Call for evidence with regard to acquired brain injury Closing date 6 June 2022.

Please see the call for evidence with regard to acquired brain injury. Please see  

If you scroll down the survey is there but you can also read and click on the following completing the public survey – you scroll down to ‘start’.

‘How to respond

The easiest way to participate in the call for evidence as an individual is by completing the public survey.

If you have any technical problems with using the online survey or if you cannot send your submission via the online portal, please log the issue by emailing Do not send any personal information to this email address.

We also welcome written submissions from individuals and organisations who have an interest and expertise in acquired brain injury. Written submission can include the contribution of data, research and other reports of relevance, and must be limited to 10 pages.

Written submissions can be submitted in Word or PDF format and emailed to’

28.04.22 Dr Sophie Duggan’s talk at CORT

Excellent talk by lawyer and doctor Dr Sophie Duggan

CO inside cars: what are we breathing? A UK-based observational study of in-cabin vehicle CO levels | CO Research

Sophie was exposed to CO along with her children inside her car. She approached CO-Gas Safety as a survivor.  We introduced her to Kane International because Kane is involved in car exhaust systems and she wanted to undertake some research. We also told her about the other bodies interested in research work.