution. The Guild was incredibly welcoming and raised £1,000 for the charity.

447. 29.07.15 Attended a BPEC interview for the Life Award. We did not win this award but we did receive the assurance that BPEC would work with us and we are invited to attend the ceremony on the 16th October.

446. Stephanie prepared the first draft of a submission to the Coroner in the Corfu case and sent this to the work group, Belinda and Frank Brehany. Stephanie has also worked on a protocol of what should happen after a CO incident abroad on a package holiday and what the tour operator and others should do. Stephanie sent this protocol to the same people as the submission.

445. 03.07.15 Stephanie updated the new flyer and power point presentation for the competition 2015-16 and asked Richard to put them on the website after running them past SGN to make sure the logo was correct. .

444. Stephanie had a long discussion with John O’Leary about the future of the poster competition and what the GDNs had proposed.

443. John O’Leary has judged the 2014-15 schools poster competition and Stephanie has notified the winners and is sending out the prizes.

442. In November 2014 Stephanie heard a very good interview on Radio 4’s Life Scientific with our Cheif Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies. She has been trying to obtain a meeting with her ever since. So far no success but surely Dame Sally should not ignore such a medical issue that affects so many people?

441. 23.06.15 Meeting with Frank Brehany, Holiday Travel Watch.

440. 28.05.15 Meeting with Energy UK with CEO Lawrence Slade and Lesley McCloed. The Corfu case was discussed and the need to raise awareness. Jonathan Kane, Stephanie and Belinda attended.

439. 26.05.15 Stephanie gave a radio interview with Dubai Eye about how to protect against CO when travelling.

438. 11.05.15 Stephanie travelled to Wakefield to attend the Corfu inquest. Stayed for three days. Gave a TV interview to BBC Look North.

437. 27.04.15 Stephanie gave a radio interview about the Corfu tragedy – LBC.

436.26.02.15 Stephanie attended the premier of the film ‘A Dark Reflection’ about cabin air quality. John and Stephanie Trotter had privately supported the making of this film in a very small way. Excellent film about a safety issue which involves carbon monoxide poisoning in aeroplane cabins.

435.25.02.15 Stephanie had a meeting with Frank Brehany Holiday Travel Watch.

434. 24.02.15 Stephanie gave a talk about CO to the Public Policy Exchange.

433. 29.01.15 Gas Safety Trust Portal event ( see Stephanie attended. There seemed to be portals but not much data if any in the portals.

432. 27.01.15 20th anniversary event of CO-Gas Safety at the House of Lords. Well over 100 people atttended. See speeches etc.

431. 22.01.15 Stephanie had a meeting with Lord Hunt and Belinda about her poisoning and about the 20th anniversary event.

430 19.01.15 Stephanie attended an APPCOG meeting ‘From awareness to action’. Baroness Finlay kindly allowed us to view the Executive summary to enable us to comment in our press pack 2015.

429. Stephanie undertook a huge amount of preparation for the 20th anniversary.

428. 18.12.14 It was announced that the CPS has dropped any possible charges against the supplier of the pump which was an alleged possible cause of the alleged carbon monoxide poisoning of Zane Gbangbola although Kye and Nicole Gbangbola have always maintained that Zane died and Kye was paralysed by hydrogen cyanide from a landfill site. See—no-8309799

On the same day attended the Council at Spelthorne where Kye and Nicole presented a petition to the Council asking for the Council to test the landfill site. Kye spoke very persuasively and powerfully. The Council dismissed the petition. Kye and Nicole’s supporters expressed their disgust in the public gallery by holding up placards stating ‘TEST’. There seems every reason that the Council should test the landfill site as a matter of urgency, not only to find out the cause of Zane’s death but to check the landfill site in order to protect the health and safety of Chertsey residents in case of future flooding.

The members of the public who attended this meeting left feeling that there had been a disregard tor safety and for the feelings of those people who attended the meeting who were mostly residents of Chertsey. It did not feel a good day for democracy and surely in such a situation where further flooding could occur and residents injured or killed there seems no reason why the elected members of the Council continued to refuse to test the landfill site. This issue will not go away.

427. Made a presentation for an application for funding for our data to the GDNs (Gas Emergency Service providers) on 16th December 2014 and also for our event at the House of Lords in January and for our press packs for that event and for our schools poster competition. Jonathan Kane and Stephanie Trotter attended and also a victim who gave a very good short talk about her experiences of being poisoned, being unable to prove this to her doctor, husband and to social services, which was concerned about her children who were also poisoned. The meeting was very amicable with expressions of gratitude by Stephanie Trotter to the GDNs for their support and understanding of the issues from the point of view of victims. A promise of funding for the press packs and the 20th anniversary event was kindly made by the GDNs and the outlookseems extremely good with regard to the poster competition although a few further details need to be worked out. The GDNs will come back to CO-Gas Safety with regard to the details and also with regard to the funding for the data collection, collation and publication.

426. Noted the sad death of Tom Henson aged 25, registered gas installer from carbon monoxide it seems from a disposable barbecue

in September 2014. Offered free help and advice to the family through the Grimsby Telegraph and through the Coroner.

425. Sent out invitations to our event at the House of Lords 27th January 2015.

424. End of November CO-Gas Safety responded to an EU consultation on the safety of tourism accommodation, mainly focussing on fire and CO risks. Supported the submission by Holiday Travel Watch and also suggested that children’s activity holiday centres should be licensed throughout the EU as they were in England & Wales.

423. Stephanie Trotter tried to help victims obtain someone qualified under CMDDA1 and found this again was difficult. Raised this again with the Gas Safe Register.

422. Requested Public Health England to inspect our database and a date arranged for January.

421. 30.11.14 Stephanie Trotter submitted a response to the EU re the Reach legislation querying why all fuels were excluded from the Reach legislation and how that came about.

420.28.11.14 Stephanie Trotter supported Kye Gbangbola’s petition to the Environment agency.

419. 26.11.14 Meeting with Gary Barnes to discuss many issues. Attended by Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane.

418. 25.11.14 AGM of CO-Gas Safety. Attended by directors and accountants.

417. 21.11.14 Stephanie Trotter sent Activity report to Haley Bowcock of Policy Connect of APPCOG.for the All Fuels Action Forum.

416. Supported a petition to change the law with regard to the right of entry by landlords in social housing to make their rights of entry the same as those of a Local Authorty.

415.10.11.14 Meeting with Susan Scotcher of Kingston University to review films about CO made by students. The three best films will soon be put on Facebook and people will be invited to vote on the best film. CO-Gas Safety is very grateful to Susan and to Kingston university for this help.

414. 06.11.14 Meeting with Gasfuse a cut off system for gas bottles.

413. 04.11.14 Submitted CO-Gas Safety’s response with regard to smart meters to the Energy & Climate Change Select Committee.


412. 23.10.14 Radio Berkshire to talk about CO and students.

411.. 21.10.10 Supported Kye and Nicole Gbangbola re taking their petition to Chertsey Council.

410. 15.10.14 Meeting with Dr Tim Ballard at the Royal College of GPs with a victim who had been poisoned for over 6 years along with her family. Very good meeting and hopefully progress made although the medical side is so diffcult due to the danger of false negatives from testing the blood or breath of survivors. Testing appliances is amore reliable method but very difficult due to the lack of a list of registered gas installers who are qualified under CMDDA1 and the cost of using an independent court witness who is a gas expert.

409. On 4th October 2014 Stephanie Trotter attended a walk to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide in memory of a girl who died of CO. The walk arranged by the sister of a girl who died of carbon monoxide poisoning and in whose memory we walked Pen-Y-Fan.

On Saturday 4th October 30 people walked to the top of south Wales’s tallest mountain, Pen-Y-Fan an 886m mountain situated in the Brecon Beacons National Park in south Wales. . This included two 20 month olds, (well they were carried for some of it!) a five year old and a seven year old. The walk was aimed to raise awareness of carbon monoxide and was organised by a girl who lost her sister last year to the carbon monoxide poisoning.

She and all of her family wish to raise awareness so no other family has to go through what they are going through right now. There will be many more events in the future.

Thanks to the huge efforts by friends and family £1,000 was raised for the charity.

Mark Aylett, a chimney sweep from Loughborough and member of the Guild of Master Sweeps did the walk in costume after driving three hours to reach the start and another three hours back afterwards.

Stephanie said, ‘The family gave us a fantastic welcome and organised the walk brilliantly. We were so lucky with the weather which was cool and sunny. Mark helped me so much by his conversation which distracted from my aching legs! His chimney brush attracted many questions from other walkers and we were able to raise awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning and the importance of chimney sweeping, all the way up and down.  Scotia Gas Networks was the first emergency service provider to equip their First Call Operators with Personal Alarm Monitors for CO. They are also always willing to talk to us about continued safety improvements and we greatly value that partnership.’


On the peak – Stephanie Trotter on the left and Mark Aylett on the right.

408. Attended the Coroners’ Conference on the 25th and 26th September 2014 at the invitation of the President Peter Dean, Suffolk Coroner. Gave a press pack, hand-out specifically for Coroners and a quiz about CO with answers on the back to each Coroner and was allowed to set up a table and to address the meeting for five minutes. CO-Gas Safety is extremely grateful for this opportunity and also for the meals we were provided with.


Photo taken at the Coroners’ Conference showing CO-Gas Safety material

From left to right, Ian Arrow, Senior Coroner for South Devon and Martin Fleming Senior Coroner for West Yorkshire West who kindly agreed to grace the table of CO-Gas Safety at the Coroners’ conference in Suffolk, Autumn 2014.

CO-Gas Safety is also very grateful to the President of the Coroners’ Society, Peter Dean for allowing the charity to attend and to give a short address to the conference.

407. Over the summer our database has undergone a complete review and transfer from paper files to a computerised system which makes accessibility much easier. Dr. Craggs wrote a full report and validated our latest data.

406. Review of the notepaper and MEPs changed because some were no longer MEPs.

405. Meeting with Frank Brehany to discuss the future of gas safety on 24.09.14.

404. On the 23rd September 2014 as a result of being alerted by retired fire fighter Tom Mills, Stephanie Trotter investigated a website selling generators which featured a film showing generators being used in a living room and kitchen.

Tom had tried to persuade the manufacturer to change the film but with no result.

Stephanie Trotter alerted the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group and Myles Platt of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service about this. Then she telephoned the manufacturer and asked for the name of the person who answered the phone and his email address. Luckily it was a small company. She then explained the situation. The person Stephanie spoke to accepted that the film showed the generators being used indoors but was dismissive and stated that there was a warning which flashed up and anyway nobody would use generators indoors. Stephanie stated that she would look again but she was sure there were no warnings and anyway, why show generators being used indoors?

Stephanie then watched the film again and no warnings flashed up. Stephanie then wrote an email (23.09.14) pointing out that if anyone died as a direct result of using their generator indoors then the person she spoke to and the company could be charged and found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence. The warnings were attached to the film within an hour.

Stephanie alerted Baroness Finlay who suggested contacting HSE. Stephanie was then very busy attending the Coroners’ conference but on the 29.09.14 she alerted HSE about Kiam and this video and they assured her in an email dated 07.10.14 that Trading Standards was already in talks with Kiam and that the video would be changed.

Update November 2014 Stephanie has watched the film again and it’s completely different and shows the generators being used outdoors.

CO-Gas Safety is very grateful to Tom Mills for alerting us and for the support we received from Myles Platt on behalf of the Chief Fire Officers’ Association

403. Met Roland Wessling of Cranfield University with Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch on 19.09.14. Purpose of discussion was that Roland wants to use CO-Gas Safety’s data but it seems that although Roland has funding to undertake his research there is no chance of any funding to continue our data collection, collation and publication. Our further concern is that it seems that no thought has been given to how data collected into a central repository is to be controlled either input or output and who would be apppointed to do this. Our concern is to ensure that a victim based organisation continues to have the freedom to publish the data and suggest vital safety improvements from study of the data and that data will not be controlled by any industry dominated body.

402. Attended meeting of the Gas Safe Register to mark Gas Safety Week on 09.09.14.The Gas Safe Register had used our hero idea and told me about this in May but they also used our poster idea although it was only open to children close to registered installers and applauded the registered installer and his work rather than raise awareness generally.

401. Training courses for Scotia Gas Apprentices

Roland Johns (retired British Gas Investigator & trainer and consultant trainer) has run the BPEC certificated CO Awareness Workshop with 40 SGN apprentices (10 at each event) and the course is now part of their training programme.

The dates were: 27 Aug and 16 Sept 2014 Portchester, 28 Aug and 17 Sept 2014 Burgess Hill.

This went very well and hopefully we will be able to add more about this soon.

CO-Gas Safety is very grateful to Gary Barnes, Director of Corporate Services, Scotia Gas Networks for allowing Roland Johns to provide this training about CO and we congratulate SGN on showing in such a practical way that they take CO seriously and wish to protect their employees.

400. TV interview for South today 16.07.14.

399. Met with David Butler of Phoenix Gas (N. Ireland) 06.06.14.

398. Started the process for Dr. Craggs to undertake a review of the data. Dr Craggs visited our database officer Beverley Squires for two days in May.

397. Presentation to the Gas Safety Trust on 20.05.14 to ask for funding for our data collecting, collating and publication. Stephanie Trotter made a presentation supported by victim Helga Hyams, Jonathan Kane (Director) and Roland Johns, (Board of Reference and ex British Gas investigator & Trainer. Felt this had not been very well received although a few questions were at least asked about near misses. However, was told that the GST intends to do its own data and be the one stop shop for CO. Later heard that our application had been refused.

396. 16.05.14 Submission made to the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group when asked to submit evidence see under heading ‘The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group’ or  see here.

395. Attended an APPCOG meeting on 12.05.14 discussing whether a home MOT would be the answer.  This seemed slightly premature compared with proper prime time TV warnings and would also fail to warn about barbecues and generators.

394. Attended a CO+SAVi meeting 02.05.14.

393. Was contacted by the Gbangbola family referred to us by Inquest.

392. 08.04.14 Attended the Spring Social of APPCOG. Later lobbied to be allowed to be at a meeting on April 24th between the suppliers and the gas emergency service providers and Barry Sheerman MP etc. Suggested that there should be something explaining exactly what CO is and how to prevent it and something from the victim groups. Worked on a power point presentation to be sent to Haley Bowcock of Policy Connect. Haley agreed that we could at least do this. Will our power point presentation be shown? Why is there no room for a representative of CO+SAVi? Avril Samuel of the Katie Haines Memorial Trust is attending but she is attending only as the KHMT.

391. 04.04.14 Made a presentation about our data to the Gas Industry Safety Group. Very successful and they agreed that the data must be funded.

390.March. Arranged for advertorial with First News to publicise the schools poster competition. Kindly sponsored by Honeywell.

389. March. Applied for funding both a small grant for a computer and a large grant to fund our data collection, collation and publication to the Gas Safe Charity. This was refused.

388. Offered support to family of Zane Gbangbola through the police, PHE, HSE, Kwasi Kwateng MP for the death of this child during the floods. Pleaded with all concerned for a cause of death as suspected this might be CO from a generator. No result. Lobbied for warnings about the use of generators in the floods. This seemed to have some effect.

387. 04.02.14 Meeting with Mike Penning MP, DWP Minister, responsible for the HSE and the disabled, attended by Stephanie Trotter, Jonathan Kane and Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch. Very successful meeting.

386. 28.01.14. Very successful House of Lords event. Best ever. Speeches by Lord Hunt, Baroness Finlay, Roland Wessling, Eileen Brown of Northern Gas Networks and Stephanie Trotter see Prizes presented by Mark Oliver of Wales & West Utilities. Help provided by Danielle Royce and Cerys Canning from Wales & West Utilities was invaluable.

385. 08.01.14 CO+SAVi meeting.

384. 20.01.14 John Trotter took some data boxes from Docusave to Devon for Beverley Squire, our database officer.

383. 27.11.13 Stephanie Trotter attended an event of John and Irma O’Leary’s.

382. 26.11.14 AGM held. Paul and I had dinner with Kevin McMahon an interested registered gas installer.

381. 20.11.13 Meeting with Public Health England to discuss our data. Excellent meeting and PHE seemed very impressed with our data which they would like to have to start the database recommended by Baroness Finlay. Our problem is that we still have no secure funding for our data to continue. Both PHE and CO-Gas Safety agree that there needs to be some body which is in charge of the data and this body needs to have equal representatives from victims and from others, such as industry and government. CO-Gas Safety’s data from 1995 is now extremely valuable and the CO-Gas Safety directors are willing to give this data to such a central body provided the charity can still continue to collect, collate and publish data on an ongoing basis. To do this it needs funding.

380. 12.11.13 Trip to Derby to meet those instructors attending the BPEC’s first course as worked on by Roland Johns and Stephhanie Trotter. Course was well attended and the feedback was excellent. The discussion concluded that the crux of the issue is there is a lack of information for those training to be registered gas installers on CO from fuels other than gas.

379. 06.11.13 Attended John O’Leary’s art exhibition in the Barbican library. Excellent show and very enjoyable. John O’Leary is an illustrator and paper engineer. His help with our schools poster competition and course about CO for registered gas installers has been invaluable to the charity and its work.

378. 05.11.13 Meeting between Stephanie and Colemans’ solicitors.

377. 04.11.13 Meeting with Blue Watch. Stephanie urged Blue Watch to only validate appliances that have been serviced and chimneys and flues swept.

376. Late October to early November 2013. Lobbied Gas Safe Register to make it clearer and easier for consumers to find a registered gas installer qualified under CMDDA1. Wrote two emails about the topic to Russell Kramer pointing out that most consumers don’t know what to ask for and certainly don’t realise they have to do an advanced search and look for ‘fumes investigation’ and then contact the firm to find out who if any of that firm’s employees hold the qualification CMDDA1.

375. 24.10.13 Meeting with Frank Brehany.

374. 08.10.13 CO+SAVi meeting. This was a very constructive meeting with Roland Wessling in the Chair and Steve Miller, Vice-Chair elect of the Steering Group attending. Minutes will be approved at the next meeing on the 8th January.

373. 05.09.13 Move of CO-Gas Safety from Lorien, Common Lane, Claygate to Priory Cottage South, Priory Road, Seaview, Isle of Wight PO34 5BU due to Stephanie moving house. However, we still have a flat in Guildford for work events in London.

372. 01.08.13 Meeting with National Grid with Jeremy Bending and Steve Holliday.

This was to ask for funding for CO-Gas Safety’s data on unintentional death and injury from carbon monoxide since 1995. We tried to point out that CO-Gas Safety’s data:-

1. Has been collected since 1995.

2. Has some kind of report, or Coroner’s letter to support every entry.

3. Collects CO incidents and deaths from ALL Fuels.

4. Tries to check every death with the Coroner concerned and most now help.

5. Publishes the names of the dead on the Internet for anyone to check.

6. Is the only data to have been validated by a statistician, Dr. Craggs.

7. Has had almost 18 years of input from a victim based organisation that simply seeks the truth.

8. Has a form on our website for the Coroner to fill up after the inquest and which we encourage them to look at before the inquest in order to think about what evidence they need to call at the inquest (e.g. was there a CO alarm and was it to EN 50291, was it in date and did it work?).

No other body does all this.

We know that our data is only the tip of an iceberg. One reason is that GPs almost never diagnose CO and another is that there is no automatic testing of dead bodies for CO, even in cases of unexplained deaths. There are estimated to be 3,500 unexplained deaths between the ages of 16 and 64 in the UK every year (Killer with no name, New Scientist December 4th 2004).

National Grid declined to assist with our data but were happy to support our schools poster competition to raise awareness of the dangers and were happy to provide a donation towards the charity generally. This is very good news as we now have the support of all four gas emergency service providers!

371 Numerous applications for funding for our data particularly to the Gas Safety Trust. All have been refused for various reasons The Gas Safe Charity has decided as a policy not to undertake research leaving this to the Gas Safety Trust. The Gas Safety Trust have decided to do their own data collection and cover all fuels but they have said this before some years ago and so far, not done this. It also seems such a waste to reinvent the wheel. CO-Gas Safety also considers it important that a victim based organisation is involved in this work. The GST has no victims that we know about on its board. Nor does the GSC as far as we know.

370. 16.07.13 APPCOG meeting on landlords (private).

369. 11.07.13 IGEM conference in Derby. Excellent conference. Awareness discussed and all seemed to us to be in favour of prime time TV public health warnings. The other toxins were discussed.

368. 02.07.13 Baroness Finlay put down her amendments at the House of Lords.

367. Meeting of CO+SAVi 25.06.13

Amendments to the Energy Bill were discussed. Also code of governance. Roland Wessling gave a presentation of his research projects. It was decided that he would attend the steering group meeting on the 2nd July in order to make a presentation to the Steering committee. Questions were asked about who advised Baroness Finlay with regard to her amendments.

366. 18.06.13 Received Baroness Finlay’s amendments. Members of CO+SAVi wished for a joint response to be made. Stephanie Trotter compiled these and sent for approval. These were then sent to Baroness Finlay and later Lord Hunt of Kings Heath (26.06.13).

365 12.06.13 APPCOG meeting about social housing. Stephanie Trotter attended and was impressed by the landlords who had provided CO alarms. Many sounded and qualified gas investigators were used. Cookers were often the cause. Stephanie Trotter suggested changing to electric cookers to cut down on poisoning and expensive investigations.

364. 04.06.13 APPCOG Holiday Safety meeting. Chris Bielby suggested that there be a repository for material such as the posters by CO-Awareness to warn about camping dangers. Stephanie Trotter supported this idea and congratulated CB for suggesting this. Signage was discussed and the words used.

363.30.05.13 Meeting with Roland Johns to discuss the material he and Stephanie Trotter have put together for training colleges about CO.

362. Two amendments were put down in the House of Commons. One by Barry Sheerman MP on meter exchanges including smart meters and one by Mike Hancock MP about the levy on the fuel industry to pay for raising awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. They were not debated although Barry did say a few words about smart meters.

361. 30.05.13 Meeting with Roland Johns to discuss the material he and Stephanie had drafted for training colleges about carbon monoxide.

360. 17.05.13 Trip to Brancaster School very kindly arranged by Ros Piggot of Air Testing to present prizes to those who had painted posters for the CO-Gas Safety Schools Poster competition.

359. 08.05.13 Meeting between Frank Brehany and Gareth Hughes and Stephanie Trotter to discuss the amendments and other matters.

358. 07.05.13 ITN interview of Stephanie Trotter about Beko cookers and the deaths that have occurred due to the fact that the grill doors can be shut and then carbon monoxide builds up.

357. Lobbied for the amendments to be put down in the House of Commons.

356. 18.04.13 Meeting of the CO+SAVi Group. Amendments to the Energy Bill were unanimously supported. KHMT kindly offered and paid for half of the costs of drafting the amendments professionally.

355. 14.02.13 Meeting between Stephanie, Barry Sheerman MP and Lord Hunt to discuss the amendments to the Energy Bill. Barry Sheerman MP promised to put down the levy at least.

354. 26.02.13 Meeting with Karl McCartney MP (Roland Johns’ MP) to discuss our proposed amendments to the Energy Bill. Stephanie hoped to persuade Karl to put down the amendments if APPCOG refused.

353. 25.02.13 Interview by BBC News South West.

352. 21.02.13 Meeting by Jonathan Kane, Stephanie Trotter with Adrian McConnell to discuss Gas Safety Trust and particularly the term and condition that stated that terms and conditions could be changed at any time without prior notification. Adrian kindly stated that he would put this to the trustees. Jonathan Kane also asked why the GST couldn’t fund CO-Gas Safety to do the data because we had done this since 1995, we covered all fuels, had a good relationship with the Coroners and mainly victims on our board. GST has none of these.

351. 06.02.13 Meeting with Frank Brehany to discuss CO-Gas Safety applying for EU funding. The problem is that we need members from other EU countries and there seem to be no other similar organisations to CO-Gas Safety.

350. 25.01.13 Meeting between Jonathan Kane and Stephanie Trotter to discuss matters generally. Agreed that amendments shoul be professionally drafted.

349. House of Lords event. Our prizegiving and revelation of another year of data.

Prizes to the winners

Winners of the 2011-12 Competition

North of England

Rhys Michael Carley-Jones. Age at entry 11

School: Abbey Gates Primary School, Nottingham

Teacher: Paul Summers

MP for the School, Mark Spencer, MP

South of England

Sabah Hafeez. Age at entry 11.

School: Courthouse Junior, Maidenhead

Teacher: Tricia Stephenson

MP for the School, Theresa May, MP, Home Secretary

Winner for Scotland

Erin McLaren. Age at entry 11

School Coupar Angus, Perthshire

Teacher: Pamela Canning

MP for the School Pete Wishart, MP  MSP for the School John Swinney, MSP

Runner up

Alex Dowman. Age at entry 11.

School: Sheffield High School, Junior

Teacher: Sarah Groombridge

MP for the school, Paul Blomfield MP

Speeches see website

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

Roland Wessling, victim,

Mark Oliver, Wales and West Utilities and

Barry Sheerman MP, Co chair of APPCOG

Gary Barnes, Scotia Gas Networks

Roland Johns gave a very short presentation about the material he is working on with Stephanie to provide to training colleges for registered gas installers.

Very successful event attended by about 100 people.

Eleanor Turner very kindly attended and played the harp to entertain the attendees.


Our thanks to all who attended and to our sponsors who were:-

Scotia Gas Networks, which is very kindly sponsoring the competition for Scotland and the South and also paying for our event at the House of Lords. SGN also kindly paid for our advertorial about the competition in First News.

Wales & West Utilities which is kindly sponsoring the competition in Wales and paying for the press packs

Northern Gas Networks which is kindly sponsoring the North of England for the first time.

Honeywell which has kindly supplied us with alarms to EN 50291 this year.

Also thank you to those who have generously given to us throughout our 18 years and in particular:- Kane International –  which has kept us going generally.

348. 08.01.13 Meeting of the sub-group under the All Fuels Action Forum that sits alongside (whatever that means) the APPCOG. Code of Governance for the AFAF presented and we were asked to agree it. Stephanie Trotter pointed out that this was the first time she had seen it and the directors hadn’t seen it so could this be approved at another meeting? Discussion about the legal status of the AFAF. Stephanie asked why both the Gas Safety Trust and the Gas Safe Charity were on the steering committee (yet the other small victim charities were put in a sub-group)? Expressed a concern that most on the steering committee were industry. Decision made to call the sub-group ‘CO+SAVi’. Request by Stephanie to discuss the Energy Bill but suggestion made that we discuss via email and Gordon Samuel asked that we discuss it with the Gas Safety Trust and Gas Safe Charity at another meeting at which they would be present. Gas Safety Trust and Gas Safe Charity attended and gave presentations.

Requests to GSC and GST

DK summed up the requests of the group and asked if GL and CB could write to JA with the answers to these:

The group wanted the charities to carry out research and awareness-raising, with

The scale of research and awareness-raising to be as high as possible, and with industry to contribute.

Additionally, they wanted GST and GSC to work with people who can help with identifying areas to research and what kind of awareness-raising would be most effective, and requested that CO+SAVi be the focus group for their initiatives.

The group requested open access to research that the industry has paid for.

The group would like a focus on improving products – e.g. efficiency of equipment, the information delivered with it, etc.

DK also mentioned ST’s concern about the terms and conditions of the charities, and requested that if any such condition exists, that it be deleted. This was finally removed in May 2013.

347. Work on the event at the House of Lords. Sending out invitations (early December) and doing all the many tasks related to this event. Started to prepare the press pack.

346. 18.12.12 Meeting with Don Foster MP, Minister for the DLG. Also present were Baroness Finlay, Gordon Lishman, Barry Sheerman MP, Jason Mc Cartney, John Arnold and Visaly and others from Policy Connect, and Gordon Samuel.  Don Foster MP not keen on changing the building regulations to align with the changes brought in to N. Ireland but he was keen on publicity about CO. After the meeting I gave him our briefing note.

345. Work on the suggested amendments made into a briefing note for Don Foster MP, Minister for the DLG.

344. 10.12.12 Meeting with Roland Johns, ex British Gas who has offered to help us design material for teaching those aspiring to be registered gas installers about CO. It seems there is no agreed training material and the deaht of Matthew Nixon in December 2010 has alerted us to this problem. Matthew was aged 22, a registered gas installer and apprenticed in the gas industry from the age of 16. Yet he died of CO from a petrol generator used in a bedroom to power his tools.

343. 29.11.12 APPCOG meeting. Northern Gas Networks. Discussion afterwards, particularly with Stacey of suggested amendments to the Energy Bill. HTW, KHMT, the Dominic Rodgers Trust and Mark Pratten all now seem to have given us their comments and these suggestions are now put in writing.

342. Work with HTW, KHMT and the Dominic Rodgers Trust to agree some suggested amendments to the Energy Bill that hopefully APPCOG can put forward.

341. Work with HTW, the KHMT, CSI and CO-Awareness and the Dominic Rodgers Trust to try to find a name to call the victim charity sub-group.

340. Meeting with Colemans solicitors between Holiday Travel Watch and ourselves. Jonathan Kane and Stephanie Trotter attended with Frank Brehany. Colemans was the solicitors’ firm Frank chose to help victims of travel disasters when he had 60 firms bidding for his work. We have recommended Colemans and been pleased with their work but have not yet received any funding from them although we may do in the future.

339. 20.11.12 Meeting with Barry Sheerman MP. Also present was Fergus Moffat from MP Mike Hancock’s office and Gordon Samuel from the Katies Haines Memorial Trust, John Arnold and Visaly from Policy Connect. Action points were agreed namely that Barry would seek a meeting with Judith Hackitt Chair of the HSE, write to the CEOs of the fuel companies and invite them to a meeting and appoint a new Lib. Dem co-chair as Mike Hancock MP is still very ill.

338. 06.11.12 APPCOG meeting about Ostriches re CO.

337. AGM held 30.10.12. Baroness Maddock thanked for being our patron for all these years. Appointment of Lord Hunt of Kings Heath as our new patron. Lord Hunt was a Minister for the HSE and also a Health Minister.  Wrote the minutes.

336. Prepared for the AGM on the 30th October.

335. Advised various victims.

334. Wrote to Chris Bielby (23rd October) stating that we wanted to see the Gas Safety Trust about the Trust using some of their millions to pay for prime time TV warnings and hopefully, get the ball rolling so others such as the wealthy gas suppliers with huge profits, would also provide funding for a properly set up and sustained campaing.

333. Alerted all our email contacts (over 2,000) about the film made by the Samuels. Had many responses which took up a huge amount of time but it was really good to hear from so many people.

332. 15th October 2012 All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group meeting. First there was a meeting of the victim charity groups attended by attended by Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane for CO-Gas Safety. Also present were Gordon and Avril Samuel, (CO victim, Katie Haines’ parents) Richard Haines (Katie Haines’ husband) for the Katie Haines Memorial Trust and Stacey Rodgers of the Dominic Rodgers Trust. At this meeting various matters were discussed including the need for the All Fuels Group to be a legal person, which could make an agreeement with various parties including the victim charities. Such a written agreement is recommended by the Charities Commission but is not possible if the All Fuels Group is only a talking shop and not a legal person. Stephanie Trotter pointed out that she had sat on various similar committees since 1997 and they had all failed, in her opinion, due to the fact that they were not legal persons and due to lack of funds to take real action, such as prime time TV warnings. The Samuels then showed a very good film they had had made about the dangers of CO and asked us all to alert people to it. Then there was the steering group attended by Richard Haines on behalf of the charity victim groups. Then there was a general meeting with wine etc. from 4.00 until 6.00 p.m. addressed by Barry Sheerman MP and Baroness Finlay.

331. Received letter from Chris Bielby dated 08.10.12 stating that we had been refused a meeting with the Gas Safety Trust to discuss CO-Gas Safety’s funding which was NOT what I wanted to discuss with the trustees. I wanted to discuss the Gas Safety Trust starting a fund to pay for prime time TV warnings as I had asked in July 2012. See point 334.

330 Sent email dated 04.10.12 warning John Arnold of Policy Connect for APPCOG that we might not be able to supply the data in time and had he asked the Gas Safety Trust for this data. We also asked if Baroness Finlay could write to the Gas Safe Charity asking them for funding for the data on our behalf.

329. 25th September 2012 meeting with British Gas at Stephanie’s husband’s office, Bates Wells & Braithwaite in the city. It seems there were no other offices BG could use. Helpful meeting attended by Stephanie Trotter, Jonathan Kane and Baschea Walsh, CO victim. Prime time TV warnings, landlords’ duties, smart metering, flues in voids, poster competition, gas emergency service, CMDDA1 and helpline all discussed. Need for testing appliances for CO discussed. Useful meeting but we are awaiting action points by BG.

328. Stephanie Trotter went to Coventry on the 11th September for an HPA conference to give a talk on CO. Sadly we had to pay £95.00 to attend, as well as travel expenses to get there. Talk went well but in a small room, so not many people sadly. We find it very hard to understand why the speakers were all charged to attend this meeting.

327. Tweeted Dr. Clare Gerada, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, about depression and she tweeted back and she kindly offered a meeting. We met on the 4th September 2012. Dr. Gerada agreed that prime time TV warnings was a good idea and suggested a meeting at their new office to be held at the same time as our event in January. She further suggested that Baroness Finlay could invite all the CEOs of the suppliers etc. and ask them for funding for a campaign for TV warnings. This was much appreciated. Sadly Baroness Finlay seemed unable to be sure of managing a whole day on any possible dates in January so we fixed our poster competition prize giving and revelation of our latest data for 22nd January 2013 at the House of Lords.

326. We also received a request from John Arnold of Policy Connect on behalf of the APPCOG, to supply our data for the last two years from APPCOG. We explained that although we would try this might not be possible by the early autumn as our data processing officer had retired. However, we had found a new person and we hoped to produce the data in the form of constituencies etc. We also explained that we were still waiting to hear if our data was to be funded by the Gas Safe Charity.  We also asked if Baroness Finlay had asked the gas suppliers for funding to pay for prime time TV warnings and I copied this to Baroness Finlay (16.08.12 to which I attached the original HSC recommendations about the levy for publicity and that the gas emergency service should carry and use equipment to test gas appliances and 03.09.12).

325. We received notice in August that the APPGSG would be changing its name to APPCOG. We responded by cautioning that this would be restrictive with regard to the other toxins in the products of combustion and indeed with regard to an explosion such as Ronan Point.

324. Trotter asked John Arnold if Baroness Finlay had asked the big retailers (the big 6 suppliers) for funding to raise awareness of the dangers of CO. Trotter also asked (email dated 16th August) why Baroness Finlay had not mentioned the levy on the gas suppliers to pay for raising awareness and for research in the recommendations made by the Health and Safety Commission in 2000, in her recommendatons made on behalf of the APPGSG.

323.  8th August 2012, telephone conference with Chris Bielby. Stephanie Trotter offered a meeting with the Gas Safety Trust trustees to ask the trustees to commit some of their £4 million to prime time TV warnings. Notes of this conference were made by Kane and Trotter and sent to Bielby. However, later Chris Bielby told us he did not wish these notes to be sent out.

322. Sent emails on 26.07.12 about the need for funding for a nation wide safety campaign about CO to Chris Bielby as chair of the Gas Safety Trust and the Gas Industry Safety Group, copied to the members of the APPGSG. Also with regard to correction of the data used by the GST. Received no reply. Was offered a telephone conference on the 8th August which Jonathan Kane and Stephanie Trotter accepted.

322. Gave an interview on Meridian radio about carbon monoxide.

321. Attended an APPGSG meeting about the leisure industry on 12th July 2012. The Gas Safety Trust had done some research and gave a presentation with data. One of the deaths was in the wrong year and was from a generator not a barbecue. CO-Awareness unable to attend due to lack of funds.

320. Attended CO-Awareness’ launch of their leaflet and poster about the dangers of barbecues etc. on 10th July at the House of Commons.

319. Meeting at Ofgem on 29th May 2012

318. Prepared a press release about deaths and injuries from barbecues in tents based on our data. This was signed and supported by CO-Gas Safety,,

the Katie Haines Memorial Trust,

the Dominic Rodgers Trust,

Mark Pratten, Crew Manager, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, Prevention Team Bodmin Community Fire Station, CoGDEM,

Frank Brehany – Consumer Director – HolidayTravelWatch –,

Martin Ling MSc. Cert Ed. MIFireE, Fire Safety Consultant

Toby Shea, Director – international BBQ Network , President – British BBQ Society

and by

All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group

317. Attended an APPGSG meeting on 2nd May 2012. Baroness Finlay urged all the victim groups to work together.

316. Interviewed by Daybreak TV programme about barbecue dangers.

315. Interviewed I think by Sky News about barbecue death.

314. Meeting with Eon about Smart metering also on the 26th April.

313. Attended a Health and Safety Conference in London on the 26th April 2012.

312. APPGSG meeting on the 19th April.

311. Dr. Craggs sent her report to the Gas Safe Charity on the 10th April 2012.

310. Supported a Wales & West Utilities film promotion about CO in Cardiff on 24th February 2012.

309. Meeting with Robert Flanagan, toxicologist on the 9th February.

308. Successful event at the House of Lords on 31st January with regard to our prizegiving and the revealing our latest data.We have recorded 622 deaths and 4,148 near misses. We are convinced that these are the tip of an iceberg. At the event at the House of Lords Baroness Maddock, Lord Hunt and Denis Kerby from Scotia Gas Networks all spoke.

307. An All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group meeting on the 25th January was attended by Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter. Speakers were Steve Brown of Ofgem, Colin Connor of the HSE and Brian Martin of the DCLG. Steve Brown stated that the CO groups had influenced the Ofgem meetings with the GDNs (i.e. emergency service providers) and that progress was being made. The CO groups which had attended were almost entirely CO-Gas Safety (Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton) and occasionally The Dominic Rodgers Trust on the telephone. Brian Martin stated that the reason the building regulations had only required CO alarms for solid fuel appliances was because there are more deaths from solid fuel so the use of CO alarms was not justified for other fuels, such as gas. Baroness Finlay objected on the grounds that there are no automatic tests on dead bodies so we just don’t know how many deaths there are with regard to each fuel. Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton supported her in this contention. Paul Overton then stated that it was so odd that CO-Gas Safety’s data was completely ignored when it was the most extensive, covering CO incidents from all fuels and the most checked, as we write to every Coroner with regard to every death, which is not done by any other body.

306. Stephanie Trotter prepared the new press pack and made all the arrangements with regard to the event at the House of Lords on the 31.01.12.

305. Stephanie Trotter continued to relate with and support victims.

304. Considerable preparations were made by Stephanie Trotter with regard to our prize giving event on the 31st January 2012.

303. During the late Autumn Dr. Carolyn Craggs, a statistician, related with us with regard to our data on deaths and injuries from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning.

302. Meeting of All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group on 19.12.11 attended by Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane. Before the meeting Kane and Trotter had a meeting with Chris Bielby, chairman of the Gas Safety Trust and the Gas Industry Safety Group. We talked about the fact that the Gas Safety Trust had claimed that its data was the ‘official data’ when HSE had confirmed that it was not. This was something Trotter put in writing to Bielby in Aril 2011. Trotter also asked Bielby to conduct a mystery shopper experiment to see how difficult it was for an ordinary person to obtain a test of gas appliances for CO in order to identify which appliance was emitting CO. Bielby agreed to do this. Both Kane and Trotter followed up this meeting with emails. Trotter’s email contained instructions with regard to how to conduct the mystery shopper experiment. Obviously Bielby with his contacts had found this easy to do. However, we wanted him to find an ordinary person and see how difficult it was then without his contacts in the industry.

The toxicologist mentioned above in 299 from the HPA was present at the APPGSG meeting. Stephanie Trotter put it to this person that the problem with the Helpline idea was the extreme difficulty in obtaining a registered gas installer who could go out and test gas appliances for CO. People need to know where the possible CO is coming from and if there is CO, how many parts per million in writing for their GP. The toxicologist stated that the gas emergency service would do this and Trotter disagreed. Stephanie Trotter had just been talking to Garry Farnhill of Northern Gas Networks about this issue and so she went and asked him to speak to the toxicologist about this and left them to talk. Garry confirmed later to Stephanie Trotter that he has told the toxicologist that indeed the gas emergency service had no equipment to test gas appliances for CO. An HPA public health scientist, who also attended the HPA conference from the HPA was also present during this conversation. Trotter is horrified that the HPA still doesn’t accept the situation that people cannot obtain a test of gas appliances for CO as this was something CO-Gas Safety identified as a need within a few weeks of its launch in 1995. The Health and Safety Commission (now Executive) also recommended that the gas emergency service carry and use equipment to test appliances for CO, but this has not been implemented. Also the toxicologist was at the HPA conference at which this point was made. Also, Trotter has corresponded frequently with this toxicologist about the difficulty of obtaining a test of appliances for CO and the impact this has on the Algorithm which HPA designed for GPs.

Afterwards Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane had a meeting with Paul Johnston CEO of the Gas Safe Register particularly to discuss smart metering and particularly to ask the Gas Safe Register if it would consider at least expressing an opinion in writing to the energy suppliers, DECC, Ofgem and HSE that those employees undertaking smart meter exchanges should all be fitted with Personal Alarm Monitors for CO (PAMs) and should also test gas appliances for CO both before and after the exchange and if there is CO, provide the parts per million of CO in writing to the responsible person and the consumer affected. Also if CO is found before exchange then the appliance and the gas should be turned off leaving the consumer safe. The charity also considers that the gas pressure should be tested before the meter is exchanged and the correct procedure followed because that too can affect safety.

Stephanie Trotter also put it to Paul Johnston that he should not ignore CO-Gas Safety’s data. Discussion then followed about the accuracy of CO-Gas Safety’s data. Stephanie Trotter made the point that the Gas Safety Trust’s data had been criticised by Straight Statistics see but had praised CO-Gas Safety’s data.

301. CO-Gas Safety’s AGM on 29.11.11. The future of the charity was discussed and also a new Labour party MP was discussed.

300. Meeting of All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group on 28.11.11. This was a meeting into raising awareness of the medical profession into CO. It was chaired by Barry Sheerman MP and he kindly allowed Stephanie Trotter to ask many questions. Speakers were Dr Simon Clarke, Frimley Park Hospital, Vikki Courtman, CO Angels, Andrew Humber, London Ambulance Service and Dr Ed Walker, CO Awareness. Andrew Humber has undertaken a further study but this has not yet been released which is a great shame.

299. Health Protection Agency event in Horsham, Surrey was attended by Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton on 22.11.11. We were shocked that most of the environmental health officers attending the meeting were unaware of the fact that the gas emergency service does not carry or use equipment to test gas appliances for CO. A particular toxicologist we’ve known for many years from the HPA attended and was the main person running the conference.

298. Meeting on the 8th November with Department of Environment and Climate Change about smart meters. Attended by Stephanie Trotter, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane. We lobbied for tests to be undertaken before and after installation of smart meters, not only for gas safety but also for carbon monoxide.

207. Another All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group meeting on 31.10.11. Speeches were by Baroness Finlay and Paul Johnston, CEO of the Gas Safe Register. Paul Johnston stated that it was good that in the last few years there had been data from the Gas Safety Trust, which could be used. After the meeting

I put it to Paul Johnston that CO-Gas Safety’s data had been collected since 1995 and published since 1996.

206. Funding urgently sought.

205. Meeting with Alison Gowers on the 26th September cancelled the Thursday before the following Monday meeting as Alison Gowers could not attend, was not in Dr. Maynard’s job and was more interested in outdoor air. Meeting sought with Chief Medical Officer particularly in view of DH’s findings extrapolated from a small amount of data that 4,000 people were diagnosed with CO by A & E and about 50 deaths in England alone.

204. September Ofgem meeting to ascertain powers of Ofgem with regard to gas emergency service and levy although levy unlikely to be something Ofgem can do. Meeting attended by Jonathan Kane, Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter. Ofgem introduced Kobina Hughes, solicitor for Ofgem and discussions with him were more helpful. An opinion on Ofgem’s powers will be given to us soon.

203. Prepared accounts for accountant.

202. More statisticians sought and finally found. Worked to prepare for the validation.

201. August 2011. Scotia Gas Event at the Oval. The unveiling of ‘Hit CO for 6’ attended by Stephanie Trotter and also kindly Stacey Rodgers of the Dominic Rodgers Trust. Scotia Gas is to be congratulated for its initiative.

200. July 2011. Worked hard to update the website.

199. 25th July. Meeting at the All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group for the victims and victim groups to give evidence. Paul Overton gave evidence and sadly was the only victim present as neither Molly Maher, Stacey Rodgers nor Vikki Courtman (who had been asked) could attend. Baroness Finlay attended but sadly had to leave just before Stephanie Trotter gave evidence. However, Stephanie will be submitting written evidence to the APPGSG by the end of Friday 29th and just hopes that Baroness Finlay and the MPs, who are co-chairs of the group and the members of the group (also MPs) will read it.

198. 13th July 2011. Meeting at the All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group attended by Baroness Finlay, who gave a speech and Barry Sheerman, MP one of the co-chairs of the APPGSG, who also gave a speech. Baroness Finlay is chairing an inquiry into low level CO poisoning and nearly died of CO herself. There was shock expressed at the meeting at the fact that there is no need to test gas appliances after the meter has been exchanged for a Smart meter and disappointment and disbelief were expressed at the loss of this opportunity. Stephanie Trotter, Jonathan Kane and Paul Overton attended.

197. July 2011. Meeting with Colin Connor of the HSE kindly also attended by Lord Hunt. It seems there is no keenness from HSE to act in the ways we would like them to act to save lives. Stephanie Trotter, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane.

197. June 2011. Statisticians sought and talked to.

196. June 2011. Heard from Les Philpott of the Gas Safe Charity that although our application for funding could not yet be granted but that that the GSC would be willing to fund a statistician to examine our data.

195. June 2011. Meeting with Phil Bentley of British Gas. Bob Kerr also attended. Jonathan Kane, Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton attended.

194. June 2011. Attended Ofgem meeting on the duties of the Emergency Service. Stephanie and Paul

193. May 2011. Attended a Consumer Safety International event at the House of Lords, chaired by Nigel Griffiths and attended by Lord Hunt and Baroness Finlay. Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter attended.

192. April 2011. Attended a conference ‘Health and Safety Reform’ and made some useful contacts. Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton.

191. April 2011. Meeting with Mark Elliott of Scotia Gas. Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter attended.

190. April 2011. Worked with Rob Aiers of to help him launch e-newsletter about CO. Lord Hunt wrote a forward.

189. March 2011. Meeting with Lord Hunt to discuss lack of progress in persuading Government to take action and funding problems. Jonathan Kane, Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter attended.

188. February 2011 Stephanie Trotter OBE gave a talk at Carshalton and Kingston College.

187. January 2011. Ofgem meeting. Attended by Paul Overton and Stephanie Trotter.

186. January 2011. Prize giving event at the House of Lords. Great success with over 100 people attending.

185. December 2010. Preparation for prize giving at the House of Lords including preparation of data over 15 years and charts showing analysis of data and press pack.

184. December 2010. CO-Gas Safety’s AGM. Attended by Don Neal, Paul Overton, Stephanie Trotter, OBE, Terry of Holmes and Co and Holly Farrow on behalf of Andrew Rosindell MP.

183. November 2010. Gas Safe Charity presentation by CO-Gas Safety. Stephanie Trotter, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane attended.

182. November 2010. Ofgem meeting. Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton attended.

181. November 2010. Meeting with the Samuels (bereaved parents).  Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane attended.

180. November 2010. Attended GISG (Gas Industry Safety Group) awards dinner. Jonathan Kane, Stephanie Trotter, Molly Maher and Paul Overton attended.

179. November 2010. Meeting with Mrs. Sestili who has suffered poisoning.

178. November 2010 Attended an All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group meeting also attended by Chris Grayling, MP Minister for the HSE. Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton attended.

177. November 2010 Attended a HPA (Health Protection Agency) conference about CO in Sheffield. Stephanie Trotter.

176. November 2010. Had a meeting with Robin Dahlberg member of the HSE board. Stephanie Trotter and Jonathan Kane attended.

175. November 2010 Attended a meeting with British Gas (Steve Giblin and Bob Kerr). Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane also attended.

174. November 2010 Attended a Gas Safe Register event. Molly Maher and Paul Overton also attended.

173. October 2010 Attended a Gas Safety Trust event at which it was revealed that the GST had only found 4 deaths in 2010. Molly Maher and Paul Overton also attend.

172. September 2010 Wrote to the new Minister Chris Grayling MP, Minister for the HSE asking for a meeting.

171. September 2010. Updated the website, ‘what we’ve done so far’. Stephanie Trotter.

170. September 2010. Prepared response to GDPRCR2. Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton.

169. September 2010. Attended a meeting at Ofgem to discuss the

Gas Distribution Price Control Review 2 (GDPRCR2). Stephanie Trotter and Paul Overton

168. September 2010. Prepared application for funds to the Gas Safe Charity. Stephanie Trotter.

167. September 2010. Prepared applications for awards by the Gas Industry Safety Group (GISG). Stephanie Trotter.

166. September 2010 Attended Gas Safe Charity launch with Molly Maher and Don Neal.

165. August 2010 prepared 14 Parliamentary Questions for Barry Sheerman MP to ask. Most of these were prepared and sent to Barry in 2008 but an added question was relevant to the treatment of those, who have been poisoned and arose from the meeting with the person, who lives in the Isle of Wight (see 164 above).

164. August 2010. Visit to someone who lives in the Isle of Wight, who was poisoned by pesticides to share experiences of the treatment by the medics of those poisoned by fuel toxins. Paul Overton also attended.

163. August 2010 meeting with a solicitor from Linder Myers. CO-Gas Safety finds it very difficult to find the right lawyers for victims.

162. July 2010 attended re-launch of the All Party Parliamentary Gas Safety Group of MPs. Gave a speech. This was also attended by directors Molly Maher, Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane as well as a representative of Mike Hancock MP, our Lib. Dem director and now a co-chair of the APPGSG.

161. June 2010 meeting with Charlie Mullin CEO and Karl Plunkett of Pimlico Plumbers. Meeting also attended by Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane. Worked on suggested change to the law on the landlord’s gas safety check. Proposed change ‘Person undertaking the check must either undertake a service according to manufacturer’s instructions or, following procedures outlined in BS7967 part 4, use Flue Gas Analysers meeting EN50379 to measure the combustion gasses for PPM (Parts Per Million) of CO and also the CO/CO2 ratio.’ Pimlico now publicly support our efforts to change the law.

160. June 2010 wrote to all the new Ministers and to Sam Laidlaw CEO of Centrica (British Gas) asking for meetings.

159. June 2010 Meeting with Pete Eldridge of the Gas Safe Register. Paul Overton and Jonathan Kane also attended.

158. May 2010 Meeting with someone, who wanted to volunteer to help the charity.

157. May 2010 Meeting at the Gas Safe Register at their office in Basingstoke.

156. May 2010 met Richard Griffiths (brother of Paul Griffiths who sadly died of CO).

155. April 2010 attended a demonstration to support Dr. Myhill, who has helped many victims.

154. April 2010. Attended five day inquest of Dallas Smith aged three, who died in a house full of gas appliances in Oldham. The house was part of a terrace with a house on each side full of gas appliances. Stephanie was told was told by the Coroner, that Dallas had raised levels of toxins (arsenic, barium and nickel and especially manganese – 15 times the higher levels). The inquest has now been held (April 2010) and the verdict was death by natural causes. The manganese was explained by contamination and post mortem distribution, although we have been told that there is only research on post mortem distribution with regard to drugs, not heavy metals.

153. March 2010 attended a COCAA meeting in Coventry.

152. Interview with regard to my application to become a trustee of the new Gas Safe Charity.

151. March 2010 updated the website and launched new one.

150. Much work done by Stephanie as a result of contact with many victims and families of victims both with regard to CO, other toxins and ill effects from natural gas.

149. Due to the imminent appearance of Harry Rogers at the Corfu trial in Corfu, yellow booklet first prepared by Molly Maher in 2000, was vetted and 50 ordered to be printed by Stephanie. Pr