Made presentation to Energy UK 18.12.15

Stephanie gave a presentation to Energy UK (trade organisation of the energy suppliers) about CO-Gas Safety, unintentional deaths & injuries from CO, what needs to be done to prevent these and what CO-Gas Safety is asking Energy UK for. All of the big 6 were represented by board level communication directors.

Stephanie was kindly supported by Frank Brehany of Holiday Travel Watch. This was the first time CO-Gas Safety had been allowed to make a presentation to the representatives of Energy UK.

Discussion included CO-Gas Safety’s work of:-

Victim support,

Lobbying for safety improvements,

The collection of data of deaths and injuries (677 deaths and over 4,700 near misses/injuries from unintentional CO in 19 years)

The CO-Gas Safety CO awareness competition and

The huge need for prime time TV warnings about CO which CO-Gas Safety had pointed out in 1995 and ever since .

The Corfu tragedy was also discussed along with the fact that the tour companies and ABTA had ignored many meetings with Consumer Safety International and CO-Gas Safety asking them to improve holiday safety as well as an article published in the Times in 1999, written by Stephanie Trotter suggesting an organisation to improve holiday safety (similar to the Advertising Standards’ Authority) or failing this, the setting up of an ‘Ofhol’.

Posted in News.